Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Feb 10, 2014


Brendar said Cocoa Beach is hour and 15 from Orlando. We rented a car and it was an easy pleasant drive with lots to look at. We even took a cross state day trip from CB to north of Tampa and it was very pleasant. Tolls were kind of a pain but that was about it. Nice rest areas too.

Terri B.

Last edited by terrib179 on Feb 10, 2014 06:27 AM

Feb 10, 2014


Not sure to whom you were speaking when you spoke about high fees and length of contract. We still have a very long contract as we bought more time long ago as double week package as we were taking two weeks at a time anyway. That package reduced mtce fees. We have long time Land'or friends that we have compared special assessments bills over the years and one family is close to the end of their contract. The assessments were identical and as much as others have quoted on here. It is apparent that length of contract does not affect assessment level.

Terri B.
Feb 10, 2014

Brendar, Last year you posted that you were there Nov 2012 but stayed elsewhere and would never stay at Land'or again even though you are still paying. That makes no sense unless you are rich and this year it sounds like you stayed at the resort you despise so much or did you just visit again while staying elsewhere? Hmmm.....appears we both travel to the Bahamas in November. I wonder if we were there at the same time and perhaps even know each other....rut roh.

By the way how dare you put a negative twist on my signature. It happens to be my name and Redweek assigned the 179 as there were many terrib's . I do not use cutesy handles as I see no need to hide.

You seem to be high on the complaining list but are you formally challenging them on the fees as many have? As I stated November is when we always go so I am very happy that we exchanged for the first time in 2013 in order to visit old friends and family in Florida so we missed the usual hypocritical whining around the pool. Its always interesting to hear the negativity people have while enjoying themselves. Anyone who is there and is unhappy with what they see or don't see based on whats in the newsletters should be going directly to the resort manager (Prince) to ask questions and I assume you did that? Would be interested in what he had to say about the progress. FYI...there are more new renovation pictures on their website and they can't all be from one or two units. There are several shots of the unit we always stay in and it was half way renovated in 2012 and looks even better now

Hows about posting those pictures on Trip advisor of half the place being torn apart. I have friend going in March and I am sure they would be interested.

Terri B.
Feb 10, 2014

Didn't stay there, went in November this year for evidence. So glad you like it. Best wishes,

Brenda R.
Feb 11, 2014

HELP - my husband and I are devastated by this so called Special Assessment. Please help us proceed to make this nightmare (which we have never used once) go away.

Sheryl W.
Feb 11, 2014

help - anyone with information as to how to get out of this mess - we were ASSURED by the salesman that there would be no special assessments. I read the contract and sat there with him and we underlined and initialed it. Got home and the paperwork was switched in the process - at least it does not show it on ours. Now this bull when last summer we requested a place and they did not get back to us. There sales pitch is - you can go on vacation for less. $2200.00 is a vacation for us!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP

Sheryl W.
Feb 11, 2014

help - new membership - need out of this now. We cannot afford special assessment, that is the cost of a vacation for us!!!!

Anyone - please send me any information as to how to proceed ASAP.

Sheryl W.
Feb 12, 2014

First thing is Do NOT PAY THEM ANOTHER DIME! Second thing is to know that you are not alone in this. Third is to contact Christine. From Christine in an earlier post: If you are interested in finding out more what others have already uncovered, please contact me, and join our group. I was released from my contract November 14, 2011, so it can be done!

Amy R.
Feb 13, 2014

Hi Amy did you get the special assessment letter and phone calls? How are you handling this or did you get settlement as well? I am at my wits end with this company and their tactics. I have already sent info to Christine and waiting on response. Please send any other info to help me through this issue. 336-926-2296

Thank you for responding

Cheryl T.
Feb 13, 2014

sherylw53 wrote:
help - new membership - need out of this now. We cannot afford special assessment, that is the cost of a vacation for us!!!!

Anyone - please send me any information as to how to proceed ASAP.


Christine O.
Feb 15, 2014

you are so right. My friends visited The Beach while we stayed in the lovely Vaction Village on Parkway and they had nothing but traffic jams to deal with. Picked up the unit at vacation village for one tenth of the assessment fee. What a deal and took the timeshare tour and they looked up ClubLandor in the RCI book and I asked them if they had any old copies from years ago. I would love to know what happened on that deal.

Charles B.
Feb 16, 2014

Would love a copy, please & thank you!

Sheryl W.
Feb 21, 2014

I went last year to Bahamas also go sucked into club land'or not used services as of this date. Haven't paid off the loan , but was paying every month. then got this special assessment for $2200.00 more. Should I a least pay off the original loan. If they stick to the original sale, I would, but haven't paid anything in 2 months.

Any help please

hanhp2 wrote:
Hello, I'm new to the forum. Wife and I went to Bahamas for Vac in Sept 2013 and got sucker to buying the timeshare at Club Land'or. Now we realize that they want all these assessment fees which they didn't tell us about during the orientation but I guess it our fault for not reading. We paid off the unit in FULL the same day because they some how convince us about about the interest rate is high and that we will be paying a lot of interest yada yada yada bs. We got hook on their scam and paid in full. Now they want us to paid for the assessment fees for 2014 which we haven't paid yet. From reading some of the post here. Look like I won't be paying anymore. Our question is, How can we get out of this contract and well we be able to some of our money back or its all gone?. Any help would be gladly appreciated.

Roland B.
Feb 27, 2014

No!!! Don't pay any more money. Contact ASAP. She can give you better information about it when you talk to her. Keep us posted but as of today. Don't pay a cent anymore!!!

Hanh P.
Mar 12, 2014

Club Land'or (Nassau) has been so stressful to me over a long period of time. They have submitted increased maintance fees as well as Special Assessment which now is an incrediable $2,199.96 for 2014. Maintance is also $1,760.00/year I have inquired with several people and in no case has charges in any resort including Crown resorts been anywhere near this amount. I have not seen where these charges made that many major improvements at this resort.I have been harassed with calls to my home 2-3-4 times a month from Pat as a "reminder" of fees due even though I have been paying continuously every month for years so that my credit score which is excellant is not effected as they said it will be turned over to a collection agency. Please help me I'm desparate and do not know what to do to report what they are doing to people who were unfortunate to sign up with this resort. I and my wife have also only visited Club Land'or twice in 10 years and without Atlantis Beach and Casino, this resort have nothing to offer its guests. Thank you for any suggestions

davidg667 wrote:
Count me in. I want to be part of any action against these folks. Every time I get bill for a new assessment or fee my blood pressure goes up.

Leon J.
Mar 12, 2014

Ari Stein Ariel L. Stein | Attorney at Law 101 W. Main Street, Suite 1700, Norfolk, VA 23510 T: 757.648.8891 | F: 757.648-8896 | C: 757.537-9697 |

Brenda R.
Mar 12, 2014

I feel your pain, but if you really want help - 1. STOP PAYING 2. Stop Fearing bad credit when you are not in the wrong. 3. Contact ASAP.

You need to fully understand what is happening. If you don't understand the problem, you can't focus on the answer. You will be shocked at how she can help you. She and others have helped me tremendously!

3. Once you are informed, then you can determine whether or not you want an attorney and figure how to proceed. Best Wishes & God Bless!

Amy R.
Apr 26, 2014

I also was tricked into the so called less expensive way to vacation. I was on my honeymoon when my husband and I were approached on the beach. We went to the presentation and they kept us there all day and fed us and I told them we couldn't afford it and they told us they would make it affordable, so we agreed on the very most we could afford.(never once was the amount of the assessments ever mentioned, imagine that) by the time they were done scamming us all the staff had left and our sales person couldn't find our contract copy, they told us to come back the next day and they would have it. We'll we returned the next day and again no one knew where it was. This was back in November 2012 and I just now received a copy (March 2014) I have talk to them repeatedly after we never received it after returning home, they kept saying they would send it and never did. I should have cancelled the next day but didn't due to them being so reassuring that this was the best of the best. They bribed us into paying off early then as soon as we did then they worked us for the maintenance early and we fell for it again. Then BAM here came the 2200.00 assessment. We are total tapped out. I used retirement money and maxed my credit card on this. Wow was this the biggest predatory scam ever. They won't even give me anything stating that when I would pay the assessment they won't hit me with another bill for another huge bill. Did you find any one to work with you on getting out from under this very expensive money pit that we have been deceived into buying? This has all been at the expense of a year heart ache, stress and trouble sleeping not knowing what the hell to do. They now are threatening to ruin the little bit if good credit I have left.. Please give me any ideas of what I can do.

Kathy M.
Apr 27, 2014

I totally agree with you brendar214. Anybody who wants to pay those insane fees when they are not even viable or legal as we found out in court , well not worth talking to that type of intelligence. We only are concerned with those of us who have had problems , etc. and finding solutions. Terrib179 doesn't offer any. We are still trying to get our court document that states the amount we owe. We are writing a letter to the Virginia Beach District Judge who handled our case to dismiss it because of Mr Caudle(Club Land 'or attorney ) submitting an illegal and inaccurate document to the court to be signed by the Judge. During this process, Club Land 'or is trying to garnish one of our bank accounts. Really? Over my dead body. They are making a big mistake because all of those special fees they have sent out that are bogus is considered mail fraud as well. I have already spoken to the Postmaster General's office. So hang on to all of those letters that they have sent you for those fees. They will come in handy when you fill out your forms to the Postmaster General .

My husband and I were waiting for this document but it seems like the evidence cannot be presented. That is exactly my point. So new website going up to show everything we have done. Also, anyone who would like to post pictures can get in touch with us. The website will be "Club Land 'or Know More" keep sending your complaints and concerns. Hopefully we will be able to post all the links to where you can file your complaints and actually get some action on this soon. I am in such disbelief that these people are stil getting away with all of this. Nobody wants to spend their hard earned money and have Club Land 'or just rob you blind. They bluntly told us in a letter that they did not have to explain where one cent of that money is going or how it is used. What a wonderful business they are. That letter will be posted as well.

Cheryl O.
Apr 27, 2014

Terrib179: do you pay all the fees now? I would love to know, if you would kindly share that with us. Do you pay the budget fee, re-assessment fee, refurbishing fee, surcharge fees, maintenance fees, and all the rest of them ?

Cheryl O.

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