Timeshare Companies

Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

Dec 22, 2014

http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/re/documents/re-2200-1.pdf this one is for Real Estate.

The wrong O.
Dec 25, 2014

It may or may not put a stop to her scamming additional individuals, however, what about the many people that have already been scammed? We will never see the money that is owed to us.

Kim H.
Jan 01, 2015

This is for those who has been scammed already. We all might not get money back, but we make the proper authorities aware of what she is doing. I am going to keep doing research on these things as they come. The info I put up is for those scammed in the florida area or for properties in the florida area. But feel free to let me know what other areas and I will try my best to research it for anyone. If we all do this together, and connect them in any way, she will have to pay for all the wrong she has done. Again, please let me know if there is any way I can help. I have a lot of time in my hands.

The wrong O.
Jan 02, 2015

You are on the right track. They way to get results is to be persistent and follow through until you get results. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Use this thread to get the word out. Put the contact information on here so everyone has the information they need to file their complaints. Use every agency available. Even though the Better Business Bureau doesn't have the authority to shut down a business it is helpful to warn others of the bad business practices.

If the Attorney General's Office receives enough complaints they will definitely take action and that is key to success. Everyone who has been scammed has to file and not just sit back and wait for others to do it for them. If you think that you have been scammed them file a complaint. Save all correspondence and make copies to send along with your complaint.

I hope everyone follows this lead and you might also get financial relief. The scammers might be forced to make restitution avoid jail time. If I was scammed I would make it my priority to follow through and prevent future victims from being ripped off.

ketzyg2 wrote:
This is for those who has been scammed already. We all might not get money back, but we make the proper authorities aware of what she is doing. I am going to keep doing research on these things as they come. The info I put up is for those scammed in the florida area or for properties in the florida area. But feel free to let me know what other areas and I will try my best to research it for anyone. If we all do this together, and connect them in any way, she will have to pay for all the wrong she has done. Again, please let me know if there is any way I can help. I have a lot of time in my hands.

Don P.
Apr 09, 2015

julier83 wrote:
Hi Jim-

Thanks for posting your cell number. I do plan on calling you. I have a whole file on things I have found on the internet and will make copies and send them to you. This woman has been scamming for years and will continue to do so unless someone stops her. I will call you within the next day or two.

Julie R

I've just discovered your forum as I searched the internet for evidence of a scam that I have been victim to. I believe that the scammers may be the same people mentioned on here but the name Marion Price was given to me not Verner. They must have discovered that I had an empty property in Orlando and Marion phoned to ask if I was interested in a long term rental as she had somebody waiting to rent in that area. I agreed and needless to say she sent me no payment whatsoever, giving various excuses. Luckily the tenant contacted a lawyer about a heating issue that had arisen and a warning letter was sent to me. Because of that letter I was able, through the lawyer, to actually speak to my tenant. We had both suspected them of the scam. She has sent me copies of receipts given to her by Marion for a security deposit and 3 months rent....which the scammers have kept. The reason why I believe it is the same dispicable bunch is that they operate in the same way, Marion has a southern English accent (I am from UK so recognise it) and the name on the lease given to my tenant was M Verner (not Price). So it looks as though they are still around but scamming homeowners/renters now.

Patricia C.
Apr 09, 2015

Patricia- Marion Price is the same person as Marion Griffin, Marion Barnes, and Marion Verner. Price is her daughter Kelly's married last name. Verner is Marion's present husband's name, Barnes- her maiden name, and Griffin- her deceased 1st husbands name. Yes, she does have an English accent!

Please email me at jarichter15@gmail.com. She has me listed in one of her responses to this forum. She scammed us out of $1700.00 for a timeshare she doesn't own in Hawaii, as well as many other people I have been in touch with. She is a CROOK!

Julie A.
Apr 09, 2015

File a complaint with the Florida Attorney General. It shouldn't be hard for them to track her down with all the information you have. They will prosecute her for felony fraud. Google the attorney general and file a complaint immediately. Don't just complain about it go after her and put her in jail where she belongs before she can rip more people off.

Don P.
Apr 09, 2015

Hey Julie, I reported her to the FREC and also gave them other properties she has listed in other websites. I know that she will have major problems soon. Also gave them the address to her husbands business. I am all for putting these scammers to rest.

The wrong O.
Oct 22, 2015

Marion Verner , is indeed a scammer! She rented me a property here in Davenport, that doesn't belong to her. There's a gas leak in the house! She seem to be so nice. Her, Nick Price, her daughter Kelly Price, Nicks wife & Jim Bozutto. I've contacted the Attorney General, the Police & Polk county civil division.We moved 1800 miles to be scammed, now almost homeless.She use Griffin & Barnes.

Willie M.
Oct 22, 2015

Please, post any information that would be helpful to me.

Willie M.
Oct 22, 2015

Those people are crooks!! I had dealings with Marion, and she tries to make you think she is so nice. All she does is tell lies. I cannot believe she isn't in jail yet!!

Julie A.
Mar 28, 2016

I moved here 6 weeks ago from 1300 miles away and believe that these people are also swindling me and I don't know what to do. She promised me a fully furnished 4-5 bed with a pool and I was placed in a home that is a shambles I had to buy all new furniture and my AC barely works, I have had to buy a fridge a washer and spend a month cleaning and painting. The pool has frogs living in it and I have heard everyday for a month the pool guy is coming and nothing. I moved here with just about 8000 and my family now barely has $250 left because of this nightmare home that we just found out is I. Foreclosure. I would like to file a lawsuit but not sure who to contact

Nicole C.
Mar 28, 2016

Contact your local consumer affairs bureau in the state where you live and explain your situation. They should be able to put you in touch with the right parties that handle your type of complaints. If she is a rental agent she should be licensed with your state to do business. File a complaint with that agency too. Good luck.

Don P.
Mar 28, 2016

If is a woman with a British accent, and her name is Marion, she is scamming you. She may be using a different name these days, because she changes it frequently. Please email me at jarichter15@gmail.com. I can put you in touch with a woman who agreed to let Marion rent out her forclosure, and Marion doesn't pay. She scammed us, and does have my name in one of her replies.

Julie A.
Mar 28, 2016

I just saw on the national news this weekend that the Florida attorney general is cracking down on these type of scammers so please make sure you contact them. The article I saw was on people renting vacation homes and getting there and not having any place when they got there.


Margaret B.
May 07, 2016


Daniel W.

Last edited by danielw254 on May 08, 2016 03:01 PM

May 07, 2016


Daniel W.

Last edited by danielw254 on May 08, 2016 03:01 PM

May 07, 2016

Kelly Price is Marion's daughter. Marion sometimes uses the last name Price. Tom Verner was Marion's husband, and she also scammed him.

Julie A.

Last edited by julier83 on May 12, 2016 11:37 AM

May 10, 2016

Please if any one still have information bout this Marion Verner keep the information bout her scams fresh. She is still at it and nothing is being done to her bout this.

Tracey S.
May 10, 2016

I'm trying to get as many people together to put Marion Verner in Jail where she belongs. Please email Junkyardgurls@yahoo.com Let's put this scam to rest

Tracey S.

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