Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

"The Villa Trader" is a timeshare related scam company and not affiliated in any way with Villa Trader -

Jan 02, 2009

DITTO.... Ditto... Echo... (ROTF..LMFAO) ..... Bruce727 said it very clearly...

Donald D.

Last edited by donaldd67 on Jan 02, 2009 09:48 AM

Jan 06, 2009

Ken, Kelly and Phil,

You guys are awesome, thanks for everything....


Danny R.
Jan 14, 2009

We gave the Villa Trader a $2,000 deposit. They kept stalling us and telling us they sold our three bonus weeks besides getting a buyer for our property who would pay us $25,500. Well guess what, when I threatened them to report them for fraud, today all of their phone numbers were disconnected. We are now the losers of $2,000. They are crooks.

Sandra B.
Jan 14, 2009

Who are you kidding? You must all work for the Villa Trader.

Sandra B.
Jan 14, 2009

sandrab287 wrote:
Who are you kidding? You must all work for the Villa Trader.

Not sure who you mean when you state you all must work for Villa Trader but most of us on here and many others on timeshare forums have been warning owners of these scam companies for years!

Problem is some people just don't listen or believe us because the BS from these companies is what many want to hear and can't wait to become volunteers with their money.

Not sure if you fell into this list but you do know of these forums because your on one now.

Hope you get your money back but probably have lost all of it to Villa Traders.


Phil L.
Jan 15, 2009


Your remark is not well received. I too was contacted only to decline and have been blogging ever since to "warn others" of this potential scam artist.

Unfortunatley you did not do your "due dillegence" in researching the company and got "scammed"

We do not work for Villa and have been trying to alert the public not to do business unless you can be sure it is legitimate.

Kelley L.
Jan 15, 2009

sandrab287 wrote:
Who are you kidding? You must all work for the Villa Trader.

Clearly, you possess neither good manners nor topic knowledge. Several folks here (yes, including me) have been consistently, openly and repeatedly preaching here against *ALL* such "upfront fee" parasite companies for years now. The Villa Trader is just another one in a (seemingly endless) parade of such parasitic thieves. Your comment is beyond "not well received". It actually borders on outright ignorant, if you will excuse my being quite blunt about it.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 15, 2009 01:35 PM

Jan 15, 2009

kelleyl4 wrote:

Your remark is not well received. I too was contacted only to decline and have been blogging ever since to "warn others" of this potential scam artist.

Unfortunatley you did not do your "due dillegence" in researching the company and got "scammed"

We do not work for Villa and have been trying to alert the public not to do business unless you can be sure it is legitimate.

Well said Kelly14!

Many of us try and save owners from these errors in judgement and they just don't listen.

After it gets through to them of losing money they then come back blaming everyone except the person with bad judgement, themselves!


Phil L.

Last edited by phill12 on Jan 16, 2009 02:09 PM

Feb 26, 2009

hi i just want to say that what kind of company is going to send you a money order Im in the check cashing business and let me tell you that what happen with those is that the bank will take them and after a few months the bounce as a fraud check then you have to pay back all that money and then what i guess i will play safe

Keko J.
Jun 12, 2009

Hello, my name is kenneth and i used to work for the villa trader. EVERYTHING, on here is true about them being a scam. The fee is $2000 and they pay you a 25% commission ($500)er deal to scam people all day. They give you leads that they buy from the resort, you tell the owners whatever you want to get them to give you their credit card. The thing that makes it legal is that when you go through the verification(recorded call) they tell you its just an advertising fee and if you were told there was a "specific buyer" that you would be conspiring in a criminal act. PLEASE, for the love of god dont do business with this company. You will never see your money again. If you already have done business with them, call your credit card company. Get your money back. I can recommend some real companies that REALLY SELL TIMESHARE.

Kenneth C.
Jun 14, 2009

phill12 wrote:
Many of us try and save owners from these errors in judgement and they just don't listen.

After it gets through to them of losing money they then come back blaming everyone except the person with bad judgement, themselves! PHILL12

Phil, sometimes I wonder why we even bother to spend our valuable time trying to educate people in these forums. They will ask the same question concerning companies time and time again when all they have to do is go to the 'Search Forum' feature on the right hand side of this page and enter the company they are trying to research.

REDWEEK, would you please put a 'sticky' at the top of the forums page asking that people please use the 'Search Forum' feature before asking questions. It would save the regular forum posters here, who try to help educate others, from repeating the same information over and over again.

R P.
Jun 14, 2009

I don't know for sure if this was the reason Ken 1193 stopped spending time on this forum. It does get old answering same questions over and over again when many of these people could spend ten minutes to read a posting on the subject of interest before asking their question.

I honestly believe some of these people just want to see something they write on a forum. Others are just to lazy to read anything and many won't believe the answers unless it is what they want to hear.

Like I have stated many times that some people just deserve to lose their money and many will still do it again with another company!

Redweek has some regulars on here answering questions and trying to help but the problem I see is this seems to be the forum for less knowledgeable timeshare owners to stop in and ask one question and leave. They don't really try and learn and are not interested in helping others.

It can and does get old!


Phil L.
Jun 15, 2009

phill12 wrote:
I don't know for sure if this was the reason Ken 1193 stopped spending time on this forum. It does get old answering same questions over and over again when many of these people could spend ten minutes to read a posting on the subject of interest before asking their question.

I honestly believe some of these people just want to see something they write on a forum. Others are just to lazy to read anything and many won't believe the answers unless it is what they want to hear.

Like I have stated many times that some people just deserve to lose their money and many will still do it again with another company!

Redweek has some regulars on here answering questions and trying to help but the problem I see is this seems to be the forum for less knowledgeable timeshare owners to stop in and ask one question and leave. They don't really try and learn and are not interested in helping others.

It can and does get old!


I've gotten to the point where I save my replies in Word files then cut & paste the "canned" answer to the applicable question.

For others, I figure I'd just wait for jayjay to throw up her hands in frustration, put her head out the window, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" (NetworK, 1976)...then advise the people to use the "Search Forum" link :)

Mike N.
Jun 15, 2009

phill12 wrote:
Redweek has some regulars on here answering questions and trying to help but the problem I see is this seems to be the forum for less knowledgeable timeshare owners to stop in and ask one question and leave. They don't really try and learn and are not interested in helping others.

It can and does get old! PHIL

That's probably true, but that's how Tug started (over ten years ago). The first members were not experts and they had the same questions that are seen here, however Tug is currently for more seasoned timeshare owners and you very seldom see the same questions there that you do here.

I have no problem coming here to help educate, but I wish Redweek would steer all questioners to the 'Search Forum' feature first. I believe if you, mike and I left it would leave a severe void in the forums.

I believe the repeated questions were why Ken left ..... he now posts occasionally on Tug. He said that he had done all he could do on Redweek's forums.

R P.
Jun 15, 2009

mike1536 wrote:
For others, I figure I'd just wait for jayjay to throw up her hands in frustration, put her head out the window, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" (NetworK, 1976)...then advise the people to use the "Search Forum" link :)

LOL mike, I haven't gone that far yet, but it is frustrating to repeat the same answers over and over again when people could be steered to search for the answers for themselves.

R P.
Jun 15, 2009


I've gotten to the point where I save my replies in Word files then cut & paste the "canned" answer to the applicable question.

For others, I figure I'd just wait for jayjay to throw up her hands in frustration, put her head out the window, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore" (NetworK, 1976)...then advise the people to use the "Search Forum" link :)

Mike your funny! Now don't hold back,tell us what you really think! LMAO


Phil L.
Jun 15, 2009

jayjay wrote:
phill12 wrote:
Many of us try and save owners from these errors in judgement and they just don't listen.

After it gets through to them of losing money they then come back blaming everyone except the person with bad judgement, themselves! PHILL12

Phil, sometimes I wonder why we even bother to spend our valuable time trying to educate people in these forums. They will ask the same question concerning companies time and time again when all they have to do is go to the 'Search Forum' feature on the right hand side of this page and enter the company they are trying to research.

REDWEEK, would you please put a 'sticky' at the top of the forums page asking that people please use the 'Search Forum' feature before asking questions. It would save the regular forum posters here, who try to help educate others, from repeating the same information over and over again.


I have added a new topic at the beginning of every discussion to "seach" first. I hope it will help. I can certainly understand that you all would get tired of answering the same questions over and over.

Thanks, Marty

Marty F
Jun 15, 2009

Marty this is just another tool and it might help for people that do want to read and learn more about timesharing.

Even if it cuts out half the same questions it is well worth the small space at the top of each forum!

It will shock many of these people just how much information available if they just do a search and spend few minutes reading about the subject of interest.

Thanks! PHIL

Phil L.
Jun 15, 2009

marty8084 wrote:
Jayjay, I have added a new topic at the beginning of every discussion to "seach" first. I hope it will help. I can certainly understand that you all would get tired of answering the same questions over and over. Thanks, Marty

Thanks Marty !!!!!! This will save a lot of time and typing for all.

R P.
Jul 20, 2009

I also had the same issue with The Villa Trader. I tried the Better Business Bureau, the Florida commerce dept, and went to me credit card company for a refund. No luck. I thought I had them cornered when I noticed my property was not listed on their site. They responded to me credit card company but showing them a screen shot of a property they said was mine but was not at the price I agreed to. I am now getting calls from Today's Mexico Rental, which I have seen in other blogs is The Villa Trader, just renamed. So the real question is; "are there any timeshare selling businesses out there which DO NOT require an upfront fee? " If so, I am interested in talking to them.

Joe M.

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