General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 16, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
When I google PRL it says "dissolved"and after looking at my contract, I don't see PRL anywhere.

One more time .... what entity (company) was listed on your contract when you allegedly dealt with BJ?

R P.
Aug 16, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
Additionally, if SHR does provide you information about me, SHR will have some serious repercussions from giving you any information for which I or my husband do not first give permission.

Please take your witch hunt elsewhere; you are wasting valuable resources, i.e. time that you could be devoting to finding out more about the issues surrounding the victims cases.

There a million Gracies in the USA alone ... nobody mentioned last names. Why do you think someone is on a witchunt to find you?

Contrary to what you're posting here, that's exactly what boobier is doing .... devoting vast amounts of time finding out more about the issues surrounding the victim's cases.

Since you don't have a dog in this fight why do you keep posting since you've been absolutely no help to those that HAVE been scammed ..... except to claim your (alleged) victory with BJ .... I'm not getting your point in continuing posting .... it would seem that you merely like to read your own writings.

R P.
Aug 16, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
Actually dealt with BJ as well. Hard to get a return phone call but he did call me back finally. Very pleasant. Program is confusing but he did help me with VSI and have now booked my trip. Hope I don't have any of the experiences you guys are talking about.

I don't understand. She claims he helped her book a vacation and not a word about getting a check and now all of a sudden she claims to have gotten a check. Something smells rotten.

Don P.
Aug 16, 2013

Ok, once again. There is no Gracie & William "with any last name" thats lives or is from Alabama that owns or has bought in the last three years a Timeshare in the state of Texas.

What is next Gracie?

Boobie R.
Aug 17, 2013

boobier wrote:
Ok, once again. There is no Gracie & William "with any last name" thats lives or is from Alabama that owns or has bought in the last three years a Timeshare in the state of Texas.

What is next Gracie?

I don't believe there is a "next" for Gracie .... her bluff has been called.

R P.
Aug 17, 2013

Let's get something straight once and for all. This Gracie person keeps trying to hide behind some sort of privacy issue. How convenient for someone trying to disguise themself. How do you think the scammers got in touch with their victims. They obtained a list of all timeshare owners including their adresses and phone numbers to make contact with them. It's all considered public records. Now all of a sudden she claims that only the scammers have the right to access that information.

Boobier, Jayjay and myself can see right through her ruse. I'm not so sure Gracie is a she either. It could possibly be BJ himself again. I will completely ignore her and only refer to her posts as I interpet them.

Let's keep the focus on busting these scammers and bringing them to justice. Keep up the good work gang and thanks for the support.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 17, 2013 12:58 PM

Aug 19, 2013

This is why I will not be involved in publishing personal information about anyone. Redweek monitors this site and I won't be culpable for violating this very sacred rule.

Gracie B.
Aug 19, 2013

I have called SHR and the AG for Texas. Awaiting a call back to see how in the world you can just call up a timeshare and they give out information about me or my husband. It doesn't matter that you feel as though I'm bluffing. I have stated on numerous occasions that I am monitoring the posting here in order to make sure I haven't been totally scammed. I haven't supported the crooks, again, I have simply stated that nothing "tragic" has occurred as of yet. I appreciate the conspiracy theory, however, I will be on here and your gestures and conjectures are way out of line. I want to know how it is that I have paperwork which is thru SHR and then BJ comes back and we sign new paperwork, and I only have three sheets and again, no paperwork with PRL listed on it? Wish there was one person on here whom could talk through this with me and not stall on helping us because you are so caught up in your own matrix of unfounded logic. I do appreciate JayJay and John for at least being able to talk like a reasonable person and not be so quick to "jump" me.

Gracie B.
Aug 19, 2013

So you are now telling us that BJ came back and you signed new paperwork which was the R&R, VSI, and EPS contract, without any mention of the timeshare that you bought at SHR. So how much additional money did you pay to BJ to have that new paperwork created, and what has happened to your SHR investment?

John M.
Aug 19, 2013

Supposedly, I was getting a better deal by selling my "time/weeks" to VSI to be converted into a points program. From there, he advised to keep points for travel and then sale points to EPS. Again, literally have three sheets of paper to this contract and no, there is no PRL mentioned. Said I wouldn't have to work with Sunset anymore since they weren't working with them anymore. So....thoughts?

Gracie B.
Aug 19, 2013

Boobier, My suggestion: you spend an inordinate amount of time and devotion to me and the 100's (1000's?) of victims of this shameless group of crooks (scum)...keep your energy directed to the target, not to this foolish poster (imposter?) attempting to camouflage the actual target. Who cares what she (it) says, it's irrelevant to achieving your (our) mission. I've seen a couple of times some blood thrown into the water on this forum, and it evokes the "piranha response" maybe to the delight of GR & BJ. Ha.... Keep your eyes and fight directed towards the have my full support and admiration. Thank you...

boobier wrote:
Ok, once again. There is no Gracie & William "with any last name" thats lives or is from Alabama that owns or has bought in the last three years a Timeshare in the state of Texas.

What is next Gracie?

Gary W.
Aug 19, 2013

So gracie, did they charge you additional money to switch to the R&R, VSI, and EPS contract and get rid of the SHR contract?

John M.
Aug 19, 2013

Any purchasers at Sunset Harbor Resorts that had their deeds recorded at the Montgomery County, TX clerk of court have their names listed as a matter of public record on the website I searched for my parents' names, but apparently their deed was never recorded at the County Clerk's office, although Bank of America still thinks it's legit... but I digress.... If you search this database, you will see HUNDREDS of names of "property owners".... I haven't searched for William & Gracie, but their names should be on there if their deed was ever actually recorded. There were MANY variations of the selling entity or "Grantor" shown on the website, so it would be tricky to know if you had found all that you were searching for, deliberately misspelled? in some cases. One example: SHR II Luxury Condominium Association Inc, but other times I saw different words abbreviated and some misspelled. I think you could leave everything else blank & just put Sunset Harbor in the land comments box & get most of the recorded transactions to come up. It's interesting. You can sort by date, etc. It's very sad to see how many people are still getting scammed. The document "types" range from General Warranty Deed, Special Warranty Deed, Power of Attorney, Quit Claim Deed, Judgement, Notice, etc.

Tina K.
Aug 19, 2013

Just got a call for a meeting at the Perkins Restaurant here in Rockord, Il for Wednesday. Said they were working with RCI to get new and exciting changes to their members. The caller, when pushed said she did not work for RCI, but was scheduling meetingss for APE. I asked her what that was and she said American Points Exchange. I googled and found a company called American Points Exchange, LLC, 1712 Pioneer Way, Suite 100, Cheyenne, Wyoming. It has been in business for 7 months. Could not find a website or anything like that. I did not make an appointment to go, but I know the times that they are making the presentations, and I am going to the earliest one. Will let you know what I find out.

John M.
Aug 19, 2013

Talked to the Illinois AG office today and was told that there are no other complaints related to R&R, VSI, and EPS in the state. AND when a contract is involved, it becomes a civil matter, not a criminal matter.

Also talked to R&R phone answer person in Las Vegas today. She claimed that I did not have a check coming because I did a billing dispute through my credit card company. When R&R found out, they cancelled my "lifetime" membership with EPS because all the money was returned. She also tried to tell me that the credit card company has all my money because when they process the dispute they take the money back from the merchant account. The she hung up on me. Sooo, I called back and told her that the credit card company got no response of any kind from R&R, and they got no money back for the merchant account. She told me I didn't know what I was talking about and that my credit card company was stealing from me. And hung up again.

I also called the "new" telephone number for BJ Cooke that was posted here a few days ago, but then removed. A woman answered the phone and I asked for BJ Cooke. She said that BJ doesn't live there, but did I want to leave a message. How funny is that?

John M.
Aug 20, 2013

to johnm2748, You should call your credit card company back and keep disputing your claim. If R&R Venture Group does NOT respond to your case the card company will return all of you money. Then they will freeze the funds in the Merchant Account. The problem is that Guy Russell, Nonna Russell & Brandon "BJ" Cooke has lost every Merchant Account and can't get another one. They have already been paid. Call R&R Venture Group back and get a name of the person you have been talking with, the more info you have the better. Bank of America & Barclay are doing everything they can with the help of RCI to get these scammers. Guy Russell will be going to court very, very soon for criminal matters in a criminal court. Mark my words. "VERY SOON"

Boobie R.
Aug 20, 2013

Just talked to my credit card company about what the nasty R&R Venture Group phone answerer said about them already having the money. I told them to process the dispute again, and if there is no response, get my money back now. We will see what happens.

John M.
Aug 20, 2013

John, I never got a deed for SHR but like Tina said, they did say it would be recorded. And yes, never even been to the resort in Texas as I was directed to switch over to the points selling system.

Tina, what site do I go to in order to search and see if we are in there? Have called and left several messages at SHR with NO return call.

Gracie B.
Aug 20, 2013

So, if I file a dispute with CC company then I can't be refunded, if needed?

Gracie B.
Aug 20, 2013

Hey John,

Yes and no? They gave me a discount on the points program but I paid still. Then, that's where I was told that remaining points could be sold through EPS. Is this correct?

Gracie B.

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