Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Has anyone ever been scammed using redweek?

Oct 10, 2017

Redweek Verified is a big rip off. They commit to a time frame to send money in an agreement and advertising but don't follow through. I even reached out to the President of Redweek who basically said go pound sand. He said they have Zero obligation to keep the time frame committed in the agreement or advertising. Never Ever us Redweek Verified. Big rip off.

Oct 10, 2017

Sorry you were unhappy with the resolution, having received your funds a couple of days late -- we disburse all funds to owners within two business days of check-in, which was how it was handled in your case. We're glad you had a successful rental!

Lorna Q.
Oct 10, 2017

That is a total lie. The rental was rented on 9-23-2017. Payment was committed on 9-29. Then payment was committed on 10-2. Then another e-mail saying sorry again but payment will be received on 10-3. Please get your facts accurate in the future. All the e-mails have been provided to your company and your company president has said tough luck and RedWeek has no obligation to keep the committed dates.

lquijano wrote:
Sorry you were unhappy with the resolution, having received your funds a couple of days late -- we disburse all funds to owners within two business days of check-in, which was how it was handled in your case. We're glad you had a successful rental!

Oct 10, 2017

I will also be glad to provide to ANYBODY requesting them the e-mails showing the dates 9-23, 9-29, 10-2 and finally the money on 10-3. I also will be glad to provide ANYBODY the e-mails from the president that shows he has no obligation to meet the dates in the agreement or advertising. I will also make sure EVERY possible review sites has the accurate facts on how this was handled. Please speak the truth on the dates in the future.

william2319 wrote:
That is a total lie. The rental was rented on 9-23-2017. Payment was committed on 9-29. Then payment was committed on 10-2. Then another e-mail saying sorry again but payment will be received on 10-3. Please get your facts accurate in the future. All the e-mails have been provided to your company and your company president has said tough luck and RedWeek has no obligation to keep the committed dates.

lquijano wrote:
Sorry you were unhappy with the resolution, having received your funds a couple of days late -- we disburse all funds to owners within two business days of check-in, which was how it was handled in your case. We're glad you had a successful rental!

Oct 10, 2017

william2319 wrote:
That is a total lie. The rental was rented on 9-23-2017. Payment was committed on 9-29. Then payment was committed on 10-2. Then another e-mail saying sorry again but payment will be received on 10-3. Please get your facts accurate in the future. All the e-mails have been provided to your company and your company president has said tough luck and RedWeek has no obligation to keep the committed dates.

lquijano wrote:
Sorry you were unhappy with the resolution, having received your funds a couple of days late -- we disburse all funds to owners within two business days of check-in, which was how it was handled in your case. We're glad you had a successful rental!

Thanks for posting publicly, William.

As we discussed privately, the check-in for your rental was on 9/23. Our terms say we will disburse funds two business days after check-in. That was the 26th. We did disburse payment on that date. For whatever reason, you say the funds finally cleared to your account on 10/3 (keep in mind that timeframe spans a weekend).

So because of that delay, you've demanded a full refund, including our credit card processing fees (which we have to pay, regardless). Even though we did all the work, performed the verifications, found and coordinated a renter, and paid you... you want a full refund because the funds didn't clear when you expected.

As I said privately, that's unreasonable. And that's why I encouraged you to post here. Because I think most people will find your position unreasonable too.

Maurice A.
Oct 11, 2017

My unsolicited input and advice for william2319, quoting words of the late Will Rogers: "When you find yourself in a hole --- stop digging!" Pretty good advice from Will Rogers...

RedWeek completely and successfully handled your rental from start to finish and you received payment in full, but now you want a refund of all fees because you feel that you didn't get paid FAST ENOUGH? If you're not just kidding, I suggest you stop digging.


Last edited by ken1193 on Oct 13, 2017 04:56 AM

Oct 11, 2017

Do NOT EVER USE REDWEEK FULL SERVICE as an owner. It is a scam to collect a fee and then do not deliver on the service commitments they promise. I rented my unit and the renters started there stay on 9-23-17. NO MONEY was received from Redweek until 10-3. 10 calendar days and 7 business days later when they promise 2. President said pound sand because they performed part of the service and have no obligation to keep there word on the number of days. I requested the fee back but he said NO because not obligated to keep the time frame they commit to. I have all the e-mails and will gladly share. Don't ever use this service. A big ripoff.

Oct 11, 2017

william2319 wrote:
Do NOT EVER USE REDWEEK FULL SERVICE as an owner. It is a scam to collect a fee and then do not deliver on the service commitments they promise.

Again, just to clarify, we are scammers according to william2319 because the funds we sent him were not available in his account on the date he expected.

Great scam we have going, eh? ;)

Maurice A.

Last edited by maurice on Oct 11, 2017 10:24 AM

Oct 11, 2017

If the president could tell the truth it would great. It was never when I expected the funds. It was when they were committed by you company. It is pretty bad when you can't be honest or get your facts correct. Rental occupancy 9-23 - funds received 10-3 by your vendor. In any math calculation that far greater then 2 business days. You used an example in your e-mail about a delayed package. I guess you didn't realize the UPS, FEDEx and USPS ALL refund fees collected for failure to meet days committed to. Thanks for allowing me to point out the obvious and let folks know the truth.

maurice wrote:
william2319 wrote:
Do NOT EVER USE REDWEEK FULL SERVICE as an owner. It is a scam to collect a fee and then do not deliver on the service commitments they promise.

Again, just to clarify, we are scammers according to william2319 because the funds we sent him were not available in his account on the date he expected.

Great scam we have going, eh? ;)

Oct 11, 2017

William2319, I'm embarrassed FOR you. RedWeek completed a rental for you from start to finish --- a rental that you were apparently either unable and / or unwilling to conduct on your own. You got paid in full --- a few days later than you apparently expected (mostly due to weekends) --- and yet you want a refund of all fees and you are calling this a "scam"??? You are either a completely irrational person, or perhaps just joking, or off your medications (and for the record, I have no affiliation at all with RedWeek except as a paying member).

I think maybe you should get a bigger shovel, since you are clearly intent upon digging an even DEEPER hole here than the one that you have plainly already dug for yourself.

If I was a RedWeek honcho, I would tell you without a moment's hesitation to go pound sand and take your "business" somewhere else. I'd also permanently ban you from this site. The only "refund" I'd offer is the return of your $18.99 RedWeek membership fee, to help faciliate and achieve your prompt and permanent departure. No business enterprise should have to endure such petty and unreasonable behavior or unwarranted online attacks attempting to damage its' good reputation with unfounded, bogus complaint. You should be offering words of gratitude and apology instead of making petty and frivolous accusations. As stated already, I am embarrassed FOR you, even if you're not embarrassed for yourself.


Last edited by ken1193 on Oct 13, 2017 04:58 AM

Oct 11, 2017

william2319 wrote:
If the president could tell the truth it would great. It was never when I expected the funds. It was when they were committed by you company.

Again, false. We agreed to disburse the funds on 9/26, which we did. It would have been handled exactly the same way if you had requested payment by physical check (which was an option to you). We would have mailed it on 9/26.

Please cite where in the rental agreement we guarantee you will have the funds deposited into your account and available to you on 9/26.

Even if we *had* been late in disbursing payment (which we weren't), it's really a jerk move to demand a full refund and to privately threaten legal action.

Find another business to abuse.

Maurice A.
Nov 17, 2017

My parents were scammed 2 years ago. Now my dad had dementia and he is in a nursing home. Now my sister and I are left to try and clean up this mess with his timeshare that Castle Law Group has made. I have tried to call and the number is no longer taking calls. Castle law group left a new number on my moms machine and it is not even in service. The original numbe says send an email. I am not expecting any response. There are so many people on this site that there should be enough to form a class action lawsuit. I am contacting my own attorney and I am going to have them look into what I need to do to file a lawsuit. Something needs to be done about this.

Deborah H.
Nov 18, 2017

deborahh392 wrote:
Castle Law Group....I am contacting my own attorney and I am going to have them look into what I need to do to file a lawsuit. Something needs to be done about this.

Castle Law Group is not a topic in this particular thread, but I suggest taking a look at the thread which is entitled Castle Law Group (with 348 subject posts). and / or its' operating practices really has nothing at all to do with Castle Law Group.

Within that other more appropriate thread, you will find clear and specific instructions regarding how to file a formal complaint with the TN Attorney General. In my unsolicited personal opinion, you would be wasting your time and money "contacting your own attorney to have them look into what you need to do to file a lawsuit". You would essentially be paying attorneys for the time spent getting themselves educated enough to ultimately learn that Castle Law Group (and its'principal, Judson Phillips) are ALREADY under active investigation and, in addition, currently being sued in Federal Court by THREE different corporate entities. I frankly would not recommend a solo effort starting from "square one" to reinvent the wheel, but that's entirely your prerogative and choice (and it's your money).


Last edited by ken1193 on Nov 19, 2017 05:26 AM

Nov 22, 2017

Hello Lorna,

Posting for any others who may be following this exchange which initially began on this forum on September 23rd.

In that initial exchange, we described our dissatisfaction with RedWeek's FULL SERVICE RENTAL practices particularly with regards to owners. By way of background ONE of the issues initially discussed related to what was first described as a cancellation and later the renter claimed to be a victim of credit card fraud. Following that exchange we had conversations with RedWeek. The relevant facts are as follows: 1- First, a potential renter requested to rent our unit at a reduced price which we rejected. 2- Following that rejection, later in the week a potential renter agreed to rent our unit at the then asking price (without reduction). 3- We agreed to the rental and was provided a signed contract by RedWeek. We then notified the timeshare of the Renter's details and they provided a confirmation of the appropriate (Thanksgiving) week in the renter's name that was forwarded to RedWeek. 4- Several days later, we were provided a notification from RedWeek indicating the renter had cancelled and we'd be receiving the typical cancellation fee (50% of the contractual rental price, less fees). 5- When we inquired as to the timing of that cancellation fee, we were then told by RedWeek the renter was claiming credit card fraud. 6- We then had a live conversation with RedWeek who confirmed the Renter described in all the steps above used the same IP address in all their communications with RedWeek. Seemed odd that someone looking to commit credit card fraud would first request the price to be reduced and then continue with the perpetrated fraud several days later when the price was not reduced. 7- We were later notified in writing by RedWeek on Oct 2nd that they had not received a charge back from the credit card company and that would be receiving our 50% cancellation fee and it would be disbursed 2 days after the check in date. (November 18th). 8- As a result of that confirmation, we choose to lower the price of the rental unit to expedite a rental knowing that we'd receive the cancellation fee. The unit was rented at the lower rental price and we have since received the renal payment. 9- Yesterday, not having received the cancellation fee, we inquired as to when we should expect it and were then for the first time notified the issue of credit card fraud had resurfaced.

Below is a copy of our most recent exchange with RedWeek. The response received to this was essentially an apology "for not letting us know "when" the chargeback dispute was received." It would certainly appear from the facts as described above (and we invite RedWeek to correct if not accurate) someone is certainly being SCAMMED here. RedWeek does not communicate or support their customers utilizing what they describe as FULL SERVIVE RENTALS. Our apologies for this long winded post on this forum but it should give potential customers a flavor of precisely how RedWeek operates... We will continue to post on the forum until a resolution is reached to the extent there is any interest in this SCAM. Rich

"Dear Lorna,

Hope this email finds you well too and wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Thank you for your reply this morning. Just to be clear, we have not received any communications from Redweek on this unit since you last confirmed the status on October 2nd (more than 6 weeks ago) where you specifically confirmed that we'd be receiving the 50% cancellation fee and that would be disbursed 2 days after the check in date. Prior to that we heard conflicting stories about a confirmed reservation, then a claim of credit card fraud and finally a confirmation that there was no charge back and it was being treated as a normal cancellation with a confirmation of our portion of the fee and the timing for disbursement of that fee. You will recall, having received that confirmation we decided to leave the Unit available for Redweek to rent and choose to reduce the rental price so that the unit would rent at a bargain price - which it did. Alternatively, had we not received that confirmation we may have chosen to use a more reliable organization and delist it from Redweek (as we did with the other unit previously listed by RedWeek at the Royal Haciendas). At the end of the day, the Royal Sands unit was rented at approximately 80% of the amount charged just one year ago! This is just another example of Redweek not communicating with us to provide accurate information. Here we are right before the holidays expecting over $600 as RedWeek previously confirmed and never been informed there was any issue at all. Given our dissatisfaction and what we believe to be less than satisfactory service from your organization, we think it best to continue this dialog on the forum where others can witness first hand how RedWeek truly operates. In the meantime, you have provided no clear explanation as to the status of the dispute nor any timeline for resolution but in the end we're the ones out of the money for now. If you would like to discuss this matter further kindly let me know. Kind regards, Rich"

Richard W.
Nov 22, 2017

Voluntarily deleted intended reply; I briefly confused two different posters and topics.


Last edited by ken1193 on Nov 24, 2017 06:36 AM

Nov 22, 2017

Hi, Rich.

So you re-rented the week for 80% of original asking price, and are receiving 50% of the original asking price due to the previous renter canceling.

As a hypothetical then, if you were renting the week originally for $2,500, you'd expect to end up with $3,250 (%80 of 2,500 + 50% cancellation penalty). So IOW, you made 30% more than your original asking price.

That's assuming, of course, that you receive the cancellation penalty fee.

It does sound like we dropped the ball in not notifying you that a chargeback might be happening. You understand why we're concerned about that though, right? I mean, if we send you the cancellation penalty fee and then a chargeback occurs, we're simply out the entire amount.

But, yes, sounds like we didn't communicate things as well as we should have. We'll try to do better.

Maurice A.

Last edited by maurice on Nov 22, 2017 04:54 PM

Nov 23, 2017

Hi Maurice, Thank you for your comments. Glad to hear you will try to do better. You have made some interesting observations but with a bit of a twist on the facts and potential results. On the above post, we used some estimated figures and didn’t take into consideration all the details. From our perspective, a reasonable hypothetical would be to compare our rental proceeds this year to the same proceeds last year for the same unit during the same week. Our original asking price was 3% higher than last years gross rental price and the hypothetical figures you have quoted above are substantially higher than reality. Under what we believe is a reasonable comparable scenario, assuming that penalty is ultimately received, our total proceeds for the combined rental and the penalty would be 15% more than the prior year rental. We would not consider that a windfall after all that has transpired and believe your records would confirm that to be the case (but if not please feel free to publish otherwise). As a matter of fact, in this case, the fees charged by RedWeek (again assuming the penalty applies) will be double what was charged by RedWeek last year and we have NO issue with that either (as two contracts were involved). On the other hand you may argue that we had a windfall last year but none of that is really relevant. The relevant penalty provisions established by RedWeek are included in the contract for the obvious reasons to protect the owner. All we are asking is that RedWeek take the necessary steps to do just that and keep us informed. The potential ultimate end result was not derived from our greed but is in line with normal business practices when a renter backs out of a contract. The real issue is that your organization continually drops the ball and then apologizes for their shortcomings. At the end of the day, everyone does make some mistakes and that is to be expected. However, in the case of RedWeek, the mistakes are ongoing and that is not acceptable. The organization really needs to step up its game particularly when they describe their product as a FULL SERVICE RENTAL. At this point, we still do not have any indication as to the expected timeline for resolution or precisely what information is changing hands to get to the bottom of this. We will be most grateful if you could provide that and avoid the biased implications made above so we would have a clear understanding of the path forward.

Richard W.
Nov 27, 2017

Hi, Richard. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

I looked through the support threads. And, yes, I totally get why you're frustrated. I see Lorna sent you an update on the chargeback on the 21st, but you should have been notified earlier. I'm going to change our processing so when a hold is applied to a booking, our team is prompted for a note to the owner/renter as to the reason.

We've only had a couple of cancellations so far and this is the first time anyone has claimed identity theft.

I can't say for certain, but from everything we can see on our side, the booking was not due to identity theft, so we are challenging the chargeback. We're going back and forth with the credit card company now.

Maurice A.
Dec 14, 2017

I agree totally. William2319 got exactly what he paid for. He rented his timeshare, got paid and RedWeek kept their word. They can't control EXACTLY when funds clear. How is a couple of days longer than expected payment, especially over a weekend, going to affect William. He must be behind on his mortgage. You should be ashamed of yourself William2319.

James D.
Dec 14, 2017

James- Maybe you should speak for yourself and get the facts before you speak about something you have no idea about. Redweek does have control of funds. I paid to have the unit posted and rented. I paid that and had no issues with that. I also paid to have the funds delivered when the agreement states. No different then any company who offers a service. That was missed by a week with nothing but excuses by Redweek. My only request was a only for a refund of that fee ( which was minimal ) for failure to deliver as agreed. It is not a $$ issue but a principal issue. No different then Fed Ex, UPS or USPS. when you pay for delivery and they fail you get refunded. Pretty simple concept if you can understand that. I believe in making things right by the customer when we screw up and this is no different. I doubt you get the concept . Bill

Bill M.

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