Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Apr 28, 2014

Why am I being 'called out' again? I have been over this ad nauseum. We pay what we agreed on when we worked out a solution. I stated before that working with them instead of against them gets you more positve results and far less headaches. Being members since 1982 we had become financially desperate but watching the actions in court taught me early on that attacking them was not the way to go. I have been disrespected here and called names which I blame on ignorance and perhaps some envy when being lashed at because we found a beneficial solution. There should be congratuations not anger. Christine is extremely nice but I found a lot of self serving hypocracy in the 'group' that formed to fight the resort. I also think the courts are weary of all of it.

If you go back and read you will find others who negotiated rather than attacking. Some were contacted by Land'or and some were proactive and asked for help. In following court cases I learned early that only a very few isolated cases won and I am not sure they really did in the long run regardless of what they said which wasn't much. Some of the so called 'wins'are in reality still ongoing cases.

The collections process was painful and we were elated to negotiate a mutually beneficial solution. Its been a long time coming but we are pleased with the upgrades/ renovations to date and expect to see even more next time we go. I still say that those who say there are no renovations just don''t want to admit there is any improvement so they can continue to complain. In our case we have 'aged' right along with the resort and I wish I had some personal renovations. AIrfare keeps us from going as often as we used to so we really look forward to our visits and are very comfortable and happy at the resort. We still meet up with long time Land'or friends from all over.

I wish each of you a positve solution. Just like many of you I can be a hot head but with Land'or decided against it. If you don't want to purchase at Land'or or any other resort just say "no thank you". If you feel you are pressured or sucked in- whose fault is that? Just smile, close your ears to the 'come ons' and walk away. We all know about sales and commissions. No one likes it but they are just doing their job. Ever buy a used car? There is a cooling off period by law and you could have exercised it. I have never allowed myself to be pressured into buying anything including my purchase at Land'or.

Terri B.
Apr 28, 2014

To terrib179: I merely asked you a question, politely, and you still did not answer it in your above answer. My question still stands. Whatever you said previously doesn't matter. A yes or no is simple. Thank you.

Cheryl O.

Last edited by cherylo70 on Apr 28, 2014 12:13 PM

Apr 28, 2014


I don't know who made you the boss of me but you have no right to demand a yes or no about my financial obligations to Club Land'or or to anyone else. I will not entertain your rudeness with a yes or no answer. I pay the feees I have to pay more no less. Just sent them a check this week. Now go take care of your own business and stay out of mine.

Terri B.
Apr 28, 2014

To terrib179: I wasn't demanding anything. By the way, you are in everybody's business when you stated that you have followed many of these cases. That says it all....I can say what I please, thank you . It is my right. I only asked you a question. A simple yes or no would have done. I am sure anyone else would have politely answered . There is no attack on you. Many of us have worked out all kinds of things with Club Land 'or but as the Judge stated..... There is no way anyone is going to keep paying their rising , unjustifiable fees, especially not stating them in the contract before they sign it.

Cheryl O.
Apr 29, 2014

Terrib179, when was your last visit to Club Land'or. I ask because I was just there in early April. As I've stated before I very much enjoyed my stay there several years ago and looked forward to seeing the renovations. So much so that when asked I agreed to spend hours of my vacation in a sales pitch. Initially I was disturbed that the salesperson was pitching an RCI affiliated vacation package when I know full well Club Land'or can't be traded or booked through RCI. I was shown two somewhat nicely renovated, but incomplete units and told the plan was to be complete within 5 years. When I asked to see the rest of the property there was very, very little else renovated if anything. In fact the property looked very much as it did in 2010 when I stayed at the resort. The part of the rear, facing the harbor showed extreme disrepair. Most disturbing was that the only work I saw going on was on the lower, rear unit to the right when you face the harbor. That was the unit they were working on in 2010. There were 4 guys doing something, but no other renovation activity. Meanwhile there were at least 20 people in the sales area.

Sadly though I loved my previous stay at Club Land'or there's no way I would stay there now and would be very concerned if I were obligated to pay them money. I can't help but think the owners are being mislead as to how money is being spent and on what because there's clearly something wrong going on. Like I said, I saw two partially renovated units that were not ready to be occupied and conveniently located next to the sales area. They had stainless steel appliances, granite counters and white leather furniture. Really? White leather in a rental unit in a building that's over 30 years old with rotting fascia boards??? The salesperson informed us that there was some kind of designer paint on the walls. Same old walls, same old door, but designer paint?

At best money collected is being poorly spent. Very sad that there's no proper management of this property and supervison of the work that needs to be done, but isn't being done.

Terri T.

Last edited by territ31 on Apr 29, 2014 05:24 AM

Apr 29, 2014

Territ31: thank you for you detailed, genuine explanation of your trip. I am sure it will help others making decisions about their weeks and how they will conduct their business with Club Land'or.

territ31 wrote:
Terrib179, when was your last visit to Club Land'or. I ask because I was just there in early April. As I've stated before I very much enjoyed my stay there several years ago and looked forward to seeing the renovations. So much so that when asked I agreed to spend hours of my vacation in a sales pitch. Initially I was disturbed that the salesperson was pitching an RCI affiliated vacation package when I know full well Club Land'or can't be traded or booked through RCI. I was shown two somewhat nicely renovated, but incomplete units and told the plan was to be complete within 5 years. When I asked to see the rest of the property there was very, very little else renovated if anything. In fact the property looked very much as it did in 2010 when I stayed at the resort. The part of the rear, facing the harbor showed extreme disrepair. Most disturbing was that the only work I saw going on was on the lower, rear unit to the right when you face the harbor. That was the unit they were working on in 2010. There were 4 guys doing something, but no other renovation activity. Meanwhile there were at least 20 people in the sales area.

Sadly though I loved my previous stay at Club Land'or there's no way I would stay there now and would be very concerned if I were obligated to pay them money. I can't help but think the owners are being mislead as to how money is being spent and on what because there's clearly something wrong going on. Like I said, I saw two partially renovated units that were not ready to be occupied and conveniently located next to the sales area. They had stainless steel appliances, granite counters and white leather furniture. Really? White leather in a rental unit in a building that's over 30 years old with rotting fascia boards??? The salesperson informed us that there was some kind of designer paint on the walls. Same old walls, same old door, but designer paint?

At best money collected is being poorly spent. Very sad that there's no proper management of this property and supervison of the work that needs to be done, but isn't being done.

Cheryl O.
Apr 29, 2014


Brenda R.
Apr 30, 2014

Cherylo My original contract is old and did spell out all the different kinds of fees including refurbishment and periodic special assessments but I did not expect that periodic would become almost every year but by definition it could be any regular or irregular interval.

Terri B.
Apr 30, 2014


We went to a presentation to see what they had to say. It was some new company that was contracted by Land'or. I remember angular white furniture and odd decor in the video they showed. It was cold looking like something in the 'Jetson' house. I found it very unappealing and so not tropical and I voiced my opinion that I thought it was just awful. I would rather have the original tropical flower decor. Nothing was mentioned about RCI or any other exchange company with us but I do know they have several they work with internally. We exchanged for the first time in 2013 and got a great place and the process was smooth as silk thru Land'or.

So you are not a lessee? FYI....there are no owners as its a right to use resort with no deed. Thanks for your update from your recent trip. We were last there in 2012 because we exchanged in 2013 to visit old friends/family in Florida. We are booked for 2014 so will judge for ourselves. The unit we normally stay in was partially renovated last time and very nice and the Blue Lagoon reopened while we there after refurbishment. Time will tell.

Terri B.
Apr 30, 2014

Has anyone looked at the owner comments in 'Wyndham Is breaking my financial back` In Talk about a lot of heavy fees being I had mentioned once upon a time about other places being higher than Land'or and was not believed so this is a prime example.

Terri B.
Apr 30, 2014


By owners I meant the people or corporation that actually owns the property. I hope you find improvements during your 2014 stay. Aside from the many sales people and people coming in for the presentation the place was pretty empty. My friend and I returned one afternoon to have lunch at the pool bar and were the only "guests" in the area. BTW, there has been no decline in the service or quality in that area. Excellent burger with the best price on Paradise Island. The woman working was very friendly and efficient.

I sincerely hope time is all it takes for Club Land'or to once again become the fun, friendly place to stay it once was. To my eyes it has really declined in the past 4 years. When I left in 2010 I would have happily traded my ownership at Harborside for right to use at Club Land'or. Not so much today, not at all actually. I guess there's still a chance and I hope the place recovers.

Terri T.
May 01, 2014


Thanks for the clarification. I mentioned it because so many think Land'or is a timeshare and they push back based on being property owners rather than 'renters' with a time sensitive lease. Advantages to both I guess.

The renovations have been such a long time coming and not going as quickly as anyone would like but I remain hopeful. It has become like a second home to us. We didn't buy time at the 'Taj Mahal' and don't expect or want grandeur. We just want things to work and be clean and comfortable.

Terri B.
May 01, 2014

terrib179 wrote:
We didn't buy time at the 'Taj Mahal' and don't expect or want grandeur. We just want things to work and be clean and comfortable.

Well put and pretty much my comments to the people I spoke with while there. Sadly, I was speaking to sales people and not decision makers. Hopefully a balance can be found between excessive fees and what is needed to make CLO the acceptable place to stay as it once was. It certainly doesn't require ultra-modern white leather furniture, granite counter tops and stainless steel appliances. Larger units are good, but basic maintenance and repairs would go a longer way. I wish them luck though.

Terri T.
May 21, 2014


Hillard W.
May 22, 2014

hvwj2020 wrote:

Go back to the beginning of this forum and read ALL of the posts. page 33

Christine O.
May 23, 2014

If I can get out of this contract , please let me know. I think a smart lady was handling some type of litigation but Inever had time to get on board. Let me know if Ican join a group please.

Karen M.
May 28, 2014

I also want a copy regarding special assessments. My Special Assessment for 2013 was $2200.

cherylt175 wrote:
Please forward copy of questionnaire and any info I can give attorney concerning these outrageous special assessments fees. thank you for your help.

mikep493 wrote:
kathleenl13 wrote:
ericb259 wrote:
I successfully got out of paying "special assessments" when thay sent the bill for the second one. If any of you saved the questionnaire that they used to require you to fill out about the contract you just signed, it defines "special assessments" as special assessments imposed by the Bahamian government. I have a copy of that questionnaire that I filled out if you would like a copy.

Would love a copy please.

Zenaida V.
May 28, 2014

Is this attorney handling a group lawsuit to get out of our Club Land Dor timeshare??? I'd like to hop on. Is there a fee???

Karen M.
May 28, 2014

karenm492 wrote:
Is this attorney handling a group lawsuit to get out of our Club Land Dor timeshare??? I'd like to hop on. Is there a fee???

What attorney are you speaking of?

Christine O.
Jun 10, 2014

Land’or International Inc. seeks Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization Story Comments Print Create a hardcopy of this page Font Size: Default font size Larger font size 7 Posted: Monday, June 9, 2014 10:30 pm | Updated: 1:08 am, Tue Jun 10, 2014. BY PETER BACQUÉ Richmond Times-Dispatch Henrico County-based Land’or International Inc. has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization. The resort development and time-share company listed estimated liabilities of $10 million to $50 million and estimated assets of $50,000 or less, according to a petition filed with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Richmond on Friday. Advertisement

The company estimated the number of its creditors at between 50 and 99 and that funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors. Company officials or its attorney in Washington did not return requests Monday for comment on the filing. Among creditors with large unsecured claims the company listed in its bankruptcy filing are the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond and St. Mary Catholic Church in Henrico, with claims of $7 million each. The churches’ claims, which Land’or disputes, spring from a bequest from the late Frank Eck to them involving the corporation. Other large creditors listed include Club Land’or (Nassau) Ltd., with a claim of $4,250,582.87, and Ronald Holt, with a claim of $1,386,465.49. Land’or International’s website lists Holt as president of the firm and of its Club Land’or in Nassau, Bahamas, as one of its companies. He is the brother of the company’s chairman and CEO, John Holt. In a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, the debtor usually proposes a plan of reorganization to keep its business alive and pay creditors over time. Land’or International said on its website that it has operated for more than 30 years in the resort development business. Its companies and brands include Club Land’or in Nassau, Bahamas; Club Land’or Concierge, a service for Club Land’or members to give them assistance in designing vacations; Flex Plus Exchange division, which gives club members a way to exchange a Club Land’or week for a week at another resort destination worldwide; the Blue Lagoon Seafood Restaurant in the Bahamas; and Lake Land’Or, a 3,000-acre resort in Caroline County. It also operates a worldwide reservations division and a travel service division. The Better Business Bureau Serving Central Virginia files indicate that Land’or International has a pattern of complaints concerning billing, contract and sales issues. In the past three years, the local BBB dealt with 45 complaints about Land’or International, including 17 in the past 12 months. Complaints allege consumers are assessed special “refurbishment fees,” though the property is not properly maintained or improved, according to the business watchdog organization. In addition, the Better Business Bureau reported, consumer complaints involving Land’or International allege that while specific terms may be outlined in the contract, the customers had been provided contradictory information at the time of purchase. Further complaints allege consumers are asked to listen to a presentation in order to receive free gifts with no purchase necessary, but then are charged for the free gifts if they sign a contract and later cancel.

Kathleen L.

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