General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 23, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
I already told everyone on this site that I misread the posts from long before about Tina's parents. Again, I didn't sing praises about anyone thus far; indeed, I told you BJ Cooke was difficult to get a call back from, but he did call me back and was nice on the phone, i.e. pleasant. Not a good light nor a bad light...just facts. Thank you Tina and to JohnM. They are the ones who are truly helping me and Bill.

gracie, below is your first post in this thread:

"gracieb ...... Actually dealt with BJ as well. Hard to get a return phone call but he did call me back finally. Very pleasant. Program is confusing but he did help me with VSI and have now booked my trip. Hope I don't have any of the experiences you guys are talking about".

I have to ask since you dealt with BJ personally on the phone why you didn't ask him, since you don't understand what you own and you have no deed, to explain it to you. You say you booked your trip .... what trip?

BTW, the vast majority of scammers are pleasant/charming people = their modus operandi .... they'll gladly charm you out of every penny you own .... prisons are full of such charmers.

R P.
Aug 23, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
donp196 and boobier,

I'm sorry, but if I think I can find out information that will be advantageous in taking these people down, then I am going to interact with anyone, even if they are the enemy. You have no idea what I have learned by interacting with Gracie. No one has proved or disproved who and/or what she is. Even Sherlock Holmes could not have made the leap that you guys made immediately. I can tell you, however, that my interaction with her has confirmed in my mind who/what she is.

I don't care how often either of you say that their downfall will happen Very, Very Soon. I will believe that when I see it. In the meantime, I am going to continue following every possible avenue to find out information, tendencies, and other members of the chin-beard gang. My own legal actions will start long before the AGs or FTC actions start.

Just curious .... how did you interact with gracie to find information from her when email addresses are not listed in Redweek's forums?

So who/what is gracie?

R P.
Aug 23, 2013

shellyp50 wrote:
The saddest observation of all? You are all so busy battling GracieB.

Read the first post gracie made in this thread in my post above .... we are here to rebut anything positive she says about BJ (although her tune is changing .... she doesn't even know what she owns and has no deed), but he was supposedly pleasant over the phone and she has supposedly booked a trip.

R P.
Aug 23, 2013


My only interaction with gracie has been on this site by the questions I have asked and the answers I have gotten. So you have seen it all. I am concerned that you are not fully reading the things being said here because you quoted the exact same gracie statement that I referred to on page 68, one lousy page ago. AND maybe you have not been able to learn what I have learned about her because you are reading things with you own slant.

If you think that "we are here to rebut anything positive she says" then you may be missing the point. We are here to shut these guys down by finding out all we can from whomever we can. I am surprised you haven't accused me of being a shill because you think gracie and I have been communicating outside of this site. But, who knows, maybe that will be your next semi-illogical trip into never-never land. Focus! Focus! Focus!

John M.
Aug 23, 2013

Let's not get into any arguments among ourselves. That's what the scammers want.

Don P.
Aug 24, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:

My only interaction with gracie has been on this site by the questions I have asked and the answers I have gotten. So you have seen it all. I am concerned that you are not fully reading the things being said here because you quoted the exact same gracie statement that I referred to on page 68, one lousy page ago. AND maybe you have not been able to learn what I have learned about her because you are reading things with you own slant.

John, you didn't have to get so testy .... we're on the same side here ..... I've read each and every post in this thread from it's beginning. I just didn't glean anything from Gracie's posts that would indicate who she might be affiliated with .... she doesn't even know herself who/what she's affiliated with.

If you think that "we are here to rebut anything positive she says" then you may be missing the point.

What point am I missing .... first she sings the praises of BJ via his socalled pleasantness with a phone conversation and now she seems to be running scared that she's been ripped off.

We are here to shut these guys down by finding out all we can from whomever we can. I am surprised you haven't accused me of being a shill because you think gracie and I have been communicating outside of this site. But, who knows, maybe that will be your next semi-illogical trip into never-never land. Focus! Focus! Focus!

I am in total agreement that we are here to shut BJ and his associates down. I was merely going by your statement above = ("My interaction with Gracie").

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 24, 2013 08:40 AM

Aug 24, 2013

If you don't understand my comment about "missing the point", especially after I told you that "We are here to shut these guys down by finding out all we can from WHOMEVER we can", then I don't know how to better explain it.

John M.
Aug 25, 2013

johnm2748 wrote:
If you don't understand my comment about "missing the point", especially after I told you that "We are here to shut these guys down by finding out all we can from WHOMEVER we can", then I don't know how to better explain it.

No problem ..... just keep on keeping on with what you're doing :o) !!

R P.
Aug 27, 2013

My parents just got invited to a "free dinner" with Leisure Getaways, Inc. to inform them of how to better utilize the benefits of timeshare ownership! The lady on the phone told them to look them up on the ARDA website. I can't find much of anything there. Just wanted to find out if this was another scam group & try to disrupt their plans. Anybody ever heard of them? Ever heard of Brett Grabner? Goggling their name comes up with info that makes them sound a lot like Point Rental Liquidators/Sunset Harbor Resorts. Oh wait! Guess where he's located? Willis, Texas! Hmmm... imagine that!

Tina K.
Aug 28, 2013

It might not be a bad idea to attend their meeting and ask a lot of questions in front of their potential victims and challenge their presentation. It's satisfying exposing them infront of their audience. I belong to the National Timeshare Owners Association and we do that with the post card companies. It's an honor to be asked to leave the meeting when they decide that they don't want us there anymore. It's also satisfying to see the attendees leaving after they hear the truth.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 28, 2013 07:42 AM

Aug 28, 2013

donp196 wrote:
It's an honor to be asked to leave the meeting when they decide that they don't want us there anymore.

Do they get visibly upset and angry in the process? Do they pepper their requests with profanity?

Lance C.
Aug 28, 2013

Leisure Getaways, Inc. name just sounds VERY similar to some of these other groups Boobier keeps listing.

Tina K.
Aug 28, 2013

tinak117 wrote:
My parents just got invited to a "free dinner" with Leisure Getaways, Inc. to inform them of how to better utilize the benefits of timeshare ownership! The lady on the phone told them to look them up on the ARDA website. I can't find much of anything there. Just wanted to find out if this was another scam group & try to disrupt their plans. Anybody ever heard of them? Ever heard of Brett Grabner? Goggling their name comes up with info that makes them sound a lot like Point Rental Liquidators/Sunset Harbor Resorts. Oh wait! Guess where he's located? Willis, Texas! Hmmm... imagine that!

Scam written all over it ..... ARDA stands for American Resort Developer Association .... they are advocates for resort developers not vacation club scams.

R P.
Aug 28, 2013

Leisure Getaways, Inc. had meetings at the Ruby Tuesday here is Rockford, Illinois on Thursday, August 22, 2013.

John M.
Aug 28, 2013

ARDA is also the name for "Middle Earth".

John M.
Aug 28, 2013

Looks like they are using ARDA instead of RCI to lure people into their scam. RCI must have come down on them really hard.

Don P.
Aug 28, 2013

lancec13 wrote:
donp196 wrote:
It's an honor to be asked to leave the meeting when they decide that they don't want us there anymore.

Do they get visibly upset and angry in the process? Do they pepper their requests with profanity?

We do it casually and they get very upset but they can't lose their cool in front of the perspective victims. I can't tell you how many people follow us out to the parking lot and talk to us. We come armed with our confirmation number so they can't say we are trespassing. It's extremely satisfying exposing their lies in front of thier audience.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 28, 2013 02:23 PM

Aug 28, 2013

How do I send messages to members? I found out some details about one of the scammers that might be of interest in any lawsuits.

Jen W.

Last edited by jenw89 on Aug 28, 2013 03:52 PM

Aug 28, 2013

jenw89 wrote:
How do I send messages to members? I found out some details about one of the scammers that might be of interest in any lawsuits.

JUST POST IT!!! All AG's & RCI follow this everyday.

Boobie R.
Aug 28, 2013

Well there is a good chance that BJ and the other party involved may get rid of this information. I want to make sure that lawyers can track this stuff and have their evidence.

Jen W.

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