Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Feb 10, 2010

I'll try.

David G.
Feb 11, 2010

Hi marya502. Please contact me The attorney I have retained would really like to speak to the attorney you have retained. Please let me know if you are willing to give me that info. Thanks

Yvonne C.
Feb 14, 2010

Club Land'Or is a money hungry resort. Almost every year is a "Special Assessment Fee" of about $500, in addition to the maintenance fees totalling over $1,000 a year. That is not including the fees when you do stay. I will assist anyone with a class action lawsuit, I just do not live in Virginia anymore. Would be glad to travel to take them to court.

Rob C.
Feb 14, 2010

marya502-will you provide me the name and address of the attorney. I would also like to persue this against Land'Or. E-mail me at please so we can stop the ripoff.

Rob C.
Feb 14, 2010


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 06:44 AM

Feb 14, 2010


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 06:45 AM

Feb 16, 2010

Alright, I'm back. For some reason I had a hard time getting on here the last couple of days. I'm going to make it easy and give everyone the attorney's e-mail contact information. Maybe he'll start keeping a list if enough people send him their contact information. His name is Stuart Sadler and his email is I won't post any other contact information. If you want it personally I will send it to your e-mail so let me know if you want more. E-mail him so we can see if there's any support. He e-mailed me how to get into the court records for cases but no one has stepped up to tak this on as a project yet.

Mary A.
Feb 16, 2010

I contacted him via email at the end of january. Was supposed to connect with him last week on the phone but got overcome by events and did not get to close the loop.

David G.
Feb 21, 2010

we are in the same boat like eveyone else, they are nickle and diming us to death. we went on ebay giving this property away, willing to pay the 900.00 for paperwork, no takers. I have stayed at LandOr i'm not sure what they are doing with our money but its not on upkeep. The spa was cold, we had to change rooms twice due to the door falling off and hot water not working. We would love to be part of a lawsuit and we are located in Va, close to the beach, let us know


Kathy P.
Feb 21, 2010

Kathy-- did you take pictures the last time you were there?

Brook P.
Feb 21, 2010

pictures of the resort yes, not pictures of the problems. We even tried to donate the timeshare to charity, landor put a stop to that....we cant afford to fight this in court alone, and even then I'm wondering if we even had a chance to win.

Kathy P.
Feb 21, 2010

I will have my husband drop this attorney an email. We have to read our contract again, but we think that they have a cap on the assessments, thank goodness we are not a deeded contract either, over in 2025, long way off, but hope at end of tunnel

Kathy P.
Feb 21, 2010

There is a possible way out. Need to pull a group together. Center of gravity would be the assessments and what they are doing with them. Atty I spoke to recommends 50 or more of us to start. I know there have to be a lot more of us who are fed up. Need to document the conditions and what they have been hitting us up for over time with the clever fees and assessments. Venue would be VA court since this is where we all send the checks. When I look at other sites that rate timeshares that have ratings on Landor I see plenty of unhappy folks. Not all of them make it easy to round folks up like this one. I'm not a social media expert but anyone think we should create a separate site wher we can collect names, pertinent info and updates as we begin to pick up momentum? I'm happy to devote time to cruising the net to find other owners. For the time being I guess we could steer them to this site as a starting point.

David G.
Feb 22, 2010

I will do whateverever it takes. Even if it means going to VA. I'm from MI. I have till 2021. I don't have any intention of going back to the Bahamas. Can't afford it with all the extra fees. Maybe someone else can get some pictures. I'm willing to work on whatever I can from here.

Yvonne C.
Feb 22, 2010

Please add my name to the list of people who want to file a class action lawsuit! I have recently been sent a letter of another person as well who is going to be sued. I believe this is another Land'or trick to get people worried. My letter was addressed to: Jonathan and Paige Boyce of North Carolina. And amazingly, they owe the same amount as me, $2068.60, which I find a bit too convenient. If anyone else has received a letter addressed to someone else threatening action, please pipe up, will make good fodder for the lawyers. My personal email is if someone is collecting names.

Chris B.
Feb 22, 2010

Atlantis and the Bahamian Government. Would there be anyway to complain to the Bahamian Government, Ministry of Tourism about the resort? I am sure Atlantis would support the argument that Club Land'or is damaging to the reputation of Paradise Island and The Bahamas as well. Surely, Atlantis has put some sort of pressure on the The Bahamian government to force Land'or to sell as part of an imminent domain issue.

Chris B.
Feb 22, 2010

OK- I think we are all in the same boat- willing to fight but can't do it alone. Willing to help but can' t do it alone or full time. At least thats the boat I am in right now. I have sent an email to stuart the attorney. Should he be the attorney to steer everyone? Or should we have someone else keep all the names and info-- just asking.

I would be willing to scour the internet to find folks- but who do we get them to send their info.

Thanks everyone.

Brook P.
Feb 23, 2010

I just found this website today. I am still trying to make it thru all the post- but I am unsure if anything has been started re: a class action suit. I would be like to be added to any suit against Land Or. I have written a complaint shortly after buying this property regarding the fraudulent sales practices and the lack of disclosures for the fees to use the resort and the "assessment" fees. I am very angry and will follow suit will making a complaint to both the Virginia and North carolina State Attorney's office. Has anyone had an attorney willing to take this on. I cannot even use my 4 already paid for weeks until I paid the newest assessment from last month!!!

Mary M.
Feb 23, 2010

Can I contact him directly?

Mary M.
Feb 23, 2010

If anyone has time- I saw on that there were several complaints about Land'or. Maybe we can get some more folks from there. I may have time this weekend.

Brook P.

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