General Discussion

point rental liquidators

Aug 05, 2013

Why is it that REDWEEK can edit what is said on these post even after they have been edited and cleaned up. Is it REDWEEK doing this or is it Guy Russell's people telling REDWEEK to do it?? I think we all have a right to know.

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 05, 2013 10:25 AM

Aug 05, 2013

From tinak117: 2 weeks ago Jul 22, 2013 Why have several of the previous posts been deleted? Who is in charge? What's the criteria for posting?

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 05, 2013 10:31 AM

Aug 05, 2013

Message deleted.

amandaj106 3 weeks ago Jul 12, 2013 Message deleted.

amandaj106 3 weeks ago Jul 12, 2013 Message deleted.

boobier 3 weeks ago Jul 12, 2013 Message deleted.

Boobie R.
Aug 05, 2013

Message deleted.

boobier 4 months ago May 14, 2013

Boobie R.
Aug 05, 2013

Message deleted.

jayjay 1 month ago Jul 02, 2013

Boobie R.
Aug 05, 2013

I have noticed that all the people that work for BJ Cooke & Guy Russell NEVER have any of their post deleted by REDWEEK. WHY?

Boobie R.
Aug 05, 2013

Go to page 19 and tell me why Brandon BJ Cooke is never deleted for lying in these post. Is REDWEEK working with Guy Russell and BJ Cooke?

Boobie R.

Last edited by boobier on Aug 05, 2013 10:47 AM

Aug 05, 2013

We will only edit a posting if:

1) it contains offensive or abusive language 2) it is advertising a timeshare or other product/service 3) it contains personal information (i.e. personal phone number or address without that person's permission) or other personal information that is not relevant to the timeshare industry or the issue being discussed.

Otherwise all parties are allowed to post their opinions and experiences.

RedWeek Support
Aug 05, 2013

Actually did the deal and after reading all this stuff, figured I was duped. But on here to say that I got a check out of my deal. Didn't come from Point Rental though. Talked with the people at R & R and told them THANK YOU!

If these guys are corrupt, then that will be on them. Personally, I don't see how people have this much time to devote to such a project? I would say pissed off people whom often only do this kind of stuff because they don't work for that employer anymore. And in that case, I don't find those people to be telling the whole story.

Amelia G.
Aug 05, 2013

TO REDWEEK: The FIRST post from russellc80 was at times offensive, I copied and posted taking out the offensive words. Redweek still went back and deleted and removed parts of the post. So, 1) The offensive words were removed 2) It was not advertising a timeshare or other product/service 3) It did not contains personal information (i.e. personal phone number or address without that person's permission) SO ... Otherwise all parties should be allowed to post their opinions and experiences I have, and RCI and all the AG's have copies of the post thru today, if REDWEEK would like to review them let me know. MYSELF AND MANY MANY OTHERS USE REDWEEK TO GET THE TRUTH OUT.

Boobie R.
Aug 05, 2013

Amelia8 is a SHILL. Looks like the scammers got back in the forum again.

Don P.
Aug 05, 2013

To donp196: You are right, and I don't have the time to deal with her or Redweek. I'm here because I WILL see these guys in court. Amelia, call R&R back and be the SHILL that you are. You are not wanted here.

donp196 wrote:
Amelia8 is a SHILL. Looks like the scammers got back in the forum again.

Boobie R.
Aug 06, 2013

Sh*t is about to hit the fan and it's getting closer and closer until lights out for Guy and his marketing practices. RCI Legal department is fully aware of all misrepresentations that Grand Leisure Holidays / R&R Venture Group has repeated over and over to legitimate RCI Membership Owners as well as Resort Owners. Not only has Robert Guy Russell lied to numerous employees about his antics and shinanigans with countless lawyers, RCI, AG's, Unpaid Clients from PRL and EPS. Looks like you won't be taking the bag and running now will ya?

No more lavish life for Robert and all of those that are in upper management under Guy or on his payroll.... Word of advice... Guy is going to let it all snowball on those that are under him and then you will understand the true meaning of Robert Guy Russell. A Psyschopath with no regard to anyone's feelings, beliefs, or morals. Only out for himself. Just sad.

Russell Christopher

Russell C.

Last edited by astephens on Aug 14, 2013 03:34 PM

Aug 06, 2013

To russellc 80: We are very glad that you are sharing all this and know that you are telling the truth. Please be careful on the words you use in your post because REDWEEK will just delete them. Copies are being made as soon as you post but we all would like read them before REDWEEK gets them. We are behind you 100%, just use the right words.... go back and edit "Robert and BJ", please. We all want 1000's of people to see what you have to say. Thanks

Boobie R.
Aug 06, 2013

How did your daughter in-law go about writing the letters and whom did she address them too? My mother has been a victim too. I was going to start with the credit card company but unfortunately she has been paying on it 6 mo. thinking that their 6 month promise was going to be the date of payout so I'm not sure how successful I will be there. I would like to pursue the option of using the exploitation of the elderly to continue to argue this and get her reimbursed the $10k she got scammed. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I wish she would have come to me 6mo ago so I could have stopped her in time. Thank you

Patricia C.
Aug 06, 2013

Actually dealt with BJ as well. Hard to get a return phone call but he did call me back finally. Very pleasant. Program is confusing but he did help me with VSI and have now booked my trip. Hope I don't have any of the experiences you guys are talking about.

Gracie B.
Aug 06, 2013

The scammers keep finding a way to get into the forums. Gracieb5 I hope you don't think anyone is going to fall for your lies. It just shows you how burnt their minds are that they think anyone would believe their stories.

Don P.

Last edited by donp196 on Aug 06, 2013 12:28 PM

Aug 06, 2013

This is the address I just got from the State of IL showing this is the latest Business address and phone number for

__________________________________________________________ PS: gracieb5, you and everyone connected to Brandon "BJ" Cooke & Robert Guy Russell will get what is coming to you, it's just a matter of time. If B.J. did help you, please be a great person and help all of us and give us the phone number you have for him. Yea, right !!! ( Or go a way )

Boobie R.

Last edited by astephens on Aug 14, 2013 03:29 PM

Aug 06, 2013

My advice would be for you and/or your mother to write a clear explanation of what has transpired, but especially on the meeting with the salespersons. Show this to an expert on elderly abuse/exploitation (I was lucky here), who, hopefully, will think you have solid grounds for complaint. In each state, to my knowledge, is a governmental entity to whom such complaints are addressed (probably under the state attorney general). If any complaints have already been sent to those state personnel investigating timeshare, etc scams and/or frauds and a case number has been assigned, then the exploitation complaint can refer to the above number. Although I cannot positively state the reasons SSH accepted my demands, I have a hunch that my daughter-in-law's let- ters (about 20 of them) had an impact. As I stated, elderly abuse/exploitation is often considered a felony, even in Ne- vada, the scammer's state in my opinion. i would need your email address for me to be more specific.

Theodore D.
Aug 07, 2013


I had no idea that REDWEEK edits and even deletes certain threads. Thank you for the heads up. If anyone in this thread/forum has any questions about what goes on behind the phones, feel free to ask!!! I Check up on my email Daily and REDWEEK every other day. I plan on helping the people who were manipulated for 10's of 1000's of dollars. Beware be amuse I have nothing nice to say a about the Russell's. They seem to play a role as if they are gods and goddesses

boobier wrote:
To russellc 80: We are very glad that you are sharing all this and know that you are telling the truth. Please be careful on the words you use in your post because REDWEEK will just delete them. Copies are being made as soon as you post but we all would like read them before REDWEEK gets them. We are behind you 100%, just use the right words.... go back and edit "Robert and BJ", please. We all want 1000's of people to see what you have to say. Thanks

Russell C.

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