Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Jul 10, 2017

I have tried calling Mr. Sadler but it tells me my call cannot be completed at this time. Is there another contact number? Land'Or is starting the process of garnishing my wages and I need to stop them.

Nicole F.
Jul 10, 2017

nicolef206 wrote:
I have tried calling Mr. Sadler but it tells me my call cannot be completed at this time. Is there another contact number? Land'Or is starting the process of garnishing my wages and I need to stop them.

Try e-mailing him. Look up that information on his web site.

Christine O.
Jul 11, 2017

I emailed him on July 1st and have received nothing back. I have a garnishment hearing on July 28th where they are trying to take my paychecks. Marlene, from Land'Or, has been a total rude ** about the whole situation. What gets me is why I wasn't notified about the court date? They filed the paperwork on 6/23/2017.

Nicole F.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jul 11, 2017 12:47 PM

Jul 11, 2017

nicolef206 wrote:
I emailed him on July 1st and have received nothing back. I have a garnishment hearing on July 28th where they are trying to take my paychecks. Marlene, from Land'Or, has been a total rude ** about the whole situation. What gets me is why I wasn't notified about the court date? They filed the paperwork on 6/23/2017.

Make sure you appear in court that day, and plead your case. How did you find out about the court hearing, if you were not notified? If that is your first court date, and you appear, you should be able to get a trial date with a judge, for a later time. If you do not appear, you automatically will have the judgement against you, and probably will not be able to change the outcome. If you are not from Virginia, you MUST go there. I did, and it makes a difference. In the mean time, keep trying to get a hold of the attorney. Get all your papers and notes from you have been harassed on the phone, and also if you have any mailings at all from them. If you have the envelopes, make sure you bring those too.

Christine O.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jul 12, 2017 09:16 AM

Jul 12, 2017

Thank you, I will be emailing you this evening when I get off work. I found out about the court date because I got a solicitation letter from a random lawyer stating I have a pending court case blah blah blah. So I checked the court website and sure enough I have a court date of 7/28 with them filing paperwork on 6/23. I did notice that for my address it just states Norfolk Va instead of my actual address so Land'Or may be tryin to be sneaky, cause they definitely have my address. I will be going to the court hearing, already took the day off work.

Nicole F.
Jul 28, 2017

Court is over for now. Marlene told me that they were going after my wages when in fact they were actually trying to freeze the same bank acct they got back in February. I closed that acct so the judge dismissed it. I told the company rep that I am not paying for something they no longer own and I won't be able to use. She was very irritated that out of the 4 or 5 other people there I was the only one who challenged her. Their next course of action will probably be to try and garnish my wages but it gives me time to come up with a game plan to fight them.

Nicole F.
Jul 28, 2017

Good work. Now~~get that attorney!

nicolef206 wrote:
Court is over for now. Marlene told me that they were going after my wages when in fact they were actually trying to freeze the same bank acct they got back in February. I closed that acct so the judge dismissed it. I told the company rep that I am not paying for something they no longer own and I won't be able to use. She was very irritated that out of the 4 or 5 other people there I was the only one who challenged her. Their next course of action will probably be to try and garnish my wages but it gives me time to come up with a game plan to fight them.

Christine O.
Aug 09, 2017

My husband talked me into buying a time share with Club Land"Or 28 -29 years ago. We used it once but were not impressed [getting a date we wanted in Florida was not easy. We left our jobs the next year and told them we could no longer use the timeshare and would turn it back. I never knew that we ever heard from them again but apparently my husband did but kept if from me so that I would not get upset. Fast forward to July 2017 and I have received a notice from my bank that my account has been garnished! I called Mr Sadler who could not have been any nicer, and learned that my husband must have been notified of a court hearing and failed to tell me. The judgement was July 2015 and my money is now held for the hearing in VA August 21st. I can do nothing about it [or my husband whom I wish to smack] I do encourage everyone caught in this mess to call Mr Stuart Sadler. He is wonderful. If there ever is a case against this horrible group, Club LD, I do want to be a part of it .

Barbara R.
Aug 09, 2017

barbarar544 wrote:
My husband talked me into buying a time share with Club Land"Or 28 -29 years ago. We used it once but were not impressed [getting a date we wanted in Florida was not easy. We left our jobs the next year and told them we could no longer use the timeshare and would turn it back. I never knew that we ever heard from them again but apparently my husband did but kept if from me so that I would not get upset. Fast forward to July 2017 and I have received a notice from my bank that my account has been garnished! I called Mr Sadler who could not have been any nicer, and learned that my husband must have been notified of a court hearing and failed to tell me. The judgement was July 2015 and my money is now held for the hearing in VA August 21st. I can do nothing about it [or my husband whom I wish to smack] I do encourage everyone caught in this mess to call Mr Stuart Sadler. He is wonderful. If there ever is a case against this horrible group, Club LD, I do want to be a part of it .

That is a terrible story. Are you still married? Is Mr Sadler representing you? Did your employer agree to the garnishing?

Christine O.
Aug 10, 2017

I am self employed so they just garnished my bank account. I never knew anything was in the works regarding my account. Believe me if I were younger I would be divorced but he is too old and feeble to fend for himself so I am still here. Having read that another person only learned of her court case by receiving a letter from an "ambulance chaser" offering to represent her, I may even believe that my husband never received notice of the court case. This group is so underhanded and they have gotten away with so many tactics that it is conceivable that no notice was ever sent and by my failing to appear, they simply won the judgement. Mr Sadler said there was nothing he could do now that 2 years had passed. He said that their charges were excessive and I could possibly fight for $200 return but it would cost me that much just to go up to Richmond to attend the hearing so I am giving up. The bad guys win again!

Barbara R.
Aug 10, 2017

barbarar544 wrote:
I am self employed so they just garnished my bank account. I never knew anything was in the works regarding my account. Believe me if I were younger I would be divorced but he is too old and feeble to fend for himself so I am still here. Having read that another person only learned of her court case by receiving a letter from an "ambulance chaser" offering to represent her, I may even believe that my husband never received notice of the court case. This group is so underhanded and they have gotten away with so many tactics that it is conceivable that no notice was ever sent and by my failing to appear, they simply won the judgement. Mr Sadler said there was nothing he could do now that 2 years had passed. He said that their charges were excessive and I could possibly fight for $200 return but it would cost me that much just to go up to Richmond to attend the hearing so I am giving up. The bad guys win again!

They cannot take you or your husbands social security or any federal money. Did they? Can you just change banks so that they cannot access it any longer? Somehow that should be an option. If you are the "head of household, there also should be a difference of a percent that can be withdrawn.

Christine O.
Aug 11, 2017

I found it odd that they only went after me but a few years ago I started my own account since I am working and my husband is not [we are old!] He maintains a checking account into which both of our Social Security payments are deposited. He NOW admits that "a few years ago" the Club tried to get funds from that account but could not because it was SS. He didn't tell me because he knew I would be upset. So to avoid the conflict he just kept quiet not realizing that they would be relentless. I have now had the money taken from my account and the words "time share" is dirty to me!

Barbara R.
Aug 11, 2017

Do you have a phone number or any information for Stuart Sadler?

Rebecca M.
Aug 11, 2017


Carole M.
Aug 11, 2017

I am the person that found out about my course case via an "ambulance chaser". They took almost $700 from my bank acct in Feb and just tried to garnish the same acct (which I closed) again. Marlene is the lady I was dealing with but refuse to do so anymore. She convinced me not to go to court in Feb as "it would be a waste of my time" because I wouldn't have had a chance to say anything, afterwards I found out I could've fought it. I am still trying to find a lawyer that will work with me about payments because I just don't have the $ to pay one but I plan on fighting them as much as I can. My pay will most likely be the next thing they try and garnish since I removed my name from any other bank accts. I am assuming they are in serious financial trouble and that's why they're taking everyone to court for past due maintenance and special assessment fees. The rep for my court case had a docket almost 2" thick just for that day and out of all those only 4 showed up. The rest will automatically lose their money. When I told the rep I wasn't paying for something I'll never use and that they were in breech of contract since they no longer own the timeshare in Williamsburg (I was supposed to be a deeded owner) she got snippy and walked away. They hate when you do research. They will make payment arrangements with you if that's the route you want to take in order to avoid the courts and garnishments.

Nicole F.
Aug 12, 2017

rebeccam431 wrote:
Do you have a phone number or any information for Stuart Sadler?
Just type in his name on the web and all of his information is right there. Tell him Christine sent you. If he can help you, you will be very pleased with the outcome. Go back to 2011 and read every single one of these pages, beginning to end. It will be most helpful to read them in order.

Christine O.
Sep 04, 2017

We are in your shoes.. do you have Mr. Sadler's number.. thank you

Kym Johnson

Diane B.
Sep 06, 2017

Just an FYI for all of us who are involved with this very volatile and unrepeatable company, I just received a phone call from Marlene saying that they are going to add an assessment to us because of the hurricane that is happening now. We as a community of unhappy customers must come together now and stop this company from continuing to take our hard earned money for their monetary gain. Any suggestions from fellow community members should be addressed here.

Yvette H.
Sep 06, 2017

They took my money from my account and I was told there was nothing I could do because I didn't show up when the case was heard and the judgement was automatic. I was also told that they would not come after me for any more money after this. If they can continue to get more money I will close my accounts and put them in other names I guess but isn't one garnishment enough for these crooks?

Barbara R.
Sep 06, 2017

You should really make a move to be released from your contract. It is difficult, but it appears that Land'or is protected in Virginia, for whatever reasons. Myself, and many others had to fight to be released from our contracts, but once that is accomplished, life is so good!

yvetteh54 wrote:
Just an FYI for all of us who are involved with this very volatile and unrepeatable company, I just received a phone call from Marlene saying that they are going to add an assessment to us because of the hurricane that is happening now. We as a community of unhappy customers must come together now and stop this company from continuing to take our hard earned money for their monetary gain. Any suggestions from fellow community members should be addressed here.

Christine O.

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