Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Apr 23, 2024

A lot of people have....Vallarta Gardens Debt club

Peter D.
May 16, 2024

Yes, we purchased and were told they would purchase our timeshare with Vidante and we would receive a check in the amount of $17,857.14. Then we were told, and I quote " The transaction was processed, and disbursing your proceeds has generated a tax requirement of 41% (25% ISR & 16% IVA) by local authorities. Authorities waive this requirement when you maintain the property for a year, generating a digital invoice CFDI for exemption. The local tax office certifies invoices after 60-90 days of complying with holding the property for one year. We hired financial advisors to work the necessary procedures, absorb all expenses, and aim for you to receive the full payment without deductions or out-of-pocket expenses no later than May 22, 2024."

It is now May 16, 2024 and the company has changed it's name, the emails have been returned to me unable to send and I'm out a timeshare and alot of money!!! They also said I could rent it every year and "make money". When I deposited my weeks with them, they said I had to wait one year to get the money for the rentals too! I know I'm never going to see any of this money. I would think by now I would see a scam coming a mile away, but unfortunately, I was duped!!

Rosemary S.
May 16, 2024

Lets add Gareth Grieve to that group!!! He duped us good

Rosemary S.
May 16, 2024

Is Morgan and Lewis handling a class action suit?

Rosemary S.
May 16, 2024

I only wish I had read these posts prior to purchasing from these thieves. I know we will never see any of our money and being retired that's a real problem!

Rosemary S.
Jun 28, 2024

If there's a lawsuit for Vallarta Gardens, I would really love to be a part of it. Everything that was mentioned above has happened to us. Wish we had done our research on this company before purchasing.

Kieu N.
Jun 28, 2024

Hi Kathleen, how did your lawsuit go? It looks like we will not be getting our deposits or money back since it's been over a year since we signed with them. We're waiting on a payment that I now know will never come.

kathleens206 wrote:
I have contacted a legal firm in Mexico and I'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow. My plan is to file a class action lawsuit against Vallarta Gardens, mainly concerning their marketing Group scam to by my other timeshares.

Kieu N.
Jun 28, 2024

Rosemary S, have you checked with Vidanta on the status of your T/S? With many of these fraudulent transactions the buyer's T/S is not transferred. There is nothing illegitimate about Vida, but some salespeople are not always truthful. All purchases there are verified

Joan C.

Last edited by endscams on Jun 28, 2024 04:46 PM

Jun 28, 2024

Robert, we just purchased. How has your experience been? Were you paid for your "marketing weeks"?

J M.
Jun 28, 2024

Robert, we purchased last week. How has your experience been? Were you paid for your "marketing weeks"?

J M.
Jun 30, 2024

Its been 4 years since we were able to do the 5th day refusal. The sales guy wasnt going to be able to feed his children. I truly am heart broken to read that this bull is still being played out. So many times the Hampton has been sold over and over. If anyone know the board members on any of the multitude of vacation sites that we all visit, speak up. I tried right away upon return to Canada to make comments of a negative nature on Trip Advisor with regards to the scam. My opinion was not welcomed and I received an email.If I tried to make more comments about Gardens, I would be booted off the site. In helping others, I recommend you only use credit cards with 30 refund policies, and call the Mexican Embassy in your home country. When the politicians in region get tired of Mexico City calling, maybe something will happen.

Cyndy M.
Jun 30, 2024

you have had it a year Robert, what say you now.

Cyndy M.
Jul 07, 2024

I too have been scammed by these people. I pain over $40,000 and was also promised they would by my other timeshare properties. I am beside myself! If there is any kind of class action suit against them, I would love to be a part of it. I purchased my "fractional ownership" in April of 2023. Never received any money for the weeks I gave back either. I may have to sell my house just to recoup this money. I am so ashamed I fell for this.

Jodi S.
Jul 07, 2024

Me too, I've been duped as well. I received the same email regarding the 41% tax, blah, blah, blah. I paid over $40,000 for this thing, thinking it was a good investment. Total scam, having seen a dime!!

Jodi S.
Jul 07, 2024

Is there anyone that can help, please.........anyone?????

Jodi S.
Jul 09, 2024

Go to Facebook - find Vallarta Gardens Debt Club

Jul 09, 2024

Yep - please go to Facebook Vallarta/Kovay Grdens debt club


Last edited by deborah733 on Jul 09, 2024 11:52 AM

Jul 11, 2024

I purchase back in 2021 and was recently contacted by a law Firm out of Cabo.Long story short it's a collective case and so i received the court case and translation.little did they kmow i have aloy of family in Nayarit and some are attorneys.To .y surprize it's a real case againts the Developers for allowing the marketing teams to operating fraudulently.The Court case is real and the adhesión is still possible.

Stacey H.

Last edited by s_hines on Jul 15, 2024 08:24 AM

Jul 11, 2024

Hi Stacy i'm Also working with them.I was i'm cabo just there weeks ago and My husband and i paid Mr.Alcala a visit.Mario was very polite and answered all our questions.Mr Flores had just flown out of Town to look after a matter for a client he representa whom was a víctim to Vallarta Gardens. Look good so far and who knows how Much we will be granted but atleast we knows they exist and are real.

Stacey H.

Last edited by s_hines on Jul 15, 2024 08:24 AM

Aug 19, 2024

We purchased in December 2023, were supposed to received payments in June for our timeshare they supposibly bought and some marketing weeks, still waiting, getting run around from Capital Marketing DS. Anyone dealt with that company? Our sales people were super nice "Hector the Protector" and has been trying to help us with this but now wondering if it is a scam all around!

Sylvie T.

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