General Discussion

Anyone who has experience with Sapphire Holiday Collection weeks ?

Dec 01, 2017

I would contact your credit card and say this appears to be a scam and show all the comments from Redweek. I would also contact the Attorney General in your state. Do not accept any excuses from Sapphire—they are good at giving excuses.

Michael H.
Dec 21, 2017

We got totally scammed by them. We tried to cancel but they liked to visa and they won the case. So sorry for you. We gave them $1700 for NOTHING!

Steven/Nancy K.
Dec 24, 2017

May I ask how you got your money back? Was this through your credit card company of from SHC?

I tried for month but nothing happened.

Thank you Marianna

Marianna R.
Jan 17, 2018

You have waisted your money I lost $4000.00 US do not get any return calls

Lester C.
Jan 17, 2018

Wasted your money Never get a return call I lost $4000.00

Lester C.
Jan 17, 2018

You have wasted your money I lost $4000.00 US do not get any return calls

Lester C.
Jan 17, 2018

I purchased their program to give weeks for an investment. They do not follow through. They do not answer the phone. Be ware out there. I feel this is a scam.

Ethyl G.
Jan 18, 2018

I fell for this last year (Dec. 2016) while on vacation in Mexico. I was sold on the idea of lower airfare. But when I went to use the airfare points in late January I was told this part of the contract had a 6 month waiting period. That is when the first red flag went off. I had charged the Sapphire purchase on a Bank of America credit card (I am a long time member) and I immediately called them and said I feared I was being scammed. They said I had to wait the 6 months to see if this was legit or not. But they stared a file so that I might be covered as I started the file within 30 days of the purchase. I kept very detailed records of all correspondence with Sapphire and the airline agency, Asevig (who was rude and unprofessional, down in Panama). I also kept in touch with BOA so that my report stayed active. I did not use any feature of Sapphire, though they encouraged me to as I was only interested in the airfare and I wanted my money back. When the 6 months was up and they (Asevig) was still stringing me along, I filed a 35 page report with BOA and they did refund my money. It is sad that these types of scams continue and take advantage of innocent people.

Carol M.
Jan 18, 2018

Thank you for your reply. I am so tired of fighting with this company and with my credit card service that I am ready to give up and count my losses, realizing that this is the wrong thing to do and what they expected by the opponants.

I also contacted Jesse Jones of KYRA in Seattle who was supposed to help people like me. So far I had nor rely.

wishing you well

Marianna Rainbow

Marianna R.
Jan 18, 2018

They seem to really successfully rip people off and noone seems to be able to fight them. Would there be a way to file a class action suit?


Marianna R.
Jan 18, 2018

Did you engage in an Attorney with this suit?

I filed a 35 page report with BOA and they did refund my money. It is sad that these types of scams continue and take advantage of innocent people. I dealt with chases and got rejected any refund>



Marianna R.
Jan 19, 2018

No I did not engage an attorney. But I was diligent in keeping BOA informed. I believe you have to contact them less than 30 days after purchase. If you charged the purchase and contacted them within the first month, I would keep trying...

Carol M.
Jan 19, 2018

I just contacted the Attorney General here in Hawaii and Hope to get some kind of an answer from them. had also contacted "Jesse Jones" of Kyra in Seattle. He is supposed to help in this situations.

I will let everyone know if something positive comes out of this

Marianna R.
Jan 22, 2018

To Bobp245

Hello Bob, seems I've fallen into the same ploy. Before I request I refund, just wondering if you ever received your vouchers?

Regards, Bryan

Bryan W.
Jan 22, 2018

You will get some information from Sapphire, after 30 days, that appears to be somewhat legitimate but I did not use any of their offerings as I bought this for the airfare, which was supposed to activate after 6 months. I did not want to forfeit my chance of a refund by using any of the services. I waited to see if the airfare offerings from Asevig would come through (6 months after the purchase) and when they did not, then I completed my case with BOA for a refund. I think they make you wait the 30 days so that you have a harder time getting a refund from your credit card. If you just purchased, I would contact your credit card company immediately to get a report on file stating you fear you may have been scammed. Then see what happens and keep good records of all communications with Sapphire. I was sad that this was a scam as I was excited about purchasing discount airfare, but once again the old adage is true, if it appears too good to be true.... it is. :-(

Carol M.
Feb 05, 2018

John and I purchased Nov "16. It has been a nightmare to use. When we decide to book it takes days - weeks to get response. They like email at and response not timely. 3rd party The lady that sold us misrepresented the ease of use. $3000.00 mistake.

Jodie E.
Feb 07, 2018

I am sorry o tell you this is a scam. S0 contact your credit card company and have this charge reversed.

Timothy H.
Feb 09, 2018

The last email I received from Melissa at Sapphire Holiday Collection.

Unfortunately, SHC doesn´t have the authority to modify or amend the management company´s procedures to enable your VIP Benefits.

So they take your money and blame the management company.

Richard H.
Feb 15, 2018

Hello All,

I to have fallen victim to this hoax. PLEASE PLEASE contact Kansas City attorney general's office to file a complaint at You can file on line and complete the form. I'm asking all victims to come together and file a petition with the State representative's office as well to get business charged for fraud. If any other ways to have SHC pay retribution, please advise.

Bryan Woodards

Bryan W.
Feb 15, 2018

I received that identical response from SHC. Please file a complaint with Atty General's office at

Bryan Woodards

Bryan W.

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