Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Apr 23, 2020

Thank you for your information. We have been talking to a US lawyer, since VG called a US collection agency on us. They told us many lies in the presentation. Seems that it is time to hire that lawyer.

Apr 23, 2020

Hi Thomas, How did you find these 20 "companies" that VG was suppose to be partnered with? At the time we bought (April 2019), they told us PILA. Of course we have not been able to rent our timeshare to them, OR trade the week for ANYTHING anywhere else. We have not made our payments to VG because of this & called them & told them so. Recently we were notified by a collection agency called Monterey Financial in Oceanside CA., then they put a delinquent mark on our credit reports. We also made a hefty down payment to PG at the time of purchase, which we had written off, thinking we were done with it. We used VISA and were told it was too late to reverse charges, but perhaps we should push this more, particularly since we are now threatened with collections. Any help of what I need to prove & where to find it would be very much appreciated! I am new to this site( & Tug) & have only found the most recent posts. Thank you thank you!

brunov8 wrote:
thomasb653 wrote:
I am sorry you lost money in this scam. What everyone needs to realize is these company's that they say are going to buy your timeshare or sell your weeks do not exist. If you go through the posts you will see at least 20 "companies" that partner with VG. The one they tried to use with us was located on a vacant lot in Oklahoma. These companies in reality are Vallarta Gardens. They are one in the same. They wait for a while. Usually a month or two, and then claim company went bankrupt or another excuse and then come up with another company name for the next batch of victims. We were able to get a refund from our credit card company by showing all the different "companies" and were able to show the pattern they use. We got our refund well after rescinding period was over. Haven't been on this site for awhile and it makes me sick this is still happening !

Which is your credit card company? What did you do to prove them this was a scam?

Apr 23, 2020

When you mention faux partners, does that include PILA? (My guess is yes)

Aug 31, 2020

I remember it like it was yesterday, July 2018. As me and my wife were preparing for retirement that next year we visited VG as a timeshare presentation. The property was beautiful, especially the penthouse suite. Several hours later and a promise to pay us $110,000 for our Grand Myan Luxxe, we purchased a Penthouse suite for get ready for it $50,000. All we had to do was wait 300 days and get our money. Everything looked legit, we checked them out. (They have cleaners to get rid of a lot of their negative reviews). Our Salesman name was Paco. Super nice guy who lied his ass off to us. Oh and the gentleman Mr Ballistaras who runs the place another liar of apocalyptic proportion. No amount of phone calls, pleading for help, or Perfecto will do any good. It took me a long time before I could talk about this without getting really upset. I do have a plan and will be implementing it the first of the year.

Jerry W.

Last edited by phyl21 on Aug 31, 2020 08:53 PM

Sep 01, 2020

Thank you for that information! VG sicked Monterrey Collections in CA on us, whom we’ve been ignoring, per advice of an attorney. since the ‘purchase” was made in Mexico it has no teeth here, yet it sits on our credit report. Did the attorney get them to take it off your credit report? We complained to MC when they first called us. Explained that nothing VG promised was true, but it did no good. We also put it a complaint to the better business bureau and to our visa. Needless to say it all went nowhere.

Sep 02, 2020

Many collection agencies/companies have little to no integrity or business ethics. They collect a percentage, often 50% of the debt, so they don't care if the debt is legitimate or not. Those with any principles will listen. Submit a strongly worded letter to the collection bureaus such as Equifax and Transunion with copies to the regional or head office of your Visa bank. Make references to the forums here (use links) and on Visa has been the c/c entity that has most aided and abetted VG with their scam and undoubtedly has hundreds of complaints. Also include a copy of your letter to your state attorney general with an explanation if necessary. Do this especially if you live in TX as that is where one of the principals of VG seems to reside, with dual citizenship. Or did. Also, NY state takes a serious interest in scams such as this. You may want to complain about the tactics of Monterey Collections as their connection with VG appears to be more than just that of another collection agency. "doing their job". I haven't seen any other collection agency ever mentioned and they were the scum bags who came after us.

Joan C.
Sep 04, 2020

Just received a phone call with offer to buy my VG contract--very vague. I had put this nightmare place out of my mind. Gent had contract # and al other info about amount paid. He said they were renaming the resort. A duck by any other name is still a duck. Not trading one scam for another. The wallet has been put in the safe and will not come out again in Mexico. JerryW would like to know what's up.


Last edited by marianw on Sep 04, 2020 12:33 PM

Sep 04, 2020

Block the phone #, tear it up. Just a scammer working with the scum bags. We have had calls for almost 4 yrs from "corporate buyers". Chicago is one of the favorite "offices". The lists of "owners" all over MX circulates far and wide - forever.

Joan C.
Nov 30, 2020

We are just home from a Vallarta Gardens vacation and I am very thankful that this website (and others) exist to enlighten consumers about this fraud. The presentation I attended took up over 5 and half hours of my time. I was quite certain I had no interest in vacation ownership at Vallarta Gardens until a "Michael" informed me that he would promise in writing to pay to me $2,500 per week for 1-4 weeks (at my choosing, not his) per year for a period of 25 years. So in short an arrangement promising to pay me $250,000 over 25 years in exchange for my doing absolutely nothing. Yep -- too good to be true! But he said he'd put it in writing. When the contracts were presented for signing, however, as noted by others in this thread, the contract promising me my $250,000 over 25 years was a separate contract with a separate entity -- this year they call themselves "Arrow Marketing Group" and claim to have been in existence since 1999 - and this promise from Arrow Marketing to pay me for marketing my weeks is not included within my contract to buy from Vallarta Gardens.

It was just surreal that no representative from Arrow Marketing Group participated in the negotiations of the deal by which they would purportedly be obligated to make payments to me. Michael from Vallarta Gardens was far too free-handed in agreeing to give me more and more of their money (he started at $1,500 for ten years and ended with $2,500 per week for 25 years). When it was part of a separate contract with a separate entity from his company I found it nearly impossible to believe it was valid, and located this site and others confirming my suspicion that Arrow Marketing Group would fail to live up to their end of the obligations were I to wait the year plus before their first payment to me was due.

I have rescinded my agreement with them within the five-business day period allowed under Mexican law, copying Profeco on the notice, in addition to reporting them as fraudulent to my credit card while demanding return of the $10,000 plus down payment made on my Mastercard. I sent the notice via email and worded it politely enough to make it likely they would respond, verifying they did receive notice within the Five Day Rescission period. Once a response was received I let my polite sales representative Ivana, who was very new on the job and probably unaware that her boss Michael makes false promises, know the full reason for my rescinding our contract.

Thank you again RedWeek and posters in this thread.

Michele H.
Nov 30, 2020

I'm happy to hear that you found the information contained here about the Vallarta Gardens scam useful. My wife and I did the same thing - fully complied with the cancellation requirements under Mexican law. That said, Vallarta Gardens continued to contend that the contract was not voided, and it took several months of back-and-forth with American Express to get them to see the light. Even when we finally convinced them that the contract had been legally cancelled, Vallarta Gardens turned the 'debt' over for collection to two different agencies. I finally had our attorney send them a cease and desist letter, which appears to have worked.

I hope you don't have to go through all this, but I wouldn't bet the house on it - these people are relentless in their lies and deceptions.

Randall B.
Dec 23, 2020

Thank you for the positive review of the Vallarta Gardens,

Tammy D.

Last edited by tammyd252 on Jan 21, 2021 06:36 PM

Dec 23, 2020

Love the beauty of the property

Tammy D.

Last edited by tammyd252 on Jan 21, 2021 06:34 PM

Dec 23, 2020

Thanks to all the staff that makes it even a better vacation

Tammy D.

Last edited by tammyd252 on Jan 21, 2021 06:35 PM

Dec 23, 2020

Welcome to the group of suckers. Unfortunately, as citizens of the United States, we have no representation.

Leslie M.
Dec 26, 2020

Hope this reaches you in time. You have 3 working days to cancel without issue otherwise you have to depend on credit card company 7 day policy. Write a letter email it to the office right away. We had to contact Mexico consulate Canada to press for release.. if it sounds too good to be true..your hooped.

Verne M.
Dec 26, 2020

Has anyone purchased recently in 2020

Diane E.
Dec 26, 2020

I purchased in 1/2020 but when I called about my contract they had no record of me. I have stopped payment on my charge card; the payments that were paid were, I thought through but when I called them, they has no record of my payments; The information on my credit card said TTR GO- no idea who that is. Does anyone know what entity that is?

Diane E.
Dec 31, 2020

We purchased just last year but have not received any of the promised funds from the buyout of previous vacation membership or the returned weeks at Vallarta Gardens. We have made contact with Arrow Marketing Group and provided the direct deposit form they requested and are looking forward to some resolution. Best of luck.

Dg B.
Dec 31, 2020

I successfully rescinded the agreement and received all the down payment restored, but I took extra measures to ensure that successful resolution having read in this thread that someone had received difficulties even breaking the contract within the 5 business days required by Mexico law. So my extra steps beyond just disputing the charge to my credit card company were to notify Profeco of the dispute and to declare it as a fraudulent transaction to my credit card company. This required them cancelling my credit card number and issuing me a new one pursuant to their policies, but I wasn't willing to wait months for the "disputed transaction" to be resolved in my favor as if this was just a normal business transaction in which I'd changed my mind. What Vallarta Gardens offers to entice people into signing with them is fraud. Most people who buy with them are timeshare owners already (as am I) and the first thing Michael tried hard to do was get me to sell him my timeshare. They offer above-market cash in exchange for your transferring ownership to them. But the catch is they need a year to give you your money! What? So consumers need to give you a large down payment right now and make regular monthly payments as well to buy ownership in Vallarta Gardens, but Vallarta Gardens needn't send a penny until a year has passed? How does that make sense to anyone? That's how they make sure they get at least a year of your payments and your down payment locked in as a whole year passes before you realize you've been led astray and can rethink your choice. Your 5 day window of opportunity to rescind is LONG gone when you realize they aren't paying you for your other timeshare and/or will not be paying you for unused "marketing" weeks through this Arrow Group. I did receive phone calls from someone claiming to be an Arrow Marketing Group representative who wanted to discuss with me how and why their deal with me was real and true. I told him we had nothing to discuss as I'd already rescinded the contract so had no weeks of ownership he could market for me. I'm sure he's very sad he won't need to send me that $10,000 per year for the next 25 years.

The place is beautiful, the food is great, the staff are charming. I think a lot of people want to enjoy their ownership and choose to just ignore the fact they never actually got bought out of their other timeshare as originally promised. I spoke to one lady at least, on the beach our last day, who was a very happy owner regularly spending 3-4 weeks there. She just kind of brushed off the fact they didn't ever give her money she was supposed to have received back from them. If I were in a contract with Vallarta Gardens I'd probably want to do the same thing. Focus on the positives and just enjoy what I'd bought, instead of lamenting the lie and unfulfilled promises on their end. But I'm super happy that I diligently pursued every action required of me to just get out of the contract instead. Seeing this has been going on for a decade or more there without them going to jail for it ... I'll think twice about buying any timeshare in Mexico ever. Apparently truth in advertising laws aren't relevant there!

Michele H.
Jan 14, 2021

Hi my husband and I went to Vallarta Gardens in August of 2018. We had no intention of purchasing however Mike in sales convinced us to sell our existing fractional unit via Arrow Marketing with monies to be sent to us within 300 days and to buy at Vallarta Gardens. It has now been 500+ days and no funds. We are also getting NO assistance from Vallarta Gardens. They are insisting Arrow is a 3rd party and that they have nothing to do with them - no responsibility for introducing them to us, no responsibility for dialing the phone to them or for paying the "fees" to Arrow marketing. I called Mike our sales rep at Vallarta Gardens and after acknowledging he knew who I was, when I told him what I was calling about, he hung up. I called back - no answer. Emails and phone calls to Arrow end in nothing but more lies. We've heard things like so and so has Covid, issues with transposing our account number to transfer funds, issues with taxes due to the Mexican government and on and on. All lies. I have asked for a full refund from Vallarta Gardens. Has anyone any ideas on how to push for this or any agencies we can work through to resolve this? thank you

Heather N.

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