Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Sep 13, 2017

We were there during Hurricane Floyd. True, minimal damage - a couple tiles off the roof and rain came into the lobby. Actually we had a fun time, Philip one Alphie stayed with us. We were quite surprised when we got the "hurricane damage assessment". We have "bought out" our contract; but are still interested in the thieves and would like to see them brought down so that no one else will be victimized by them

Phyllis K.
Sep 15, 2017

kymj3 wrote:
What was the attorney fees for Stuart? please

You need to call him. This information should not be shared on a blog.

Christine O.
Sep 29, 2017

I have called every, I mean every resort around Club Land'or.. They had 35 mile winds, NO Damage.. The Westend of Bahamas did.. However, Club Landor is on the East.. NO Damage.. NONE .. They cant pay their bills, and they want US to catch them up.. Get out if you can..

Diane B.
Sep 29, 2017

9/19/17 A little Irma excerpt about "Paradise Island," " Nassau and the entire island of New Providence was largely spared from the storm and actually welcomed evacuation flights from other parts of the Bahamas. Both the 694-room Melia Nassau Beach, which is about a quarter-mile west of Baha Mar, and the 3,400-room Atlantis Paradise Island, about 8 miles east, reported that no storm-related damage had been sustained.

kymj3 wrote:
I have called every, I mean every resort around Club Land'or.. They had 35 mile winds, NO Damage.. The Westend of Bahamas did.. However, Club Landor is on the East.. NO Damage.. NONE .. They cant pay their bills, and they want US to catch them up.. Get out if you can..

Christine O.
Sep 30, 2017

I spoke to Stuart this week. 800 FOR HIM TO send a letter up front. Said they were pretty angry with him right now so he wasn't sure what response we would get. We are contemplating what to do.

Melodie D.
Nov 28, 2017

Hello I also am one of the foolish people who was duped and got involved with Club Landor. They are nothing but a ripoff. Please tell me if there is any lawyers or lawsuits that work to get people out of their contact? I just don't know where to turn.

Sallylee C.
Nov 28, 2017

How did you get out of your contract? That is what I am trying to do now.

Sallylee C.
Dec 29, 2017

I am one of those stuck with Landor and their rising demands yearly, any words of wisdom to get out?

Ragini R.
Jan 02, 2018

I too am one of Club Land'or victims...following this closely. Would be interested in cancelling contract. Have never returned to resort after signing contract.

Patti N.
Jan 02, 2018

I think you have to be aggressive with them. Write to that Marlene [their "recovery" person]. Unfortunately, my husband was notified of some action but since we used the resort once in 28 years, he brushed it off. I never knew there was a hearing in 2015 and in 2017 they garnished my bank account for $9600. When I was told by the bank of the loss was the first I knew of any problem. I wrote to Marlene and told her I had a lawyer...she then showed that my husband had signed a paper. I have since told her that we are NOT to be "reinstated" as she suggested we would be. They are a nasty group with no conscience but they will stay after you so be aggressive!

Barbara R.
Jan 02, 2018

Get in contact with Mr. STUART he was a godsend!! I am out of this mess!

Grace C.
Jan 02, 2018

Even if I'm Canadian?

Patti N.
Jan 02, 2018

You can try, but he may be gearing up for retirement. It never hurts to ask. Also check with someone in Canada about whether Land'or even can touch you in Canada. Again~~~~~~~~do your homework, and hope you get it overwith!!!!

pattin35 wrote:
Even if I'm Canadian?

Christine O.
Jan 03, 2018

Stuart told me he was retiring in April but he also said that he could only have helped me before the hearing. By the time I talked to him I had already been notified of the garnishment and it was too late for any help. Call him now!

Barbara R.
Jan 03, 2018

There is no difference between being in Canada or the USA when Land'or wants your money! Sorry but you are not safe from their offers to buy you out or their collections process. I know this because I know two members who live in Canada. One really wanted take them to court but just could not afford to make the trip.

Tendy L.

Last edited by tendyl on Jan 03, 2018 09:20 AM

Jan 03, 2018

Sorry I am new in here - who is Mr. Stuart and what is his contact number thanks

Ragini R.
Jan 03, 2018

Stuart Sadler 434-361-0512

Barbara R.
Jan 03, 2018

barbarar544 wrote:
Stuart Sadler 434-361-0512

Lawyer that has helped MANY!!

Christine O.
May 14, 2018

We were scammed big time, trying to get out of CLUB LAND'OR NASSAU. They are scammers, liars. cheats. Showed us a beautiful room, have never had anything but a moldy, smelly , dirty, cock roach infested room. We stopped paying They are threatening us as well. We called the lawyer that is in the forum, he is retired. Please help us get out of this mess.

Donna A.

Last edited by phyl21 on May 14, 2018 05:44 PM

May 14, 2018

please email mulkernsuperiorrentals would like to do a class action suit with others , lets get our money back and put an end to this . These people need to be put in their place.!!!!!! We work to hard for our money to be scammed like this.

Donna A.

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