The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Oct 04, 2014

Sounds like more corruption fueled by money. Maybe time to involve the FBI on the matter. The stop business order was instigated by the AG's office. There are no excuses action is not being taken unless money and corruption is railroading the system. Bait n Switch is a offense well addressed and covered under the law. If you are victims, you are entitled to restitution, it is the obligation of those who your tax dollars are paying to serve the people of the state of New York. Demand action or their jobs.

The T.
Oct 04, 2014

We first learned about The Manhattan Club from a promotion we received via U.S. mail, and I imagine that is true of many defrauded owners. So this may well qualify as mail fraud. Although I am not an expert on mail fraud, which I understand is a serious federal offense, I assume some owners are versed in mail fraud and can perhaps provide some concrete guidance on this possibility.

Mary F.
Oct 04, 2014

maryf501 wrote:
We first learned about The Manhattan Club from a promotion we received via U.S. mail, and I imagine that is true of many defrauded owners. So this may well qualify as mail fraud. Although I am not an expert on mail fraud, which I understand is a serious federal offense, I assume some owners are versed in mail fraud and can perhaps provide some concrete guidance on this possibility.

mary, true, mail fraud is a major offense and should be investigated; however, at the moment, we owners should be made aware of the progress of the current litigation in court between THE NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL AND THE MANHATTAN CLUB. the ATTORNEY GENERAL must have some hard evidence against THE MANHATTAN CLUB in order for him to have been awarded a court order demanding that THE MANHATTAN CLUB cease all sales and promotion of THE MANHATTAN CLUB shares until the court has come to a conclusion concerning this lawsuit.



Chris V.
Oct 04, 2014

Mail Fraud is a serious offense. Owners who were contacted by the Manhattan Club via US Mail should file a mail fraud complaint with the US Postal Service.

We should all file complaints with the US Postal Service about the Manhattan Club selling their worthless timeshares if we receive any mailers from them. I was first contacted by TMC via a mailer I received in Boston. Here are the links to file complaints:

Irene S.
Oct 05, 2014

Thank you the info on filing a mail fraud complaint. I agree that the NY AG should be aggressively following up on its initial action - AND - I also believe that we defrauded owners should not just sit back and wait for the NY AG to take further action. I see no downside to our also filing mail fraud complaints; I cannot think of any way that could slow down or otherwise hinder any action the AG might pursue.

Mary F.
Oct 06, 2014

Irene, this is a great idea, to attack from both the AG and the Postmaster General. Unfortunately, I purchased 6 years ago and I don't have the original mailer. If I choose to file a complaint, I wonder first if TMC would willing give up its past mailing lists and second, if there is a statute of limitations. For newer members who still have their original invitations, this is a good course. I occasionally receive mailers and even phone calls asking me to refer new members. In the past I have vented on the customer service rep that I would never in good conscience recommend them to anyone I knew. Going forward, I will now keep printed info and record any future calls from them, if they have the nerve to continue soliciting new business.

Lena P.
Oct 06, 2014

The message that Irene cut & pasted from the AG's office states clearly that their office has not filed suit against The Manhattan Club.

Has anyone been in contact with the media since this was initially covered by The New York Times? Has anyone seen any coverage televised by CNBC who reportedly had an interest in this saga and wanted to interview TMC timeshare owners? It certainly appears that the AG has been stifled and quite possibly the media as well ... while we all had rest assured that someone, some office somewhere, had our interests at heart.

If anyone on this thread has any contact info for the investigative reporters who purportedly at one time were interested in this injustice, please advise. If anyone is aware of an individual within the FBI's office involved in cases of fraud, embezzlement, mail fraud, white collar crime, please advise.

Charles M.
Oct 06, 2014

I'll keep looking, but I doubt I have retained anything we received via U.S. mail. However, on December 2, 2013, we received an email that referred to a recent mailing:

Our annual Gift of Joy Referral Promotion is underway! Complete materials were mailed to you recently and should be arriving in your mailbox shortly. This year marks the 5th anniversary of the Gift of Joy so we've pulled out all the stops and are offering rewards that are greater than ever.

Mary F.
Oct 06, 2014

Hello again, I have been reporting on the Manhattan Club legal issues for months on If any of you have questions about the case, send me a note. But don't expect the mainstream media, especially TV, to cover this story unless there is a major development, such as an indictment of Manhattan Club principals. If the AG's case ultimately is dropped, the NYTimes and other dailies probably won't even cover it with a paragraph. The real question for MC owners is what to do with next year's maintenance fees, which are due for many very soon. Since the club is enjoined from pursuing foreclosures, you may have more flexibility to work with the club on payments, should you decide to keep paying them. In meantime, I will update forums for any updates on the case. One thing you should also be aware of: the Manhattan Club pulled down all references to timeshare sales on its web site, which suggests they are complying with court order to stop timeshare sales activity. If any owners have additional information about how the club is operating in the meantime, or if you are hearing differing stories from owner services personnel at the MC, let me know and I will check it out.

Jeffrey W.
Oct 19, 2014

I hope to be a member of the lawsuit as the concept of time sharing has been completely bastardized by the Manhattan Club in terms of a very poor lack of availability(due to overselling and offering rooms to book to the public ) and fees,which basically serve no purpose for shareholders. Thank you, John deHaan and Kathryn Doan

John D.
Oct 19, 2014

i believe we have a champion to our cause against the alleged fraud and scamming of shareholders by THE MANHATTAN CLUB: mr greg crist, ceo of the national association of timeshare owners. although he has no legal authority, i think he's interested in working with us and sharing his level of expertise to help MANHATTAN CLUB TIMESHARE OWNERS get what we paid for. CONTACT HIM ASAP, IF NOT SOONER!

Chris V.
Oct 19, 2014

New York's Attorney General can stop the Manhattan Club Scam. We have 200 signatures. We need at least 1,000 to make an impact. We TMC owners are asking to be informed about this investigation.

Sign the petition!

You can also write the AG's office: Atty. Serwat Farooq Asst. Attorney General 120 Broadway, 23 Floor New York, NY 10271 (212) 416-6240 Jane Aziza, Supervisor Attorney General's Fraud Unit, 212 416-8727 Andrew Meier | Deputy Bureau Chief Real Estate Finance Bureau Office of the New York State Attorney General 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271-0332 ' 212-416-8305 | 7 212-416-6595 *

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Oct 20, 2014

I am a resident of nj and a m.c. owner. My thought was scoffed at recently on this site, but if u need signatures would it not be a good idea ( if legal) to obtain them at doors of m.c. It seems u are unable to reach the bulk of owners. On a daily basis there are numerous owners staying there.

Oct 20, 2014


signed and sent petition AGAIN today.


jamesd788 wrote:
Most of the responses to this MC continuing saga infer that the AG will accept inquires from NY State owners. Are those from other states allowed or encouraged to write about the abysmal practices of the MC? James

irenes93 wrote:

I created a petition to Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General which says:

" ALL, 3,826, New York State Manhattan Club owners should be notified of your investigation of The Manhattan Club. "

Please consider notifying all 18,480 TMC owners as well.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Irene Smalls

Chris V.
Oct 20, 2014


you share my (a new yorker's) frustration for the sparse information from the NEW YORK STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL VS THE MANHATTAN CLUB lawsuit. we need and deserve to be kept up to date on the progress, or lack thereof, concerning this messy issue and the alleged fraud and scams attached. i urge you to reach out to greg crist, ceo of the national association of timeshare owners association. he's prepared to do all he can for THE MANHATTAN CLUB shareholders' plight. bear in mind that greg's not an attorney and cannot act in a legal capacity, but i believe he sincerely wants to assist us. GET IN TOUCH WITH HIM.

chris volpe.

chrisv126 wrote:

signed and sent petition AGAIN today.


jamesd788 wrote:
Most of the responses to this MC continuing saga infer that the AG will accept inquires from NY State owners. Are those from other states allowed or encouraged to write about the abysmal practices of the MC? James

irenes93 wrote:

I created a petition to Eric Schneiderman, New York Attorney General which says:

" ALL, 3,826, New York State Manhattan Club owners should be notified of your investigation of The Manhattan Club. "

Please consider notifying all 18,480 TMC owners as well.

Will you sign this petition? Click here:


Irene Smalls

Chris V.
Oct 24, 2014

It is interesting to note that the latest stipulation (Oct 23) in the AG Inquiry requires amongst other things that the Manhattan Club disclose the existence of the AG's investigation to all of the owners of ownership interests in the Club within 30 business days. I wonder if this implies that we will all be notified by mail. Below is the link to the court case.

Dave Cox

Irene S.
Oct 24, 2014

My annual fee is due in November.

I am interested to know the current situation regarding what funds the Manhattan Club is -- and is not -- allowed to collect while the AG investigation is ongoing.

Thank you.

Mary F.
Oct 24, 2014

The issue of maintenance fee payments by TMC owners has never been addressed by the Attorney General in his investigation or court orders. Many owners have asked that question. TMC continues to collect and try to collect maintenance fees. Some owners have refused to pay.

Irene Smalls

Irene S.
Oct 24, 2014

I am so glad the AG is continuing to look into the fraud perpetuated by Manhattan's an election year and I am voting for him so he can continue the fight for us.

Lena P.
Oct 24, 2014

lenap3 wrote:
I am so glad the AG is continuing to look into the fraud perpetuated by Manhattan's an election year and I am voting for him so he can continue the fight for us.

lenap3, yes, this is an election year, and the ag is an elected official. consider mr schneiderman's handling of forwarding information to owners regarding the progress, of lack thereof, of THE MANHATTAN CLUB LAWSUIT. currently, i do not feel well-informed about the suit; do you? personally, i am holding my voting decision in abeyance and contacting MR CAHILL, MR SCHNEIDERMAN'S OPPONENT, to find out how he would proceed in our plight against the alleged fraud and scamming conducted by THE MANHATTAN CLUB AND ITS PRINCIPALS. THINK ABOUT IT!

Chris V.

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