Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

"The Villa Trader" is a timeshare related scam company and not affiliated in any way with Villa Trader -

Jul 20, 2009

joem399 wrote:
So the real question is; "are there any timeshare selling businesses out there which DO NOT require an upfront fee? " If so, I am interested in talking to them.
There are some, but they work on commision basis with minimum commissions. One company charged $1500 minimum. If your TS is at a high demand resort in a high demand season,then you should be able to sell it yourself through various websites such as RedWeek. Otherwise, if your TS is only worth a few hundred dollars, you may have difficulty giving it away. Keep in mind that just because a fast-talking salesperson tells you your TS is worth thousands of dollars, doesn't mean it's true.

Mike N.
Jan 20, 2010

they are a scammed... they go by mexico rentals now..same company..

Amanda C.

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