Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Aug 26, 2024

Hello Stacy, have you gotten anywhere with the lawsuit. I also purchased in 2018, dealt with Vallarta Gardens, Pila Marketing, Arrow Marketing, and Cromwell and Berkeley.

Harry L.
Aug 26, 2024

Got out of a fraudulent transaction there many years ago with every cent. I see lots of talk here about lawsuits. What assets of theirs would be available? Have you folks thought about who has facilitated many of these fraudulent deals? Visa and AmEx, that's who! And the Mexican government.

Joan C.
Aug 27, 2024

Valid points. We got out of our contract because we followed the recission requirements to the letter, but VG kept fighting it, and Amex wasn't nearly as helpful as I thought they should be, as we had documentation. I had to elevate it a couple levels up in corporate before they agreed to rescind the charges. They deal in volume and don't really like to 'rock the boat' if they aren't on the hook for an invalid charge, IMHO.

Randall B.
Sep 10, 2024

Can I rent my fractional week on this site? It is not considered a time share. I own 4 weeks a year at a condo in Oregon.

Lisa H.
Sep 10, 2024

I rescinded my contract also via email as soon as we returned home from the stay where lies and margaritas had induced our purchase. I copied the government authorities on my message to them rescinding within the timeframe allowed. And FIRST I made sure they would respond to my email by saying something non-threatening to them lest they pretend they hadn't even received emails at the address I used. I think it took a week or two to get it fully resolved. We ended up refunding to them their "gift" to us of a local tour which they bestowed upon us after we signed the contract. $79 well spent to separate from them.

Let me just say, purchasing a time share anywhere, including the US where we are more familiar with laws and resources for our own protection, is virtually always a mistake for anyone doing it to "save money" on your vacations. You will never save money purchasing any kind of timeshare weeks or points package. Surprise! Nobody sells you something to save YOU money, they are doing it to make more money for themselves! With timeshare ownership you WILL gain access to some vacation forms that are not as accessible to non-timeshare owners. For the latter reason timeshare ownership can benefit some (I enjoy my RCI membership) but not most. There has never been a timeshare solicitation that actually saved the purchasers any money. I know, I have been to perhaps 50 of them. I go for the free gifts. THOSE save you money on travel. Accepting the gift and then NOT buying CAN save you money on travel. Buying never does.

Michele H.

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