Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Jan 14, 2021

Hi we purchased in August of 2018 and have the same issues. Arrow Marketing was to purchase our other time share - still nothing after 500+ days. What is the plan that you've implemented - could you share as I'm also trying to get our money back?

Heather N.
Jan 14, 2021

Hi I tried to post on Trip Advisor and the response was to move my post to the "Forums" section not on the property itself. Unless you know where to look sadly you'll miss it.

Heather N.
Jan 14, 2021

Hi Michelle

We are going thru the same issues as you. Purchased Dec 2019. Closing date for existing property/timeshare takeover was to be March 14/20. Payment in 300 days of date of contract Dec 19. We havent received anything but excuses and false promises. friends who purchased this last December asked us whether we have been paid, we said no. They asked us to keep them informed as they would consider cancelling their contracts. This morning VG called and said they are putting our membership on hold and we arent allowed to make a reservation. Told us that we are interfering with their sales dept. I requested a refund if im not able to use my membership. Also told them i had no say in what others do and never told anyone to not pay their contracts nor have i bashed vg. I gave them the answer for the question they asked.

S R.

Last edited by sr195 on Jan 14, 2021 05:00 PM

Jan 15, 2021

Hey Bruno

Could you please tell me what you did to get CC company to allow a chargeback to your account. We are going thru the same thing and it has been over a year. First it was covid, then its our bank number was wrong, now its the Mexican tax authoritities. Vallarta Gardens wont allow us to make reservations now.

S R.
Jan 18, 2021

I think they promised to pay you ONLY IF they sold you week to somebody else. If not, them they don't have to pay you and you just lost your week. Also, nobody can validate if they sold your week. Clear profit and stupid customers who believed in money paradise

Sergey F.
Mar 11, 2021

Did you ever receive any money from Arrow Marketing Group for the purchase of your other time share? I've tried contacting Arrow Marketing Group but my calls to unanswered. I've emailed them numerous times, with a reply a representative will call me. They them email me that someone has tried calling me at both numbers listed on my contract but not one answers. I have AMG as a contact so if they would have called I'd know it was them.

Susan M.
Mar 11, 2021


This forum was shown to me by a good friend because I was referring him to Arrow Marketing. I had received Arrow Marketing services since 2017, when I bought a timeshare in Cancun. They have not failed me in any guarantee of payment for my weeks. Like me, other acquaintances who also bought their timeshare at the same Vacation Club at Cancun have received their payments. I can suggest that you contact your Club and see how they can help solve your problems. God bless you.

Carol G.
Mar 11, 2021


I have also received my promised payments from Arrow Marketing Group. When I signed with Vallarta Gardens in June 2019, I was voluntarily enrolled to deposit my weeks with Arrow Marketing, and I can only share that I have received my payments. I have not had a single bad experience with them or with Vallarta Gardens.

Gerald R.
Mar 12, 2021

That is interesting because according to Arrow Marketing, they did not sign on with Vallarta Gardens until August 2019.

geraldr120 wrote:

I have also received my promised payments from Arrow Marketing Group. When I signed with Vallarta Gardens in June 2019, I was voluntarily enrolled to deposit my weeks with Arrow Marketing, and I can only share that I have received my payments. I have not had a single bad experience with them or with Vallarta Gardens.

Evelyn R.
Apr 27, 2021

we were scammed in 2015 and have a similar story I do not know if we would get our money back from sueing them I do not know how they could operate so long with this history laura b

Laura B.
Apr 28, 2021

855 353 5859 is a robocall scam.

Crystal S.
Jul 15, 2021

We did. But have not received our payment from arrow marketing for the Grand Mayan. It’s been 9 months since it was due.

Karen C.
Jul 26, 2021

Arrow Marketing Group are liars, scammers, and running a fraudulent money laundering scheme for Vallarta Gardens. We purchased a fractional ownership completely under the promise that our weeks would be rented out for us (we didn't hear the name Arrow Marketing Group until the very last minute of the contract signing) and we would make $ over time. It was completely presented by Vallarta Gardens as an investment opportunity. Arrow Marketing Group has since made promise after promise and excuse after excuse about why they haven't paid us for the rented weeks, and they are now over 7 months behind on the payments they owe us. VALLARTA GARDENS and ARROW MARKETING GROUP are a complete scam. Avoid at all costs, don't fall for their lies and their promises.

Dave O.
Jul 27, 2021

We have been through the hell of realizing Arrow Marketing was fake and we will never receive any of the promised money for our timeshare or our weeks, nor will we return to enjoy the 1 bedroom PH we purchased at VG. It has taken a huge toll on us financially, emotionally and mentally. Just last week we received a phone call with an offer from Realty and Estates LLC in NYC to purchase our VG contract. Ethan says he represents VIDA Vacations, part of Vidanta, and that Vidanta is trying to get a controlling ownership of weeks at VG to be able to purchase it. We can only assume this is another scam on top of another, and so on. Has anyone else received this call, and this offer to purchase? Ethan actually has our contract, reading it to me page by page. He says he represents Boutique Private Residence which owned part of VG, but had nothing to do with all the scamming. The very fact that he has my contract seems to me that it is just another scam from within VG. Please let me know if you have received this call as well. Thank you.

Paula R.
Jul 28, 2021


Paula H.
Jul 29, 2021

Thank you Paula H. I see you have been posting on this forum since 2012. Did you ever resolve any issues...get any money back? Or if not, have you ever tried to use any of your weeks...actually stay there after paying for the timeshare contract? We want to try booking a week this year, as we paid our dues (and of course turned over the week to Arrow Marketing). Not sure if they will allow us to use our week, knowing we have been scammed and might talk to others while we're there. Have you ever resolved anything regarding VG? We are thinking to leave it behind us for peace of mind, but it is hard to let go of so much money (we paid in full for 1 bedroom PH). Thank you, Paula R.

Paula R.
Jul 30, 2021

After trying to go thru the legal process of contacting local Prefecto in Puerto Vallarta, lawyer, etc., my credit card company finally returned part of the financial losses I sustained - among which was a withdrawal of 1K+ by the Swiss Annuity Company without my awareness. Cut your losses. What money they got from you, you will probably never get back. My understanding is the building to be constructed to house 'fractional timeshare' I supposedly purchased has 'never' been completed. If you look over the history of the ones who have posted on this forum for many, many years, the pattern of deceit is obvious. VG thrives simply because new victims are not aware of the deceit expressed on this forum by so many until it is 'too late' to effectively deal with this organization. They just 'move on' to their next unsuspecting victim.

Paula H.
Aug 09, 2021

Arrow marketing was supposed to sell our Vidanta Timeshare too. They have told us they submitted the funds through customs and are waiting for waiver so we don't have to pay taxes to Mexico. We have not received a call asking us to sell VG at this time (August 2021). We are thinking about hiring an attorney.

Kenny C.
Aug 13, 2021

WOW, I wish I would have googled Arrow Management before listening to and signing a contract with Vallarte Gardens. My husband and I were to receive our first payment last week, but the money was not deposited into our account and so we started with calling and sending emails. They are telling us that they cannot send us the full amount due to COVID restrictions BLAH BLAH BLAH. The same thing that many others have done before us. I am wondering if the contract is legal and binding? We actually paid off the contract by using a credit card, so I'm wondering if we can claim fraud with the credit card company and get the down payments and money back? Has anyone on this site worked with or talked to a marketing agent name Aline Cardenas?

Kelly D.
Nov 23, 2021

We have loved our stays at Vallarta Gardens. It is a beautiful property in a lovely area. But we purchased our fractional ownership on the promise of and contract with Arrow Marketing Group buying out our previous vacation package and our unused weeks each year. 19 months after we signed, they finally told us they were sending the payment for it all. Then the creative delays. The Mexican Taxes and the exemption certificate and the delays and the failed transaction due to a clerical error and then accounting informs us it will happen in a month. You might call me skeptical and maybe a little "slow" but I don't think it will happen.

If you also have experienced a breech of contract or misrepresentation or failure to perform contracted services, would you be interested in joining in a joint letter of complaint to Profeco and possibly a class action law suit? I really don't want to do this but it seems that some of us don't have much choice. Scammers do not respect international borders and are a scourge on the cultures with which they are associated. My hope would be that Vallarta Gardens (Private Residence Club) would disassociate themselves with Arrow Marketing Group and find a decent and replacement partner. If you are interested in participating, email me at Rudy at xrdimension dot org

Rudy C.

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