Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Apr 03, 2024

Club Land Or has just sent me a court order to garnish my wages for $1300 from 2007. With penalties and intrest now $3000. This is 14 years old. We use to go every year. We enjoyed our stay. Until the place went down hill. Mold, mildew, broken furniture and on and on. They still owe us several weeks of vacation. Anyone else facing this? Any answeres?

Robert S.
Apr 04, 2024

WOW....they are reaching that far into the past? How desperate is that? The resort has been totally shut down for years. Locals are living there. We were there last in 2018 for our usual 2 weeks and the resort was a total and complete disaster and all we really used it for was to sleep. Locals had moved in and the few owners that were there were in marina view units. Had a 3 day power outage as they did not pay their bill. We could see into many of the other units as the doors were open and they were nasty and supplies and extra furniture piled everywhere and local kids running in and out. The manager whom I will not name was having some kind of meetings at the resort all the time and there was not one open parking place day after day after day. It was horrible. When we finally reached a reasonable 'price' and got out of our contract in 2019 we had already reserved for 2020 so they said they would honor it (in writing) and then COVID came along and that was the end of that. I could not get hold of them about our Nov 2020 trip no matter what I did. Our good friends that we met there every year for decades has also gotten out of their contract and had the same arrangement for their 2020 week and had no luck getting a call back either. So...we were all stuck. Its all in our rear view mirror now but obviously they are still after owners for something that is GONE GONE and GONE.

By the can't even trade your time as Land'Or was blackballed years ago by exchange companies....we tried when the resort really started to fall apart. We bought there in 1980 and when times were good...they were very very good but then......not..

Keep us posted on what happens to your case and we wish you well.

Tendy L.

Last edited by tendyl on Apr 05, 2024 05:46 AM

Apr 05, 2024

We had Mr. Stuart Sadler handle our timeshare disputes with Club Land'Or. However, Mr. Sadler has since retired.

Mr. Sadler informed me that Mr. Neal Walters, a lawyer in Charlottesville is taking on some of Mr. Sadler's work.

If you are interested, here is the contact information: 434-296-2161;

Good luck!

Tony D.

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