General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 07, 2013

I don't know how you feel it appropriate to mention my name being associated as part of some plot! Because I say something that you obviously find unbelieveable doesn't automatically qualify anyone to be a "scammer." Highly offensive as you are, I simply am trying to keep up with what's going on since I am a "member." Possibly you should reconsider your rants and focus on aspects of their wrongdoing (if they are truly guilty, it will come out in the wash without your personal commentary). Stick to the issue and keep it real. Real as in your projecting some level of professionalism.....

I certainly understand that we all have opinions but as much as I should respect you, regardless of your opinion, you in turn should extend that to others; their thoughts should be counted equally regardless of majority/minority support.

As for passing along BJ's number, I really don't feel that appropriate but trust me, I am a great person. Whether these people are involved in something shady, doesn't give you or me the right to compromise their personal lives. Also, didn't you say that you know t hese people personally? If so personal, why don't you have this info?Trust me, karma will find those who have caused suffering and my name is not karma.

Gracie B.
Aug 07, 2013

Gracieb5 is a SHILL !!!!!

Don P.
Aug 07, 2013

Again, please remain professional. Whatever a "shill" is, I certainly could care less but do NOT use my name. I am reporting you to Redweek. It would be nice if people could utilize these forums without irresponsible people like you whom feel you can spout off whatever ideologies, using whomever doesn't boost your mission, and seeing what sticks.

I monitor this posting so I can see what progress has been made. You will eventually learn that the more people you drag thru the mud, the less your voice will be heard.

Gracie B.
Aug 07, 2013

To gaacieb5, ( you said ) 1) "I am a great person". >>I'm glad you think you are great. 2) "Didn't you say that you know these people personally"? >>we are just checking to see if you do. 3) "if they are truly guilty, it will come out in the wash without your personal commentary" >>THEY ARE GUILTY, THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN 4) "Trust me, karma will find those who have caused suffering" >>Brandon B.J. Cooke, Robert Guy Russell & Nonna Russell have already met KARMA, and KARMA is nowhere done with them. 5) "I am reporting you to Redweek" >> We hope you do.

PS: Gracieb5 is a SHILL !!!!

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 07, 2013 02:04 PM

Aug 07, 2013

The good news is that the crooks are really getting scared. They are coming in here with their despearte attempts to look legit. Good try Gracie but nobody in here is falling for your ruse.

Don P.
Aug 08, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
I don't know how you feel it appropriate to mention my name being associated as part of some plot!

gracieb, obviously you used your own name ....

I simply am trying to keep up with what's going on since I am a "member."

A member of what?

Possibly you should reconsider your rants and focus on aspects of their wrongdoing (if they are truly guilty, it will come out in the wash without your personal commentary).

The "wash" concerning PRL is what this thread is all about.

Stick to the issue and keep it real. Real as in your projecting some level of professionalism.....

The issue IS PRL and their associates' wrong doing. We don't claim to be professionals here on Redweek's forums .... we're merely here to inform the public about scams relating to timeshares.

As for passing along BJ's number, I really don't feel that appropriate but trust me, I am a great person. Whether these people are involved in something shady, doesn't give you or me the right to compromise their personal lives.

So, if someone told you a bunch of lies in order to swindle thousands of your hard earned dollars you wouldn't want their names to be made public .... surely you jest, but after all you're a great person .... sounds like you're your own best fan .... what these people are doing is criminal .... if you don't believe me then just read this entire thread including all the testimonials of those that have been swindled.

It looks to me like you're very close to one of these criminals and the heat is on .... your sweat is evident even through the internet. And you speak of karma ..... yes, you are indeed right that karma can be a b--ch.

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 08, 2013 05:29 AM

Aug 08, 2013

Gracie, You got to be kidding. This is not a place where all just need to be nice. This financial survival for many of these folks. If they get a little passionate about this, good for them. A good person would do whatever it takes to stop evil. And evil is what this is.

Tom W.
Aug 08, 2013

It's obvious that Gracieb5 is connected to the scammers. Just ignore the shill

Don P.
Aug 08, 2013

I'm not sure that all who claim to have had success with PRL, etc are shills. Most good scammers see to it that a few actually benefit. Sort of like hiring clappers for a new musical, to make it seem that it is very popular.

Theodore D.
Aug 09, 2013

I am conviced that Gracieb5 is a shill.

Don P.
Aug 09, 2013

This is from the state of Tennessee elderly law code. My parents were 75 at the time of the purchase. Deceptive business practices § 39-14-127

1. A person commits an offense who, with intent to deceive, in the course of business: a. Uses or possesses for use a false weight or measure, or any other device for falsely determining or recording any quality or quantity;

b. Sells, offers or exposes for sale, or delivers less than the represented quantity of any commodity or service; c. Takes or tends to take more than the represented quantity of any commodity or service when as buyer the person furnished the weight or measure; d. Sells, offers or exposes for sale adulterated or mislabeled commodities; e. Makes a false or misleading statement in any advertisements addressed to the public or to a substantial segment thereof for the purposes of promoting the purchase or sale of property or services; f. Makes false or deceptive representations in any advertisement or solicitation for services or products that such services or products have sponsorship, approval, affiliation or connection with a bank, savings and loan association, savings bank or subsidiary or affiliate thereof; or g. Uses the name or logo of any bank, savings and loan association, savings bank or subsidiary or affiliate thereof, without the express written consent of such person whose name is used.

Shelly P.
Aug 09, 2013

Thank you, shellyp50. But, I went through the TN AG office and was assigned a case no. with a "Consumer Affairs" case worker. That person said that they had had four complaints against PRL but their efforts to reach PRL have been unsuccessful ("They are not where they say they are"). That person subsequently forwarded my complaint on to the FTC to give it exposure "at the federal level". That was 7/11. I have heard nothing since. That worker knew of my age (I am 68). Any thoughts?

Jeffe C.
Aug 09, 2013

No I'm not a "SHILL" I just own my own decision making. If you make a bad financial decision or investment who is to blame for that? Everyone else but yours? Well it certainly can not be your fault, RIGHT!! Own It, Live It, Love It

Gracie B.
Aug 10, 2013

gracieb5 wrote:
No I'm not a "SHILL" I just own my own decision making. If you make a bad financial decision or investment who is to blame for that? Everyone else but yours? Well it certainly can not be your fault, RIGHT!! Own It, Live It, Love It

Well gracieb, all those that were ripped off by PRL and associates thought they were making a good financial decision based on the lies PRL told them .... I don't know who you are but you're really a piece of work defending criminals, but as the old saying goes 'birds of feather ......".

R P.
Aug 10, 2013

@jeffec we filed with the tn ag, the FTC and the REC in Texas. Got a response from the rEC- which was then sent to the TN fraud dept. we rebutted SHR's claim. Now waiting on a response, but copied L. Marquez and Tom Turner. @gracieb- just go away. Nobody wants to hear anything you have to say.

Shelly P.
Aug 10, 2013


If you received any money from BJ, it is because he took it from some other customer. Based on my experience with them, which included multiple phone conversations over a period of two years, my believe that they were great on selling time shares to "enable them to be converted WorldMark points" and not so hot on actually renting out anything. They just took money from their new customers to pay some of the older customers. They would then use the positive testimony of the older customers to suck in more new ones.

After two years of being put off by them with lamer and lamer excuses, I wrote off my investment as a 100% loss. I just wish there was some way I could safely sell off my RCI points and re-coop some of that money.

You may be one of those "older customers" who they used to shill their stuff. However, innocent or not, supporting those crooks is not something that will build positive Karma.

Sakshale E.
Aug 11, 2013

Have you tried listing your RCI points for sale here:

R P.

Last edited by jayjay on Aug 11, 2013 07:09 AM

Aug 11, 2013

I received a call last week from Sunset Harbour informing us we needed to pay our yearly maintenance fees or they would foreclose on the property. I told them to go ahead and do what they felt like they had to do. That this was a scam and they had joined forces with a group from Las Vegas that is unethical and we are not giving them another penny. Yesterday my husband gets a call from a guy named Turner, I believe his first name is Tim or Tom. He suggested we turn the deed back over to them to avoid foreclosure. My husband and I have not decided for sure which way is best for us. To relinguish the deed or let them foreclose. I guess either way they will get "the property" back. Any suggestions?

Sandra P.
Aug 11, 2013

Just be careful with this Turner guy if you decide to use him. Make sure you have someone check over the paperwork to make sure it's for real. He just may be one of the scammers.

Don P.
Aug 11, 2013

Tom Turner is talked about on page 34 of this string.

John M.

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