Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Mar 12, 2016

Thank you for the phone calls! The reoccuring theme here is to call Mr. Stuwart Sadler. I've reached out to him and will hopefully speak with him on Monday! I want this nightmare done and over with. Land'Or is the WORST company that I have EVER dealt with. Amazing how much crap Land'Or is!

I really wish there was a way to sue them to recover our money that we've already paid them. This is ridiculous!

Doug S.
Mar 13, 2016

You will be good, with Stuart Sadler.

Christine Olsen

Christine O.
Mar 13, 2016

I have contact him and I'm trying to find my contract with Land'Or now and will be signing with him either tomorrow or the day after. I need these bastards off my radar and done with. Karmas going to get Land'Or good!

Doug S.
Apr 03, 2016

I too am having the same issues with Land'or....... just curious, has everyone been receiving their yearly bills for maintenance fee or special assessments? or do they find Land'or only reaching out once its accumulated to a larger amount and they've had time to add interest and late fees to retrieve more money from you. Just curious.....

btw... I've reached out to Sadler as well to put an end to this

Sj C.
Apr 05, 2016

I decided I had enough and wrote up a complaint against Land'Or via the Virginia Attorney General Website:

There is an on-line form, or you can download the form and mail it in.

In case you want to look up cases in Virgina go here:

Has anybody on this board registered a complaint to the AG's office? I can't be the only one. If so, what was the result?

Tony D.
Apr 07, 2016

21 cases of warrant of debt were issued in York County District Court in Virginia in March 2016. 19 were dismissed (one of them was mine ;-) ) and two were pending before any hearings began.

I guess the courts are on to them.

Tony D.
Apr 07, 2016

well folks, I have not been on here for some time now. Ever since ridding my life of this timeshare. I did it without an attorney and did not pay anything. This company counts on the probability that people just won't show up in court and the resulting judgement must be made in their favor. This company does not want cases heard in Henrico because the judges are beyond tired of hearing about the same old things and dismissing cases. Obviously the courts in York or wherever are getting to that point. Do not get bullied or just turn your back. gather your papers and show up!

Michael G.
Apr 08, 2016

Was your venue in Henrico?

Tony D.
Apr 08, 2016

Yes, mine was in Henrico. The advantage to living in state is going to the courthouse and taking notes on the other cases. You then have data to stand behind when battling them. That has been my experience. Best of success to all!

Michael G.
Apr 08, 2016

Yes, I spoke with them directly. It is basically a dead end because of the exemptions in the code. As I understand it, the owners were involved in the wording of said laws but that could not be immediately confirmed. Time shares are a big grey area in the law.

Michael G.
Apr 18, 2016

My wife and I took CLO on directly (CLO vs Moore GV15006540-00/01). We had asked for information, per the contract, to justify the $2,200 maintenance fees and declined to pay until the information was provided. Instead of responding to our concerns, they repeatedly demanded payment and then declared the account in default and filed a claim. We used CLO filings with State of Virginia (received a CD with all their registration information) and prior case information (documents for CLO vs Trinkle in District Court and Heyner vs CLO in Circuit Court are especially helpful) to prepare for the trial. After a few visits to Henrico County for court their charges against us were dismissed with prejudice. Our counterclaim resulted in a judgement against CLO and nominal damages awarded to us. We could have done better on our counterclaim, in my opinion, but being non-lawyers had trouble entering evidence due to technical issues (not on the merit of the evidence). We must have done something right because CLO's lawyer even tried to claim at the start of the trial that we had someone helping us prepare our documents and tried to get everything thrown out. Again, it was a lot of work but we are glad we did not let them bully us into submission and exercised our rights per the contract and court system. Stuart Sadler knows all about CLO so is a great resource, especially if you cannot travel to Henrico County yourself. On Terrib179, I take anything he/she states with a grain of salt. Based on our particular contract and our specific experience through this entire process her information can be misleading and inaccurate. Use/obtain legal advice particular to your contract and situation to best decide how to move forward.

Alan M.

Last edited by alanm270 on Apr 18, 2016 08:46 AM

Apr 18, 2016

alanm270, Might I ask that you do not attack someone/something that you know nothing about. Each of us has a different situation and have handled it in their own way. I believe I have been a member at Land'or longer than anyone on this forum....1980. We have seen it all and have grown old with the resort so are not as shocked as others. Some on here have a vendetta against me and have even accused me of being a 'plant' for Land'or. It all stems from me standing up to the person who thinks they rule the world after winning a judgment and this person and minions have been speaking untruths about me for years and frankly I am sick of it. I have shared the good and bad about Land'or and never lied. After going into the collections process we had to make a difficult decision not to fight them in court with or w/o a lawyer. Too old, too poor and had health issues that did not need the stress it would have produced. All I will say is that we used our contract and negotiated for something that has worked for us so far but it does not absolve us from paying our fees. We are too old on fixed income now to go as often as we used to so have exchanged closer/cheaper to home and some years we go nowhere and lose weeks but we still enjoy the resort and our friends who still go when we do. We have seen a lot of improvement at the resort but they have a long way to go. The sales tactics are still way over the top and I have openly confronted them . I never understood how people believe what they hear, 'cave in' and then complain loudly and often. To each his own I guess. I just want my name to be left out of the discussions. Its not productive. There may come a time when I will have to go through collections process again and I will deal with that when the time comes. They will have to squeeze harder next time to get blood out of this stone as Social Security is all I have. I wish everyone a resolution they can live with.

Terri B.

Last edited by terrib179 on Apr 18, 2016 10:30 AM

Jun 07, 2016

My wife and I bought a 2 bedroom unit in March of 2014 that was marketed by Apex for Club Land' Or. The unit that we were shown by walk thru onsite had been remodeled with several nice items such as furnishings, appliances, restroom fixtures, etc. We were told that the entire resort would be remodeled and upgraded to this standard by the end of 2014. We have been back to the resort twice; once in April 2014 & just last week in May of 2016. There have been no efforts to update the facility as presented to us. We had the opportunity to meet with the General Manager " Prince Ellis" last week in which he verbally on a recorded conversation indicated that he is also a part owner as well as the Holt brothers. My wife has taken several pictures and a video of both the new 2 bedroom unit that we were supposed to receive as well as the nasty existing conditions that were made available to us. I'm personally tired of all of the lies and cover ups that we keep receiving from the marketing staff as well as "Prince Ellis" himself. We just want what we were sold or all of our money back. I hope that this won't require legal action but if so; I intend to do so to the full extent of the law. Club Land' Or is a fraud that keeps selling units to people on a daily basis and none of the money is being utilized for the renovation that we were sold on. Please comment on any best action(s) to take..

alanm270 wrote:
My wife and I took CLO on directly (CLO vs Moore GV15006540-00/01). We had asked for information, per the contract, to justify the $2,200 maintenance fees and declined to pay until the information was provided. Instead of responding to our concerns, they repeatedly demanded payment and then declared the account in default and filed a claim. We used CLO filings with State of Virginia (received a CD with all their registration information) and prior case information (documents for CLO vs Trinkle in District Court and Heyner vs CLO in Circuit Court are especially helpful) to prepare for the trial. After a few visits to Henrico County for court their charges against us were dismissed with prejudice. Our counterclaim resulted in a judgement against CLO and nominal damages awarded to us. We could have done better on our counterclaim, in my opinion, but being non-lawyers had trouble entering evidence due to technical issues (not on the merit of the evidence). We must have done something right because CLO's lawyer even tried to claim at the start of the trial that we had someone helping us prepare our documents and tried to get everything thrown out. Again, it was a lot of work but we are glad we did not let them bully us into submission and exercised our rights per the contract and court system. Stuart Sadler knows all about CLO so is a great resource, especially if you cannot travel to Henrico County yourself. On Terrib179, I take anything he/she states with a grain of salt. Based on our particular contract and our specific experience through this entire process her information can be misleading and inaccurate. Use/obtain legal advice particular to your contract and situation to best decide how to move forward.

Marty L.
Jun 07, 2016

I have read and taken part in this forum since the first page and days it began and was part of it in those early days. I posted my painful journey and finally dropped out after I had worked out my deal (special arrangement).

I had been an owner since we bought in the early 90's, as a young couple with kids we enjoyed CLO for many years. This even while the place was deteriorating each year, the location, the staff and Paradise Island itself have given me and my family many great memories over those year. We got to a point that the place was not much better than an old 50's motel on the highway, still with a fantastic staff but the accommodations were horrible. All this and CLO was increasing their yearly maintenance fees and adding a surcharge each year from the $200's to $1000's extra. At first we paid these extra charges but after traveling down to stay and having paid several years of fees for "hurricane damage" new pool tiles (only to be charged again because the pool tiles had to be redone due to being too slippery) and finding that none of the "upgrades" or promised "improvements" had been started, in progress or completed, the decision was to stop all payments except the yearly maintenance fee. Of course we went through the same CLO barrage of payment demands, threats, etc. We took on CLO in a somewhat different way to which they did response and we came to an arranged minimal buyout to which we and CLO parted ways.

While we are happy to be out of it, there does exist the sadness of not having a place to stay in PI for those short trips we used to take. I will say this to those of you that are still with them and want out, look at the problem and then look at the many possible solutions here in this forum. Contact Christine and/or Stuart Sadler for help and advice to get yourself out. Each of us that has gotten out of their contract has worked the exit plan that worked for us. I hope that you all find the solution you want and it works out for you, it did for us and for that we are glad.

There is one thing that somewhat saddens me in reading these posts is when somebody writes they are happy and enjoy CLO, the whole community goes on a witch hunt. What does it really matter, that is their opinion and/or blindness (or head in the sand) to the issues at Land' OR. Ignore them move on, they are not going to change the way a person thinks after having been to Land' OR and seen the A/C hanging on a busted, rusted piece of angle iron, bad sleeper sofa, or dated grungy kitchen and such. These others that wish to stare through the rose color glasses will never agree with the issues, problems and faults, they want to believe that CLO is a great place and to them it might be, maybe they can overlook the scum ridden showers, the large groups of roaches that scatter when you turn on the lights. It is also possible that due to circumstances beyond their control, they are not be able to end their relationship with Club Land' Or and as such must defend the place in some manner.

Putting that time and energy on trashing them is just a complete waste of effort. There are far too many good people on this forum post site that understand your frustration and are willing to help you, focus on the positive to achieve your goals. In closing I sincerely hope you find the right path, use the good people of this forum to help you get to that avenue and hopefully your future gets brighter.

Mark H.
Jun 07, 2016

moholte wrote:
I have read and taken part in this forum since the first page and days it began and was part of it in those early days. I posted my painful journey and finally dropped out after I had worked out my deal (special arrangement).

I had been an owner since we bought in the early 90's, as a young couple with kids we enjoyed CLO for many years. This even while the place was deteriorating each year, the location, the staff and Paradise Island itself have given me and my family many great memories over those year. We got to a point that the place was not much better than an old 50's motel on the highway, still with a fantastic staff but the accommodations were horrible. All this and CLO was increasing their yearly maintenance fees and adding a surcharge each year from the $200's to $1000's extra. At first we paid these extra charges but after traveling down to stay and having paid several years of fees for "hurricane damage" new pool tiles (only to be charged again because the pool tiles had to be redone due to being too slippery) and finding that none of the "upgrades" or promised "improvements" had been started, in progress or completed, the decision was to stop all payments except the yearly maintenance fee. Of course we went through the same CLO barrage of payment demands, threats, etc. We took on CLO in a somewhat different way to which they did response and we came to an arranged minimal buyout to which we and CLO parted ways.

While we are happy to be out of it, there does exist the sadness of not having a place to stay in PI for those short trips we used to take. I will say this to those of you that are still with them and want out, look at the problem and then look at the many possible solutions here in this forum. Contact Christine and/or Stuart Sadler for help and advice to get yourself out. Each of us that has gotten out of their contract has worked the exit plan that worked for us. I hope that you all find the solution you want and it works out for you, it did for us and for that we are glad.

There is one thing that somewhat saddens me in reading these posts is when somebody writes they are happy and enjoy CLO, the whole community goes on a witch hunt. What does it really matter, that is their opinion and/or blindness (or head in the sand) to the issues at Land' OR. Ignore them move on, they are not going to change the way a person thinks after having been to Land' OR and seen the A/C hanging on a busted, rusted piece of angle iron, bad sleeper sofa, or dated grungy kitchen and such. These others that wish to stare through the rose color glasses will never agree with the issues, problems and faults, they want to believe that CLO is a great place and to them it might be, maybe they can overlook the scum ridden showers, the large groups of roaches that scatter when you turn on the lights. It is also possible that due to circumstances beyond their control, they are not be able to end their relationship with Club Land' Or and as such must defend the place in some manner.

Putting that time and energy on trashing them is just a complete waste of effort. There are far too many good people on this forum post site that understand your frustration and are willing to help you, focus on the positive to achieve your goals. In closing I sincerely hope you find the right path, use the good people of this forum to help you get to that avenue and hopefully your future gets brighter.

Well said. Christine Olsen

Christine O.
Jun 20, 2016

I am a member of Club Land'Or since 2006. Every year they increase the annual fees as well as they assess exorbitant assessment fees. The resort has been under construction since I can remember. I have placed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General office. I am looking for people interested in joining a class action lawsuit against this awful company. Buyer Beware: do not buy a time share at this resort or any other resort owned by this company. Their business practices are predatory, their sales pitch is misleading and withholding important information with respect to the annual maintenance fees, administrative fees and assessments. I requested a breakdown of all the fees assessed against my unit and a copy of my contract for months now. I have just received an email from the legal/recovery dept threatening me with collection after they missed two of my payments. The money is sitting in their account without properly being applied and I continue to incur late charges and penalties. When I try to communicate with them I get a nasty response like you should look at your contract, everything is in there. When I requested a copy of my contract and proof where these fees and assessments are coming from, I was told to send them $25 so they can send me a copy of my contract. Ridiculous!!! Fees on top of fees on top of charges. People should be aware of this company's business practices before signing any contract with them

Simona R.
Jun 20, 2016

I am a member of Club LAND'or since 2006. Every year they increase the annual fees as well as they assess exorbitant assessment fees. The resort has been under construction since I can remember. I have placed complaints with the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General office. I am looking for people interested in joining a class action lawsuit against this awful company. Buyer Beware: do not buy a time share at this resort or any other resort owned by this company. Their business practices are predatory, their sales pitch is misleading and withholding important information with respect to the annual maintenance fees, administrative fees and assessments. I requested a breakdown of all the fees assessed against my unit and a copy of my contract for months now. I have just received an email from the legal/recovery dept threatening me with collection after they missed two of my payments. The money is sitting in their account without properly being applied and I continue to incur late charges and penalties. When I try to communicate with them I get a nasty response like you should look at your contract, everything is in there. When I requested a copy of my contract and proof where these fees and assessments are coming from, I was told to send them $25 so they can send me a copy of my contract. Ridiculous!!! Fees on top of fees on top of charges. People should be aware of this company's business practices before signing any contract with them. i am seriously thinking of pursuing legal action against this horrible company.

Simona R.
Jun 21, 2016

You cannot bring a class action law suit in the state of Virginia.

The attorney general's office is useless as they are only an intermediary and refuses to get involved.

Tony D.

Last edited by phyl21 on Jun 21, 2016 09:08 AM

Jun 22, 2016

Best solution: Call Stuart Sadler's Richmond office. CLO is afraid of him.

Edward H.
Jun 23, 2016

I have been following this thread and see that the list keeps getting longer of unhappy owners. I will add myself to the list. A friend and I bought into this time share back in 2005. I just found my contract and our quarterly fees more than doubled. In addition they keep adding little additional fees in there for something they couldn't even properly explain to me. I have been in contact with Christine and will be contacting Stuart also. We need to rid ourselves of this nightmare and the outrageous assessments they come up with. I was there about 3 yrs ago, the room smelled musty, the closet door was hanging from it's hinge and I had to chase them down for towels. The pool was dirty and there was even a toothbrush in the hot tub which had lukewarm water not really sanitary. I brought this up with the person in charge and I was offered to upgrade to their "new renovated villas" like really. I already paid for that! Needless to say I'm done!

Milly N.

Last edited by millyn on Jun 23, 2016 10:05 AM

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