General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 12, 2013

sandrap250 wrote:
I received a call last week from Sunset Harbour informing us we needed to pay our yearly maintenance fees or they would foreclose on the property. I told them to go ahead and do what they felt like they had to do. That this was a scam and they had joined forces with a group from Las Vegas that is unethical and we are not giving them another penny. Yesterday my husband gets a call from a guy named Turner, I believe his first name is Tim or Tom. He suggested we turn the deed back over to them to avoid foreclosure. My husband and I have not decided for sure which way is best for us. To relinguish the deed or let them foreclose. I guess either way they will get "the property" back. Any suggestions?

Sandrap250, if you opt for foreclosure your credit rating will be damaged. I'm sure you don't want that. We also were offered a take-back from Sunset Harbor, but have not made a final decision on the offer. They will definitely resell the property and make money off of our bad luck yet again. Our AG's office tried negotiating with Sunset Harbor, but the take-back was their only offer.

Patricia L.
Aug 12, 2013

sandrap250 wrote:
I received a call last week from Sunset Harbour informing us we needed to pay our yearly maintenance fees or they would foreclose on the property. I told them to go ahead and do what they felt like they had to do. That this was a scam and they had joined forces with a group from Las Vegas that is unethical and we are not giving them another penny. Yesterday my husband gets a call from a guy named Turner, I believe his first name is Tim or Tom. He suggested we turn the deed back over to them to avoid foreclosure. My husband and I have not decided for sure which way is best for us. To relinguish the deed or let them foreclose. I guess either way they will get "the property" back. Any suggestions?

I would give the deed back to Sunset Harbor .... that is the simplest and most convenient way to rid yourself or your timeshare and your credit won't be affected via foreclosure, however tell them you'll need verification/proof that it is actually out of your name.

I believe there is a legitimate Mr. Turner affiliated with Sunset Harbor .... I assume this to be him.

Hopefully they're taking all deedbacks from people that were scammed by PRL.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 12, 2013 08:13 AM

Aug 12, 2013

Yes he does work for SHR, Deal ONLY with him (Tom Turner), he will make it happen for you.

sandrap250 wrote:
I received a call last week from Sunset Harbour informing us we needed to pay our yearly maintenance fees or they would foreclose on the property. I told them to go ahead and do what they felt like they had to do. That this was a scam and they had joined forces with a group from Las Vegas that is unethical and we are not giving them another penny. Yesterday my husband gets a call from a guy named Turner, I believe his first name is Tim or Tom. He suggested we turn the deed back over to them to avoid foreclosure. My husband and I have not decided for sure which way is best for us. To relinguish the deed or let them foreclose. I guess either way they will get "the property" back. Any suggestions?

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 12, 2013 08:37 AM

Aug 12, 2013

But what about the $9800? That's the whole point of this fiasco!

jayjay wrote:
sandrap250 wrote:
I received a call last week from Sunset Harbour informing us we needed to pay our yearly maintenance fees or they would foreclose on the property. I told them to go ahead and do what they felt like they had to do. That this was a scam and they had joined forces with a group from Las Vegas that is unethical and we are not giving them another penny. Yesterday my husband gets a call from a guy named Turner, I believe his first name is Tim or Tom. He suggested we turn the deed back over to them to avoid foreclosure. My husband and I have not decided for sure which way is best for us. To relinguish the deed or let them foreclose. I guess either way they will get "the property" back. Any suggestions?

I would give the deed back to Sunset Harbor .... that is the simplest and most convenient way to rid yourself or your timeshare and your credit won't be affected via foreclosure, however tell them you'll need verification/proof that it is actually out of your name.

I believe there is a legitimate Mr. Turner affiliated with Sunset Harbor .... I assume this to be him.

Hopefully they're taking all deedbacks from people that were scammed by PRL.

Shelly P.
Aug 13, 2013

I received the same call from a young man at Sunset Harbor who told me that he had only been working there two months. He said that I needed to pay the $257 maintenance fee. I told him that I was waiting for the contract to be fulfilled before I paid them any more money. We got into an argument about PRL and he told me that I should have been more careful in making investment. He indicated that Sunset Harbor had lost millions when I asked him about my $9800. He went on to tell me that PRL had sold the timeshares without their knowledge and that they had not received any of the maintenance fee or the $9800. My only choice is to pay or they would take back the deed. I asked him when they would charge the next maintenance fee. He said November. I told him that I would not pay two fees in the same year. Being new, he was not sure when it would be due. I told him to check with management, send me an e-mail and that I would consider paying the 2013 maintenance fee.

John L.
Aug 13, 2013

johnl1252 wrote:
I received the same call from a young man at Sunset Harbor who told me that he had only been working there two months. He said that I needed to pay the $257 maintenance fee. I told him that I was waiting for the contract to be fulfilled before I paid them any more money. We got into an argument about PRL and he told me that I should have been more careful in making investment. He indicated that Sunset Harbor had lost millions when I asked him about my $9800. He went on to tell me that PRL had sold the timeshares without their knowledge and that they had not received any of the maintenance fee or the $9800.

My only choice is to pay or they would take back the deed. I asked him when they would charge the next maintenance fee. He said November. I told him that I would not pay two fees in the same year. Being new, he was not sure when it would be due. I told him to check with management, send me an e-mail and that I would consider paying the 2013 maintenance fee.

It is my understanding, going by previous posts in this forum, that Sunset Harbor was permitting PRL to use their merchant account, so in fact Sunset Harbor was knowingly involved with PRL .... the resort tries to come across as an innocent party to this scam operation.

If I was in your situation, I would gladly give my deed back to Sunset Harbor and not pay them one more red penny. As far as the $9800, you might as well write that off as a hard earned lesson in life unless PRL and it's associates are arrested and made to make restitution to those they have scammed, however I don't see that happening as they change company names frequently. I believe I read previously that PRL had successfully filed bankruptcy so they'll just form another company name.

R P.
Aug 13, 2013

shellyp50 wrote:
But what about the $9800? That's the whole point of this fiasco!

I'll tell you what I told the previous poster .... as far as the $9800, you might as well write that off as a hard earned lesson in life unless PRL and it's associates are arrested and made to make restitution to those they have scammed, however I don't see that happening as they change company names frequently. I believe I read previously that PRL had successfully filed bankruptcy so they'll just form another company name.

R P.
Aug 13, 2013

Its really not about supporting these companies, nor the lack thereof. I believe that every person has a right to voice their opinion. It's not right, it's not wrong. Go back and see if I started calling you any names because you did have a bad experience. It's all about being able to accept people and that their opinion is welcomed. What if I do end up getting screwed? I'll be on here changing my tune; this I am certain of. As for now, I haven't had too many issues and yes, the people I have spoken with have helped me. Shill appears that there are some people who have had resolutions to their problems and when they have posted those refunds, vacations, etc...they aren't a shill? I believe still that there are jaded experiences but again, I respect each and everyone without having to be unprofessional nor make that person feel bad.

Gracie B.
Aug 13, 2013

By surrendering the deed would we be giving up our rights to any future compensation that may (in a cold day in Hell) be paid out once these scumbags are brought down? Once deed is turned over how will we know it is taken out of our names? We feel like such fools over this, me more so than my husband.

Sandra P.
Aug 14, 2013

sandrap250 wrote:
By surrendering the deed would we be giving up our rights to any future compensation that may (in a cold day in Hell) be paid out once these scumbags are brought down? Once deed is turned over how will we know it is taken out of our names? We feel like such fools over this, me more so than my husband.

Sandrap250, realistically, are you ever going to visit Sunset Harbor Resort, and if you did, would you have a good feeling towards these people? My husband and I decided that after everything that has gone down, we would never have good feelings about this resort. We have decided to let them take back our deed and rid ourselves of this headache. It has affected our physical, emotional and financial health and we've had enough of it. These scammers have woven such a convoluted web that I doubt it will ever end. The best we can do is report any "invitations to RCI informational meetings" to RCI and our state AG offices.

Patricia L.
Aug 14, 2013

patricial406 wrote:
The best we can do is report any "invitations to RCI informational meetings" to RCI and our state AG offices.

Actually, the best thing to do is to never attend these socalled informational meetings in the first place ... they are only there to get more money from you AND they are not affiliated with RCI at all.

R P.
Aug 14, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
What if I do end up getting screwed? I'll be on here changing my tune; this I am certain of.

Well, good for you, but read all the posts here from people that have been screwed (as you say) by PRL. I wouldn't be touting a company with the reputation PRL has .... you come across looking foolish.

R P.
Aug 14, 2013

Thank you for at least being respectful of my opinion this go round. I have been seen as worse than foolish on many occasion and I will stand up at that time and call myself out on the mat. One quick question, I googled PRL and it is showing as "liquidated"? How are we to go after them if it's not a business anymore? Just keeping track....

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

BJ Cooke has replaced PRL with EPS (Excess Property Solutions) which is located where he lives in Morris, Illinois. It is the company that now buys your points (wink) and gives you enough money to pay your maintenance fees and have money left over to pay for travel. The scam does not involve a timeshare resort anymore. They are selling something called the "Timeshare Enhancement and Relief Project". It is run by R&R Venture Group, Excess Property Solutions, and Vacation Services International (VSI). In some cases they are calling people that they caught in the Sunset Harbor Resort scam and are trying to convince them that this is the way to change that timeshare into EPS points that they will then buy from you. Once again, you will pay some money up front that they will "guarentee" that you will get back in six months; so the cost to you is nothing (wink). I am suprised all you Sunset Harbor people have not been called already.

John M.

Last edited by johnm2748 on Aug 14, 2013 11:22 AM

Aug 14, 2013

Ok. But I had weeks which were converted (I guess to points?), and then they went to "points" which we "sold" to a company called EPS. That was BJ who set mine up. Now, I called the RR office and spoke with a lady who said that some employees were let go and were trying to run a "smear campaign"? All I know is I am so glad that I just simply use a timeshare and am not even involved on the business end. I'll be keeping you posted as we work through our deal (wink).

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

Gracieb5 is a SHILL.

Don P.
Aug 14, 2013

Yes Don....I'm a "share holder in limbo land." How old are you? You have the competency of a detective yet you don't take the time to ask questions regarding my situation? Doesn't sound like much of a detective to me.....which is probably why you aren't "on the force" anymore?

Either way, I appreciate the gentlemen who helped explain everything before and as I said, I will keep in touch.

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

Just go back to the first page of this thread and you will see that I was right from the beginning of this scam. I can pick out a shill in heartbeat. I haven't been wrong about a single point and I went head to head with BJ Cooke himself and called him out on his scam. I'll do the same to you.

You are in here to try to gain the confidence of the victims and sing the praises of the scammers. Take a hike SHILL !!

Don P.
Aug 14, 2013

Again, you must have been a stellar detective....

I am here to help along with those who have either gone before me or are in the same place as me. Please tell me where I have "sung their praises?" I simply recounted which step in the process I find myself currently. Plus, I'll have you to depend on if I find out my deal isn't concrete. No, I take that back. JayJay or John can help me. You destroyed your credibility the minute you don't ask questions.


Shareholder In Limbo Land, a.k.a. SHILL

Gracie B.
Aug 14, 2013

If you're not a shill then why wouldn't you post BJ's contact information ? He's supposed to be an honest businessman so posting his information should be a no brainer unless of course you are in on the scam yourself. I would have posted his phone number and email address in an instant. Which brings me to the point that you seem to be the only person able to contact him. hmmmm.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 14, 2013 02:25 PM

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