Sep 29, 2008

Message removed

Gina H.

Last edited by ginah64 on Oct 15, 2008 12:59 PM

Sep 29, 2008

What website?

Kris J.
Oct 01, 2008

I believe it was your message, on page 4, about the law suit. I replied to that message but it ended up here at end of all these.

Gina H.
Oct 01, 2008

I'm glad that someone has finally seen it. Everyone on this forum should read this lawsuit; it will answer all your questions.

Kris J.
Oct 02, 2008

I have read all of your comments about Royal Marketing Group. I have already made a complaint to the state of FL and will also contact Profeco.

Anne F.
Oct 03, 2008

Message removed

Gina H.

Last edited by ginah64 on Oct 15, 2008 01:00 PM

Oct 03, 2008

Message removed

Gina H.

Last edited by ginah64 on Oct 15, 2008 01:00 PM

Oct 06, 2008

After 2 communications with customer service at the Grand Mayan, we received a call from a rep from the Wyndam group. They are partners with Grupo Mayan. They offered some help in renting the weeks. I suggest, if you own at the Mayan, you contact the customer service rep via email and explain your situation. It looks as if someone really is listening. Not sure what will come of it though - will keep you posted.

Gina H.
Oct 06, 2008

Do we have an address for Profeco?

I received a response from the FL Attorney General stating that International Resorts Marketing (the forerunner of Royal, run by a mother and daughter Almstead) was out of business. This could be a signal of a disappearance of Royal , also, if the heat is on.

Lisa C.

Last edited by lisac386 on Oct 06, 2008 08:55 PM

Oct 07, 2008

Message deleted

Gina H.

Last edited by ginah64 on Oct 15, 2008 05:02 PM

Oct 07, 2008

this is not correct. I called today there and left vm for supervisor of customer service Sarah. They are very much in business to scam more people

Miriam L.
Oct 07, 2008

The question is this: what do all of us intend to achieve? If we all insist on a refund of our hard-earned money we must find a way to collaborate our efforts.

The Almsteads may run for the hills in Texas, where they have many assets.

Perhaps someone has heard from the Attorney General in FL about the status of Royal.

Lisa C.
Oct 08, 2008

Not sure if you mean that you wrote to Customer Service at your resort or at the Marketing group. I wrote the resort and that is how I got responses.

Gina H.
Oct 08, 2008

no, we write a letter to Royal Customer service and cc to our credit card with request to get our payment back as "service was not rendered', so we do not know what to do with 15weeks of our time they still have it.

Miriam L.
Oct 09, 2008

edr86 wrote:
lesc11 wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with this company? Their web site they told me is Their website looks rather simplistic to me. I checked the BBB which indicated the had 7 compliants against them.


I paid them the $299.00 fee after having a difficult time even getting in touch with Shauna at Royal. They never rented it out and I have never been able to contact them since. Now their phone doesn't work.


James C.
Oct 09, 2008

I was reccommended by the salesman at Playa Del Sol Grand to use RMG or Royal Vacations to rent my timeshare. After paying $549.00 US or $555.50 CDN for a "One Time Brokerage Fee", my property never rented nor did I have any luck getting in touch with the "Director of International Sales", Robert JONES who originally took my money. Shauna has not returned any of my calls and I have been bounced from person to person and then placed on hold indefinately. What a scam! I'm embarrased I was taken like this considering it was my Resort Rep that reccommended them in the first place.

James C.
Oct 09, 2008

Message deleted.

Linda H.

Last edited by lindah510 on Nov 17, 2008 06:48 PM

Oct 09, 2008

Message deleted.

Linda H.

Last edited by lindah510 on Nov 17, 2008 06:49 PM

Oct 09, 2008

Message deleted.

Linda H.

Last edited by lindah510 on Nov 17, 2008 06:50 PM

Oct 09, 2008

Message deleted.

Linda H.

Last edited by lindah510 on Nov 17, 2008 06:51 PM

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