Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Nov 24, 2021

Saw this post....Vidanta has absolutely no interest in any VG property, imagined or otherwise. They have over 800 acres of magnificent resort property. What BS! We were recently offered over $600,000 from the same NY fraudsters for something we do NOT own.

Joan C.
Dec 28, 2021


Jason D.

Last edited by jasond414 on Dec 28, 2021 04:23 PM

Dec 28, 2021

Yes, that was our guy too.

kellyd504 wrote:
WOW, I wish I would have googled Arrow Management before listening to and signing a contract with Vallarte Gardens. My husband and I were to receive our first payment last week, but the money was not deposited into our account and so we started with calling and sending emails. They are telling us that they cannot send us the full amount due to COVID restrictions BLAH BLAH BLAH. The same thing that many others have done before us. I am wondering if the contract is legal and binding? We actually paid off the contract by using a credit card, so I'm wondering if we can claim fraud with the credit card company and get the down payments and money back? Has anyone on this site worked with or talked to a marketing agent name Aline Cardenas?

Jason D.
Dec 30, 2021

Agents are a dime a dozen, come and go. Yes, you can claim fraud with c/c company. But do it NOW. May be too late! Contract is fraudulent, so not legal.

Joan C.
Jan 13, 2022

I did and believe I have lost about $40,000 They Deal with Arrow Marketing Group and Cromwell and Berkeley to insure the transaction Arrow wont respond to my enquiries. They used Covid 19 to stall payment. End of a tax year and numerous other excuses like the Mexican Govt had held things up

Irena K.
Jan 13, 2022

I Did regretfully lost about 40,000

Irena K.

Last edited by irenak9 on Jan 13, 2022 07:12 PM

Feb 04, 2022

VG and Arrow are still running a scam. I would only hope and pray people would “google VG and Arrow” before putting their signature on the dotted line.

Ed S.
Feb 04, 2022

There is no Arrow marketing. It's VG. None of these "marketing" companies exist. If everyone would go through all of the pages of complaints the answer to getting your money back is there. I got mine back and all the evidence I needed was right here!

Thomas B.
Apr 17, 2022

We just did 5 days ago when we attended 9 minutes presentation. There were lot of undue pressures placed on us. They charged our credit cards for down payment.

Bhupendra T.

Last edited by phyl21 on Apr 17, 2022 01:09 PM

Apr 17, 2022

Yes we did 5 days ago under lots of pressure. Our credit cards were charged before seeing the contract. Contract is not same as all the presentation made ( too good to be true) Now we are convinced reading your post. Please e mail me and we can talk further. Thanks

Bhupendra T.

Last edited by phyl21 on Apr 17, 2022 01:10 PM

May 03, 2022

Has any Vallarta Gardens timeshare owner had an offer to sell from a company called Elite Management of Tennessee? If so is this company legitimate?

George R.
Aug 16, 2022

I have contacted a legal firm in Mexico and I'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow. My plan is to file a class action lawsuit against Vallarta Gardens, mainly concerning their marketing Group scam to by my other timeshares.

Kathleen S.

Last edited by phyl21 on Aug 16, 2022 09:44 PM

Aug 19, 2022


I would be interested in what you have learned from your legal meetings and about Allianz Marketing Strategies.



kathleens206 wrote:
I have contacted a legal firm in Mexico and I'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow. My plan is to file a class action lawsuit against Vallarta Gardens, mainly concerning their marketing Group scam to by my other timeshares.

Linda M.
Sep 20, 2022

new player is calling people who bought ..funny thing we bought day one but cancelled by day 5 but no one seems to know that. Anyway, Summitt Brokers in Denver says they are the new shareholder as of 2020. would like us to send $1000 to their office, to rent out our 1bdrm Hampton? since we paid nothing..nah,,, you rent it, keep the first $1000 and send us the rest. If we can get past where in Denver exactly. the address on the request form is a 10 story building. upon checking the most current on-line directory, Summitt is not a client of this office building.

Cindy V.
Sep 20, 2022

We also would be interested in knowing the outcome of your legal conversations.

Rudy C.
Sep 21, 2022

Did you ever follow through with a class action lawsuit? My father bought into this scam, paid over 20,000 before dying in a drowning accident. He had told us that we would get to use it someday and was so proud of that. Now as we were trying to find out how to take over his membership I am finding all of these stories. Which makes total sense as i remember my Dad was upset because he had been promised that they would sell his weeks and it would make the monthly payments for him. He still owes $10,000 and I am so thankful we didnt keep making the $854. monthly payments after he died. I am so angry that these idiots scammed my father who took a loan out for the down payment. I cannot believe these people have gotten away with scamming people for so long and there is nothing out there protecting us consumers. If you or anyone is planning on filing a class action or anything against these scammers i would be more than willing to join in, i have got all of my Dads papers, receipts, notes, and contracts. Thank you, Tara

Tara D.
Sep 30, 2022

SCAM!!!!!! WALK AWAY!!!!

Paula H.
Dec 20, 2022

We signed an agreement with them in 2019 and then canceled the next day after seeing things like the above on the internet. They tried to threaten us for canceling, and the boss (overweight Italian-American guy from Brooklyn) even said I would wind up in a Mexican jail.

I contacted a Mexican lawyer and they finally relented and cancelled our contract. As far as I know they never took any money from us.

For the last six months or so we have been contacted by a company called Gateways Industries LLC, out of St. Louis Missouri, saying they want to buy our timeshare. When we tell them we cancelled and don't have a contract they tell us that according to their records we do, and they want to buy it.

It makes no sense and has to be a scam. They do not seem cautious about buying from us something we thing we do not own. Probably some sort of con where they take advantage of the "mark's" greed to get some money from us. I called the FTC but they did not have any scam alert about this.

Akruranath D.
Dec 20, 2022

It is a scam. There is a list of names - those who had the misfortune of coming into contact with VG. It circulates far and wide. Trade authorities in US have ignored this fraud for years for some reason.

Joan C.
Dec 22, 2022

I’m so sorry for your loss. We too were convinced by these crooks to buy, and were told that we could trade weeks for nice places (not even close to true) and that we could rent what we didn’t use (that had all sorts of snags and never worked). We stopped payments. A lawyer in Honolulu told us to not pay & not to talk to the collection agency that they hired in CA. After 7 years they can bring us to court, but he said they would lose, and he didn’t think they would find it worth it. Meanwhile we see occasional dings in our credit, but still have outstanding credit.


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