General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 28, 2013

Maybe I can't write messages as a guest? John, don or Jay Jay-Can you message me and I will see if I can reply?

Jen W.
Aug 29, 2013

jenw89 wrote:
Maybe I can't write messages as a guest? John, don or Jay Jay-Can you message me and I will see if I can reply?

What you can do is download this entire thread to your computer's hard drive .... we have no way of messaging other members of this forum.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 29, 2013 08:42 AM

Aug 29, 2013

donp196 wrote:
Looks like they are using ARDA instead of RCI to lure people into their scam. RCI must have come down on them really hard.

Maybe it's time for boobier to get in touch with ARDA concerning these types of scams .... what I can't understand is why RCI and the AG's haven't shut these scam operators down.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 29, 2013 08:45 AM

Aug 29, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
Leisure Getaways, Inc. had meetings at the Ruby Tuesday here is Rockford, Illinois on Thursday, August 22, 2013.

They're still actively operating their scams.

R P.
Aug 29, 2013

I'm not taking the bait.

Don P.
Aug 29, 2013

Is that directed at me? You can always just make a secondary email account if you're afraid I'll harass you or something. I don't really understand what risk you would be taking. I haven't read the whole thread but I can see you actually know some of the stuff I do.

I don't actually know if my information is that useful since you know part of it. I do know how you can find BJ and info on his assets and income level, info that he specifically targeted the older demographic. I think this could prove useful in a lawsuit. I am not at all interested personally in the matter, I didn't know BJ was a crook, I just found this thread by google. It totally makes sense that he wasn't capable of coming up with the original idea himself and he's just a lackey who is going to take the brunt of the fall for his boss, who he calls "partner". It was pretty dumb hitting the same demographic as a judge, even dumber posting your obnoxious attacks in here, they were saved. They jury is going to enjoy putting you in prison.

You think you're so smart and have fooled so many people, everyone knows how desperate you are, being a church boy isn't going to buy you into heaven, social humiliation awaits when you all end up in prison and everyone works out how you managed to get out of menial labor. The last laugh is from all those real salesmen who achieve honest income by convincing people like yourself that buying material stuff somehow makes up for their lack of dignity. You're going to spend a long time in prison and when you do eventually come out you're going to be the broken jobless guy living in poverty trying to convince himself he'll make big bucks picking a winning team. Oh that was so fun and I bet you're trying to work out who I am. Sleep well, sleep well!

Jen W.

Last edited by astephens on Aug 30, 2013 04:42 PM

Aug 30, 2013

Perhaps boobier will post a secondary email address here for you (or anyone else with info concerning the scammets) in order to contact him.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 30, 2013 06:52 AM

Aug 30, 2013

You can still get a virus through a secondary account. Just post the information here. I don't know why some people act paranoid in here. Posting truthfull public infromation is not a crime or slander. Business contact infromation is legal to post. Like Boobier stated that if a person has used an email or phone number to contact a client that information is used for business and is public record. Why does everyone think only the scammers are protected.

Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean that people are not out to get you :)

Don P.
Aug 30, 2013

Can't you use a Internet cafe or smart phone? I won't add any attachments to the email. I use gmail and you will be able to see my address, I'm not sure but I don't think you can send a virus through gmail? I want to give you info on how you can find BJ, info on his income and assets, I don't want him or the third party to get rid of this info before you make records of it, otherwise it's useless. Is hazena trustworthy? She's one of the people who is seeking charges right? Can I give it to the email she published earlier? I would rather give it to one of the people who hasn't fallen for the scam since I think you would know how to use this info better but she can pass it on I suppose?

Jen W.
Aug 31, 2013

It's easy ..... YOU open a secondary email account and post it here ..... one more time, you can download this entire thread to your computer then it will be available to you (as evidence) forever.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 31, 2013 08:52 AM

Aug 31, 2013

jenw89 wrote:
I would rather give it to one of the people who hasn't fallen for the scam since I think you would know how to use this info better but she can pass it on I suppose?

Why would you rather give the info to someone who hasn't fallen for the scam .... they are the ones most familiar with how the scammers operate.

R P.
Aug 31, 2013

Jayjay did you notice all of a sudden new people coming in here and trtying to gain our confidence ? I'll just let the proper authorities do their work and sit back and enjoy the show.

Don P.
Aug 31, 2013

Well you would still need to be in email contact with me if I post an email, so that doesn't solve the problem of don thinking I'm going to harass him or give him a virus. I'm not sure why you want me to save this thread? I haven't been scammed and don't need it. Anyway, I'm emailing hazena. If anyone wants the info I have ask hazena for it. Hazena, please don't give it to just anyone, it could be one of the scammers.

Anyhow good luck to everyone and I hope to hear BJ et al are behind bars very soon!

jayjay wrote:
It's easy ..... YOU open a secondary email account and post it here ..... one more time, you can download this entire thread to your computer then it will be available to you (as evidence) forever.

Jen W.
Sep 01, 2013

jenw89 wrote:
I'm not sure why you want me to save this thread? I haven't been scammed and don't need it?

YOU made the statement earlier that you were afraid this thread would be deleted and all proof posted here would vanish ..... if you download this thread it will be forever (or as long as you want it) in the files on your computer ..... simple as that, not complicated.

I don't understand your post about your not using an alternative email address. I also don't see any post with hazena's email address.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Sep 01, 2013 07:26 AM

Sep 01, 2013

No, I'm talking about BJ getting rid of the evidence before you can see it. The evidence isn't on this thread as far as I can see but I'm only 1/3 of the way through. Don doesn't want to be in email contact with me because he is afraid ill give him a virus or something. My using an alternate email doesn't change that does it? I found hazenas email from earlier in the thread I believe. She hasn't replied yet though. I gave her all the info I have and instructions on how to get more info herself. I'm guessing some of you already have her email. I also told her to be careful of who she shares with and I might add, even if someone emails you and tells you they are Don don't take their word for it, ask for proof. That's all I've got. I'm sorry you don't trust me but it is very frustrating when I've been trying to help you with evidence. I've already given my evidence to hazena, I don't wish to be further involved with this. There's nothing more for me to offer.

I do hope you haven't mistaken me for BJ, I may make a few typos here and there but I'm obviously not illiterate nor do I try to hide my poor grammar by adding in a laughable excuse such as typing on my iPhone. Good luck with that BJ, I heard you can take educational courses in jail. Also don't know if you know this but BJs brother in law is also in on the scam.

Another thing, BJ has a very fragile ego, which is why he surrounds himself with people with low self esteem. You may have noticed from this thread he has very little impulse control. Get a good cross examiner in court and it will be very easy to get BJ to out himself, after all he did it here on an Internet forum which gives you the opportunity to think before you post, that's why he had to go back and delete his comments, he isn't very smart.

Jen W.

Last edited by phyl21 on Sep 01, 2013 09:11 PM

Sep 01, 2013

Grand Leisure Getaways was the name of the place that BJ's assistant, Misty Moran, worked out of. He was with PRL June of 2012 when he scammed us. We have sent all of our info. including emails from BJ to the DATCP in WI and we have now hired an attorney because BOA would not even investigate our claims of fraud in Nov. 2012. We faxed a letter and all of our paperwork within the 6 month period to BOA on 11/27/12 and by 12/6/12 we had 2 letters from them. One stated it would take 30 days to investigate the claim and the other said we had no case and they would not do anything to help us. They were both dated 12/4/12. BJ was terrific when he sold this to us but we have found he just wanted our money for his scam. We need to get these guys behind bars before they hurt anymore people.

Jean S.

Last edited by jeans269 on Sep 01, 2013 06:30 PM

Sep 02, 2013

jenw89 wrote:
Don doesn't want to be in email contact with me because he is afraid ill give him a virus or something. My using an alternate email doesn't change that does it? I found hazenas email from earlier in the thread I believe. She hasn't replied yet though.

Donp isn't the person you need to be in contact with .... the person that you need to be in contact with is boobier (he is the main force in this investigation) ..... perhaps you could post here, to boobier, some way for you and he to communicate.

I have yet to see any email address for hazena ..... she/he hasn't posted in this thread in a long time.

R P.
Sep 02, 2013

jeans269 wrote:
Grand Leisure Getaways was the name of the place that BJ's assistant, Misty Moran, worked out of. He was with PRL June of 2012 when he scammed us. We have sent all of our info. including emails from BJ to the DATCP in WI and we have now hired an attorney because BOA would not even investigate our claims of fraud in Nov. 2012. We faxed a letter and all of our paperwork within the 6 month period to BOA on 11/27/12 and by 12/6/12 we had 2 letters from them. One stated it would take 30 days to investigate the claim and the other said we had no case and they would not do anything to help us. They were both dated 12/4/12. BJ was terrific when he sold this to us but we have found he just wanted our money for his scam. We need to get these guys behind bars before they hurt anymore people.

I would be curious as to why this entire thread hasn't been copied, pasted and sent to BOAs upper managment .... proof is indeed here of how many people that have been scammed by BJ and his associates using BOA.

Bank of America (Board of Directors) .... copy and paste url:

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Sep 02, 2013 09:51 AM

Sep 02, 2013

Hello Everyone, I'm here everyday watching this site, and so is RCL Legal, and 5 AG's that I'm in contact with weekly. So far I have NOT heard are seen any thing that I can help "jenw89"or "jeans269" with so far. If they really wanted help, they would read everything and then ask. Thanks Don & JayJay for your help.


Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Sep 02, 2013 01:43 PM

Sep 05, 2013

So this weekend I found out my parents were also scammed by BJ back in 2011. They actually contacted BOA and stopped payment but BJ was able to convince them to withdrawal the complaint.

My question to this board is what exactly should my parents do at this time?

1. They lost $10k 2. They are stuck with a Sunset Harbor Deed 3. and they already paid a year of maintenance fees.

I told them to accept the loss and move on because the whole ordeal just stresses them out and they have enough health issues as it is.

So please tell me exactly what they can and should do to let it be known they were a victim.

And what can happen from a positive outcome in the RCI trial?

Thank you

David J.

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