The Manhattan Club

the manhattan club

Oct 02, 2007

I'm happy to have found this forum.

There is an old Yahoo group that seems to still work

I have owned for about 2 years (purchased from Howard). This year, I wanted a week in October but was only able to get two days and have to take the other 5 just before my contract ends in mid January! Coming from Seattle, I need to use the time in chunks.

This reservation frustration, the skyrocketing maintenance fees, and the lack of any communication regarding the above, prompted me to email a board member with questions. My letter was sent to Joshua Wirshba, general manager.

I received a snailmail letter from Mr Wirshba dated Sept 10, 2007 I was told that minutes for the association would be posted very shortly on I was encouraged to book 12 months in advance, if I am reserving 7 nights.

Today, Oct 2, 2007, I emailed a request to member services for any week in Sept or Oct 2008. Jose Rosario replied that there is nothing available and I will be placed on the waitlist.

This is unacceptable. I agree with getting legal action started. The downside will be the difficulty in selling a unit.

Would anyone like to try using the yahoo group? It has taken me quite a bit of searching to find this forum. there are other owners out there who are equally as frustrated. I found two today on

Lucy A.

Last edited by lucy109 on Oct 04, 2007 11:27 PM

Oct 02, 2007

lucy109 I'm so happy to have found this forum.

There is an old Yahoo group that seems to still work

I have owned for about 2 years (purchased from Howard). This year, I wanted a week in October but was only able to get two days and have to take the other 5 just before my contract ends in mid January! Coming from Seattle, I need to use the time in chunks.

Hi Lucy109 This is Howard, sorry to here you are having problems with reservation , sept. and Oct. of 2008 can't be book up already, give me the week you want to go an I will see what I can do, I am in the boat with all owners but I kind of know the reservation system at MC works, I call 9 mths to the day I want and always gets the time I want 10am In your case Go to there website and owners request and email the exact date you want to the day . it works for me so far Howard

Howard B.
Oct 02, 2007

Thank you Howard. I usually request by email. It looks like the same system. Today, after replying to the email stating no availability in Sept and Oct 2008, I replied stating that was unacceptable. I cc'd the email to the board. I received a reply from Jose in reservations stating that he thought I was asking for 2007 and that yes, 2008 was available. He didn't give me any choices, so maybe it's wide open. I'll find out.

Does this forum work for most people, or do you want to revive the yahoo group?

Lucy A.
Oct 02, 2007

lucy109 wrote:
I'm so happy to have found this forum.

There is an old Yahoo group that seems to still work

I have owned for about 2 years (purchased from Howard). This year, I wanted a week in October but was only able to get two days and have to take the other 5 just before my contract ends in mid January! Coming from Seattle, I need to use the time in chunks.

This reservation frustration, the skyrocketing maintenance fees, and the lack of any communication regarding the above, prompted me to email a board member with questions. My letter was sent to Joshua Wirshba, general manager.

I received a snailmail letter from Mr Wirshba dated Sept 10, 2007 I was told that minutes for the association would be posted very shortly on I was encouraged to book 12 months in advance, if I am reserving 7 nights.

Today, Oct 2, 2007, I emailed a request to member services for any week in Sept or Oct 2008. Jose Rosario replied that there is nothing available and I will be placed on the waitlist.

This is unacceptable. I agree with getting legal action started. The downside will be the difficulty in selling a unit.

Would anyone like to try using the yahoo group? It has taken me quite a bit of searching to find this forum. there are other owners out there who are equally as frustrated. I found two today on

This is Colleen---You know, oneof the people with the NY owners group wrote to me that we should form a Yahoo group. I didn't know there is one. We should all go to one site so that we have more owners tuned in. I'll check it out thank you Lucy, Colleen

Colleen K.
Oct 02, 2007

lucy109 wrote:
Thank you Howard. I usually request by email. It looks like the same system. Today, after replying to the email stating no availability in Sept and Oct 2008, I replied stating that was unacceptable. I cc'd the email to the board. I received a reply from Jose in reservations stating that he thought I was asking for 2007 and that yes, 2008 was available. He didn't give me any choices, so maybe it's wide open. I'll find out.

Does this forum work for most people, or do you want to revive the yahoo group?

I would suggest reviving the old yahoo group which I just joined. It may be possible to attract more owners. Forget the minutes from the association. The association is a puppet of the developer, Eichen. They will discuss problems at the annual meeting but he controls the meetings and is chaiman of the association for as long as he wants. I went to the meeting in 2006 and was totally frustrated and I can assure you that nothing will change until we get the list of all the owners. I believe that we will have to sue him to get the list. I asked the management team to give me the list and they refused. So let's try to get together and see what we can do. Jonathan

Jonathan P.
Oct 03, 2007

Lucy- my name is June and would gladly join another forum if that helps straighten out this mess. I read your email and was going to say that something was wrong because I was told that the MC wont take a res. before nine months in advance. Anyway- let me know what you think


June D.
Oct 03, 2007

juned22 wrote:
Lucy- my name is June and would gladly join another forum if that helps straighten out this mess. I read your email and was going to say that something was wrong because I was told that the MC wont take a res. before nine months in advance. Anyway- let me know what you think


Yes, they will take reservations 9 months in advance, but if you reserve 7 nights, you can make a reservation 12 months in advance.

Try the yahoo group and see if it works. I joined two years ago. I don't know whether or not it is still operative for new members. Let's find out and if it isn't accepting new members, start a new group. Perhaps more owners will find us there. I'll look for you post.

Lucy A.
Oct 03, 2007

Hello Everyone,

An interesting thing happened to me this a.m. I want to share : I called for a res. for ANY fri & sat before then end of May. Was told there werent ANY!!!! Called the MC directly, left voice messages everywhere. There used to be a gentleman there who sold me my unit, ended up to be the Manager or Director of sales, Jason Gill. Any time I had a servere problem, I would call Jason & he would help. He is no longer there, I found out this a.m. However, there is someone who fixed my problem. His name is Chris Johnson, he is one of the managers of owner services, I believe. I told him that there was a group of owners that were looking into litigation against the MC due to the res. problems. He told me that Expedia has units that havent been sold thats why they can make these offers. I told him that was a bunch of BS- I wanted a res. now. After a few minutes of going back & forth, Guess What- he found an opening! What a shock. Anyway his ext there @MC is 8514- The other manager is Jenny Pires and she is not in today-Amazing how the opening just materialized.


June D.

Last edited by juned22 on Oct 03, 2007 09:01 AM

Oct 03, 2007

Great news and resource June. Jonathan, I don't see you as a member on the mcnyc yahoo group. Are we talking about the same group?

I too have now gotten a favorable reply for a reservation in Sept 2008

Lucy A.
Oct 03, 2007

lucy109 wrote:
Great news and resource June. Jonathan, I don't see you as a member on the mcnyc yahoo group. Are we talking about the same group?

I too have now gotten a favorable reply for a reservation in Sept 2008

Do you think it's possible that someone at the MC is reading these messages and that could affect whether something is "available"? Colleen

Colleen K.
Oct 03, 2007

pixie wrote:
lucy109 wrote:
Great news and resource June. Jonathan, I don't see you as a member on the mcnyc yahoo group. Are we talking about the same group?

I too have now gotten a favorable reply for a reservation in Sept 2008

Do you think it's possible that someone at the MC is reading these messages and that could affect whether something is "available"? Colleen

I checked out the yahoo site. All I saw, was a Dec. '06 message. I

Colleen K.
Oct 04, 2007

If someone from MC is reading they would be smart to pay attention. I already notified them yesterday that there is a group that speaks online- he said they knew- if not they should. I think it's important that they know owners are not satisfied or are satisfied with there timeshare. especially when you're talking about these prices. I pay a higher yearly maint fee than any of my friends who own all over the place.


June D.
Oct 04, 2007

Hi All, I just want to know what has changed in the last 2 years that is making it nearly impossible for us to get reservations. If you don't call the 9 months inadvance you can't even get single nights- that is totally unexceptable- especially when my maintenance fees have more than doubled since I purchased. In Oct.06 I pd over $1500 then 8 months later I was billed close to $1900 with no notice of an increase or bumped up payment date. IMO that's a little excessive for the 4 nights I've used as I have 3 that I can't get a reservation for by the end of the year. I'm tired of waiting lists. We need to do something- picketing in front of their building might get someone's attention! I wonder where all theses unsold rooms came from too- I kept getting letters stating that they were nearly sold out to act now before they were all gone! we need legal assistance that's for sure. My sales resp always helped me too, but she left and went back to Greece. I think all the honest managers and reps left when things started to change. Thanks for letting me vent! Holly

Holly W.
Oct 04, 2007

Holly,I see Eugina was your rep. too Sweet person I spoke with the Founder and assoc. president Stuart Eichner last year and ask him the same question you are asking, he state now you are compeating with a lot more owners now as they are sold out, they only have the new metropolitan suites and anything the club buy back under there ROFR Those he use to let owners use, put now the club rents them out as he bought those , And also unit owner bought points thru RCI and gave up there weeks to RCI so we owners now also has to compeat with RCI for time and RCI book in bulk, its a mess

Howard B.

Last edited by howardb21 on Oct 04, 2007 01:52 PM

Oct 04, 2007

I don't buy Eichner's words. When you buy a week, you own a week. They can only sell as many weeks as there are in 1 year times the # of units. If Points are a problem, then their not looking out for owners first. I am tired of all this and will never, never, never buy another timeshare. I still would like to take action against them. What can we do? I'm not getting any response from the contacts I thought may be our legal advisors. The MC is counting on us giving up. Colleen

Colleen K.
Oct 04, 2007

Message follows with link

Lucy A.

Last edited by lucy109 on Oct 04, 2007 11:17 PM

Oct 04, 2007

This invitation expires in 30 days. Thursday, 4 October 2007 - 11:14 PM PDT has invited you to join the manhattanclubowners group! Please join the new Manhattan Club Owners group on Yahoo. We can share our experience, tips, and improve satisfaction with use of the Manhattan Club.

Join this group!

Lucy A.

Last edited by lucy109 on Oct 04, 2007 11:18 PM

Oct 06, 2007

lucy109 wrote:
This invitation expires in 30 days. Thursday, 4 October 2007 - 11:14 PM PDT has invited you to join the manhattanclubowners group! Please join the new Manhattan Club Owners group on Yahoo. We can share our experience, tips, and improve satisfaction with use of the Manhattan Club.

Join this group!

Well I've submitted my info. to yahoo. I thought that was very detailed, but I stuck with it. Now I have to wait for approval from the moderator. Wow! I hope it's worth it. Colleen

Colleen K.
Oct 07, 2007

I submitted info too. It's a little bit more of a hassle to sign up there then here, but where ever the majority of the owners are is where I'll post. Holly

Holly W.
Oct 07, 2007

lucy109 wrote:
This invitation expires in 30 days. Thursday, 4 October 2007 - 11:14 PM PDT has invited you to join the manhattanclubowners group! Please join the new Manhattan Club Owners group on Yahoo. We can share our experience, tips, and improve satisfaction with use of the Manhattan Club.

Join this group!

I joined the yahoo group too. But it appears that there is more activity hrethan on yahoo. Shall we ue both for a while to see if old yahoo members reappear? I would suggest to keep this group alive as well. Vera.

Vera T.

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