General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 21, 2013


What points are with VSI? Where did they come from? How did they get there? The only way I have seen VSI operate is to have you tell your home resort that you are going there for a specific week. They send you a confirmation, which you have to send to VSI. Once VSI finds someone to take that week, they send you that person's info and you have to call your home resort and tell them that you will be having a Guest use the week that you got the confirmation for.

When you want to use you points, you have to notify VSI where you would like to go. They will then send you a list of resorts available to you in that area. You tell them where you want to go, and they will notify the owner of that week who then has to notify their home resort that you will be the Guest for their week.

None of this is on line. You must do it all via phone, mail, or email. There is no place you can go to see what is available to "point" into, or even how many points you have banked with VSI.

BTW, do not tell your home resort what you are doing. Many of them would notify you that this approach is in violation of your owners agreement.

AND, how did EPS tell you they would get the points from you in order to buy them from you?

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Aug 21, 2013 11:11 AM

Aug 21, 2013

Oh my head is swimming but here we go! When I transferred my "weeks" to VSI, they were then considered "points," but at a higher value which consequently means that I can go to resorts outside of my "home resort." Once Bill and I decided what amount of points we wanted, we filled out some paperwork at the time of our meeting and those points were then automatically deposited to EPS. I did call VSI and they said my points are there and to tell them where we wanted to go. They sent me an email of resorts but can't really figure out how to "use the program"? I'm just frustrated that we don't even have a deed registered so how does Sunset play in? Plus, if I don't have a deed, how did I get points? I am so utterly confused.....

Gracie B.
Aug 21, 2013


Welcome to the wonderful world of BJ Cooke, Guy Russell, William Thompson, Randy Canfield, the Ottawa, Morris, Marseilles, Illinois chin-beard gang, R&R Venture Group, VSI, and EPS gang. I will spend every dollar I have to personally make sure that this group of degenerates spend a lot of time in jail.

John M.

Last edited by astephens on Aug 22, 2013 07:01 AM

Aug 21, 2013

i cannot believe that they are still at it... How in the World can they keep getting away with this crap.??

Scarlett M.
Aug 21, 2013

Debbie Berra is (or was) the on-site resort manager at Sunset Harbor Resort in Willis, TX according to people that answer the phone over there. I did speak with her, but it was over a year ago. The phony deed was signed by her as the "Secretary (manager)" in Nov 2012.

The phone number is (936) 890-1226 (public information available on and on their website Email address is This information is also available on (which still lists them as one of their resorts! Geesh!)

Tina K.
Aug 22, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
I did read back through the posts and Tina pointed out that she spoke with a Debbie from Sunset which is why I asked Tina the question. So far the only people I can get on the phone are R&R and VSI. Goodness, if you would read back through my posts you would see that I have, from the beginning, been open-minded to the fact that this could all go downhill. Secondly, I have never been an advocate for any person or persons' on this site. I am simply stating what is going through our minds after seeing this stuff on the internet. Again, please be remedial in nature. Additionally, Audrey stated that Sunset Harbor never had a NV address and earlier in the forum there is an address for them in NV????

In what context are you using the word 'remedial in nature' concerning the posts in this thread?

remedial = providing a remedy (according to my dictionary) .... what remedy are you searching for via this thread.

If you are speaking of a remedy for BJ and his associates, the only remedy is getting these crooks off the street and in jail so they don't scam anymore innocent people.

R P.
Aug 22, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
Oh my head is swimming but here we go! When I transferred my "weeks" to VSI, they were then considered "points," but at a higher value which consequently means that I can go to resorts outside of my "home resort." Once Bill and I decided what amount of points we wanted, we filled out some paperwork at the time of our meeting and those points were then automatically deposited to EPS. I did call VSI and they said my points are there and to tell them where we wanted to go. They sent me an email of resorts but can't really figure out how to "use the program"? I'm just frustrated that we don't even have a deed registered so how does Sunset play in? Plus, if I don't have a deed, how did I get points? I am so utterly confused.....

gracie, you came to Redweek's forums saying that you got everything you were promised from BJ, but now you claim that there is no deed recorded, you don't know how to use the program, you can't get in touch with BJ, etc. No wonder you're confused .... you don't even know what you allegedly own.

R P.
Aug 22, 2013


I never said "I got everything I wanted." My exact words were that "so far, I was satisfied entering into the program where I could sell my points." I commented that BJ was nice when I spoke with him and helped us get setup. I'm confused because I did purchase at Sunset initially and when Tina brought up the "deed issue", we never even remember hearing that we would have a deed. Thanks to Tina, she has been a huge resource for helping me. We don't have a deed which I remember when speaking with a Mr. Mitchell earlier last year that he did mention a deed. Bill and I have exhausted our energy on leaving messages for Sunset Harbor. I even did as Audrey said and left a message for Dee. Again, I'm confused because I don't understand why Sunset Harbor won't return my calls and then the website that Tina directed me to doesn't even have our names recorded as having property there!!!!

So, JayJay, I'm probably confused because what we thought we had, we can't find, yet we have our "points" in VSI per their rep and email. #frustratedallpeoplewanttodoisargueratherthanhelp #exceptTinaandJohnm

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013


Have you gotten any travel through VSI? Is it true that it is a $199 yearly fee to book through their exchange? RCI said they charge more but since I can't call Sunset directly, I don't know what to do.

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013

Thanks for the email Tina. Looks like I will try that avenue next since I can't get in touch with anybody. Bill and I never even thought about the deed until I read your posts yesterday. If they did misspell our names, do you think I could call the state office and see if someone there could find it? I can't believe that Sunset would forge a deed? What else have they done? I just can't believe that someone would do that without thinking about some hefty consequences!!! Thank you for helping us through this!

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013

I am signifying to you by using the verbiage of "remedial in nature" so that you will keep your head about you when people are commenting. Helping rather than assuming that I am some person who works for any of these people. Just because someone is stating facts, doesn't give you the right to assume anything other than they are doing just that, i.e. stating the facts of their situation. I came here because of Sunset not responding to me. I came here to say that some of the people whom you are out to get, have up to this point, helped me. Doesn't mean anything other than what I have said.

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013


I have told you how VSI works. Since I have disputed all of the charges from the TERP program, I have not used VSI for anything. When I was asking questions after I was notified that the VSI and EPS memberships were set up, I found out how VSI works. I checked this process with my home resort and they said that they had never had any dealings VSI and would not be comfortable with the approach they had told me I would have to go through (see earlier post). That is the only way that I know of for VSI to get you "weeks" to convert to "points".

Didn't you make a stateement in an earlier post that you had already gotten a trade done with VSI? I am going to go back and check.

John M.
Aug 22, 2013

Gracie, I found your statement. It is on page 63 and it goes like this

"Actually dealt with BJ as well. Hard to get a return phone call but he did call me back finally. Very pleasant. Program is confusing but he did help me with VSI and have now booked my trip. Hope I don't have any of the experiences you guys are talking about."

John M.
Aug 22, 2013

OK everyone, I warned you, Be very very careful, they have returned and are back to haunt us. I have never met ONE person out of 100's & 100's of people, that ever had ONE good thing to say about Brandon BJ Cooke EVER. That might be the reason that RCI, ALL AG's, and 1000's of people that he SCAMMED are looking for him. Think about it. He is ONLY pleasant when he is taking your money.

johnm2748 wrote:
Gracie, I found your statement. It is on page 63 and it goes like this

"Actually dealt with BJ as well. Hard to get a return phone call but he did call me back finally. Very pleasant. Program is confusing but he did help me with VSI and have now booked my trip. Hope I don't have any of the experiences you guys are talking about."

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 22, 2013 01:18 PM

Aug 22, 2013

I haven't gotten the trip booked but we did call VSI and they sent us the email for the locations, etc... We gave them the dates for Sunset and supposedly have them scheduled. I am trying to figure out how VSI and Sunset work together. If I'm not suppose to tell Sunset, then how is VSI booking my trip?

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013

I agree with Boobier. All of a sudden someone shows up in here singing the praises of BJ Cooke and his scam machine and some of you interact with her like she's a real satisfied customer. She claims that she received a check and they are now booking a trip for her. Has anyone else received anything from the scammers ??

She then claimed that the wonderful BJ Cooke helped Tina's parents get money back. We all know that her statement was a crock and again was intended to shine a good light on the scammer. Please listen to Boobiers advice and be careful if you decide to interact with her ( or him ) .

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 22, 2013 02:50 PM

Aug 22, 2013

I already told everyone on this site that I misread the posts from long before about Tina's parents. Again, I didn't sing praises about anyone thus far; indeed, I told you BJ Cooke was difficult to get a call back from, but he did call me back and was nice on the phone, i.e. pleasant. Not a good light nor a bad light...just facts. Thank you Tina and to JohnM. They are the ones who are truly helping me and Bill.

Gracie B.
Aug 22, 2013

donp196 and boobier,

I'm sorry, but if I think I can find out information that will be advantageous in taking these people down, then I am going to interact with anyone, even if they are the enemy. You have no idea what I have learned by interacting with Gracie. No one has proved or disproved who and/or what she is. Even Sherlock Holmes could not have made the leap that you guys made immediately. I can tell you, however, that my interaction with her has confirmed in my mind who/what she is.

I don't care how often either of you say that their downfall will happen Very, Very Soon. I will believe that when I see it. In the meantime, I am going to continue following every possible avenue to find out information, tendencies, and other members of the chin-beard gang. My own legal actions will start long before the AGs or FTC actions start.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Aug 22, 2013 05:35 PM

Aug 22, 2013

The saddest observation of all? You are all so busy battling GracieB. Stick to the facts. I, more than any of you are so very weary of fighting this, as we buried my daddy in the midst of this battle, but I am here to tell you- the settlement of 98 months, which was the offer to pay back from the resort, offered by Mr. Turner, won't touch what we are after. Read that, BJ. Count on it.

Shelly P.

Last edited by shellyp50 on Aug 22, 2013 08:19 PM

Aug 23, 2013

I just don't want anyone to be distracted from the purpose we are all here for. The good news is that FTC has a new unit just for timeshare fraud and they will find the truth. The other good news is that they have access to records and can trace an IP address of anyone posting on the internet. Like I told BJ Cooke last year ... anything he says can and will be used against him. Let them hang themselves.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 23, 2013 07:53 AM

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