Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Jan 23, 2023

Very frustrated that a legitimate travel company, Monster Reservation Group, would send their customers to unvetted scams. We purchased last week and trying to get out of it, but doubt that we will be able to. Would love to talk to those few people that we did see using the property while we were there.

Dennis R.
Feb 14, 2023

We were there on January 13th and ended up buying. Our experience was great, if everything goes through as they said. Do you know for sure that you have been scammed? It certainly sounded too good to be true!!

Robert S.
Feb 14, 2023

We were also referred there by Monster Group. You mentioned that Monster was a legitimate travel company. I'm not so sure.

Robert S.
Feb 14, 2023

We purchased in mid 2021 and have never seen any money from Allianz Marketing Strategies from the marketing weeks we sent them. We did everything they asked and they gave us one excuse after another. They don't reply to emails now and don't answer the phone. There is another thread on Redweek (7 pages) that details how to rescind. It is too good to be true. But I think you're too late to rescind. Were Dante and Ricardo your salespeople?

roberts2978 wrote:
We were there on January 13th and ended up buying. Our experience was great, if everything goes through as they said. Do you know for sure that you have been scammed? It certainly sounded too good to be true!!

Patsy S

Last edited by pamf198 on Feb 14, 2023 02:50 PM

Mar 19, 2023

Hello …. Just there last week and made $1200 deposit on down payment. Working with Harry and Jenny. So worried after reading all these posts !!! What do we do? Anybody happy ????

Linda B.
Mar 31, 2023

Has anyone been contacted by Morgan Law & Estates P.C. pursuing a Federal indictment against this operation?

Harold E.
Apr 20, 2023

We’re you able to get out?

Shelley S.
Jul 26, 2023

My wife and I attended a Vallarta Gardens timeshare presentation on May 30, 2023 after being pitched inside a Walmart in Puerto Vallarta. Our 1.5 hour presentation lasted 5.5 hours during which time we said no several times. We were pitched to purchase 6 weeks of stay in the form of a vacation club membership, Concierge Club. We were told we could sell upto 5 weeks of stay through there marketing partner, innova marketing services for 2500.00 per week. Ultimately the price went down from 60,000 to 11,500 and at that point it seemed like a good "investment." I paid a 5900.00 deposit by credit card and signed a promissory note agreeing to pay another 5600.00 within 30 days to pay of the membership. After getting back to my hotel room a bad feeling overcame me as the deal I signed seemed to good to be true and I immediately began searching for reviews of Vallarta Gardens. I could not find one reviewer who had ever been paid for the weeks that were to be sold through there marketing program and lack of availability and not mentioned charges were a common theme. During my review I learned that even though I signed a form stating that I did not have a 5 day rescission period as I was buying a foreclosure property that this was in fact a lie. Mexico consumer protection laws do not allow you to waive the 5 day rescission period.

If you are within the 5 day rescission period you definitely need to visit the website MESCAM.COM, there you can find sample rescission letters which you should copy and paste. Finding the website was truly an act of god as it is hard to find in a search.

I emailed my rescission letter on June 2, 2023 (3 days post contract signing) then mailed June 3, 2023 (4 days post contract signing) by usps registered mail and FedEx international mail.

On July 5, 2023 I received a credit of 5900.00. If not for MESCAM sample letters and advice I don't think I would have been able to get a refund. Please trust me on this advice, I dont benefit in anyway from this recommendation and will forever be indebted to John and his website Mescam.

Andrew K.
Aug 30, 2023

Yes, we did on 2 June 2023. They also assisted in writing a contract to transfer our timeshare to Capital Markets Distribution System out of our names and pay us for our timeshare. We could get in touch with people at the phone number they gave us before we paid off our debt. Since we paid off the debt, they stop answering the phone! If our contracts are not honored as written, I will be willing to participate in bringing a lawsuit against them! 703 580-0024.

William P.

Last edited by williamp777 on Aug 30, 2023 04:45 PM

Sep 20, 2023

Look for a Facebook group

Nov 30, 2023

Hi Kelly!! Yes Aline Cardenas was our sales guy and he was the smoothes sales guy. We bought ours back in june of 2022 only because they said it was a "fractional ownership" not a time share and also because we can make money Back by selling our weeks and allianz marketing would be paying us for next 10 weeks $2550 for each week we don't use. Aline was so charming and we thought he was so honest. After 1.5 year and realizing we didn't get a dime I reached out to him. At first he responded to our calls but now he is totally ignoring us. We paid $30k up front. All scams!!

Tiffany L.
Jan 24, 2024

I purchased a partial residency membership in 2013 for a 2 bedroom Penthouse and paid some $258,000 for 6 weeks annually. After fighting these "crooks" for years, I just received a call offering to by out my equity interest from a Vallarta Garden's Boutique Residence Club (Eric Miller) for $303,000. The Hook is that one has to pay Vallarta Gardens a fee for the transfer of the property. in my case it amounts to $24000 to "ask permission" for a transfer to a third party....supposedly to a group of PGA sponsors. This is supposedly because VG is about to be bought out and there is a plan to teardown the Penthouses for a Golf Course and dispossess any timeshare owners. If this sounds like BS it probably is. Don't be surprise to know that the crooks are back hyping something to get you to pay more to keep your membership. BEWARE OF THE WOLVES....THEY ARE BACK!

George R.
Jan 27, 2024

see facebook page Kovay Gardens/Vallarta Gardens - Debt Club

Feb 16, 2024

Jerry please contact me , my husband and I both fell for their scam. I’ve recently had lawyers reach out to me about a class action suit. I’m thinking that this is a scam too. I would appreciate call or text 661-205-8519, Thanks Linda

jerry634 wrote:
This is a beautiful resort with a magnificent staff, however. So In July of 2018 my wife and I bought into this beautiful resort with many promises made to us if we did. They said they were going to buy our Grand Mayan Luxxe for $110,000. Instructing us that after 300 days we would do the closing here state side. So we purchased, I am so embarrassed we put out $50,000 for Hamptons Penthouse. Unfortunately they were all Lies, do not believe anything they say or tell you they are all lies. The rental of your three weeks all lies. They will try to make out that I had a problem, read reviews, not just on yelp, there are many. I paid them in full for my part and did everything i was suppose to. Be aware of Ricardo Ballesteros the gentleman that is Manager of the sales team "A Liar" and I have the documentation to prove it. Pacho very nice guy, a LIAR.. Please email me if you are trying to decide to buy their. DON'T DO IT!!! We will be retiring the end of next month and I plan on going after this band of thieves. I hope this helps someone before it is to late.

Linda F.
Feb 16, 2024

No but I’ve had Montoya and associates contact me about a class action suit that is liquidating funds. Not sure if they are legit either? Can you give us the contact information of that law firm that contacted you? What state are they in phone number etc Thanks, Lynda

harolde54 wrote:
Has anyone been contacted by Morgan Law & Estates P.C. pursuing a Federal indictment against this operation?

Linda F.
Feb 16, 2024

Read back on this message thread - there have been numerous people who have been scammed. Even many of us that realized in time and legally got out of the contract are put through the wringer.

In our case, we signed up, with the standard deal - they would get a seller for our existing time share, which would cover the cost of their contract, we would sell weeks we didn't use, yadda yadda yadda.

I then did more research while we were still in Mexico, and when we returned a couple days later to finalize things, I let them know that we would be giving notice as required via registered mail of our intent to not enter into the contract. Even though we did everything by the book, they still sent our payment through on our Amex card. I then spent the next three months getting Amex to agree that it was not a valid contract. Finally Amex agreed to reverse the charge. That wasn't the end, though - VG sent the 'bill' to a California collection agency. It took a strongly worded letter from our attorney to get them to let it loose. These are bad actors engaged in bad acts.

Randall B.

Last edited by randallb68 on Feb 16, 2024 05:07 PM

Mar 19, 2024

Thank you so much !!

Tiffany L.
Apr 08, 2024

Oh yes we got scammed as well. Fractional ownership was suppose to be paid for a timeshare and payment receive 2023 and keep getting g the run around and no one returns phone calls. We had Dante and Ahline(smooth salesperson.). How they tell us the Mexican government will take 35% so we have to wait. Been waiting for months now. Allianz doesn’t return emails or phone calls either. Anyone have luck with an attorney. Hard to believe they get away with this.

Corrina D.
Apr 16, 2024

We purchased in January 2023 for the same reasons as many I have read. Signed agreement with Allianz marketing services with a GUARANTEED buyout of our purchase price after a year. Well none of the payouts happened that first year so we requested our payment for full amount. We have received a emails stating it’s being processed or it’s in transit. But there have not been any payments received. We called Vallarta Gardens who state that we are past our 5 days- no kidding. They say our issue is with Allianz not them, but that we can still enjoy our weeks we purchased.

Caroll W.
Apr 17, 2024

Yes, I'm very sorry to point out that everyone who entered into these agreements was doing business with Two Separate Entities. It was even stated in the contract you signed with Vallarta Gardens somewhere (I seem to recall) that the entire terms of the deal are therein contained and no other contracts apply. This caveat is why they'll agree to give you ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you ask for in the other contract which doesn't get honored and is by some other organization that doesn't really exist or goes out of business as needed/when sued.

I realized this after signing their contract when all the margaritas had worn off. I found this thread of unsatisfied customers confirming my suspicions that two separate contracts allowed them to fail to honor the one and still expect me to honor the other. We were still on property when I realized my error. I didn't inform them I was on to their con as I didn't want to get kicked off the property before our vacation ended. We kept eating their surf and turf and I rescinded the agreement immediately upon return home as it was still within the 5 business day window.

So Sorry this happens to anyone still, maybe I can try to put something out there loud and clear on other websites warning about this scan that many have fallen for. I successfully got out of my deal by cancelling within the 5-day window.

Michele H.

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