Timeshare Companies

BlueGreen Vacations Timeshare Scam Warning!!!

Feb 21, 2021

Can you give it as a gift? I got one for my birthday from my sister but not sure if I'm able to use it...

Teresa D.
Feb 21, 2021

teresad274 wrote:
Can you give it as a gift? I got one for my birthday from my sister but not sure if I'm able to use it...

Can you give what as a gift? What did you get as a birthday present from your sister? If it's a timeshare, who is the legal owner on record of it?

Lance C.
Mar 21, 2021

Can we sue blue-green? I bought a package as well and can NEVER use anything because everything is booked or whatever.....are we stuck with the payments and dues?

Juliette H.
Mar 21, 2021

julietteh9 wrote:
Can we sue blue-green? I bought a package as well and can NEVER use anything because everything is booked or whatever.....are we stuck with the payments and dues?

Lawsuits are expensive propositions and you are highly unlikely to find an attorney willing to initiate a "class action" against such a long established and successful corporate entity with its' OWN cadre of very competent lawyers, unless there is some obvious, ongoing, widespread and egregious wrongdoing in clear evidence. Frankly, I doubt that your own personal "reservation difficulties" would remotely begin to fit those criteria, particularly when so many other (apparently satisfied) BlueGreen people use the BG system quite successfully (I am not one of them, for the record --- I have nothing whatsoever to do with BlueGreen and never did).

As far as being "stuck", you can always make the difficult personal choice and decision to simply stop paying if you are truly dissatisfied . However, that particular choice could have negative credit report consequences, particularly if there is a loan balance involved. Any such negative credit report would last for 7 years, so it's a personal choice and individual decision to be made only with serious consideration of those potential consequences. I'm not recommending this option to "walk away"; I am merely pointing out that the option exists --- with other potential consequences.


Last edited by ken1193 on Feb 01, 2023 07:30 AM

Mar 22, 2021

I went through an initial trip in Vegas for New Years. Also bought the sampler. Then they wanted me to come to another resort couple months later on showing me how to use it, but mainly was to get another shot at me to purchase bigger package. It worked and they got me to purchase a small 8000 pt ownership with a bunch more extras. After getting home it kept eating at me that I made mistake, so now since it’s been a day, I’m going to rescind this and hopefully get out of it since less than the 10-15 days.

Tommy P.
Mar 23, 2021

Tommy, you have, at a maximum, 10 days to rescind your purchase. In Nevada, it is 7 days. In Florida, it is 10 days. Depends on state law. You better dig into your contract and read the right of rescission clause. Once you are over the period, you are an owner. Also, send your letter by USPS certified, with a return receipt. The mailing date is the critical date. Not the date of receipt. Get crackin' or you will be sorry.

John I.
Mar 27, 2021

We our owners and have bought into it twice. Nothing is a scam just all the employees are not as good at explaining. We got everything we were told and am very pleased so far been three years now. We are heading to the fountains next week. Chris the concierge already called to see what help he could be and make sure we get a room in the new towers and as close to the pool. He was very upfront when he said the newer towers are not as close to the pool so what is the priority for us. Offered us a 100 gift car or a 120 resort card. Our choice. Gave me extra passes and bracelets for my brothers family who live an hour away. I am so excited to take the grandkids to this resort along with Disney and sea world tickets. People can’t expect everything to be free and they told us up front we will always have to pay taxes etc. we know this but knowing I can take the family every year once or twice to these type of places wherever I choose and get discounts on flights and car rentals and choice hotels and so many options and ways to book and use our points I am very impressed way better than the timeshare you have one week and same Place every time! If you think it’s a scam your either not listening or doing something wrong. Maybe your a chronic complainer that wants everything given to you! I would gladly pay 500 for four nights in a beach resort! Hands down this place is a first class operation. Maybe it’s the negative nellies that can’t afford the discounted stuff and expect it all to be free wake up nothing is free! But they are up front about the costs! I hope to someday buy into it even more and be able to go six times a year And maybe by retirement I can go year round! Definitely NOT A SCAM! Just communicate if you have a problem always been a first class act to our family!

Susie W.
Mar 27, 2021


Susie W.
Mar 28, 2021

Susie, you make some very good points. Timeshare, when bought and used properly, can be a good product. BUT, if timeshares were good for everyone, there would be no need to offer bribes to attend the presentations. Timeshare is a perpetual product - your obligation lasts forever. The product is worth almost nothing on the resale market. There are no refunds. If you cannot use your timeshare one year, you are out of luck. Maintenance fees go up - every year. And worst, accommodations are not guaranteed when using points. You must reserve popular destinations well in advance - quite often a year in advance. I am glad you get good use of your timeshare. Not everyone does.

John I.
Mar 29, 2021

I am glad you posted this message as well as others who posted! Comfort Inn should research these things out more thoroughly. I detest this kind of semi-illegal process. We will tell others to stay away from Bluegreen.

Dwight L H.
Apr 03, 2021

I bought a package today and now I am so scared I got scammed after reading all these horrible comments 😭 the man said it’s not a time share I paid $300 for 4 days and 3 nights in a 2 bedroom cabin he said nothing about a presentation now I don’t know what to do

Val S.
Apr 04, 2021

Val, it sounds like you were "romanced" at Bass Pro Shops. They sell discount packages for Bluegreen getaways - which include a timeshare orientation. Read the package of information that you were given to confirm this. I would go right back to the sales agent and tell them you can't go, for some reason and ask to cancel the transaction. (again, read the agreement). If you can't you need to attend the meeting and listen to the pitch. If you are firm about not wanting a timeshare, and keep track of the time, they should let you out when the time commitment is fulfilled. If you find the sales forces overwhelming and the discussion gets so serious that you fall for the pitch - realize that you can cancel a timeshare purchase during the "rescission period." All states require a rescission period in developer timeshare contracts. You can cancel in writing from 3 to 10 days depending on the state that you purchase in. Those details will be in the paperwork that the sales folk give you. BUT, don't let it get that far. Be STRONG. Don't let someone push you into something you don't want. Timeshare is a perpetual contract! And, if you are REALLY afraid, just don't go - and consider it a "life lesson."

John I.
Apr 11, 2021

Go to the sales pitch and if you don't want to don't buy anything and enjoy your vacation

Ryan T.
Apr 15, 2021

Has anyone been successful in selling or somehow getting out of their BlueGreen Contract? I must admit with the others here that I am not satisfied with the service or the process to book a vacation and use the facilities or amenities you pay for. It seems that you paid for the benefits but yet have to pay upfront for what was supposedly paid for. My story is the same as everyone else's with the gifts and the presentation and the sales pitch and the empty promises. I have compared pricing booking the same vacation with BlueGreen and without and the variance is minimal. It was a mistake to purchase and the seem to be getting away with this type of misleading, unprofessional, unethical type of business. I wonder who all are in their pockets.

Marlon M.
Apr 15, 2021

marlonm29 wrote:
Has anyone been successful in selling or somehow getting out of their BlueGreen Contract?

Some Blue Green units have some resale value. There's a Facebook page for Blue Green owners that you can join and inquire, maybe even advertise that you want to sell or give away your unit. You can also try advertising here on RedWeek or other listing sites such as E-Bay, Craigslist, My Resort Network, or Timeshare Users Group (aka "TUG"; tugbbs.com). TUG has a Bargain Deals section where you can advertise for free that you want to give your unit away.

Just remember not to use any of these firms and companies that claim they can "cancel" or get you out of your timeshare. If they're not outright scams, then they will charge you thousands of dollars to do something you can do yourself such as negotiate with the resort to take your unit back.

Lance C.
Oct 21, 2021

Bluegreen is not a scam but............

Do NOT buy direct from Bluegreen!!!!

You will pay around $20k for a a decent-sized package that you pick up on ebay for close to nothing. There are thousands of Bluegreen owners who would gladly give you their timeshare for free.

And herein lies the propblem.

Several people on this post have said that they like their timeshare and have obviously learnt how to use it effectively. Great for them.

The problem lies if you are not one of those people. Bluegreen can quickly turn into a NIGHTMARE. It's impossible to get out. Bluegreen will not take it back. Then you are talking to companies that are charging you thousands to get you out.


Go to the presentation. Collect your $100. But do not buy.

You will most likely regret it.

If you want to try Bluegreen buy a small points package off someone on eBay for next to nothing......

David C.
Nov 19, 2021

They’re putting me up in a Hilton 😂 I’m a half hour away from the resort 😂 I can’t wait to be a Karen during the presentation.

They said to please tell my friends about the experience and boy I sure am doing that. I’m trashing the Bluegreen and Choice names everywhere I go. If that’s how they want to treat a Diamond member I can be dirty too. 😈

Kristi K.
Dec 16, 2021

Hi! I am wondering if the vacation I purchased this week can be returned? I'm having doubts about the whole thing! Thank you for your time.

Laura A.
Dec 16, 2021

lauraa473 wrote:
Hi! I am wondering if the vacation I purchased this week can be returned? I'm having doubts about the whole thing! Thank you for your time.

If by "vacation I purchased this week" you mean that you bought a timeshare by signing a contract, you can rescind (cancel) that contract ---- but ONLY if you do so promptly, correctly and in writing. You cannot rescind / cancel by phone.

If it was in fact a timeshare purchase, by law you should have been provided with notice of your rescission (cancellation) rights when you signed the contract. In the U.S., time periods allowed for cancellation are provided and identified by state law and those time frames vary among the different states. It's 5-7 days in most states, only 3 days in Massachusetts and a few other states, 10 days in Florida and Tennessee. If you are not already too late, follow those provided cancellation instructions precisely and SOON! Once the applicable state law deadline for cancellation passes, your rescission (cancellation) rights cease to exist. Very simply stated, if you snooze you lose.

Your notice of rescission rights with instructions and an address could be on paper, or it could be buried somewhere within a CD-ROM or a thumb drive provided to you after you signed the contract (the “hidden info” approach is a sneaky ploy very commonly used by Westgate). By some method, you were provided with all of the information required for you to cancel. It was handed to you (in some format) when you signed the contract, but you MUST meet the applicable deadline to cancel or you will be just plain out of luck.

If by "vacation I purchased this week" you are referring to something other than a timeshare purchase contract, I do not have any idea what you may be referring to and therefore, can offer you nothing further. Good luck.


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 19, 2021 04:44 PM

Dec 23, 2021

It can take a while to learn how to use Bluegreen online to check for bookings available. People are canceling their reservations all the time so it might take checking back and forth to come up with one. If you book one farther in advance you will have many available to book. There are tips and tricks on how to make the most of your ownership. The owner updates that they are always trying to bribe you to schedule May seem like a pain at times because they always have to offer you a deal to buy more points but if you stick to your guns and only make this time with them informational only, most of them are very happy to show you how to utilize the website etc. better. My husband and I have been Owner’s since 2006 and we seem to always learn something new at these updates. Sometimes I feel like I know more than some of the sales people but during those times I am happy to appreciate the hundred dollar Visa card. As Just like some of the people on this forum we have come across some, what we would call either incompetent or just outright liars in the sales department, we have also come across many good ones that just want to make your ownership a very happy experience and are very willing to help you do just that. Those are the ones that you keep in contact with to help you out when you have problems or questions. Oh and by the way you can always call reservations and they can answer many questions on how to use your ownership on the website also. Bluegreen does have a combination of many types of resorts that we have stayed in over the many years. Some are outdated and rundown but there are so many that are very luxurious and you are happy to go back to year after year. So in a nutshell take time to know your ownership thoroughly and how you can utilize it to make it all worth your while being a Bluegreen owner.

julietteh9 wrote:
Can we sue blue-green? I bought a package as well and can NEVER use anything because everything is booked or whatever.....are we stuck with the payments and dues?

Wendy M.

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