Timeshare Companies

We Collect Timeshares, LLC

Jan 22, 2008

jonathang (who is actually Jonathan Gibbs, co-principal of We Collect Timeshares LLC) states:

>> Just forward the bill to the company. They will pay them. They close 100% of the files they contract to close. You can also call their office for a status update on your file and they will give you one << --------------------------------------------------

Have the decency and honesty to reveal and admit that "THEY" is actually *YOU* -- Jonathan Gibbs, co-principal of We Collect Timeshares LLC, also (at least formerly, maybe still now) doing business as "Timeshare Collectors" as well.

Don't hide behind use of the "third person" as if referring to someone else. Have the guts to admit that We Collect Timeshares and/or Timeshare Collectors is YOUR OWN COMPANY! Not EVERYONE here is a dunce; I for one know EXACTLY who (and what) you are!


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 23, 2008 10:33 AM

Jan 22, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
jonathang (who is actually Jonathan Gibbs, co-principal of We Collect Timeshares LLC) states:

>> Just forward the bill to the company. They will pay them. They close 100% of the files they contract to close. You can also call their office for a status update on your file and they will give you one << --------------------------------------------------

Have the decency and honesty to reveal and admit that "THEY" is actually *YOU* -- Jonathan Gibbs, co-principal of We Collect Timeshares LLC.

Don't hide behind use of the "third person" as if referring to someone else. Not EVERYONE here is a dunce; I for one know EXACTLY who (and what) you are!

Hip Hip Hooray! Give 'em hell..They have given it to us for a long time..I thought they'd been sued so much they gave up and took their ball and went home..Guess not.Oh well, I'm enjoying my timeshare right now but if I get tired of it I'll still donate it..Even if WCT keeps on preaching that you can't do that and the Salvation Army and the United Way have stopped taking timeshares as donations..Bullcrap! Call them up and they'll direct you to their special office of timeshare donations..Give it a try..Even Clark Howard advises that this is a good way to rid yourself of the "misfortune" if you see it that way..adios..

William K.
Jan 23, 2008

william8 states:

Re: >>I thought they'd been sued so much they gave up and took their ball and went home.<<

In the interests of factual accuracy, I don't believe that this company was "sued". More correctly stated, We Collect Timeshares (Jonathan & Christine Gibbs, principals, also doing business as Timeshare Collectors) was taken to task by state licensing authorities in Washington state for allegedly failing to record deeds in their own name before reselling, an activity which would apparently require a Real Esatate license (which the companies involved evidently didn't / don't have). This was a state governmental action, distinctly different from "being sued" by a private party. ---------------------------------------

Re: >>..adios..<<

You promise??


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 23, 2008 11:22 AM

Jan 24, 2008

For the unknowing or inexperienced, allow me to clearly describe exactly what "We Collect Timeshares" and "Timeshare Collectors" are:

They are so-called "Post Card Companies". They send out postcards to timeshare owners, offering (in somewhat vague terms, at first) their "help" in regard to transferring ownership of your timeshare. They then conduct "seminars", in which they "explain" the alleged dangers, pitfalls, evils, etc. of timeshare ownership. They next (oh so generously) agree to TAKE ownership of your timeshare from you *IF* you first pay THEM a few thousand dollars to take it. Apparently, there are people out there desperate enough to fall for this crap.

Ultimately, their "help" involves YOU paying THEM from $2500 to $4500 to "take the timeshare off your hands". This is where they make their money. If that timeshare next gets sold on eBay for $1, that's fine with them --- they made their money already when someone foolishly PAID them THOUSANDS of their hard earned dollars to take over the timeshare.

So, Jonathan Gibbs, I openly challenge you to come back to these Forums and claim that even ONE WORD of what I have described above is not completely and absolutely correct. I don't expect that you can or will ever do so, because I have stated the unvarnished and accurate truth....and nothing but the truth.

It's just inconceivable to me that someone would pay someone else thousands of dollars to "take" their timeshare. If you are so disenchanted that you are willing to give it away, spend $50 and auction it off on eBay yourself for $1.00. Throw in a $100 bill (or two!) as a bonus if you need to, but NO ONE needs to pay parasites like this thousands of dollars in hard earned money just to get rid of a timeshare.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 25, 2008 07:04 AM

Jan 27, 2008

jonathang18 wrote:
judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?

Hi everyone.

I work for that company and I will tell you that it's a good company started by good christian people and I've seen them help over 4 thousand people. You may or may not know this but a lot of timeshares out there have little or no market value. I've seen them pay cash for good properties that can be resold , I've seen them take a lot of properties for free if they can sell it for a litte and yes, on difficult properties they do charge as little as 794 (and more) to do the deed transfer and pay the resort transfer fee. But what else can you do with these properties? You mentioned ebay. I watch it all the time. Hundreds go UNSOLD with no bids every week even at $1.

So what do you tell the person who has been trying to sell it for 4 years? Spent $2000 on M fees for nothing. More on Newspaper ads, ebay ads and still can't get out of it.

For those that love your timeshare you may not want to hear this, but there's nothing you can do most of the time to even just get OUT of these contracts

Dear Jonathang18,

I was interested in your last post regarding working for "We Collect Timeshares". Do you currently work for Timeshare Freedom?

Diana C.
Jan 27, 2008

dianac13 asks, apparently without regard to all relevant postings in this particular thread:

>>Dear Jonathang18, I was interested in your last post regarding working for "We Collect Timeshares". Do you currently work for Timeshare Freedom?<< ------------------------------------------------

Jonathan Gibbs doesn't just "work for" We Collect Timeshares --- he *IS* We Collect Timeshares.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jan 27, 2008 10:04 AM

Jan 27, 2008

I have a timeshare or two and I have found that there are a whole lot of people who now want to rent from me..They don't want to own a timeshare but they have promised to rent mine for the next 4 years. This just happened last year and they are going back this year. They asked me what the maintenance fees were and said they would pay them if I wasn't going to be using it. They even took both units.They are taking the whole family.And now I have others mad at me for not telling them about it..But still if the time ever comes to get rid of my timeshare I will definitely donate it or turn it over to a very reputable rental agency to handle for me..And oh by the way the company we use in St.John Island Florida to rent homes on the beach does this kind of work all of the time. And if they don't rent it out at least 3 months in advance they cut their share (10%) and lower the price..If anybody needs their name let me know..

William K.
Jan 27, 2008

Thank you Ken1193 for pointing out my ignorance in not reading every post in this thread prior to asking my question regarding Jonathan Gibbs and "We Collect Timeshares". Yet I believe that my question was not whether or not Mr. Gibbs is the owner, but was he now doing business as "Timeshare Freedom".

Thank you for your insights.

Diana C.
Jan 29, 2008

jonathang18 wrote:
judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?

Hi everyone.

I work for that company and I will tell you that it's a good company started by good christian people and I've seen them help over 4 thousand people. You may or may not know this but a lot of timeshares out there have little or no market value. I've seen them pay cash for good properties that can be resold , I've seen them take a lot of properties for free if they can sell it for a litte and yes, on difficult properties they do charge as little as 794 (and more) to do the deed transfer and pay the resort transfer fee. But what else can you do with these properties? You mentioned ebay. I watch it all the time. Hundreds go UNSOLD with no bids every week even at $1.

So what do you tell the person who has been trying to sell it for 4 years? Spent $2000 on M fees for nothing. More on Newspaper ads, ebay ads and still can't get out of it.

For those that love your timeshare you may not want to hear this, but there's nothing you can do most of the time to even just get OUT of these contracts

I paid $3000 to 'We Collect Time Shares' out of Washington State last May 2007. So far (Jan 2008) they have not paid any of my maintenance fees (which are now in collections in my name) and they have not transferred the deed out of my name. They do not respond to my requests and inquiries pertaining to the above. I am now seeking legal advice.

Lorelei M.
Jan 29, 2008

jeanr68 wrote:
jeanr68 wrote:
judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?
I'm questioning the legitamacy of this company because I paid them a lot of money to take over my timeshare and I'm being inuandated with bills they are supposed to pay. My credit rating is jepody because of them. I've called, written, and emailed them, with no satisfactory response.
Have you sought legal advice?

Lorelei M.
Jan 29, 2008

loreleim2 wrote:
I'm questioning the legitamacy of this company because I paid them a lot of money to take over my timeshare and I'm being inuandated with bills they are supposed to pay. My credit rating is jepody because of them. I've called, written, and emailed them, with no satisfactory response.

First of all, has your timeshare been taken out of your name at the resort and in county records? It would seem from your post that it has not since you are still being inundated with bills from the resort.

Secondly, was there a contract signed between you and the entity that you paid to take the timeshare out of your name? If there was no signed contract then I'm not sure what legal measures you could take regarding this issue unless you contact an attorney.

If there IS a contract that both you and the entity signed, then that's all you need to prove to the resort and the county that you no longer own the timeshare.

R P.
Jan 30, 2008

alh24 wrote:
judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?
were is yout time share located? AL

Gloria G.
Jan 30, 2008

jeanr68 wrote:
jeanr68 wrote:
judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?
I'm questioning the legitamacy of this company because I paid them a lot of money to take over my timeshare and I'm being inuandated with bills they are supposed to pay. My credit rating is jepody because of them. I've called, written, and emailed them, with no satisfactory response.
I own at the Christie and I am dealing with Timeshare Acquisistions, and I did pay money last October and now that I have paid my up todate fees, I got a letter from the closing cpmpany in with Warranty Deed, Power of Attorney, and Affifidate to be notorizes by my people. I feel that they are for real.

Gloria G.
May 21, 2008

judyp87 wrote:
Has anyone dealt with We Collect Timeshares, LLC? We attended one of their meetings and are interested in selling our timeshare but really do not want to pay to be rid of it. And even if we do pay, are we really free of the obligaton?
Judy, I just attened a meeting in Tampa, Fl. last week. I also wonder if anyone has had success using We Collect Timeshares, or Travel Exclusive??

Gail C.
May 21, 2008

gailc92 asks in relevant part: >> I also wonder if anyone has had success using We Collect Timeshares, or Travel Exclusive?? << ==============================================

If you read through the numerous pages of this very thread, or use the RedWeek search function (see top of page) you will find an abundance of posts regarding "We Collect Timeshares". Many of the posts go back nearly a year. There is likely as much info there as you'll want to know, and probably more than you even care to read.

We Collect Timeshares co-principal Jonathan Gibbs has appeared right here in these forums as jonathang18. He *IS* (along with his wife) "We Collect Timeshares".

The company made the front page of a magazine entitled "Timesharing Today" some months ago when licensing authorities in the state of Washington apparently took them to task over some of their practices. I do not personally know the outcome of those state-initiated actions. What I DO know is that you don't need to pay those people (or anyone else for that matter) $3,000 to "take your timeshare off your hands". If you choose to do so anyhow, I can only wish you well.

I have never heard of "Travel Exclusive", however. This is a new name (at least to me) on the timeshare landscape. I'd recommend proceeding with caution...


Last edited by ken1193 on May 21, 2008 11:36 AM

May 21, 2008

I challenge any one of these WCT “customers” to post your name so I can look up your account.

WCT has not collected any new business in almost 1 year and do not have any customers in the situation you are describing who are in compliance with their sales agreement to us. In fact, we have many very happy and satisfied customers who continue to send me letters and emails. In addition to helping them out of M.fees there are dozens of people we have helped out of mortgages, late fees and collections. Some of our customers have wasted over $2000 on news paper ads, listing fees and even Red Week ads (lol) We have only had a few files we couldn’t finish our end and those customers received a full refund!

What we do have is competitors or “nay-sayers” who make phony claims on chat boards about our company. Claims that cannot be disputed if you never state your name. Personally, I have moved on to a less dramatic career in another field. So this will be one of my very last posts here. So unless you want to post your name and be called on your “claim,” your comments should be considered false and unreliable to any educated reader.

To the other dozen people that love your timeshares and hate companies like WCT, Timeshare Relied, Acquisitions, Timeshare Recue, TimeNomore and all the NEWBIES……

I know you like to reply to every single comment on this chat boards (some of you can’t help yourselves) but before you reply to this post I want to say:

All the best and no hard feelings. I know you love your timeshares and that’s great. I was in the business of helping people who wanted and needed my help. I hope you all enjoy a great many more vacations and that your future M. fees get cut in half!!

Jonathan G.

Last edited by jonathang18 on May 21, 2008 11:54 AM

May 21, 2008

jonathang18 I challenge any one of these WCT “customers” to post your name so I can look up your account. ========================================

Jonathan: Having just reviewed all four pages of this particular thread, I see only two people who actually and openly claimed to have paid your company and who reported their dissatisfaction with the results (or lack thereof): 1. jeanr68 (posted on 01/22/08). 2. loreleim2 (posted on 01/29/08). Who those people are, or whether their dissatisfaction was ultimately resolved in the six months since then I do not know. If they see your "challenge", perhaps they will come back here to accept it and/or to report a successful resolution of their complaints since posting them.

I previously posted a completely accurate description of your company operations. I also identified specific print media coverage of Washington state licensing authority initiated against your company. I also expressed my personal opinion that NO ONE on Planet Earth ever needs to pay ANYONE $3,000 to "take their timeshare off their hands". I offer no apology for ANY of that input and I stand by every factually accurate and corrrect word of it. The fact that I am indeed quite happy with my own timeshare ownerships is completely irrelevant.

I wish you luck in your new career, whatever that may be. You and I would likely agree upon one point (and probably ONLY one point); if developers and/or resorts would accept "deedbacks" from owners who want to rid themselves of timeshare ownership, then there would be no need for any "PostCard Companies" OR for any desperate, unhappy timeshare owners to ever exist at all.


Last edited by ken1193 on May 22, 2008 03:53 AM

May 22, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
You and I would likely agree upon one point (and probably ONLY one point); if developers and/or resorts would accept "deedbacks" from owners who want to rid themselves of timeshare ownership, then there would be no need for any "PostCard Companies" OR for any desperate, unhappy timeshare owners to ever exist at all.

Resorts and HOAs are not in the business of accepting deedbacks and I agree with that wholeheartedly. What if every dissatisfied timeshare owner that got tired of their week owned or just wanted out for whatever reason were allowed to deed their week back to the resort? The resort would then be holding hundreds or thousands of white elephants with no maintenance fees coming in (a resort's bread and butter and resort would then disintergrate). If the owner couldn't sell the week, how could the resort? And what about other owners who would have to take up the slack via future higher maintenance fees due to deedbacks.

No one holds a gun to a timeshare buyer's head to make them buy. Even with all the lies told by some developer salespeople, prospective buyers should research everything there is to know concerning timeshare ownership before committing themselves like they would for any big ticket purchase. With the internet at one's fingertips and so much education out there, it's an easy task.

The above is why forums such as Redweek and others are vital for educating anyone even thinking about buying a timeshare and all the positives and negatives of such (many positives, many negatives).

I have said this time and time again .... I don't nesessarily condone how postcard companies do business, but if they lessen the burden of a timeshare owner that just wants to rid themselves of that albatross around their necks by paying approximately 4 years of maintenance fees that they would have been responsible for paying anyway and THEY ARE SATISFIED then I see no reason to complain.

Many of these people have tried in vain to sell their timeshares with no success until the postcard companies came along to rid owners of their burden. By looking at Ebay, most weeks that postcard companies take can't even be sold for $1 and the postcard companies are then responsible for future maintenance fees and special assessments if they can't sell the week.

R P.
May 22, 2008

I don't disagree with much that's stated above.

That said, I am nonetheless aware of some resorts which DO seem to make "deedbacks" work, at least to some degree. Maintenance fees must be current, with no outstanding fees, assessments, loans, liens or any other encumbrances as an obvious pre-condition for consideration and acceptance.

What the HOA then does in these instances is openly offer the accepted "deedback" week to other owners on a "bid" basis via periodic newsletter notice to owners. This is ONLY offered "in house" (i.e., to other existing owners). Who better than a current owner to be potentially interested in a virtually free additional week? The submitted bid must always be, at a minimum, at least the amount of a years' maintenance fee.

In this manner, an "internally auctioned" week, although essentially being given away, now has a new owner responsible for maintenance fees --- and fully intending to pay them.

I'm certainly not recommending that people make bad or hasty purchase decisions, nor am I suggesting that anyone can (or should) just turn their back on a financial and legal obligation. I'm also not saying that every week has value; some are frankly just about completely worthless. I'm simply saying that "deedbacks" do have their place in some instances, to the benefit of both former and new owner, as well as the resort which needs the MF's for operation. Where and when available, "deedback" is certainly a better option than paying a PostCard Company $3k (except, of course, for the PostCard Company...).


Last edited by ken1193 on May 22, 2008 01:10 PM

May 22, 2008

ken1193 wrote:
I don't disagree with much that's stated above.

That said, I am nonetheless aware of some resorts which DO seem to make "deedbacks" work, at least to some degree. Maintenance fees must be current, with no outstanding fees, assessments, loans, liens or any other encumbrances as an obvious pre-condition for consideration and acceptance.

What the HOA then does in these instances is openly offer the accepted "deedback" week to other owners on a "bid" basis via periodic newsletter notice to owners. This is ONLY offered "in house" (i.e., to other existing owners). Who better than a current owner to be potentially interested in a virtually free additional week? The submitted bid must always be, at a minimum, at least the amount of a years' maintenance fee.

In this manner, an "internally auctioned" week, although essentially being given away, now has a new owner responsible for maintenance fees --- and fully intending to pay them.

I'm certainly not recommending that people make bad or hasty purchase decisions, nor am I suggesting that anyone can (or should) just turn their back on a financial and legal obligation. I'm also not saying that every week has value; some are frankly just about completely worthless. I'm simply saying that "deedbacks" do have their place in some instances, to the benefit of both former and new owner, as well as the resort which needs the MF's for operation. Where and when available, "deedback" is certainly a better option than paying a PostCard Company $3k (except, of course, for the PostCard Company...).

There might be a few resorts that take deedbacks, but the vast majority do not. And those resorts that do probably know they can resale the weeks with no problems (supply and demand).

The resorts where you own would probably take deedbacks since you own in the very powerful southwest Florida area (high demand) during snowbird season (wks 1-15 ... low supply), so your resort(s) know that your weeks can be resold in a NY minute ..... actually, there's probably a waiting list for any weeks that become available .... entirely different ballgame.

R P.

Note: Please do not post ads in the timeshare forums. If you want to add a timeshare posting, go here.