Hotel Bel-Air Puerto Vallarta

belaire golf resort and spa

Aug 25, 2015

todds350 wrote:
How do we get added to the class action suit. Would be happy to show my contract from the Belaire as proof


I.- Liquidation of GCI

Since various months ago it was agree to liquidate GCI. Since that time CLS consulted with attorneys in Guadalajara, to execute this operation. Considering the characteristics and the fiscal liabilities of the company, the proposal fees of the attorneys is the amount of $600,000.00 Mexican pesos (30% advance payment, 35% at filing de documents before the fiscal authorities (Mexican IRS) and 35% at the end of the liquidation) this includes the legal liquidation of the company, the cancellation of the Tax Payers Identification number (“RFC”) (including al the compliance of the obligations regarding the declarations filed). The attorneys committed to deliver in no more than 4 months the complete and total liquidation proof.

No withstanding the foregoing, FGP mentioned the necessity to check with other law firms the cost of this operation in order to obtain the less expensive proposal for the group.

It was concluded that no later than this week FGP will inform CLS the amount of the other law firms proposal, for in its case look for the best offer in Guadalajara.

In these effects, it is important to mention that the fiscal year closing it’s closed and the obligations of GCI are accumulating, for which is necessary to resolve on this matter as soon as possible.

II.- Inter-companies Operations

Since the beginning of this year and because of the restaurant opening and the purchase of the lot by RIF, an operating problem, consisting in that some payments are made by one company, but the fiscal receipts and invoices are issued in favor of another. Resulting that these payments and expenses an nondeductible for Income Tax Purposes (“ISR”) for the company that realize the expense, because it was not paid with its own capital, because of this, the tax authorities cannot probe that monies for that payment came from the company capital.

This usually applies for the restaurant payments made by WR or FRI. The original instruction or initial scheme provided that the incomes and expenses, meaning the restaurant operation shall be carried out by FRI.

This situations is also present in the expenses made in connection with the construction carried by WR, in a construction property of FIR (please remember that the property was conveyed).

The tax laws in Mexico allow a company to pay the expenses in favor of another. For this a special proxy is mandatory, for example where FIR give faculties to WR to make such payments in his behalf.

It was mentioned that is not the customary procedure to execute the operations. Likewise, it was mentioned that in its case, it is possible that we will need to explain to the authorities the business reasons why the operations were made under this terms. To this effect, it was required the cooperation of all the manager and directors of the companies, because by knowing them they shall help to find the reasons that allows us to explain such operations on behalf of third parties, for example: (i) the permits obtaining, (ii) while the share time agreement are authorized (iii) while all the operating licenses are obtained, etc.)

III. - Pending information regarding the sale of the real estate lot.

It was remembered the cash flow obtained from the operation:

“….Member John Metzger gives monies to FIR, FIR pay the real estate lot to WR....WR “contracted” AST to pay for the commercial advice services…. AST and its affiliated companies, return monies to Member John Metzger….”

FGP wanted to know the status of the pending information and documentation resulting from Juan José resignation.

CLS mentioned and explained the following:

1. - That the three invoices corresponding for the payments made by WR to AST were delivered to FGP.

Likewise, a copy of the agreement executed between WR and AST evidencing the operation was printed. FGP committed to obtain the signature from WR and to send the agreement to Guadalajara and CLS will get AST signature.

2. - It was mentioned to FGP that as per Member John Metzger request a loan agreement was made to be enter into AST and Member John Metzger, to evidence and justify the monies that AST gave to Member John Metzger. A copy of the agreement was handed to Juan Jose for him to deliver it to Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger commented that the translation was not accurate, and he will prepare the document. During the meeting at the lunch time the Director of the company have a telephone call with Member John Metzger to remember him this pending matter. Meanwhile we will wait for Member John Metzger’s proposal.

3. - CLS asked FGP that if the management of WR wanted to consider the amounts given by Member John Metzger as a contribution to or as a loan to FIR. FGP discussed this issue with the General Manager and he resolved that it shall be considered as a loan. It still pending to draft the agreement and the corresponding promissory note, in this regards the management of the company mentioned that Member John Metzger have no inconvenience that the note is prepared with a low interest rate and an interest long term expiration.

IV.- Fly and Buy Operations

Regarding this point the accountants discussed their questions in connection with the record of these operations, because the parties involved in this operation are not well identified, for example, an agency is contacted, a different hotel provide de service, it is paid to a different person and furthermore the fiscal receipt cannot be obtained in order for WR or FIR prove such expense. It also important to point out that is an expense made abroad.

It was concluded to ask the agency with which the negotiation were made and who also discount the resources from WR accounts to deliver a balance or in its case an invoice , in which its monthly or weekly described the discounted amounts, for this documents along with the agreement proves the corresponding expense.

Neither FGP nor the accountants know the corresponding agreement and we believe that this document is important to prove the expense and to be deductible.

V.- WR fiscal liabilities – 2008 provisional payments – Investor Agreement fiscal treatment

WR paid all the accrued taxes in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and all the monthly and annual tax revenues were filed.

However, the taxes corresponding to this year have not been paid. The accountant of the company informed that as to August the outstanding amount for taxes is the amount of $3,500,000.00 pesos, these taxes are corresponding to the VAT and provisional payments for Income Tax.

Furthermore, it was remembered that as part of the fiscal tax strategy for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, it was proposed to amend some of the agreements executed with the clients, hence, instead of being share time agreements they will be considered as investment agreements, meaning that, the amounts paid to WR will be considered as a loan to WR and in case during the following 2 year they are not paid, WR is bound to deliver share time units of fractional, pursuant to the corresponding agreements. This permitted deferring the income for two years following the execution of the initial agreement. Consequently, WR must recognize in 2008, the corresponding incomes from the investment agreements signed in year 2006, because two years have passed since the original execution.

The accountants and WR personnel concluded to determine the pending incomes corresponding to year 2008 (please refer to paragraph VI below)

VI.- Liquidation of WR – share time agreements assignment of rights

Based on the actions adopted by the company management regarding transmitting WR operation to FIR (real estate sell, restaurant operation, filing new recordation of the share time agreement before the Federal Consumer Protection Agency – PROFECO, etc.) and taking into account the possible legal contingencies for DLR matter, is was analyzed the possibility to liquidate WR.

CLS mentioned that the liquidation will as well have the effect to eliminate the current tax liabilities of WR including the deferred taxes triggered from the investment agreements referred to in paragraph V before.

From a financial and tax point of view, it was concluded that is more viable this liquidation, however, all concluded that it is more important to analyze the legal effects of the share time agreements; even the General Manager pointed out that the undertakings assumed before the clients shall prevail, and that it shall be analyzed the possibility that FIR assume such obligations.

Regarding the share time assignment of rights agreement to be entered into WR and FIR, no relevant problem is foreseen. The important issue is to analyze that WR has in these agreements the obligation to deliver units and provide share time services.

CLS mentioned that he will discuss this matter with his Firm attorney, to get his preliminary opinion in connection to this matter (viable or not), as well as for him to propose a number of steps (prior to liquidation) and his attorney fee.

FGP mentioned that she was going to ask for proposals with other attorneys, to analyze the more economic proposal for the group.

VII.- Audited Financial Statements

The auditors mentioned that even when their report and opinion on the financial statements for fiscal year 2007 was prepared from a time ago, they were not delivered because they have not have the meeting with the company managers to discuss the important point of their opinion.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona committed to review the auditor’s report and the financial statements, to make his respective comments and suggested translating the auditor’s report into English in order for the CEO of the company to analyze them.,

The auditors handed to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona the outstanding invoices corresponding to the auditing services provided to WR

In addition, CLS mentioned as per Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona request mentioned the range of his services provided during years 2006 and 2007. In that regards, CLS mentioned that according to the written proposal accepted by the company, the implementation of the saving income tax and VAT strategies tasks in connection with tax regularizing the companies of the group were implemented, and based on the tax saving a percentage of his Firm fee was agreed.

Furthermore, CLS clarify to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, that from the total amount of the corresponding fee, he diminish the amounts paid during his working period and the fee corresponding to the preparation of the report on the financial statements, which even though they are not related to the tax services, he absorbed them as a favor to the company, likewise, he reduces the fee percentage to be paid from the original services proposal.

He also mentioned that his fee for the years 2006 and 2007 were paid in full.

VIII.- State Treasury requirements – current situation on the fiscal addresses – assets transmission from WR to FIR

The accountants mentioned that some compliance obligations requirements were received from the state and tax, authorities, in the addresses were the companies of the group were registered in the RFC. These addresses do not correspond to the real location of the companies.

Also, the accountant mentions their concern about the process that shall be following up to transmit the assets (machinery, constructions, computers, cars, etc.) from WR to FIR.

It was agrees that once the management of the company analyze and authorize the liquidation of WR, these matter will be analyzed to minimize the corresponding impact.

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

gerryb46 wrote:
Monday, November 24, 2014

Final hearing moved to December 11, 2014 at 11:00 hours. The final hearing was moved to a later date in order to allow completion of several judicial acts regarding the presentation of evidence for the case. Posted by Rodrigo Cruz Perez at 10:38 AM No comments:


I.- Liquidation of GCI

Since various months ago it was agree to liquidate GCI. Since that time CLS consulted with attorneys in Guadalajara, to execute this operation. Considering the characteristics and the fiscal liabilities of the company, the proposal fees of the attorneys is the amount of $600,000.00 Mexican pesos (30% advance payment, 35% at filing de documents before the fiscal authorities (Mexican IRS) and 35% at the end of the liquidation) this includes the legal liquidation of the company, the cancellation of the Tax Payers Identification number (“RFC”) (including al the compliance of the obligations regarding the declarations filed). The attorneys committed to deliver in no more than 4 months the complete and total liquidation proof.

No withstanding the foregoing, FGP mentioned the necessity to check with other law firms the cost of this operation in order to obtain the less expensive proposal for the group.

It was concluded that no later than this week FGP will inform CLS the amount of the other law firms proposal, for in its case look for the best offer in Guadalajara.

In these effects, it is important to mention that the fiscal year closing it’s closed and the obligations of GCI are accumulating, for which is necessary to resolve on this matter as soon as possible.

II.- Inter-companies Operations

Since the beginning of this year and because of the restaurant opening and the purchase of the lot by RIF, an operating problem, consisting in that some payments are made by one company, but the fiscal receipts and invoices are issued in favor of another. Resulting that these payments and expenses an nondeductible for Income Tax Purposes (“ISR”) for the company that realize the expense, because it was not paid with its own capital, because of this, the tax authorities cannot probe that monies for that payment came from the company capital.

This usually applies for the restaurant payments made by WR or FRI. The original instruction or initial scheme provided that the incomes and expenses, meaning the restaurant operation shall be carried out by FRI.

This situations is also present in the expenses made in connection with the construction carried by WR, in a construction property of FIR (please remember that the property was conveyed).

The tax laws in Mexico allow a company to pay the expenses in favor of another. For this a special proxy is mandatory, for example where FIR give faculties to WR to make such payments in his behalf.

It was mentioned that is not the customary procedure to execute the operations. Likewise, it was mentioned that in its case, it is possible that we will need to explain to the authorities the business reasons why the operations were made under this terms. To this effect, it was required the cooperation of all the manager and directors of the companies, because by knowing them they shall help to find the reasons that allows us to explain such operations on behalf of third parties, for example: (i) the permits obtaining, (ii) while the share time agreement are authorized (iii) while all the operating licenses are obtained, etc.)

III. - Pending information regarding the sale of the real estate lot.

It was remembered the cash flow obtained from the operation:

“….Member John Metzger gives monies to FIR, FIR pay the real estate lot to WR....WR “contracted” AST to pay for the commercial advice services…. AST and its affiliated companies, return monies to Member John Metzger….”

FGP wanted to know the status of the pending information and documentation resulting from Juan José resignation.

CLS mentioned and explained the following:

1. - That the three invoices corresponding for the payments made by WR to AST were delivered to FGP.

Likewise, a copy of the agreement executed between WR and AST evidencing the operation was printed. FGP committed to obtain the signature from WR and to send the agreement to Guadalajara and CLS will get AST signature.

2. - It was mentioned to FGP that as per Member John Metzger request a loan agreement was made to be enter into AST and Member John Metzger, to evidence and justify the monies that AST gave to Member John Metzger. A copy of the agreement was handed to Juan Jose for him to deliver it to Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger commented that the translation was not accurate, and he will prepare the document. During the meeting at the lunch time the Director of the company have a telephone call with Member John Metzger to remember him this pending matter. Meanwhile we will wait for Member John Metzger’s proposal.

3. - CLS asked FGP that if the management of WR wanted to consider the amounts given by Member John Metzger as a contribution to or as a loan to FIR. FGP discussed this issue with the General Manager and he resolved that it shall be considered as a loan. It still pending to draft the agreement and the corresponding promissory note, in this regards the management of the company mentioned that Member John Metzger have no inconvenience that the note is prepared with a low interest rate and an interest long term expiration.

IV.- Fly and Buy Operations

Regarding this point the accountants discussed their questions in connection with the record of these operations, because the parties involved in this operation are not well identified, for example, an agency is contacted, a different hotel provide de service, it is paid to a different person and furthermore the fiscal receipt cannot be obtained in order for WR or FIR prove such expense. It also important to point out that is an expense made abroad.

It was concluded to ask the agency with which the negotiation were made and who also discount the resources from WR accounts to deliver a balance or in its case an invoice , in which its monthly or weekly described the discounted amounts, for this documents along with the agreement proves the corresponding expense.

Neither FGP nor the accountants know the corresponding agreement and we believe that this document is important to prove the expense and to be deductible.

V.- WR fiscal liabilities – 2008 provisional payments – Investor Agreement fiscal treatment

WR paid all the accrued taxes in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and all the monthly and annual tax revenues were filed.

However, the taxes corresponding to this year have not been paid. The accountant of the company informed that as to August the outstanding amount for taxes is the amount of $3,500,000.00 pesos, these taxes are corresponding to the VAT and provisional payments for Income Tax.

Furthermore, it was remembered that as part of the fiscal tax strategy for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, it was proposed to amend some of the agreements executed with the clients, hence, instead of being share time agreements they will be considered as investment agreements, meaning that, the amounts paid to WR will be considered as a loan to WR and in case during the following 2 year they are not paid, WR is bound to deliver share time units of fractional, pursuant to the corresponding agreements. This permitted deferring the income for two years following the execution of the initial agreement. Consequently, WR must recognize in 2008, the corresponding incomes from the investment agreements signed in year 2006, because two years have passed since the original execution.

The accountants and WR personnel concluded to determine the pending incomes corresponding to year 2008 (please refer to paragraph VI below)

VI.- Liquidation of WR – share time agreements assignment of rights

Based on the actions adopted by the company management regarding transmitting WR operation to FIR (real estate sell, restaurant operation, filing new recordation of the share time agreement before the Federal Consumer Protection Agency – PROFECO, etc.) and taking into account the possible legal contingencies for DLR matter, is was analyzed the possibility to liquidate WR.

CLS mentioned that the liquidation will as well have the effect to eliminate the current tax liabilities of WR including the deferred taxes triggered from the investment agreements referred to in paragraph V before.

From a financial and tax point of view, it was concluded that is more viable this liquidation, however, all concluded that it is more important to analyze the legal effects of the share time agreements; even the General Manager pointed out that the undertakings assumed before the clients shall prevail, and that it shall be analyzed the possibility that FIR assume such obligations.

Regarding the share time assignment of rights agreement to be entered into WR and FIR, no relevant problem is foreseen. The important issue is to analyze that WR has in these agreements the obligation to deliver units and provide share time services.

CLS mentioned that he will discuss this matter with his Firm attorney, to get his preliminary opinion in connection to this matter (viable or not), as well as for him to propose a number of steps (prior to liquidation) and his attorney fee.

FGP mentioned that she was going to ask for proposals with other attorneys, to analyze the more economic proposal for the group.

VII.- Audited Financial Statements

The auditors mentioned that even when their report and opinion on the financial statements for fiscal year 2007 was prepared from a time ago, they were not delivered because they have not have the meeting with the company managers to discuss the important point of their opinion.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona committed to review the auditor’s report and the financial statements, to make his respective comments and suggested translating the auditor’s report into English in order for the CEO of the company to analyze them.,

The auditors handed to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona the outstanding invoices corresponding to the auditing services provided to WR

In addition, CLS mentioned as per Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona request mentioned the range of his services provided during years 2006 and 2007. In that regards, CLS mentioned that according to the written proposal accepted by the company, the implementation of the saving income tax and VAT strategies tasks in connection with tax regularizing the companies of the group were implemented, and based on the tax saving a percentage of his Firm fee was agreed.

Furthermore, CLS clarify to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, that from the total amount of the corresponding fee, he diminish the amounts paid during his working period and the fee corresponding to the preparation of the report on the financial statements, which even though they are not related to the tax services, he absorbed them as a favor to the company, likewise, he reduces the fee percentage to be paid from the original services proposal.

He also mentioned that his fee for the years 2006 and 2007 were paid in full.

VIII.- State Treasury requirements – current situation on the fiscal addresses – assets transmission from WR to FIR

The accountants mentioned that some compliance obligations requirements were received from the state and tax, authorities, in the addresses were the companies of the group were registered in the RFC. These addresses do not correspond to the real location of the companies.

Also, the accountant mentions their concern about the process that shall be following up to transmit the assets (machinery, constructions, computers, cars, etc.) from WR to FIR.

It was agrees that once the management of the company analyze and authorize the liquidation of WR, these matter will be analyzed to minimize the corresponding impact.

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

danielac18 wrote:
As to what I´m aware of our group (Connell & Associates) only needs around 10 more people to get the law suite started, they will not give any one any information unless they send a copy of there contract and a proof of a payment to the timeshare, just to make sure it´s not Copelas team asking for information.


I.- Liquidation of GCI

Since various months ago it was agree to liquidate GCI. Since that time CLS consulted with attorneys in Guadalajara, to execute this operation. Considering the characteristics and the fiscal liabilities of the company, the proposal fees of the attorneys is the amount of $600,000.00 Mexican pesos (30% advance payment, 35% at filing de documents before the fiscal authorities (Mexican IRS) and 35% at the end of the liquidation) this includes the legal liquidation of the company, the cancellation of the Tax Payers Identification number (“RFC”) (including al the compliance of the obligations regarding the declarations filed). The attorneys committed to deliver in no more than 4 months the complete and total liquidation proof.

No withstanding the foregoing, FGP mentioned the necessity to check with other law firms the cost of this operation in order to obtain the less expensive proposal for the group.

It was concluded that no later than this week FGP will inform CLS the amount of the other law firms proposal, for in its case look for the best offer in Guadalajara.

In these effects, it is important to mention that the fiscal year closing it’s closed and the obligations of GCI are accumulating, for which is necessary to resolve on this matter as soon as possible.

II.- Inter-companies Operations

Since the beginning of this year and because of the restaurant opening and the purchase of the lot by RIF, an operating problem, consisting in that some payments are made by one company, but the fiscal receipts and invoices are issued in favor of another. Resulting that these payments and expenses an nondeductible for Income Tax Purposes (“ISR”) for the company that realize the expense, because it was not paid with its own capital, because of this, the tax authorities cannot probe that monies for that payment came from the company capital.

This usually applies for the restaurant payments made by WR or FRI. The original instruction or initial scheme provided that the incomes and expenses, meaning the restaurant operation shall be carried out by FRI.

This situations is also present in the expenses made in connection with the construction carried by WR, in a construction property of FIR (please remember that the property was conveyed).

The tax laws in Mexico allow a company to pay the expenses in favor of another. For this a special proxy is mandatory, for example where FIR give faculties to WR to make such payments in his behalf.

It was mentioned that is not the customary procedure to execute the operations. Likewise, it was mentioned that in its case, it is possible that we will need to explain to the authorities the business reasons why the operations were made under this terms. To this effect, it was required the cooperation of all the manager and directors of the companies, because by knowing them they shall help to find the reasons that allows us to explain such operations on behalf of third parties, for example: (i) the permits obtaining, (ii) while the share time agreement are authorized (iii) while all the operating licenses are obtained, etc.)

III. - Pending information regarding the sale of the real estate lot.

It was remembered the cash flow obtained from the operation:

“….Member John Metzger gives monies to FIR, FIR pay the real estate lot to WR....WR “contracted” AST to pay for the commercial advice services…. AST and its affiliated companies, return monies to Member John Metzger….”

FGP wanted to know the status of the pending information and documentation resulting from Juan José resignation.

CLS mentioned and explained the following:

1. - That the three invoices corresponding for the payments made by WR to AST were delivered to FGP.

Likewise, a copy of the agreement executed between WR and AST evidencing the operation was printed. FGP committed to obtain the signature from WR and to send the agreement to Guadalajara and CLS will get AST signature.

2. - It was mentioned to FGP that as per Member John Metzger request a loan agreement was made to be enter into AST and Member John Metzger, to evidence and justify the monies that AST gave to Member John Metzger. A copy of the agreement was handed to Juan Jose for him to deliver it to Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger commented that the translation was not accurate, and he will prepare the document. During the meeting at the lunch time the Director of the company have a telephone call with Member John Metzger to remember him this pending matter. Meanwhile we will wait for Member John Metzger’s proposal.

3. - CLS asked FGP that if the management of WR wanted to consider the amounts given by Member John Metzger as a contribution to or as a loan to FIR. FGP discussed this issue with the General Manager and he resolved that it shall be considered as a loan. It still pending to draft the agreement and the corresponding promissory note, in this regards the management of the company mentioned that Member John Metzger have no inconvenience that the note is prepared with a low interest rate and an interest long term expiration.

IV.- Fly and Buy Operations

Regarding this point the accountants discussed their questions in connection with the record of these operations, because the parties involved in this operation are not well identified, for example, an agency is contacted, a different hotel provide de service, it is paid to a different person and furthermore the fiscal receipt cannot be obtained in order for WR or FIR prove such expense. It also important to point out that is an expense made abroad.

It was concluded to ask the agency with which the negotiation were made and who also discount the resources from WR accounts to deliver a balance or in its case an invoice , in which its monthly or weekly described the discounted amounts, for this documents along with the agreement proves the corresponding expense.

Neither FGP nor the accountants know the corresponding agreement and we believe that this document is important to prove the expense and to be deductible.

V.- WR fiscal liabilities – 2008 provisional payments – Investor Agreement fiscal treatment

WR paid all the accrued taxes in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and all the monthly and annual tax revenues were filed.

However, the taxes corresponding to this year have not been paid. The accountant of the company informed that as to August the outstanding amount for taxes is the amount of $3,500,000.00 pesos, these taxes are corresponding to the VAT and provisional payments for Income Tax.

Furthermore, it was remembered that as part of the fiscal tax strategy for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, it was proposed to amend some of the agreements executed with the clients, hence, instead of being share time agreements they will be considered as investment agreements, meaning that, the amounts paid to WR will be considered as a loan to WR and in case during the following 2 year they are not paid, WR is bound to deliver share time units of fractional, pursuant to the corresponding agreements. This permitted deferring the income for two years following the execution of the initial agreement. Consequently, WR must recognize in 2008, the corresponding incomes from the investment agreements signed in year 2006, because two years have passed since the original execution.

The accountants and WR personnel concluded to determine the pending incomes corresponding to year 2008 (please refer to paragraph VI below)

VI.- Liquidation of WR – share time agreements assignment of rights

Based on the actions adopted by the company management regarding transmitting WR operation to FIR (real estate sell, restaurant operation, filing new recordation of the share time agreement before the Federal Consumer Protection Agency – PROFECO, etc.) and taking into account the possible legal contingencies for DLR matter, is was analyzed the possibility to liquidate WR.

CLS mentioned that the liquidation will as well have the effect to eliminate the current tax liabilities of WR including the deferred taxes triggered from the investment agreements referred to in paragraph V before.

From a financial and tax point of view, it was concluded that is more viable this liquidation, however, all concluded that it is more important to analyze the legal effects of the share time agreements; even the General Manager pointed out that the undertakings assumed before the clients shall prevail, and that it shall be analyzed the possibility that FIR assume such obligations.

Regarding the share time assignment of rights agreement to be entered into WR and FIR, no relevant problem is foreseen. The important issue is to analyze that WR has in these agreements the obligation to deliver units and provide share time services.

CLS mentioned that he will discuss this matter with his Firm attorney, to get his preliminary opinion in connection to this matter (viable or not), as well as for him to propose a number of steps (prior to liquidation) and his attorney fee.

FGP mentioned that she was going to ask for proposals with other attorneys, to analyze the more economic proposal for the group.

VII.- Audited Financial Statements

The auditors mentioned that even when their report and opinion on the financial statements for fiscal year 2007 was prepared from a time ago, they were not delivered because they have not have the meeting with the company managers to discuss the important point of their opinion.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona committed to review the auditor’s report and the financial statements, to make his respective comments and suggested translating the auditor’s report into English in order for the CEO of the company to analyze them.,

The auditors handed to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona the outstanding invoices corresponding to the auditing services provided to WR

In addition, CLS mentioned as per Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona request mentioned the range of his services provided during years 2006 and 2007. In that regards, CLS mentioned that according to the written proposal accepted by the company, the implementation of the saving income tax and VAT strategies tasks in connection with tax regularizing the companies of the group were implemented, and based on the tax saving a percentage of his Firm fee was agreed.

Furthermore, CLS clarify to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, that from the total amount of the corresponding fee, he diminish the amounts paid during his working period and the fee corresponding to the preparation of the report on the financial statements, which even though they are not related to the tax services, he absorbed them as a favor to the company, likewise, he reduces the fee percentage to be paid from the original services proposal.

He also mentioned that his fee for the years 2006 and 2007 were paid in full.

VIII.- State Treasury requirements – current situation on the fiscal addresses – assets transmission from WR to FIR

The accountants mentioned that some compliance obligations requirements were received from the state and tax, authorities, in the addresses were the companies of the group were registered in the RFC. These addresses do not correspond to the real location of the companies.

Also, the accountant mentions their concern about the process that shall be following up to transmit the assets (machinery, constructions, computers, cars, etc.) from WR to FIR.

It was agrees that once the management of the company analyze and authorize the liquidation of WR, these matter will be analyzed to minimize the corresponding impact.

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

rodrigoc5 wrote:
The firm is one of the best firms in Mexico, and plaintiffs in this case are very lucky to have their litigation team (including Mr. Cesar Rincon) behind them. Not to mention the fact that they have not charged a penny to do so.

I don't work directly with the firm anymore because I am in Puerto Vallarta and I have started my own independent practice; however, I will see this case to its conclusion and vouch 100% for the firm's participation in this class action.

I put together the core group of plaintiffs for the Class Action, and personally met with most of them and compiled their file. You can ask anybody for their impression of me. I have never "jumped ships" as someone has written, and I have worked on this case since 2011. There has only been one legitimate class action and that is ours. I have never worked for any other firm or organization or person for this case regardless of any unfounded allegations.

Having compiled the core case with a sufficient number of plaintiffs, I passed it on to the litigation team in Guadalajara where the federal courts are, and I continue to provide support in Puerto Vallarta by meeting with new plaintiffs and compiling documents to include in the Class Action, and writing about the advances in a publicly available blog in english:

Whether or not anybody believes it, the Class Action is ongoing, and I would even venture as far as saying that we will win this case for those plaintiffs that are already on the list and any others who adhere to this effort.

As far as the expectation of recovering the money, It's hard to tell how it will play out in the end in regards to the number of plaintiffs that actually join and substantiate their claims, the amounts awarded and the actual assets that are available for remedy.

Since the beginning this has been what I have told anybody who inquired to join, and I stand by anything I have said or promised in regards to this Class Action.

Best regards, Rodrigo Cruz Perez


I.- Liquidation of GCI

Since various months ago it was agree to liquidate GCI. Since that time CLS consulted with attorneys in Guadalajara, to execute this operation. Considering the characteristics and the fiscal liabilities of the company, the proposal fees of the attorneys is the amount of $600,000.00 Mexican pesos (30% advance payment, 35% at filing de documents before the fiscal authorities (Mexican IRS) and 35% at the end of the liquidation) this includes the legal liquidation of the company, the cancellation of the Tax Payers Identification number (“RFC”) (including al the compliance of the obligations regarding the declarations filed). The attorneys committed to deliver in no more than 4 months the complete and total liquidation proof.

No withstanding the foregoing, FGP mentioned the necessity to check with other law firms the cost of this operation in order to obtain the less expensive proposal for the group.

It was concluded that no later than this week FGP will inform CLS the amount of the other law firms proposal, for in its case look for the best offer in Guadalajara.

In these effects, it is important to mention that the fiscal year closing it’s closed and the obligations of GCI are accumulating, for which is necessary to resolve on this matter as soon as possible.

II.- Inter-companies Operations

Since the beginning of this year and because of the restaurant opening and the purchase of the lot by RIF, an operating problem, consisting in that some payments are made by one company, but the fiscal receipts and invoices are issued in favor of another. Resulting that these payments and expenses an nondeductible for Income Tax Purposes (“ISR”) for the company that realize the expense, because it was not paid with its own capital, because of this, the tax authorities cannot probe that monies for that payment came from the company capital.

This usually applies for the restaurant payments made by WR or FRI. The original instruction or initial scheme provided that the incomes and expenses, meaning the restaurant operation shall be carried out by FRI.

This situations is also present in the expenses made in connection with the construction carried by WR, in a construction property of FIR (please remember that the property was conveyed).

The tax laws in Mexico allow a company to pay the expenses in favor of another. For this a special proxy is mandatory, for example where FIR give faculties to WR to make such payments in his behalf.

It was mentioned that is not the customary procedure to execute the operations. Likewise, it was mentioned that in its case, it is possible that we will need to explain to the authorities the business reasons why the operations were made under this terms. To this effect, it was required the cooperation of all the manager and directors of the companies, because by knowing them they shall help to find the reasons that allows us to explain such operations on behalf of third parties, for example: (i) the permits obtaining, (ii) while the share time agreement are authorized (iii) while all the operating licenses are obtained, etc.)

III. - Pending information regarding the sale of the real estate lot.

It was remembered the cash flow obtained from the operation:

“….Member John Metzger gives monies to FIR, FIR pay the real estate lot to WR....WR “contracted” AST to pay for the commercial advice services…. AST and its affiliated companies, return monies to Member John Metzger….”

FGP wanted to know the status of the pending information and documentation resulting from Juan José resignation.

CLS mentioned and explained the following:

1. - That the three invoices corresponding for the payments made by WR to AST were delivered to FGP.

Likewise, a copy of the agreement executed between WR and AST evidencing the operation was printed. FGP committed to obtain the signature from WR and to send the agreement to Guadalajara and CLS will get AST signature.

2. - It was mentioned to FGP that as per Member John Metzger request a loan agreement was made to be enter into AST and Member John Metzger, to evidence and justify the monies that AST gave to Member John Metzger. A copy of the agreement was handed to Juan Jose for him to deliver it to Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger commented that the translation was not accurate, and he will prepare the document. During the meeting at the lunch time the Director of the company have a telephone call with Member John Metzger to remember him this pending matter. Meanwhile we will wait for Member John Metzger’s proposal.

3. - CLS asked FGP that if the management of WR wanted to consider the amounts given by Member John Metzger as a contribution to or as a loan to FIR. FGP discussed this issue with the General Manager and he resolved that it shall be considered as a loan. It still pending to draft the agreement and the corresponding promissory note, in this regards the management of the company mentioned that Member John Metzger have no inconvenience that the note is prepared with a low interest rate and an interest long term expiration.

IV.- Fly and Buy Operations

Regarding this point the accountants discussed their questions in connection with the record of these operations, because the parties involved in this operation are not well identified, for example, an agency is contacted, a different hotel provide de service, it is paid to a different person and furthermore the fiscal receipt cannot be obtained in order for WR or FIR prove such expense. It also important to point out that is an expense made abroad.

It was concluded to ask the agency with which the negotiation were made and who also discount the resources from WR accounts to deliver a balance or in its case an invoice , in which its monthly or weekly described the discounted amounts, for this documents along with the agreement proves the corresponding expense.

Neither FGP nor the accountants know the corresponding agreement and we believe that this document is important to prove the expense and to be deductible.

V.- WR fiscal liabilities – 2008 provisional payments – Investor Agreement fiscal treatment

WR paid all the accrued taxes in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and all the monthly and annual tax revenues were filed.

However, the taxes corresponding to this year have not been paid. The accountant of the company informed that as to August the outstanding amount for taxes is the amount of $3,500,000.00 pesos, these taxes are corresponding to the VAT and provisional payments for Income Tax.

Furthermore, it was remembered that as part of the fiscal tax strategy for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, it was proposed to amend some of the agreements executed with the clients, hence, instead of being share time agreements they will be considered as investment agreements, meaning that, the amounts paid to WR will be considered as a loan to WR and in case during the following 2 year they are not paid, WR is bound to deliver share time units of fractional, pursuant to the corresponding agreements. This permitted deferring the income for two years following the execution of the initial agreement. Consequently, WR must recognize in 2008, the corresponding incomes from the investment agreements signed in year 2006, because two years have passed since the original execution.

The accountants and WR personnel concluded to determine the pending incomes corresponding to year 2008 (please refer to paragraph VI below)

VI.- Liquidation of WR – share time agreements assignment of rights

Based on the actions adopted by the company management regarding transmitting WR operation to FIR (real estate sell, restaurant operation, filing new recordation of the share time agreement before the Federal Consumer Protection Agency – PROFECO, etc.) and taking into account the possible legal contingencies for DLR matter, is was analyzed the possibility to liquidate WR.

CLS mentioned that the liquidation will as well have the effect to eliminate the current tax liabilities of WR including the deferred taxes triggered from the investment agreements referred to in paragraph V before.

From a financial and tax point of view, it was concluded that is more viable this liquidation, however, all concluded that it is more important to analyze the legal effects of the share time agreements; even the General Manager pointed out that the undertakings assumed before the clients shall prevail, and that it shall be analyzed the possibility that FIR assume such obligations.

Regarding the share time assignment of rights agreement to be entered into WR and FIR, no relevant problem is foreseen. The important issue is to analyze that WR has in these agreements the obligation to deliver units and provide share time services.

CLS mentioned that he will discuss this matter with his Firm attorney, to get his preliminary opinion in connection to this matter (viable or not), as well as for him to propose a number of steps (prior to liquidation) and his attorney fee.

FGP mentioned that she was going to ask for proposals with other attorneys, to analyze the more economic proposal for the group.

VII.- Audited Financial Statements

The auditors mentioned that even when their report and opinion on the financial statements for fiscal year 2007 was prepared from a time ago, they were not delivered because they have not have the meeting with the company managers to discuss the important point of their opinion.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona committed to review the auditor’s report and the financial statements, to make his respective comments and suggested translating the auditor’s report into English in order for the CEO of the company to analyze them.,

The auditors handed to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona the outstanding invoices corresponding to the auditing services provided to WR

In addition, CLS mentioned as per Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona request mentioned the range of his services provided during years 2006 and 2007. In that regards, CLS mentioned that according to the written proposal accepted by the company, the implementation of the saving income tax and VAT strategies tasks in connection with tax regularizing the companies of the group were implemented, and based on the tax saving a percentage of his Firm fee was agreed.

Furthermore, CLS clarify to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, that from the total amount of the corresponding fee, he diminish the amounts paid during his working period and the fee corresponding to the preparation of the report on the financial statements, which even though they are not related to the tax services, he absorbed them as a favor to the company, likewise, he reduces the fee percentage to be paid from the original services proposal.

He also mentioned that his fee for the years 2006 and 2007 were paid in full.

VIII.- State Treasury requirements – current situation on the fiscal addresses – assets transmission from WR to FIR

The accountants mentioned that some compliance obligations requirements were received from the state and tax, authorities, in the addresses were the companies of the group were registered in the RFC. These addresses do not correspond to the real location of the companies.

Also, the accountant mentions their concern about the process that shall be following up to transmit the assets (machinery, constructions, computers, cars, etc.) from WR to FIR.

It was agrees that once the management of the company analyze and authorize the liquidation of WR, these matter will be analyzed to minimize the corresponding impact.

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

see if you look back years ago its all the same owners that created all this same mess that the class act law suite that is the biggest joke. the american old lost owner is still working for the grand mayan in cancun and its all the same peopel everywhere so keep blogging all the good news about theat everybody is out of jail and back o nthe streets it did not last long all the little tricks that the mr GABRIEL CLAVEL CARMONA AND JUAN VELA had up there sleve.. the funny one is the member john metzger he was another main player in the whole case read please do your research all you timeshare experts that knowtheins and outs of the dark side of mexico.

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

no class act law suite takes 5 years to complete and still waiting you will wait untill the cows come home and still be waiting get real people and smell the coffeeeeee.

if profeco did not give your money back in the first 5 days your not getting it back you better update your membership and convert into points and get the use out of it and stop waiting around for the mirecal man with a big bag a money just for you

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

rodrigoc5 wrote:
The victimizers here are John Aurelio Cuda, AKA Tony Copela, AKA Anthony Copela; a U.S. Citizen, currently serving time at FCI Lompoc, a Low Security Federal Correctional Institution in California. Jonathan James Tomasello, is also a U.S. Citizen, who signed most of your timeshare contracts as "Director" of the development. You met the sales team yourself, so you probably know where many of them were from. People from all nationalities do good and bad things that is Just human nature. In this particular case, those are the facts. Your anger is understandable, however misplaced, and I hope that your venting out makes you feel better after all you have been through and the money you lost.

My best wishes to you and all, and I hope for the best outcome in this class action for all who choose join.

Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico-March 04, 2009.

In relation to the Status in which they are the companies that are in the process of liquidation let me inform you as follows:

Capital Group Empire , today we send via fax notarized document in which the partners who were members of this company remain outside, also the presentation of the fiscal obligations for the remainder of the time that lasts the settlement process, remain in charge of the new partners. It is estimated that over a period of 2 to 3 months, this company is completely closed.

Steps for the liquidation:

1. Obtaining the documentation.

2. Depersonalization of society (change of shareholders)

3. If any change of address.

4. Development of the settlement Home Act

5. Probate and Resgistro.

Points 1,2,3, are already finished, with respect to paragraphs 4 and 5 will be ready next week, is also entering the SHCP to start phase 2 and this phase is the most important since the authority determines if "Enter" or "No" the liquidation of the company, here is where the authority has taken its time to analyze the documentation.

World Resorts Marketing Enterprises , the integration of information to begin the liquidation process on our behalf already was sent to the Office of the accountant Carlos Lopez, are only waiting that fees are authorized to proceed with the clearance procedure which are annexed files in English and Spanish of all what you have to do.

Capital Management Group Vallarta , this company it is suspending it as soon as possible, because it has no operations. We do this process.

Resorts International Marketing Vallarta and Resorts International Foundation , the figures at the end of the year 2008 are parsed and taking care that tax are not to pay, we are coordinating it with the counter Miguel Angel García and Carlos López, the annual statement will be presented on March 31, 2009.

No more for I am now your orders for any comments.

LCP Juan José Muñoz

Status in relation to it are the companies that are in liquidation may I inform the following:

Group Capital Empire, today we were sent via fax notarized document in which the partners that made up this company is outside, as well as the submission of tax obligations for the remainder of the period during which the process of liquidation, to be by the new partners. It is estimated that over a period of 2 to 3 months this company is completely closed.

Steps for liquidation:

1. Obtaining Documentation. 2 Depersonalization of the Society (Change of Shareholders) 3 In your case change of address. 4 Elaboration of the Act of Settlement Home 5 Protocols and Registry.

Items 1,2,3, are already completed, with respect to items 4 and 5 will be ready next week, we also entered the SHCP to start Phase 2 and this phase is the most important because it determines whether the authority "Enter" or "No" the liquidation of the company, this is where the authority takes its time to review the documentation


World Resorts Marketing Enterprises, the integration of information to begin the liquidation process on our part and was sent to the Office of the Accountant Carlos Lopez, are just hoping that the fees are authorized to proceed with the liquidation proceedings, which Attached files in English and Spanish, all we need to do.

Capital Management Group Vallarta, this company is the most convenient suspend operations stop as soon as possible, as it no longer operates. This procedure we do.

Resorts International Marketing and Vallarta Resorts International Foundation, we are analyzing the figures at year-end 2008, ensuring that taxes are not paid, we are coordinating with the accountant Miguel Angel Garcia and Carlos Lopez, the annual return will be 31 March 2009.

I remain at your service for any comments.

LCP Juan José Muñoz

Frank R.
Aug 25, 2015

rodrigoc5 wrote:
The victimizers here are John Aurelio Cuda, AKA Tony Copela, AKA Anthony Copela; a U.S. Citizen, currently serving time at FCI Lompoc, a Low Security Federal Correctional Institution in California. Jonathan James Tomasello, is also a U.S. Citizen, who signed most of your timeshare contracts as "Director" of the development. You met the sales team yourself, so you probably know where many of them were from. People from all nationalities do good and bad things that is Just human nature. In this particular case, those are the facts. Your anger is understandable, however misplaced, and I hope that your venting out makes you feel better after all you have been through and the money you lost.

My best wishes to you and all, and I hope for the best outcome in this class action for all who choose join.

and everybody is all ready out of jail so you dont have to worry about all the lies and all the fake alw suites still trying to scam all the amircans the best job in mexico is a wana be attorney that speaks alittle english to scam all the lost timeshare members out of more money and they use other people data base and cleints to make moeny like the people from the clase act suite stole all the database from the old resort and are contacting everyone to join that is a scam writen all over it.. all the jail bird s are set free look at the news and stop blogging a bunch of BS

Frank R.
Aug 26, 2015


karenr242 wrote:
I sent all my original purchase copies to Rincon and got no answer. It cost me over $72.00 to copy and send them and nobody calls me back when I tried to call them.

Frank R.
Aug 26, 2015

carolynt40 wrote:
Who sent this message?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Final hearing takes place, evidence period concluded, closing statements to be presented by parties.

On January 5, 2015, the final hearing in the class action (Accion Colectiva 320/2013-VII), took place without the appearance of the defendant. In regards to the testimony and confessional evidence that were presented by the plaintiffs and that were to be discharged by the defendant; due to the fact that the defendants did not appear, the judge determined their lack of interest and in consequence, ruled to consider them confessed to the matters set forth in the confessional questionnaire. The final hearing has concluded the evidence period. The parties are therefore summoned to deliver their closing arguments and statements within a period of 10 business days.


I.- Liquidación de GCI

Desde hace varios meses se acordó liquidar GCI. Desde ese tiempo CLS consultó con unos abogados en Guadalajara, para llevar a cabo la operación. Considerando las características de la empresa y el monto de adeudos fiscales que tiene, el monto de los honorarios propuesto por los abogados es de $600,000.00 (30% de anticipo, 35% al momento de presentar papeles en SAT, y 35% al final de la liquidación), que incluye la liquidación legal de la empresa, la cancelación del Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (incluyendo las obligaciones cumplidas en materia de declaraciones presentadas). Los abogados se comprometen a entregar a más tardar en 4 meses constancia de la liquidación total y completa de la compañía.

No obstante lo anterior, FGP comentó la necesidad de cotizar con otra u otras firmas de abogados para obtener la más económica para el grupo.

Se concluyó que a más tardar en la semana en curso, FGP informaría a CLS el monto de los honorarios propuestos por el resto las firmas de abogados consultadas, para en su caso buscar una mejor oferta en Guadalajara.

Para estos efectos, es importante destacar que está cerca el cierre de año y las obligaciones de GCI, siguen acumulándose, por lo que es necesario resolver este asunto a la brevedad posible.

II.- Operaciones Inter-compañías

Desde el inicio del presente año, y con motivo principalmente de la apertura del restaurante y de la compra del terreno por parte de RIF, se ha presentado un problema operativo, el cual consiste en que se realizan pagos con dinero de una empresa pero cuyos comprobantes(facturas), están a nombre de otra. Esto da como resultadazo que los gastos y compras no son deducibles del Impuesto Sobre la Renta (“ISR”) para la sociedad que efectúa el gasto, porque no paga con dinero propio, por esto, la autoridad fiscal no puede comprobar que el dinero salió de sus cuentas.

Esto se genera principalmente por pagos del restaurante, que efectúan WR o FIR. La instrucción original o el esquema original, establecía que los ingresos y gastos, es decir que la operación del restaurante se llevaría a cabo a través de FRI.

También se presenta de manera importante en gastos relacionados con la construcción llevada a cabo por WR, en una construcción que ya no es de su propiedad, sino de FIR (recordar que se vendió el terreno).

La ley fiscal de México, permite que una empresa pague por cuenta de otra los gastos. Para esto debe existir un mandato en el cual por ejemplo FIR, le dé la instrucción a WR para realizar dichos pagos en su nombre y representación.

Se comento que no es el procedimiento más común para llevar a cabo las operaciones. De igual manera, se comento que en su caso, es posible que se le van a tener que explicar a la autoridad las razones de negocio por las cuales se llevaron a cabo las operaciones en esos términos. En este sentido se solicitó la colaboración de todos los responsables de las empresas, para que ellos que conocen las operaciones de la empresa, nos ayuden a encontrar razones lógicas que permitan explicar dichas operaciones por cuentas de terceros, por ejemplo: (i) obtención de permisos, (ii) mientras se autorizan los contratos de tiempo compartido, (iii) mientras se obtienen licencias de operación, etc.)

III.- Documentación pendiente de la venta de terreno.

Se recordó el flujo de los recursos y de la operación:

“…Member John Metzger entregó dinero a FIR ….FIR pagó el terreno a WR….WR “contrató” a AST para pagarle servicios de asesoría en comercialización….AST y sus empresas afiliadas, le regresaron dinero a Member John Metzger….”

FGP, quería conocer el estatus de la información y documentación que quedó pendiente con motivo de la salida de Juan José.

CLS comentó y expuso lo siguiente:

1.- Se le entregaron a FGP las tres facturas correspondientes a los pagos hechos por WR a AST.

De la misma manera, se imprimió una copia del contrato celebrado entre WR y AST, que ampara la operación. FGP se comprometió a recabar la firma por parte de WR, para enviar dicho documento a Guadalajara, y CLS consiga la firma por parte de AST.

2.- Se le comentó a FGP, que a petición de Member John Metzger se hizo un contrato de préstamo entre AST y Member John Metzger, para evidenciar y justificar el dinero que AST le entregó a él. Una copia del contrato se le envío a Juan José para que es lo entregará a Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger comentó que la traducción no le pareció adecuada, y que él mismo elaboraría el documento. Durante la reunión a la hora de la comida el Director de la Compañía platicó vía telefónica con Member John Metzger para recordarle dicho asunto pendiente. Por lo tanto quedamos en espera de que Member John Metzger haga llegar su propuesta de contrato.

3.- CLS preguntó a FGP si la dirección general de WR quería que se considerara el dinero entregado por parte de Member John Metzger como aportación o bien como préstamo hacia FIR. FGP lo comentó con el Director de la compañía y él resolvió que se considerara como préstamo. Está pendiente la elaboración del contrato y pagaré respectivo, en este sentido la dirección de la compañía comentó que Member John Metzger no tiene inconveniente sea elaborado con una tasa de interés mínima y un plazo de vencimiento de los intereses largo.

IV.- Operaciones Fly and Buy

Respecto estas operaciones, los contadores comentaron sus dudas para el registro de las mismas, toda vez que no se tienen bien identificadas las partes que intervienen en el negocio, por ejemplo, se contrata a una agencia, un hotel distinto presta el servicio, se le paga a otra persona distinta, y además no se puede obtener comprobante fiscal para que WR o FIR comprueben el gasto. Cabe señalar que es un gasto efectuado en el extranjero.

Se concluyó solicitar a la agencia con la cual se llevó a cabo la negociación y que además es quien descuenta los recursos de las cuentas de WR, que entregue un estado de cuenta o una factura en su caso, en el que desglose mensualmente o semanalmente los montos descontados, para que dicho documento compruebe conjuntamente con el contrato respectivo, el gasto.

Ni FGP ni los contadores, conocen el contrato respectivo, y consideramos que ese documento es fundamental para poder comprobar el gasto y para que sea deducible de impuestos.

V.- Adeudos fiscales de WR - pagos provisionales de 2008 - tratamiento fiscal de contratos de inversión

WR pagó el total de los impuestos que generó durante 2006 y 2007 y se presentaron las declaraciones mensuales y anuales correspondientes.

Sin embargo, no se han cubierto los impuestos correspondientes a 2008. El contador de la empresa informó que aproximadamente al mes de Agosto, el monto de impuestos que se adeudan es de $3,500,000.00 pesos. Estos impuestos corresponden a IVA (VAT) y a los pagos provisionales (anticipos) de ISR.

Además, se recordó que como parte de la estrategia fiscal del año 2006 y 2007, se propuso rehacer algunos contratos celebrados con los clientes, de tal manera que en lugar de ser contratos de tiempo compartido, fueran contratos de inversión; es decir, las cantidades pagadas a WR, era en principio considerado como un préstamo y a lo largo de dos años si WR no lo paga, se obliga a entregar unidades en tiempo compartido o fraccionado, según los contratos respectivos. Esto permitió diferir el ingreso dos años posteriores a la fecha de firma del contrato original. Como consecuencia de lo anterior, WR debe reconocer en 2008, los ingresos correspondientes a los contratos de inversión firmados en 2006, toda vez que ya transcurrieron los dos años desde la firma original.

Se concluyó determinar por parte de los contadores y del personal de WR, el monto de dichos ingresos pendientes para 2008 (favor de referirse al apartado VI).

VI.- Liquidación de WR - cesión de los derechos de los contratos de tiempo compartido Considerando las acciones tomadas por la dirección de la compañía en relación con transmitir la operación de WR hacia FIR (venta del terreno, operación del restaurante, nueva solicitud de inscripción del contrato de FIR en PROFECO, etc.), y tomando también en cuenta las posibles contingencias legales por el asunto de DLR, se analizó en la reunión de trabajo la posibilidad de liquidar WR.

CLS comentó que la liquidación también tendría el efecto de eliminar los adeudos fiscales que se encuentran vigentes en WR, incluyendo los impuestos diferidos originados por los contratos de inversión comentados en el punto V anterior.

Desde el punto de vista financiero y fiscal, se concluyó que es viable dicha liquidación, sin embargo, todos concluyeron que lo más importante es analizar cada uno de los efectos legales de los contratos de tiempo compartido; incluso el Director de la Compañía señaló que debe permanecer la obligación contraída con los clientes, y que se analicen las posibilidades para que FIR asuma dichas obligaciones.

En relación con la cesión de derechos de los contratos de tiempo compartido a celebrar entre WR a FIR, no se prevé algún problema relevante. Lo importante es analizar que también WR tiene en dichos contratos la obligación de entregar unidades y prestar servicios de tiempo compartido.

CLS comentó que va a tratar este tema con el abogado de su Firma, para que obtener su opinión inicial al respecto (viable o no), así como también para que proponga una serie de pasos a seguir (previos a la liquidación) y el monto de sus honorarios en su caso.

FGP comentó que también iba a cotizar el asunto con otros abogados, para analizar la propuesta más económica para el grupo.

VII.- Estados Financieros Dictaminados

Los auditores comentaron que aún y cuando el dictamen y su opinión e informe de los estados financieros de 2007, ya se encontraban preparados desde hace tiempo, no se habían entregado porque no se había tenido una reunión con las personas de la empresa, para comentar los puntos delicados de la opinión.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona se comprometió a revisar el dictamen y los estados financieros, para entonces hacer sus comentarios respectivos y sugirió traducir al idioma inglés del dictamen con la finalidad de que el Director de la compañía analice el documento.

Los auditores entregaron a Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona las facturas pendientes por concepto de servicio de auditoría prestada a WR.

También en ese espacio de tiempo, CLS comentó a solicitud de Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, el alcance de sus servicios prestados durante los años 2006 y 2007. En ese sentido CLS explicó que de acuerdo con la propuesta escrita aceptada por la compañía, los trabajos en relación con la regularización fiscal de las empresas del grupo; se implementaron estrategias que generaron ahorro en materia de ISR y de IVA, y que con base en el ahorro fiscal, se fijó un porcentaje de honorarios para la Firma.

Además CLS aclaró a Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, que del monto total de honorarios que le correspondían, disminuyó las cantidades pagadas durante todo el periodo de trabajo y el monto de los honorarios correspondientes a la elaboración del Dictamen de los estados financieros, que aunque no tienen relación con el trabajo fiscal, los absorbió como una atención para la compañía; de igual manera, redujo de manera considerable el porcentaje que cobraría de acuerdo con la propuesta escrita.

También comentó que por lo correspondiente a los trabajos relativos a los años 2007 y 2006, la compañía le pagó completos sus honorarios.

VIII.- Requerimientos de la Secretaria de Finanzas del Estado—situación actual de los domicilios fiscales—transmisión de los activos de WR a FIR

Los contadores comentaron que han llegado requerimientos de obligaciones por parte de las autoridades fiscales tanto Federales como Estatales, a los domicilios en donde se encuentran inscritos al RFC las empresas del grupo. Esos domicilios no corresponden a la ubicación real de las empresas.

También comentaron los contadores, su inquietud de los procedimientos que se deben seguir para la transmisión de los activos fijos (maquinaria, construcción, computadoras, autos, etc.) de WR a FIR.

Se acordó que una vez que se analice y en su caso la Dirección autorice la liquidación de WR, se analizarán estos temas en particular, para encontrar una estrategia que minimice el impacto correspondiente. OCTOBER 1, 2008 MEETING MINUTES

I.- Liquidation of GCI

Since various months ago it was agree to liquidate GCI. Since that time CLS consulted with attorneys in Guadalajara, to execute this operation. Considering the characteristics and the fiscal liabilities of the company, the proposal fees of the attorneys is the amount of $600,000.00 Mexican pesos (30% advance payment, 35% at filing de documents before the fiscal authorities (Mexican IRS) and 35% at the end of the liquidation) this includes the legal liquidation of the company, the cancellation of the Tax Payers Identification number (“RFC”) (including al the compliance of the obligations regarding the declarations filed). The attorneys committed to deliver in no more than 4 months the complete and total liquidation proof.

No withstanding the foregoing, FGP mentioned the necessity to check with other law firms the cost of this operation in order to obtain the less expensive proposal for the group.

It was concluded that no later than this week FGP will inform CLS the amount of the other law firms proposal, for in its case look for the best offer in Guadalajara.

In these effects, it is important to mention that the fiscal year closing it’s closed and the obligations of GCI are accumulating, for which is necessary to resolve on this matter as soon as possible.

II.- Inter-companies Operations

Since the beginning of this year and because of the restaurant opening and the purchase of the lot by RIF, an operating problem, consisting in that some payments are made by one company, but the fiscal receipts and invoices are issued in favor of another. Resulting that these payments and expenses an nondeductible for Income Tax Purposes (“ISR”) for the company that realize the expense, because it was not paid with its own capital, because of this, the tax authorities cannot probe that monies for that payment came from the company capital.

This usually applies for the restaurant payments made by WR or FRI. The original instruction or initial scheme provided that the incomes and expenses, meaning the restaurant operation shall be carried out by FRI.

This situations is also present in the expenses made in connection with the construction carried by WR, in a construction property of FIR (please remember that the property was conveyed).

The tax laws in Mexico allow a company to pay the expenses in favor of another. For this a special proxy is mandatory, for example where FIR give faculties to WR to make such payments in his behalf.

It was mentioned that is not the customary procedure to execute the operations. Likewise, it was mentioned that in its case, it is possible that we will need to explain to the authorities the business reasons why the operations were made under this terms. To this effect, it was required the cooperation of all the manager and directors of the companies, because by knowing them they shall help to find the reasons that allows us to explain such operations on behalf of third parties, for example: (i) the permits obtaining, (ii) while the share time agreement are authorized (iii) while all the operating licenses are obtained, etc.)

III. - Pending information regarding the sale of the real estate lot.

It was remembered the cash flow obtained from the operation:

“….Member John Metzger gives monies to FIR, FIR pay the real estate lot to WR....WR “contracted” AST to pay for the commercial advice services…. AST and its affiliated companies, return monies to Member John Metzger….”

FGP wanted to know the status of the pending information and documentation resulting from Juan José resignation.

CLS mentioned and explained the following:

1. - That the three invoices corresponding for the payments made by WR to AST were delivered to FGP.

Likewise, a copy of the agreement executed between WR and AST evidencing the operation was printed. FGP committed to obtain the signature from WR and to send the agreement to Guadalajara and CLS will get AST signature.

2. - It was mentioned to FGP that as per Member John Metzger request a loan agreement was made to be enter into AST and Member John Metzger, to evidence and justify the monies that AST gave to Member John Metzger. A copy of the agreement was handed to Juan Jose for him to deliver it to Member John Metzger.

Member John Metzger commented that the translation was not accurate, and he will prepare the document. During the meeting at the lunch time the Director of the company have a telephone call with Member John Metzger to remember him this pending matter. Meanwhile we will wait for Member John Metzger’s proposal.

3. - CLS asked FGP that if the management of WR wanted to consider the amounts given by Member John Metzger as a contribution to or as a loan to FIR. FGP discussed this issue with the General Manager and he resolved that it shall be considered as a loan. It still pending to draft the agreement and the corresponding promissory note, in this regards the management of the company mentioned that Member John Metzger have no inconvenience that the note is prepared with a low interest rate and an interest long term expiration.

IV.- Fly and Buy Operations

Regarding this point the accountants discussed their questions in connection with the record of these operations, because the parties involved in this operation are not well identified, for example, an agency is contacted, a different hotel provide de service, it is paid to a different person and furthermore the fiscal receipt cannot be obtained in order for WR or FIR prove such expense. It also important to point out that is an expense made abroad.

It was concluded to ask the agency with which the negotiation were made and who also discount the resources from WR accounts to deliver a balance or in its case an invoice , in which its monthly or weekly described the discounted amounts, for this documents along with the agreement proves the corresponding expense.

Neither FGP nor the accountants know the corresponding agreement and we believe that this document is important to prove the expense and to be deductible.

V.- WR fiscal liabilities – 2008 provisional payments – Investor Agreement fiscal treatment

WR paid all the accrued taxes in fiscal years 2006 and 2007 and all the monthly and annual tax revenues were filed.

However, the taxes corresponding to this year have not been paid. The accountant of the company informed that as to August the outstanding amount for taxes is the amount of $3,500,000.00 pesos, these taxes are corresponding to the VAT and provisional payments for Income Tax.

Furthermore, it was remembered that as part of the fiscal tax strategy for fiscal years 2006 and 2007, it was proposed to amend some of the agreements executed with the clients, hence, instead of being share time agreements they will be considered as investment agreements, meaning that, the amounts paid to WR will be considered as a loan to WR and in case during the following 2 year they are not paid, WR is bound to deliver share time units of fractional, pursuant to the corresponding agreements. This permitted deferring the income for two years following the execution of the initial agreement. Consequently, WR must recognize in 2008, the corresponding incomes from the investment agreements signed in year 2006, because two years have passed since the original execution.

The accountants and WR personnel concluded to determine the pending incomes corresponding to year 2008 (please refer to paragraph VI below)

VI.- Liquidation of WR – share time agreements assignment of rights

Based on the actions adopted by the company management regarding transmitting WR operation to FIR (real estate sell, restaurant operation, filing new recordation of the share time agreement before the Federal Consumer Protection Agency – PROFECO, etc.) and taking into account the possible legal contingencies for DLR matter, is was analyzed the possibility to liquidate WR.

CLS mentioned that the liquidation will as well have the effect to eliminate the current tax liabilities of WR including the deferred taxes triggered from the investment agreements referred to in paragraph V before.

From a financial and tax point of view, it was concluded that is more viable this liquidation, however, all concluded that it is more important to analyze the legal effects of the share time agreements; even the General Manager pointed out that the undertakings assumed before the clients shall prevail, and that it shall be analyzed the possibility that FIR assume such obligations.

Regarding the share time assignment of rights agreement to be entered into WR and FIR, no relevant problem is foreseen. The important issue is to analyze that WR has in these agreements the obligation to deliver units and provide share time services.

CLS mentioned that he will discuss this matter with his Firm attorney, to get his preliminary opinion in connection to this matter (viable or not), as well as for him to propose a number of steps (prior to liquidation) and his attorney fee.

FGP mentioned that she was going to ask for proposals with other attorneys, to analyze the more economic proposal for the group.

VII.- Audited Financial Statements

The auditors mentioned that even when their report and opinion on the financial statements for fiscal year 2007 was prepared from a time ago, they were not delivered because they have not have the meeting with the company managers to discuss the important point of their opinion.

Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona committed to review the auditor’s report and the financial statements, to make his respective comments and suggested translating the auditor’s report into English in order for the CEO of the company to analyze them.,

The auditors handed to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona the outstanding invoices corresponding to the auditing services provided to WR

In addition, CLS mentioned as per Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona request mentioned the range of his services provided during years 2006 and 2007. In that regards, CLS mentioned that according to the written proposal accepted by the company, the implementation of the saving income tax and VAT strategies tasks in connection with tax regularizing the companies of the group were implemented, and based on the tax saving a percentage of his Firm fee was agreed.

Furthermore, CLS clarify to Gabriel Guadalupe Clavel Carmona, that from the total amount of the corresponding fee, he diminish the amounts paid during his working period and the fee corresponding to the preparation of the report on the financial statements, which even though they are not related to the tax services, he absorbed them as a favor to the company, likewise, he reduces the fee percentage to be paid from the original services proposal.

He also mentioned that his fee for the years 2006 and 2007 were paid in full.

VIII.- State Treasury requirements – current situation on the fiscal addresses – assets transmission from WR to FIR

The accountants mentioned that some compliance obligations requirements were received from the state and tax, authorities, in the addresses were the companies of the group were registered in the RFC. These addresses do not correspond to the real location of the companies.

Also, the accountant mentions their concern about the process that shall be following up to transmit the assets (machinery, constructions, computers, cars, etc.) from WR to FIR.

It was agrees that once the management of the company analyze and authorize the liquidation of WR, these matter will be analyzed to minimize the corresponding impact.

20/20 Headline Eyewitness News Grand Plot Member SCAM The photos below show the Member JOHN METZGER having personal affairs with PV BELAIRES old employees RAW EVIDENCE and REAL REASONSONS WHY RESORT WAS NOT BUILT AS SHOWN BELOW

Frank R.
Aug 26, 2015

How do we get points for our Belaire Timeshare?

Carolyn T.
Aug 26, 2015

How do we convert our Belaire contract into points?

Carolyn T.
Aug 26, 2015

So Frankr331 - you've taken a lot of time, trouble and space to post all this but who are you? Why should anyone believe what you have said over everyone else? What is your connection to Belaire? Worked there?

Gw P.
Aug 26, 2015

We would also like to know how to convert our Bel Air into points and be able to use them?

Mara R.
Aug 27, 2015

marar6 wrote:
We would also like to know how to convert our Bel Air into points and be able to use them?

I received this e-mail yesterday from member services []

I called the number to talk to Brooke but they were both no longer in service so I replied by e-mail to the member services listed above they sent me info about credit cards from Bank of America that I still can't figure out how one has to use them.

, our accounting department would like to verify with you, if you still are going to keep your membership280. Alternatively, if not it will be canceled due to the fact, that you have not used it with in the last (5) five years.

For any questions or concerns and information, reservations, Preferred Hotel booking

Please contact us either by email or by calling one of the numbers found below,


Customer Support Center Loyalty Rewards with PAYBACK points Program

Toll free: 1-866-978-4983 Direct: 1-415-692-5012 Fax: 1-415-484-7813 Web:

Loyalty Rewards Payback Solution Team, is a dedicated service provider to consumers and their cash-out settlement companies. Your success depends our effective solutions, providing account management services that enhance, the integrity and efficiency of members liquidation reduction payment process.

Carolyn T.
Aug 27, 2015

I received the same message. Don't these people anything better to do. As I said before when will it ever end.

Lois J.
Aug 27, 2015

My Mom received the exact same email yesterday. Responded but have not heard back.

Has anyone checked the 'website'? The site is just a shell; none of the links go anywhere.

Pam F.

Last edited by pamf100 on Aug 27, 2015 09:03 AM

Aug 28, 2015

The reason, I suspect, is that the scumbag Copela family is out to suck the last breath out of people. As I pointed out recently the number that was on the Signature Premier Club site was the old Belaire/Hotel U 1-866 number - coincidence? A number used in a Mexico fraud is now being used in San Francisco? Coincidence? Only if you're foolish enough to believe it is. And if you do, then they're waiting to take you once again!

Gw P.

Last edited by gwp2 on Aug 28, 2015 06:43 AM

Aug 28, 2015

Go to Google and type in John Aurelio Cuda and you'll get more information on more websites than you can imagine all concerning Tony and his son?Jonathan. The one I liked the best was Eastern USA time-share news. Have fun and depending upon How much money you lost cry a little or a lot.

gwp2 wrote:
The reason, I suspect, is that the scumbag Copela family is out to suck the last breath out of people. As I pointed out recently the number that was on the Signature Premier Club site was the old Belaire/Hotel U 1-866 number - coincidence? A number used in a Mexico fraud is now being used in San Francisco? Coincidence? Only if you're foolish enough to believe it is. And if you do, then they're waiting to take you once again!

Carolyn T.
Aug 28, 2015

You will never see a dime. Quit thinking the Mexican legal system is like the U.S. A few pay offs to judges and other officials and the these rats are back in business. I should have listened to that little voice telling me to run and don't look back.

George P.

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