Timeshare Companies

Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

Mar 03, 2014

Good morning Jean If you would like to check your emails you have been sent reference numbers for the money grams and accounting and I have copies of all the references you were sent. You were also sent copies of emails from the previous Tenants who moved out of the property after a very short period because of the harassment they got from the HOA/Bank which is a point we were discussing when we last spoke as you too were getting problems from them. You were actually paid for the month they moved out despite the fact they were only in there for a short time. You were told it has taken some time to get new people due to the interference of the people living next door who have now moved on. Despite the fact the property sat empty for that long period, we still paid for the pool services etc. out of our pocket on the property but you would appreciate we cannot pay rent to you when the property was sitting empty due to actions by third parties.

Once the people moved out next door we were able to get new people in there at the beginning of this year. However. there was also the accounting of the latest additional $1260 which both we and the new Tenants themselves had paid out for repairs and replacements to the pool equipment and plumbing problem and they have copies of the receipts they paid on the property too which they deducted from their rent.

As you know you have not contributed any money whatsoever towards your property and it was taken over in a decaying abandoned condition and not only did we deal with the outside of the property where the pool had to be brought back and repaired and many screens replaced etc. but we also had to repair inside, clean the carpets and the house and replace all the appliances in the property before anyone could move in. It is unfortunate that people reading this do not see that part of it and are only going to look at this in a negative light. You have received income, if you state you have only received three I have more references than that in your file and can either cut and paste them on to this Forum so that others can see the payments have been made to you and happy to also post the money we have paid out on the property and copies of the emails including the one from the Tenant stating they are moving out immediately due to the harassment. It will clearly be seen that at this moment in time it is us sitting in a negative position and you having received income and we have never asked you for any money whatsoever just good intention to help you out and for us to ultimately make an income too.

At this moment in time with the money we have contributed towards your property against money received in we are sitting over $2000 out of our pocket with no profit level yet for us, whilst you have received income and the idea of the venture was by deducting an amount of money each month we would see our return of our injected money until we start seeing a profit level ourselves and make money from the care taking services. Unfortunately it has been third parties, the HOA and the neighbors next door who have caused the problem with keeping regular Tenants in your property which was beyond our control. It was asked in the last email if we could make an arrangement to start paying the HOA so they can stop harassing the Tenants so the new people would stay now next door had moved and also asked that due to the fact the house had sat empty for some time and we had paid out quite a lot of money if we could work something out so we could recover some of the latest larger lump of money again we have had to contribute.

In the accounting email we had asked you to return documents needed to work with the Bank and the HOA and not received them back.

I am not sure at this stage why you had posted on this rather than replying to my emails I know you said you were not good on the internet and hope this is all because you were not able download the attachments I had sent you. Please read my emails and attachments. If you need me to resend them or cut and paste the attachments into the emails so you can read them if you cannot download them I will be happy to do so

You have my email address m.marion22@yahoo.com. Please respond to me on that so this matter can be resolved. Thank you Marion

Marion V.
Mar 05, 2014

Well Marion, At least now we know that you are still around. Despite all you have said we have only ever received 3 payments from you since last March, and we have the receipts for them here. Let us remind you that the arrangements for the occupation of the house were made at your request. You accepted the responsibility for all these arrangements including the ongoing presence of the HOA of which you were well warned.

You have put up your usual smoke screen by alluding to a stream of emails which we can assure you we have NOT received. All this seems to fit in with the experience of many other people with whom you have involved in this highly dubious scheme of yours.

As to why we posted on this page it's because we couldn't rouse you any other way. You're current email address is a new one on us. Whereas our email address has not changed. AND we have tried your mobile phone number until we almost knew it by heart....so do not tell everyone that you have been in touch with us because you have NOT.

Let's face it we have just resigned ourselves to the fact that we have been well and truly duped by you and your confederates!

Jean S.
Mar 07, 2014

Good morning Jean First of all, if it is my intention to dube people why on earth would I use thousands of dollars of my own money to spend out on getting homes restored to give owners like yourself an income, without asking you for any money. As it stands over this last few months I have again spent out a considerable amount of money on your property once getting a Tenant back in. You yourself admit the harassment problems of the HOA which is why I had asked if we can please make some payment arrangement with them to stop this.

If you care to read all the emails above and the responses you will see that the unfortunate circumstances that happened to me in the past which dates back to 2010 was originated from my accounts being compromised and the handful of people that were real people who had legitimate claims awere reimbursed With one exception, where my attorney has proof that numerous emails sent asking for validation of the claim had been received by that party through a tracking company who has issued a tracking receipt . Why on earth would I have personally brought the authorities in if I had anything to hide.

I hope this is a simple situation that you have genuinely not opened or received my emails. I could cut and paste the information to this forum, but it would serve no point as irrespective of what proof I show, and the authorities have confirmed, people only wish to read the bad without looking at the actual facts. Over the next few days I will resend all the emails to you, using the tracking system to ensure you receive them as they contain important reference numbers and will have the new one and want to ensure you receive it and proof via the tracking email system to confirm safe receipt by you. Marion

Marion V.
Mar 08, 2014

Marion -

Could you please also send the money you owe us? I have tried sending emails to all of the new addresses you provide. To date, I have not received any correspondence from you. Thanks

Kim H.
Mar 15, 2014

I too am being had by Marion Verner. We have to move out of Geraldine Mann's home because of foreclosure with only being there for 4 months. I realize the refinancing did not go through, but when we let you know we were going to do the cash for keys and we have to move out by march 21, 2014 you reassured us you would have us a new house to move in and would let us know by Friday march 14, 2014 and I still haven't had no response. I have called all numbers for you and go figure DISCONNECTED!!!!! How convenient. I emailed you to your address you posted on here so I would hope that you would respond to me by phone or email. I have grandchildren that live with me and one due any day and can't be putting my daughter or myself through the stress of moving before her due date. Had I known you weren't going to have me a place I would have chosen the three months so I could find my own home. Thanks for the added stress of my husband being a truck driver and won't be home to help us move now along the a baby due and I work two jobs. So disappointing because I thought you were truly a genuine person, but I guess like others on here I have for the third time been DUPED by liars.

V. Justice

Vickie J.
Mar 15, 2014

Please email me jdjn1958@gmail.com

Julie N.
Mar 15, 2014

Report her to the real estate commission in the state where she does business. She needs a real estate license and if she doesn't have one she can be charged with a crime. Also report her to the Attorney General to look into her ongoing scam. Other con artists have come into the forums to defend their scams. Go after her big time and everyone file complaints so they can see how many victims there are out there.

Don P.
Aug 24, 2014

It appears that this is STILL going on. My dear friend has also had the most unfortunate experience of being involved with Marion Verner. She was at a very vulnerable stage and Marion offered to rent out her home to long term tenants with the promise she would negotiate with the bank to reduce my friends mortgage payments. The home was beautiful, full of furniture and recently refurbished. Where are we now 18 months later???the house has been trashed twice, there is not one stick of original furniture in the house, it is going into foreclosure, my friend has received zero rental money for over 1 year. Tenants have been in the house since April she has received no money apart from the one payable in august which I collected!! The house was rented out previously and again she received no payments. My friend now owes over 14k to the bank and Marion's previous excuses of non receipt of emails, out of town, illness, blah blah blah have continue. I managed to meet with her once on behalf of my friend and was met with a barrage of excuses and paperwork which she had had plenty of time to create to prove her innocence. Not a receipt in sight I hasten to add. Can anyone who has previously posted about this please contact me in order that we know whether it is worth pursuing this through the legal channels. It cannot be allowed to continue. My friend and her family have gone through the worse type of personal experience that anyone could imagine and for someone to profit from that is despicable. She is now in such a worse position than before she allowed Marion Verner to deal with her home. I am trying to stop the foreclosure as it will break my friends heart. That in itself is not easy I have made so many calls to the company dealing with it but have received no response. Marion has promised to return the months deposit the current tenants paid her, I have been trying for a number of weeks to get this. She ialso has some of my friends personal belongings as she promised to take care of them. Whatever Marion Verner aims and promises to do in regards to "helping" foreign Florida homeowners, it is not working!!! She needs to be stopped. I would appreciate any information that anyone may have in regards to this please. Thank you.

Julie H.
Aug 24, 2014


Julie N.
Oct 14, 2014

Wow~ Can't these people be turned in-to the FBI for their devious transactions?

Frances S.
Oct 27, 2014

You state you were ‘had’ by Marion, and posting on a site portraying she scammed you. Let’s look at the facts. Marion legitimately helped you in to a rental property under capacity of the full legal agreement she had with the owners. You were also disclosed the status of the property and the attempts that were taking place to work on this. So you were completely aware of this nothing was hidden from you. You witnessed the condition it was in after the other people had run out of town leaving it trashed without paying an unfortunate situation that can happen to rental properties. Marion had the choice at that time to simply give the house up or pay more legal fees to have the court date extended and work done on the house to bring it back to a rental condition. Your need for an immediate move as you were desperate for somewhere to move to stirred Marion to continue. That clean up, clear away and repairs cost Marion in excess of $1200 most of which was never recovered by her. Despite her efforts working genuinely with the owner after successfully extending the income producing period of the property for over a year until unfortunately through a court hearing made on a date when the court was officially closed which can be proven through public record the Judge ordered final judgment. It is also unfortunate that the HOA made Florida Statute demand for debts owed by the owner which stopped the viable ability to receive the rental income that could continue the legal fight in this case. Marion instructed you to stop paying her when the owner no longer had the legal right to receive income. Rather than your thoughts to panic and leave she instructed you of your legal rights under the protection against Foreclosure act which gave you the choice…not her choice…to accept a 90 day extension of accommodation or accept a large $3000 plus sum of cash for keys to leave the property on a set date to compensate for personal and financial affects a move out would cause you. The rent free period you had during the transaction period would also help you. Marion did offer to “help try” and find you a property to move to and we all worked on this. As you were expecting a grandchild soon you claimed unless you would either need to find immediate alternative accommodation or accept the 90 Days. It was at this time when significant losses had been suffered due to the new HOA ruling to demand rent direct from Tenants and all owner representatives were instructed to try and avoid working with properties where this factor would inhibit the ability for owners to recover rent and repay expenses paid up front on the properties and force our withdrawal from the representation of that property. Which any business institute working in this field would understand. The available properties to work with being handed over to her were significantly reduced. It was a challenge to also find a property in your price range with the substantial number of people now needing to be accommodated in your party which was larger than those listed on your original paperwork. I was personally with her when she visited your property and spoke to the young lady that opened the door when she apologized that she only had a smaller property available immediately that would not fit your family and although she would continue to try looking she cannot promise to get one by that date putting the choice back in your hands as to which decision to take from there. This gave you the time to choose as to whether to continue to accept the cash or delay the 90 day period. I do apologize the effects that your choice of electing to accept the cash had on your family but add it was your decision, not a scam by Marion, or in any way a move that would interpret you being “Had” by her. The only financial recompense had in the transaction of the move was received by you in the cash for keys acceptance and rent free period during the takeover period which was to compensate for loss and personal inconvenience suffered which you elected to accept. You were fully disclosed upfront as to the status of the property and Marion tried her utmost working with the court system and the owners. At that time she did also change her phone as you were aware of the problems she was having with her other one. You state you reached out to her in an email on here I cannot see any mail from you but also know emails can be lost without the tracking record we all now have in place. It would not have affected the outcome as during that short period of time there were no suitable properties on our books to help you with the new restrictions instituted and once advised to your family member had something become available contact would have been made with you. FACT. Marion was legally representing the owner. The Tenants were legally advised of the Status of the property before signing the Lease. Marion advised she could not find a suitable property within the short time limit but would continue trying. The Tenant made the choice to accept the cash not Marion, they could have opted for the 90 days. Irrespective Marion cannot be held responsible for the ultimate choice made by the Tenants and the effects it had on their family.

Marion V.
Oct 27, 2014

In order to prove to you the impact this Forum has by those using it as a platform to use the contents to compromise people’s lives and continue to target someone when they have no care for the ongoing consequential affect it has on others involved please take the time to read this reply. Marion has told me Margaret is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and has been though some terrible times in the last few years which is why, despite asking her to look at this venture from a business relationship she undertook this as a personal endeavor to help her. Both Margaret nor Julie are aware that it was by the direct intervention of Ms. Richter with her constant attempt to ruin any relationship personal or business she can get involved with to destroy Marion’s life that set this whole matter into a turmoil that had the divesting results. This not just affected Marion leaving yet another “interpretation from a negative side” posted on here but impacted Margaret’s life and the Tenants lives. Looking at this posting it made it look like Marion had scammed Margaret into giving her the house and Margaret has suddenly found out she is in debt with the Mortgage Company and Marion had taken all the furniture. It was Margaret that approached Marion, she had found herself in a position paying a Mortgage oeach month in short term rental, and the income barely covering the utilities and Management expenses it was not working for her. Her Mortgage was upside down at the time. She did not want to give up the house as it meant a lot to her. Options were put to her as possible solutions ultimately she had a choice to decide which one to go with. Her choice was to accept a rental in her property and once income was coming in to pay the Mortgage on a regular basis to have Marion work on her behalf with her Bank to try and re modify her loan. Marion agreed that when she collected the rent for Margaret, out of the $1395 collected would pay $1250 into account to pay the Mortgage and $150 to pay the contractors for the Lawn and Pool service. Looking at these figures its apparent there’s no intention to defraud or scam Margaret who was completely aware that Marion would not be making any profit but actually taking a loss each month to support the home with the intention that if the Mortgage could be re modified. It would not be until that point where Marion could get reimbursed and actually make money for the work she did. Margaret on the other hand was fully aware that the rent paid and money paid out did not leave scope to cover any work needed to the house or legal work to be done and it would only be if and when her mortgage got reduced Marion would get paid and knew down the line the process would start with the Bank. FACT. At this stage no scam was taking place.. a scam involves someone trying to defraud another party of their money. Marion asked for no money from Margaret and based on Margaret’s choice would be the one using her funds to supplement additional expenses to fund this project. Margaret met with the Tenants and signed the Rental agreement for her house. For the first eight months this worked well, despite the fact Marion was funding anything being paid out on the house and working for free. Each month it was becoming more difficult to collect the rent with Marion having to make several trips and the Tenants now making it as difficult as possible for her. This was strange behavior by them. By August they used an excuse of a domestic problem to pay a reduced rent. As the rent collected was not sufficient to cover the Mortgage payment not alone the services it was agreed with Margaret this was the time to commence the Re modification attempts. In order for a Bank to help they need to show a hardship, so although at that time Marion was owed over $1000 on work carried out to the house, this money was placed in an account to be paid to the Bank eventually. At that stage it was thought the reduced payment was just a single instance. But the Tenants turned very nasty towards Marion and stopped paying the rent altogether. Despite her attempts to work with them the next few months saw some very threatening and unusual behavior from them and Marion had to start legal eviction process from her own funds and continued to pay the services etc. FACT At that stage Margaret knew there was no income coming in on the property, She knew the Mortgage was not being covered there was no suggestion by her to pay the Mortgage herself. The correspondence shows Margaret was completely aware of Marion working with her Bank and being updated on what was happening. She was also thanking Marion for the hard work and endless efforts she was putting in with the Bank and the eviction process. Marion had to make a number of trips to her Bank all the way down South and eventually an agreement was made for her to send them a lump sum which she did and despite being owed a few thousand on the property herself from work and services and legal eviction process. She used the part payment the Tenants had made and her own funds to do this as there was no income from the property. There is documented papers and emails showing these transactions both with the Bank and the Legal eviction through the court. FACT Knowing the Tenants were being evicted everyone was aware the Mortgage was not being paid but this post makes it look as if Margaret had only recently just found out. At that stage the Bank said they would be sending out an audit to be completed and to wait for further instructions from them once they receive it but everyone was aware without the rental income the Mortgage was not being paid. Marion at this stage was not scamming anyone, she was working her hardest to evict the Tenants and work with the Mortgage Company. After considerable hard work and legal expenses paid out by Marion the Tenants finally were evicted at the beginning of December during that time there were several confrontations, I was witness to a few, when she had tried to deliver legal notices and been told by the Tenants she was going to be arrested by the police!! for doing so. They also refused to hand over the Audit paperwork that the Bank had sent in error mailed to the house rather than the office and Marion had to call the Sheriffs who could do nothing about it! This behavior seemed very irrational by them, with their constant threats to Marion. They left the house in a terrible state. What we were not aware of at that time, and what was brought to light way after all of this when they reached out to Marion for help when they were desperate, with no money at the time and homeless with no one else who would help them. Despite what they did to her in the past this SCAM ARTIST AND NASTY PERSON paid for a hotel room for their family and gave them money to help them out. It was then uncovered that the person that evoked their behavior was none other than Ms Richter who once again had fed them with all sorts of stories and made them believe that Marion was illegally renting the house to them without the owner’s knowledge or agreement and that the person they had met was not the owner!!! They truly believed Mc Richter and thought she was about to be arrested for this as told to them by Ms Richter backed up with the negative postings on this FORUM inciting them to only read the bad without reading the reasonable explanations behind each. FACT… These were regular paying Tenants to start, had they not been tracked down by Ms Richter and made to believe Marion was acting illegally they would still be in the property, paying rent each month. The constant badgering from Ms Richter made the Tenants ill from so much worry thinking she was illegally in a house and had been scammed needing hospital treatment causing them serious financial problems. Ultimately Margaret has suffered from their refusal to pay rent and the interference in the hard work put in with the Mortgage Company due to their refusal to pass on important paperwork believing they were being scammed by both her and Marion that started this downfall and knock on events in the first place that lead to the Mortgage going into arrears and ultimate debt. It is a shame that this very same platform is now being used to portray once again Marion in a bad light when the occurrences that took place were incited out of this Forum that started this whole nasty situation off, without intervention from it and Ms. Richter this family would still be paying rent, living in the house and the paperwork necessary to complete the re modification handed over and dealt with. Without reading this reasonable account of the real circumstances will only lead to another party being enticed into believing only the negative comments without finding the real actual events from both sides which may impact another family’s life in the future. Getting back to the chain of events that took place. At this stage the Tenants had left. Marion was awaiting the audit paperwork for the re modification from the Bank as she has successfully received on fourteen other occasions without a hitch. Marion always takes Christmas and the first part of the year off as she works so hard all year round to be with her family. Just before she went off she was met a Gentleman who made a proposal to completely revamp the house, repainting, changing carpets, tiles replacing the bed mattresses and general clean up in exchange for discounted rental period. This proposal was put to Margaret and with the age of the house it was agreed to go with this. He was due to move in late January, early February. Marion ensured she got this all in writing and signed by him. Marion was away on leave when he initially moved in, this was followed by a string of events where the HOA and other parties were getting involved as it was claimed he was leaving the furniture outside the house. Marion returned three times from her trip just to check and each time saw only carpet remnants etc outside and was assured the furniture was only outside while they were completing the work inside. We then received a furious phone call backed up by an email stating that he had been told that Marion did not legally represent the owner and that she owed the owner several months of unpaid rent and a gentleman had called at the house to advise him of this!!! Which basically contradicted itself. At that time we were not aware of Ms. Richters involvement with the previous Tenant. It was later discovered that the person that told him this was the previous Management Company and contact of Julie. The alleged claim and backed up in writing that came later was at that time arrangements were made to collect the trash from outside the house by a removal company. When they arrived they had taken all the items on the front yard including the sofa set and other items set outside while they were working on the inside. Marion never made these arrangements they were done between the Tenant and the person now portraying themselves as Margaret’s new contact. FACT. Marion was away at this time and was not informed or party of this agreement made regarding the clearance of the trash which appears to have involved the furniture yet is cited in this as being responsible) As the Tenant had been advised Marion did not represent the owner and owed significant rent (despite the fact being Margaret was aware no one had paid rent on the house and the Mortgage had not been paid) it was a serious struggle to get any rent from this Tenant. On Marion’s return to work she spoke to Margaret updated her and was told she had indeed sent someone to the house only because of the claims of the furniture being left outside. She was not aware the Tenant had been told that Marion had owed rent arrears or that Marion was not supposed to represent her despite the fact that she was clearly aware rent had not been paid and Tenants evicted and house empty for that period until he moved in so my question is why was the Tenant told this!!!!. FACT had the Tenant not been told Marion owed the owner six months’ rent which was actually not factually true, the Tenant may have continued to pay rent as normal as this statement may have turned this Tenant on to again another spinning course that from here on out spun out of control. It was only with the intervention of the HOA who had spoken to Margaret and was able to confirm to the Tenant Marion did represent her that she struggled to get a small sum of money from him which he signed to confirm what had been paid. He also signed a written agreement to return what furniture he did have of Margaret’s back to the house. All copies of all these documents handed over to Julie. At that stage the trust by the Tenant in Marion was ruined despite the fact she was legally representing the owner and financially not just financing the services but the legal expenses and the eviction process and her constant work with the Bank with her own funds. The Tenant became hostile, similar to the previous Tenant who had been fed negative and incorrect facts as to Marion’s involvement and actions and eventually evicted in April. No doubt out of anger feeling he had been duped from suggestions made by a third party again to him that Marion had not been paying the owner rental income and really did not represent the owner, when legal paperwork shows the Tenants had not paid and being evicted, clearing the house of anything valuable and leaving holes in walls, paint sprayed everywhere and a total mess to clear up after. Marion took the precaution of having two third parties photograph their first entry back in to the property who also was witness to what was found. The Sheriff was called to the property but was advised it would be a civil matter to find this person and take them to court. The Sheriffs name has been passed on to Julie. FACT At this stage everyone was still aware that no or minimal income had come in on the property. Marion had continued to pay for services and repairs on the property. Margaret was clearly aware the Mortgage had not been paid apart from the payment Marion had sent and documented. They were also aware of what happened to the furniture with the apparent mistake with the furniture outside being included in pick up thought to be for trash collection this was again brought up in a meeting between Julie and the Gentleman who had gone to the house when they met Marion. After considerable hard work, the house was restored and another Tenant placed in May…not April and despite the fact Marion was owed over $3700 from the house she sent that rent payment to the Mortgage Company hoping this would entice them to send out the paperwork finally to complete the re modification. Copies of this are in Julie’s possession. Marion was communicating to Margaret what was happening and when Margaret was saying she had not received the paperwork, Marion would send emails to a third party connected to Margaret copying Margaret’s email address in. He would always receive his emails and responded back each time. This rental was going smoothly albeit Marion had started to help for assistance in paying for things as there was a serious plumbing issue that needed to be addressed in the house. She had already paid to replace the stove and dishwasher. Once again when rent was due to be paid the Tenants thankfully this time called Marion referring her to this FORUM it appeared having once again being warned about her!!! Marion asked them to read the explanations which they did and they were at that stage happy to continue. Whilst waiting for the Bank to respond sending several letters (and finding out later the reason for their non response was they were getting ready to sell the loan on to another Company which they finally did) Copies of all the correspondence was handed to Julie later. Marion continued for the next few months keeping an account of what came in and what went out. It was when she was away on summer vacation receiving a call from Julie who told her she was going to take over Margaret’s house while she was here, which Marion was appreciative of. She met up with Julie and went through everything that had happened to that point showing her copies of paperwork with the Tenants and banks and the accounting. She did not point out the impact of inclusion of Ms Richters intervention on the whole matter or this FORUM as she did not want to have Margaret or Julie affected or involved that could possibly lead to compromising them. Julie asked Marion to make a settlement as Margaret had lost so much in the house and at that stage Marion agreed she would forgo the money owed to her which was a few thousand dollars that was outstanding on the accounting and also return the security deposit paid by the Tenants. FACT.. Marion did not remove the furniture from the house…it appears a great deal of it disappeared during the “mistaken trash collection” set up between the Tenant and the Gentleman that was with Julie. She did everything she could legally do, including serve legal notices in Julie’s possession demanding the Tenant return the remaining furniture. The Sheriff and witnesses saw what was left in the house when it was recovered. Julie agreed to meet with Marion at a later point, which appear to be a few weeks after this was posted, to return the items she had been storing for Margaret and to give her copies of all the paperwork she could take back to Margaret. In the meantime Julie would contact the Bank to settle things. Marion was not aware of the posting Julie had put on this site at that time. It was not until after Julie had left to go back to Ireland that Marion had been told during that time that Julie had brought up to another party postings on this Forum depicting Marion in a bad manner.. During the last meeting with Julie, which was after Julie had written this and Marion was unaware of, when she returned Margaret’s items she was storing for her she handed over all copies of the paperwork Julie. She also showed Julie her phone to show her the texts and contacts she had been making with Margaret which were claimed not to have been received which could not be falsified. Julie suggested Margaret may have had a problem with her phone. Julie was extremely nice to Marion and explained she was hitting her head against the wall trying to speak to the Bank who would not cooperate at all with her and understood the struggle and how much effort Marion must had been through with the Bank. At that stage Marion offered to continue working with the Bank to help them despite the fact she would not be receiving financial compensation because that is the real person she is and made some recommendations to Julie. After Julie returned home Marion emailed her to continue to help, at first with no reply then a reply to say her email had been received but gone to a spam folder and she will be in contact. FACT There was no scam here by Marion, she legally represented Margaret who was totally aware when the Tenant stopped paying rent and the Mortgage was not being paid regularly. They stopped paying due to the intervention by Ms. Richter’s false allegations that Marion was scamming them and did not represent the house legally. Her intervention not only made the Tenants ill but so unstable with anger that important documents needed to complete the re modification were not handed over to Marion so she could complete the transaction as she had many times before. Marion had successfully got an agreement with the Bank otherwise they would not have sent the paperwork out. Had the next set of Tenants not been “made to believe” that Marion had scammed Margaret from the previous six months of rental income when indeed the actual facts were everyone was aware the previous Tenants had not paid and legally evicted with court paperwork to show this, and the house had sat empty until he moved in, he may have been a good Tenant. Being outraged by suggestions made to him of Marions “alleged” wrong doings this was probably why he left the house in the condition he did. The last set of Tenants were also alerted to the FORUM, thankfully they had the sense to look through it and understand the actual facts not hearsay. The furniture disappearance was through an arrangement made with the Tenant, the Gentleman who had gone to visit him that represented Margaret/Julie and the Trash Collection Company that made the error although it is made to look on here that it is all Marion’s fault. Marion ensured in the contract written with the Tennant and signed by him the only items to be removed from the house. Julie has a copy of this. She also has copies of legal notices posted to recover these items, signed by the Tenants. Here we see full circle of how Marion was completing a legitimate transaction on behalf of an owner as her Legal Power of Attorney, which was going through successfully until the intervention of Ms. Richter and this FORUM’S content. With false allegations put forward it destroyed the trust and working relationship of not just the first two Tenants, and almost the third, but having now discovered by reading Julies posting the trust and hard work and money Marion had put in with Margaret in the first place. If you take time to read this all you will understand the FACTS the most important one being that without the intervention and incitement of Ms. Richter with her false allegations today the original family who had met Margaret and were paying on time regularly would probably still be in the property. The furniture intact and the papers needed to complete the re modification handed over and agreement completed. Perhaps by me taking the time to write this, and anyone with sense that can read it and comprehend the real facts and events that took place, this may avoid another family’s life being invaded and possibly compromised in the future by the false and misleading accusations. In order to avoid personal direct attacks on her or people she works for she ensures she works through Legal Representatives or Businesses now.

Marion V.
Oct 27, 2014

Apparently there is some mistake. I don't believe there is another Margaret that has posted on this subject and you have me confused with someone else who has apparently had issues with Marion Verner or Griffon or whatever name she is using. I have NEVER met Marion Griffon/Verner and based on the experiences I had trying to rent a timeshare in Maui from her, it was a scam. So please make sure you have the proper parties named, as I don't want anyone to misinterpret what has been printed about the mortgage and furniture - that was not my story with her. Again, my story is that she is a scammer.


Margaret B.
Oct 27, 2014

You can always tell a scammer by their rants. They ramble on forever trying to confuse you. The more they rant the more they scam.

Don P.
Oct 27, 2014

You are correct about Marion Griffin/Verner being a scammer Margaret. People that do go on and on, are trying to cover up something. Marion screwed us on a timeshare in Maui, and I know of several others she scammed. The Marionv posting this rant is Marion Verner aka Griffin aka Barnes. Funny how she is pretending to be someone else.

Julie A.
Oct 27, 2014

I have tried calling several Law Enforcement Agencies. They wouldn't help. I did have one officer that actually went to the house of the last known address I had for Marion. He told me he would arrest her if she were there because he said "I hate people like her". Wish I would have written his name down, because if someone has an address for her, he would have jumped on getting her in jail. She keeps posting on this forum about what a wonderful person she is, helping people. It's all a crock. We were scammed, along with so many other people that have gotten in touch with me.

Julie A.
Oct 27, 2014

donp196 wrote:
You can always tell a scammer by their rants. They ramble on forever trying to confuse you. The more they rant the more they scam.

I hope no one actually wasted their time reading all of that nonsense though.

It astounds me that these people would have the gall to continue to come here and convince the dozens of people that have been robbed by them that it's all in their imagination and everything is just a big misunderstanding.

J V.
Dec 07, 2014

The fact that you would try and paint me out this way is mind boggling. You forgot to mention that you first rented me a house you broke into and made a key for that was already in foreclosure. That you put Me in another home you also broke into that the sheriff's department came my second night there. And from then on, I asked for my money back and you made excuses for it. We agreed that I would be netting the landlady ans dealing with her, and she told me to get the number from you, and you refuse to give it to me. Then you refuse to fix the door among other things around the house. Then, I turn around and get a lis pendens notice to the house. When I ask u about it, you said it was being taken care of, and 3 months down the line, I get a new foreclosure notice. I told you I wanted to talk to the landlady and u refused, but u showed up at the door with some raggedy ass old lady to try and intimidate me, and I feel like I should have punched both of you in the mouth. Then, I decide to look u up in the DBPR search, it turns out that you do not and never held a license as an agent. I am going to leave you, Marion, with this, the fact that I stepped away from your bs does not mean that you can be on here trying to drag my name through the dirt, Don't ever feel at any moment that I am scared of anything you THINK u can do. And if you FEEL at any moment that my silence gives you the right to make up stories about me, I am going to need for you to rethink that, and leave me out of your scamming mouth. Let this be the last time you try me. IF YOU WANT TO REALLY AFFECT HER, REPORT HER, AND HER WRONG DOING TO THE DBPR, OR FREC, for misrepresenting herself as an agent to which she does not have a license for. Marion, where exactly is this office you work out of? It does not exist. I know more than u think I know, so if u continue this lie about me, guarantee that I will definitely keep unraveling so many truths about u.

The wrong O.

Last edited by ketzyg2 on Dec 22, 2014 02:52 PM

Dec 09, 2014

Hello Everyone, Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) investigate people like Marion Verner. If we all notify them about what she has done, guarantee she wont get away with it. I just wrote a letter and sent in the proof I had about her Misrepresentation and sent it to: Florida Real Estate Commission 400 West Robinson Street Orlando, FL 32801-1772

They will do a thorough investigation and she will not get away with it. Guarantee you, I looked her up on The Department of Business and Professional Regulations (DBPR) and she is not even licensed for ANYTHING. She will tell you that she does not need a license for the transactions of timeshares, she is right, but FREC will contact that department and will definitely put a stop to her scamming ways.

The wrong O.
Dec 22, 2014

http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/lsc/documents/complaint_english.pdf This is for timeshares, please send it to everyone you may know who has been scammed in timeshares for her.

The wrong O.

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