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Get out of Westgate Resorts

Jul 16, 2019

I'm in a similar situation, but I live in the UK, no outstanding mortgage but I haven't paid maintenance fees for 3 years. Lots of contact from collectors and today I have received a warning letter stating that I am may be about to lose my timeshare. Yes please! Also, enclosed was A Warranty deed in lieu of foreclosure. Can someone explain what this is please? Does it mean my outstanding unpaid fees will be scrapped and any future fees stopped? Will it rid me of this horrendous burden? It mentions a sum of ten dollars and any other good and valuable consideration...... I have no clue what this all means. I'm thinking if I make contact to ask, I am in effect, admitting liability for the debt.

A final paragraph states that, by execution and delivery hereof, Grantor and Grantee, do hereby release each other from any and all claims, be known, unknown, foreseen, patent or latent etc .....

Shall I just ignore this and let them foreclose? Thanks in advance for any advice.

Janice G.

Last edited by janiceg212 on Jul 16, 2019 09:23 AM

Jul 16, 2019

This is what I found when I Googled it: A deed in lieu of foreclosure is a legal process that allows the property owner to return the timeshare to the timeshare company and avoid having to go through the foreclosure process. ... Whether that debt is a payment or maintenance fees, once the timeshare company agrees to a deed in lieu, the owner's obligations cease.

Marjorie B.
Jul 16, 2019

The key word is that the resort " agrees " to the process which is also known as a " deed back " . I got rid of two timeshares that way in 2011 . I got both resorts to agree . It was inexpensive and fast .

Don P.
Jul 17, 2019

Hi thanks for the reply

What I really need to know is will WG pursue me for the unpaid fees?


donp196 wrote:
The key word is that the resort " agrees " to the process which is also known as a " deed back " . I got rid of two timeshares that way in 2011 . I got both resorts to agree . It was inexpensive and fast .

Janice G.
Aug 02, 2019

Just wanted to jump in and say that I have owned at Westgate Florida since 1970, started with a 2 bedroom and have traded up twice and now own a 4 bedroom 4 bath. My family has not only used the unit in Florida but have traveled many other places thanks to this ownership. Without this timeshare and the one we have at Tahiti Village our family could not have afforded the wonderful vacations that the timeshare ownership has afforded us even with the maintaince fees which I happily pay each Christmas on both properties. Sorry the rest of you are so sour in your purchases.

Patricia B.
Aug 02, 2019

patriciab938 wrote:
Just wanted to jump in and say that I have owned at Westgate Florida since 1970, started with a 2 bedroom and have traded up twice and now own a 4 bedroom 4 bath. My family has not only used the unit in Florida but have traveled many other places thanks to this ownership. Without this timeshare and the one we have at Tahiti Village our family could not have afforded the wonderful vacations that the timeshare ownership has afforded us even with the maintaince fees which I happily pay each Christmas on both properties. Sorry the rest of you are so sour in your purchases.

Well I am happy for you that you found ways to get use out of your timeshare purchases. You probably did some research before you bought. As well, your circumstances allow you to travel often and pay the maintenance fees. For others, their circumstances are not as favorable as yours.

Yes, these forums have many unhappy timeshare owners but they also have a few happy owners like yourself.

Lance C.
Aug 03, 2019

Your situation is very similar to my in-laws. They bought into Westgate about the same time and had many happy years staying at their property in Florida and other places. However, when they passed away, it was dumped on us and it was a nightmare because we didn't want it and Westgate was the most stubborn to just let us out. Fortunately, they finally did let us do a deedback since we always kept up to date in maintenance fees, but only after many attempts. We were ready to just walk away. I would never recommend that anyone buy a timeshare, especially from Westgate. For what they charge for ownership and the noose they put around your neck, I can invest that money and buy many great vacations.

Robert C.

Last edited by robertc1852 on Aug 03, 2019 09:37 PM

Aug 04, 2019

I plan to stop paying Maintenance fees on ours as well if we cannot find someone to take ours over since its paid off. Hoping for the warranty deed option to be presented

Arel G.
Aug 04, 2019

robertc1852 wrote:
I would never recommend that anyone buy a timeshare, especially from Westgate. For what they charge for ownership and the noose they put around your neck, I can invest that money and buy many great vacations.

That's exactly why we no longer own a timeshare. However, I personally would not go so far as to say "Never buy a timeshare." Some owners are happy with theirs and make good use. My recommendation is to examine one's travel needs and preferences while researching the ins and outs of owning a timeshare.

Lance C.
Aug 20, 2019

I purchased a timeshare 24 days ago. My loan doesn’t start until February of 2020. I’m still paying my deposit monthly. I know I’m past the 10 days to exit out of this, but do I have any other options?

Lisa B.
Aug 21, 2019

crystalb232 wrote:
I purchased a timeshare 24 days ago. My loan doesn’t start until February of 2020. I’m still paying my deposit monthly. I know I’m past the 10 days to exit out of this, but do I have any other options?

You're right. You do have limited options and you have passed your 10-day rescission period. How much have you paid so far? How much more do you owe? And who is the lender?

Most importantly, do not go contacting any of these companies or law firms that claim they can get you out of your timeshare and mortgage.

Lance C.
Sep 15, 2019

Are you familiar with the Queen of Versailles, Westgate Siegels 90,000 square foot home in Orlando with 30 bathrooms, Jackie's clothes closet 5,500 square feet? Patients in nursing home can't sell or give back the timeshare. "When the housing market crashed, my children had to fly on commercial airlines." The documentary took best director at Sundance. Greed run amuck.

Irene P.
Sep 19, 2019

rjl12 wrote:
I regretfully bought 1 from Westgate last 2015 and had an immediate bitter taste in my mouth the following day. I talked to them and tried to return the property and, not knowing that time as I was a noob, they stated that i cannot just return it as I have signed a contract. They immediately peddled a smaller unit and took away the one i bought. i paid for a year and realized I was duped. I stopped paying them and the maintenance fees altogether and they have been calling me ever since. I put their phone in block and sent an email to add me to their DO NOT CALL list but they still chugged along with their calls and i kept blocking them. They even tried using a different number and I blocked those too.

My mind was set for the inevitable foreclosure or an offer of Warranty for Deed in Lieu of Forclusure (WDIL) and will not pay them another penny. Just last Friday, I received the WDIL and they are asking for $1395 as their "release program" so I emailed them saying I cannot pay this amount and offered $150 and this is the response i received:

Good Morning: The WDIL is one of three options you qualify for. The goal is to either help you keep your property before the bank finalizes their foreclosure proceedings or the WDIL is a way for you to be released from the 10 year promissory note and contract. The WDIL and the cover letter that comes with it states what it will do for you is the “draft for release of debt”. The $10 is not for you to pay. The $1395 is your responsibility as part of that “release program”. Once the forms are completed and received and the fee paid you will be released from the contract the debt and avoid the foreclosure that if it finalizes would bring a credit judgment for the amount of the debt at that time. Please advise. The cover letter states a discount if you pay over the phone it is 10% or you can set up a 3 month postdated arrangement through this office and once the total amount is paid the release takes place. The fee changes/increases month to month as it sits in the delinquency or once you receive a summons can get up to $2500. Let me know what you decide before we run out of month. Jane

To be continued...

can you continue on what happened? where you released?

Vanessa C.
Sep 19, 2019

Hi, I live in New York. I purchase a Westgate timeshare in Orlando, FL. My husband, my dad and sister are in the contract with me. I have been paying for more than a year, I'm up to date in payments now, but still have a loan balance. we split the payments between the four owners, but now 2 of them can't keep paying and I can't afford paying their shares either. I want to stop paying, but I'm in the process to buy a new house and I fear this affects my mortgage eligibility if they send me to foreclosure. I called them to try to work something out, but they said since my account is in good standing they cant really help, so basically I have to wait to be behind on my payments and see what solutions they offer. Is there any other way out?

Vanessa C.

Last edited by vanessae26 on Sep 20, 2019 02:21 PM

Sep 20, 2019

vanessae26 wrote:
I'm up to date in payments now......I called them to try to work something out, but they said since my account is in good standing they cant really help, so basically I have to wait to be behind on my payments and see what solutions they offer. Is there any other way out?

Westgate has a Legacy program that allows owners to surrender their timeshare ownership back if it is all paid off like yours is. It will cost somewhere between $750-$1000. Here is some more info:

Just don't go contacting any of these companies or law firms that claim they can sue and get you out of your ownership.

Lance C.
Sep 20, 2019

Ken C. you seem very knowledgeable about this. Do you know aproximately how long after u r on default of ur loan does it take to gonon foreclosure? Also. I live in NY work for NYC agency and want to know if this will affect me with my job. Thanks.

ken1193 wrote:
monicaw164 wrote:
....saw a news article that showed Westgate as being a scam. <snip> Nothing was said about buying back the deed. This is currently not showing up on our credit reports, did this not show up till they moved on to collections or foreclosure?

I have no use for Westgate (a.k.a. "Wastegate"), but to be fair and factually accurate, Westgate is not (and has never been) a "scam". The word "scam" necessarily implies unlawful activity and Westgate does not engage in unlawful activity. Their sales practices are deceptive and contemptible (in my personal opinion), but what they do is not illegal and not a "scam". Westgate sells overpriced timeshares to willing buyers who decide to purchase of their own free will and choice. Westgate (certainly not being alone in this practices) uses slimy, deceitful, exaggerating sales weasels to "close the deal" (and collect a hefty commission for having done so). The Westgate properties themselves are certainly nice enough, but their operating practices as a company are just despicable. Ironically, Westgate timeshares are worth virtually nothing in the resale market, largely because of very restrictive reservation constraints which Wastegate imposes upon owners who acquired their Wastegate timeshares in the resale market (as opposed to having bought directly from Westgate).

Also, to be very clear, Westgate does NOT "buy back" deeds from anyone at any time for any reason. They have never done so and they will never do so. On the contrary, Wastegate will only take back a deed under their relatively new "Legacy" program if you PAY them $950.00 (it may actually be even more than that now; I don't know --- or care). Eligibility for that "deedback" option absolutely requires that the account be completely current and up to date with no unpaid loan balance and no unpaid maintenance fees.

If you default on the loan, there may

not be any negative credit report until actual foreclosure. Any creditor has the right to file a negative report any time after loan / contract payment terms are not being met, but Wastegate would surely prefer to first make collection efforts in a last ditch attempt to try to get you to voluntarily "square up" before they initiate negative credit reporting and / or foreclosure.

Vanessa C.
Sep 20, 2019

I still have a loan balance.

lancec13 wrote:
vanessae26 wrote:
I'm up to date in payments now......I called them to try to work something out, but they said since my account is in good standing they cant really help, so basically I have to wait to be behind on my payments and see what solutions they offer. Is there any other way out?

Westgate has a Legacy program that allows owners to surrender their timeshare ownership back if it is all paid off like yours is. It will cost somewhere between $750-$1000. Here is some more info:

Just don't go contacting any of these companies or law firms that claim they can sue and get you out of your ownership.

Vanessa C.
Sep 20, 2019

Vanessa, we were able to use the Westgate Legacy program a few months ago. It was for a couple properties that our folks had and willed to us when they passed away. We had no interest in keeping them.

At first, Westgate was not helpful. Other timeshares companies the folks had were a breeze to exit, but WG seemed unwilling to work with us We finally decided to walk away but before we did, we made one last call. They agreed to begin processing our exit. We were told they had room in their "inventory". We had no loan balance and all maintenance fees were up to date. An account "up to date" was something they said had to exist before they would let us exit As far as the loan balance, I assume you would have to pay that off first. I doubt they'll let you just walk away from that but I don't know for sure. For our exit, they charged a $750 "processing fee" To us, that was a deal!

Robert C.

Last edited by robertc1852 on Sep 21, 2019 05:14 PM

Oct 03, 2019

Hi Guys who had dealt with Westgate and was able to “exit the time share”/ give the deed back to them and pay a mandatory $900 feedback fee. Can you give me some instructions how to proceed to that? Who to call? What do I inquire about?

I purchased the Westgate resort timeshare a year ago and paid it off. Due to high increasing yearly maintenance fee; promised lot, but did less; my agent could not be contacted for questions or anything (You contact me any time. I will answer your questions.); lied about timeshare is an investment and save vacationers hundreds to thousands of dollars; give almost no option for owners to opt out... made me to get out as soon as I can.

I called Westgate Legacy’s program and talked one of the Representatives. She said that due to supplies and demands, my timeshare can not be taken back now. She asked me to call back months later to check if they accept the time share back. I read owners’ comments and appeared to me that anyone wants to give up their deed back. Westgate will accept right away. Again, my condition is my timeshare was paid off; Maintenance fee was paid up to date; I am willing to pay the penalty fee to get out of the timeshare, but they would not let me. PLEASE ADVISE!

ken1193 wrote:
alexv69 wrote:
...I have noticed recently that Westgate's Legacy Program (which is their department referenced above for deedbacks) has begun publicly posting more policies and transparency in their program do's and don't ... which must be an attempt to look better in the public eye.

I don't believe that Westgate cares one bit about "looking better in the public eye". Accepting "deedbacks" (and collecting the mandatory $900 deedback fee) is simply easier (and more profitable) for Westgate than having to conduct foreclosures. Moreover, with Wyndham and Diamond having both instituted "deedback" programs, Westgate is now (probably reluctantly) basically just catching up and keeping up with the current practices of their competitor second tier "chains".

Brent T.
Oct 15, 2019

I purchased a Westgate Resorts scam in January 2019. One thing that was not covered was I had a return period in my state. The next month they sent me a bunch of documents that need to be signed and I have not signed them till this day. They were calling me for months for the documents but i had returned everything to include the laptop and unsigned documents by FedEx immediately after receiving them in the mail I did keep the blank copies as well. Later i asked them for a copy of the deed etc that shows proof this was valid and filed with the state of Florida and they haven't responded. So after April or May I no longer made payments on this scam. They cant provide me proof that that I have fully executed ownership so I wont sign and documents or make any more payments. Also since i was going thru a divorce and my income was soley benefits from my VA Disability Payment Check which I told them can not be used for a timeshare anyway. Any thoughts about the unsigned documents would be helpful.

Jerome P.

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