General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 14, 2013 you ask questions? Again, stellar performance. You should first and foremost understand that there is a possible legal ramification to me posting someone's personal information on a public forum, blog, social media, website, etc...without their expressed consent and written permission.

Good or bad, you call it as you see it but I am calling a spade, a spade. Every single person on this site has had BJ's number at one point or another and if he is as "snakey" as you say he is, do you think he still has that number??? Additionally, I haven't had to call him in a couple of months but if I do need to call him, and if we talk, would you like for me to direct him here so that you may be able to ascertain the desired digits?

If you would actually use your "skills" as a detective and do some background checks (don't you have access to an advanced system for that?), rather than sit around here whining like a girl on a blog forum, you might find the skill set lacking for you to actually still be employed in your profession????

Things that make you go hmmmmm?????

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

Sounds like shill double talk again. There are no legal ramifications for posting a legitimate contact number for someone that claims they are in business. John and Boobier do it and i don't see anyone going after them. That's excuses that the scammers use to try to look legit. It won't work in here.

These people are victims and they won't be fooled by another shill. Let the others decide for themselves. I can tell you that I saved many people from becoming victims of BJ Cooke and his scam machine and I won't let a shill get over on them either.

Don P.
Aug 14, 2013

Instead of accusations and your "smoke screen" MO, why don't you actually ask questions? Additionally, could you possibly define "double-talk" as it pertains to your reply above? I say could very loosely as I haven't seen one reply that is halfway intelligent nor helpful to anyone's current plight.

If you are truly a detective then again, you would know that all State and Federal laws mandate, through legal precedence, that "a person may not share personal information regarding another without consent; either oral or written, as would be implicated in any legal formalities or to render judgment without the intervention of a binding legal search and procedure."

All that said Don, if others choose to compromise their freedom's for a low life, let them. I on the other hand choose to remain ethical until I am given reason to believe or act otherwise.

Now, please be specific in your replies so that we may all gain the knowledge with which you have shared to save "many people from being victims"? I again will choose to trust in people like John, Boobier, and JayJay and will in turn, run to their assistance if and when I become a victim. Until then....

Yours Truly,

"Share Holder in Limbo Land", a.k.a. SHILL

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

No sense arguing with a shill or maybe BJ himself. If everyone notices this is the same banter I had with BJ last year. Sounds like one of his rants again. Everyone decide for themselves. Gracie is a SHILL of BJ Cooke.

Just go back and read the posts and you will see that I exposed his scam when people were still signing up for his scam.

This is the last time I will waste any energy with this shill. I see you like to try to discredit people but I retired with honors and a great pension and benefits for the rest of my life. I don't mislead people or make up excuses when challenged like you do. There is no law against posting public information. His contact infromation is public infromation if he is in business.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 14, 2013 03:20 PM

Aug 14, 2013

Well, see how the dog lies down so easily? My question about you is if you know so much, if you have so much evidence, then why aren't you sharing it now?

I don't see how you come out swinging and then just sit down? You can accuse, call names, point fingers, etc.... Without independently justifying your position, i.e. leaning on things such as BJ Cooke, "scammers" (is there more than one in it with BJ, outside of Sunset Harbor?), or SHILL.

Based on your "banter" with BJ, I would equate you on the same level as he, except for one appears he did work with Tina to get her parent's money back which is more than you ever did.

As you were soldier....

Gracie B.

Last edited by astephens on Aug 15, 2013 07:27 AM

Aug 14, 2013

Yes, his business info is absolutely permissible to post; as a business you publish your info so as to conduct business. Get on your computer and do some research on the Constitution of America, especially pertaining to our First Amendment, and the addendums passed along with it through the years. Please pay special attention to the past 7-10 years of mandates governing the internet.

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

Tomorrow is the day that I am supposed to receive my cashiers check from EPS for $12,000. However, I have been told by William Thompson (BJ Cooke in disguise) that R&R Venture Group has cancelled my "lifetime" membership with EPS because they returned my membership fees to my credit card company after I disputed the payments. Well, no one returned any money to my credit card company and R&R Venture Group and EPS never bothered to respond to the credit card company's letters. How can someone not linked to a "lifetime" membership cancel that membership? Interesting question. Based on these statements, I have appointments next week with the county attorney in Morris, Illinois (Grundy County) to file my lawsuit against EPS, and all the names fo the employees and owners that I have uncovered. I also have appointments with newpaper editors in Morris and Ottawa. I just may stop in at the EPS office again while I am there. As usual, no one will be there, but then again, who knows. Friday will be the day that I call the Illinois Attorney General's office back and notify them that I have not received my contractually "guarenteed" check. The same will happen with the Federal Trade Commission. AND, I will request that my credit card company re-open all three payment disputes related to this scam. Time to turn up the heat in the kitchen

John M.
Aug 14, 2013

Don't believe for one second that Sunset Harbor Resorts didn't know these scammers were selling their condos on these deals. I finally got a copy of my parents' deed from BofA (never did get a copy from SHR) and Debbie Berra, the resort manager, signed it as "seller" for SHR. PRL can't sell something that belongs to SHR without SHR's approval (unless the "deed" is fake or the signature is forged, none of which would surprise me).... Also, I spoke to Debbie Berra on the phone and she admitted that SHR used the 2 salesmen that scammed my parents as brokers to sell their timeshares. We don't know who Hughes Dewailly & Pat Thompson worked for, though. Maybe it was PRL. BJ denies it.

Tina K.
Aug 14, 2013

Gracie, You are wrong that BJ helped get my parents' money back. That was just more lies from BJ. My parents never were able to get PRL or SHR to credit their money back to the credit cards. Specifically, when did you purchase the deal from BJ and when did you receive your check for selling your points? My parents "purchased" the deal over a year ago and were promised a check within 6 months. All they've actually seen are requests to send more money. No checks in sight! Don and JayJay monitor these bulletin boards to warn people about scams. I surely wish I had found this forum before my parents fell for these lies. If you have any useful information to help other victims, I'd sure love to see it posted here.

Tina K.
Aug 14, 2013

John, That sounds similar to the lies they used to string my parents along. They kept saying they had processed the refunds and it might take 21 days to show up on the statements. That was just more delays. They had actually never refunded any money to my parents' accounts. Good luck in your fight!

Tina K.
Aug 15, 2013

Hello forums participants,

My name is Alisa Stephens, and I am the executive producer for I would like to remind everyone participating in this forum to please refrain from name calling, personal attacks, and posting personal information (home addresses, private home/cell numbers, private e-mail addresses). The RedWeek forums are a place to share information and learn from one another, not beat each other down.

I appreciate your continued efforts to make the RedWeek forums a valuable resource for owners and travelers alike.

Regards, Alisa

Alisa S.
Aug 15, 2013

Hey TinaK,

I could have sworn I saw some posting where you had actually gotten your parents money back. I am sorry they didn't get their money. I am just confused at this point.... When I google PRL it says "dissolved"and after looking at my contract, I don't see PRL anywhere. Additionally, SHR's phone is never answered by anyone but I also haven't gotten calls from them either. The number I have for BJ is a cell and I will be glad to chat off line but it really is not kosher to put their info on here. I get it, trust me but I don't want to suffer the potential legal ramifications. Thanks so much for being polite as it is nice to be respected when discussing "sensitive" topics.

Gracie B.
Aug 16, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
Well, see how the dog lies down so easily? My question about you is if you know so much, if you have so much evidence, then why aren't you sharing it now?

I don't see how you come out swinging and then just sit down? You can accuse, call names, point fingers, etc.... Without independently justifying your position, i.e. leaning on things such as BJ Cooke, "scammers" (is there more than one in it with BJ, outside of Sunset Harbor?), or SHILL.

Based on your "banter" with BJ, I would equate you on the same level as he, except for one appears he did work with Tina to get her parent's money back which is more than you ever did.

As you were soldier....

GracieB, the name calling warning goes for you too.

Donp may not have been scammed by PRL or SHR, but there is evidence in this lengthy thread that many have. You seem to ignore such posts just because you (allegedly) got in return what you paid for.

If you have read this entire lengthy thread (it's evident that you haven't) you would see that BJ, in no way, helped Tina's parents get their money returned to them.

R P.
Aug 16, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
Hey TinaK, When I google PRL it says "dissolved"and after looking at my contract, I don't see PRL anywhere.

Then what entity IS listed on your contract?

R P.
Aug 16, 2013

Gracie, Specifically, when did you purchase the deal from BJ and when did you receive your check for selling your points? If you have any USEFUL information to help the victims of these scams, please post it.

Tina K.
Aug 16, 2013

I live in Alabama and it was around June of last year. I spoke with BJ back in March of this year. He left his cell phone on my answering machine but I do have the number for EPS which is where BJ said I would need to call when my weeks "renewed" so I could sell them. I got my check about three months after the projected date and it was for roughly $5700 and some change. The only useful info I guess that I have is the EPS number @ 888.441.5895. They rarely answer though and the lady from the closing office said they were really busy.

Gracie B.
Aug 16, 2013

First off, I didn't call anyone a name but rather made a comparison about DonP. Additionally, I have already replied to Tina about misreading a prior post of her parents getting money back. Please remember we are all susceptible to making mistakes, and I rightfully admitted it. On my paperwork, there is a page for VSI, EPS, and R&R. The whole thing is about three pages long. I can't obviously take responsibility for whether people have been victims, anymore than I can take responsibility for getting paid. I had to hound EPS and BJ for months in order to get my check, but I am just stating that they did pay me. Doesn't mean I don't want to help which is why I am here to keep a close watch on whatever is happening.

Gracie B.
Aug 16, 2013

Called SHR...they have never had any person named Gracie that was from Alabama. I guess Gracie is not your real name. And you were right, I called 888-441-5895 and no one answered. What next???

Boobie R.
Aug 16, 2013

If you got someone on the phone from SHR, please let me know what number you are using. Gracie is my name and my husband and I are on the contract. His name is William. Additionally, if SHR does provide you information about me, SHR will have some serious repercussions from giving you any information for which I or my husband do not first give permission. Please take your witch hunt elsewhere; you are wasting valuable resources, i.e. time that you could be devoting to finding out more about the issues surrounding the victims cases.

Gracie B.
Aug 16, 2013

You have got me confused gracieb5. You say you have a unit at SHR, but your contract is a 3 page contract with R&R, VSI, and EPS. Then you say you got a check from EPS for buying your points. If we make the assumption that the points you sold were from the SHR unit, my confusion is caused by the fact that the "points buyer" involved with SHR was PRL, not EPS. So if you bought at SHR, how did you get a check from EPS?

John M.

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