Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Jan 24, 2018

Thanks, we are at the stage where they are still saying they want to sell our condo and I told them forget it. I would rather be out the money and have my legit condo then have them somehow scam us out of that too.

Gayla B.
Jan 24, 2018

Nancy it has been 10 months since we paid our VG. Do you think we still have a chance to get our money back like you? I would love to email with you and discuss more how you did it. My email is if you would be willing to email me. We are not quite to the date they were supposed to sell our condo, it is March 6 but since I know this all a scam I am not sending them anymore info. I cannot get any response from the manager at VG, he is always in a meeting.

Gayla B.
Jan 26, 2018

Senora Karen 1654 Ref post for Fall (last quarter of 2013)

Lo Siento "Estoy aqui "Hablo un poco de espanol" (I speak very little Spanish) Soy de Inglaterra (I'm going to England (UK) till Spring ! I do not have anything positive that you are going to here! Lo siento (Sorry) I visited PVR in 2013, and have heard over twenty four + fractional ownership "pitches" since the year 1975. Even worked for a bankrupt "Time Share" just before the original Miami Beach Fontainebleau Hotel went into Foreclosure, in the year 1977, , even nearly 40 years ago, this industry has been over-represented by "Liars" and Flim Flam Men, and, Hustlers, since its inception, by the majority of sales reps, but they are a few reputable exceptions, yes they are. This one is one of the very worst of them I have ever attended !. Liars !!! To avoid a "Wall of Text" I shall only list some warning signs, about Vallarta Gardens most on this redweek harm reduction forum many already know! Def of a Shill: "one who lures a victim to a Con Game" example good reports stated on here , "likely are liars" or "shills" . Con: A Confidence Game Mark: You (Karen 1654) "A Victim of a Con Game" Bait and Switch (Phony) "Swiss Alliance Group" big time liars. There is NO Swiss Alliance real deal firm in Switzerland. Confirmed by D&B. Watered Down Company: Vallarta Gardens of Le Cruz de Huanacaxtle (once in bankruptcy before) Just look at their LEXIS NEXIS, + Dun and Bradstreet International Business Information Report. + affiliate SCAM affiliates, Galore !!! NCIC criminal and moral turpitude backgrounds from Interpol, FBI, + D&B financial reports and Experian Financial (credit) reports on such affiliated firms as "DEEP BLUE DEARROLLOS S de R L DE C V KM 1.2 Carr Punta Mita, La Cruz, de Nayarit Mexico + RANCHO UNO ASOCIADOS SA de CV (Parent Company) of Vallarta Gardens Beach Club and Spa. Get a D&B private investigator or LEXIS NEXIS to extensively link DEEP BLUE S. A. de C.V. PJC no 1617 Cozumel Mexico + DEEP BLUE S.A. de C.V. (Avenida no 15, S/N in Cancun, Mexico Due to attorney/client privileged information I can only say one of the Kingpins is "holed up in Greater San Antonio, Texas USA, in USA language allegedly a "Gangster"

Swiss Alliance Group Bait & Switch offices and mail drops.......80 SW 8th Street Miami FL 33130 USA (just a independant version of USA UPS Store a/k/a MailBoxes Etc, " (In 37 urban cities in 37 countries( only a virtual office at best, at worst, only a PMB (private mail box) for "impression management". Many more "virtual offices" worldwide, such as, Ring to (36+ offices) to even elaborate MAIL-LINK in Las Vegas Nevada USA to Global Maildrops with cities in 43 countries in the Western industrialized world !

Shell Game Another version used by crooks thieves, and, snake oil salesmen to "bait and switch" one "like I went thru" as a quick switch from high season (winter in Puerto Vallarta) to hurricane (rainey + very humid season) and "of course the Xerox printer was out of ink, so no copy for you, "(no soup for you).

Location: Do not be deceived by the Pacific Ocean, did you know that the "Sinaloa Cartel" controls the entire Pacific corridor, with the US Dept of State constantly issues, "Do not Travel" warning to very close border state of Navarit, which is not Puerto Vallarta city proper, it is in much safer, state of "Jalisco". Kidnapping is a huge threat to a gringo! Vallarta Gardens Confident Salespersons, where was their BMW 760Li (armour plated) or their big Black Cadillac Escalade !! Did the salespersonnel drive cheap high mile compact cars,...worse yet even a taxi cab to get out of that 28 miles one way ride out of PVR??? Shillaber Time Share/Fractional Ownership "front man" defined as "a member of a con ring who lures a victim to a confidence game. In my case, again my international non Mexican attorney due to atty client privileged information, all I can tell is, a illegal drug deal went down, and, my "Shillaber" procured a Mexican MD's hand written prescription for a very tightly international controlled substance, by impersonating my name to make sure I was drugged 24/7 to cloud my memory so I could not go to PROFECTO, to get the 5 day cooling off period, on forms typed in Spanish, for this person to commit a USA felony to impersonate me with a "script writer" for a extremely hard to find addictive drug, so by greed he could get his commission, before I woke up out of the either !! I have the MD name and MD prescription to take if necessary on my "Turf" to mow everyone down including the Mexican Doctor, who "remember Mexico is a lawless land".

duress Professional Gorilla's wear you down, as night time approaches, will not take no for a answer and Insinuate, "you may have to thumb your way back to PVR or tell you this is the last two taxi's to Puerto Vallarta, as it is now nightfall, sign these papers, with no copy for you, give us down payment after a 11AM to 5PM wear you down high pressure sales oitch under very high threatening Duress !!

Source: HUSTLERS AND CON MEN AUTHOR JAY ROBERT NASH NYNY USA 1976. The HUSTLERS BIBLE Idea Publishing Co. NY NY 10017 USA 1977 NARCOLAND by Anabel Hernandez by Verso NY & London (2014) ISBN 9-781781-68296-8 (Mexican Drug Lords and Their Godfathers)

I can say no more due to instructions by my attorney, lawyer/client confidentiality, and, I have properties in target specific Caribbean Island and in UK and USA where in this Caribbean Island Vallarta Gardens will have to be present with their legal dept for 6 weeks in a row just to make a court appearance due that countries very strict well tested off shore IBC with a "Trustee and a Beneficiary" thus in yet another country It will costs someone the moon, to even get to 1st base.(Foreign Asset Protection Trust) just to appear in front of a judge must establish a temporary residency for 42 days in a row !!! If that unethical Mexican Medical Doctor loses his medical license to practice medicine, in PVR, some heads will roll !!! I have a year round attorney on retainer since the year 2013 !!! (Very Far from Mexico!)

Perden/Disculpeme "it is time for my English hot tea" Buenos Dias Senora Karen !!! PS I had the exact same 2 people as you !!




rep ye ye.

karenl674 wrote:
We were also scammed by Luis Marchedo, Cynthia Gonzolez. They both told us repeatedly over and over there was only ANNUAL fee of $800 to use the property. It was written and included in our file which mysteriously disappeared when we asked to have a copy for our own records. There is no toll free number to contact, we were contacted for payments which we refused to pay until everything was sorted out. As everyone else has reported, no one replies when you question their promises and ethics. Swiss Alliance were contacting us trying to get more money from us. Both Luis and Cynthia said that Swiss Alliance was paid by Vallarta Gardens and not us, we told Melissa at Swiss Alliance that info and refused to take any other calls or emails from her. She finally gave up after a few months of persistent calls. We were put in touch with Van Com Strategies, the company that was suppose to sell our weeks (Vallarta Gardens supposedly paid for this also) and we would recoup our monies. didn't happen and I guess after a year, we aren't going to see any money from rental income. We contacted the Prefeco and told them our story and told Cynthia Gonzolez and Luis Merchedo that we had filed a complaint against Vallarta Gardens and named them and Bob Stockton. Not sure what good it will do us as we are out our initial investment.

Zachary S.
Jan 26, 2018

I suspect you know: there is close to a zero chance you will get satisfaction from them. There are dozens of similar stories on here how they abuse trust and pile lies upon lies. Even when people follow the letter of the law to get out of the contract (this was our situation) they will still try to claim damages (either through the credit card companies or, even if that doesn't work, through collection agencies).

These people are really really bad news.

Randall B.
Mar 26, 2018

Have you received any money back yet? We were there today and gave a partial payment, supposed to go back tomorrow and are scared to do so, we want to back out and don’t know what the legal ramifications are!!! Any suggestions from anyone as to what we should do???

gaylab5 wrote:
We also fell prey to this scam at VG last May 2016. I knew it was a scam, I just felt it in my bones but my hubby was more trusting! We even went back the next day after contacting Profeco. We were told because our membership was from "foreclosed" surplus that we couldn't get our money back and because VG wasn't part of the Timeshare Association that they didn't have to follow the 24 hour cancellation of our contract!!! So we got sucked in again and when we got home and were able to check our email we found out they had already cancelled our contract the morning we were sitting there in their office and they lied to us about it. I was just sick and then of course my husband starting emailing and got a bunch of supposed free stuff and they said if we paid our balance we could get 20% off and yep he fell for it!!! I know at this point it is all a huge scam and they will never sell our other reputable timeshare we have in Mexico, nor would I even trust them to do it. My question is has anyone gotten any money back after a year if we have all documentation and emails? thanks and if anyone out there is thinking of falling for this just run, run far away!!!!

Dee W.
Mar 27, 2018

I feel for you. We got caught up in that scam 3 or 4 years ago. They do not represent Remax. That was confirmed by Remax to us. We were lucky enough to pursue our credit card company to get our money back which was declined three times until we finally convinced them of this scam. I'm surprised they're still out there doing this because the government knows all about them. They will haunt you and threaten you till you feel like you need an attorney. We disregarded these threats and they turned us into a California collection agency which affected our credit score. Then we had to fight the credit score companies to get our credit reinstated at a high score. It was a nightmare, but we stuck with it and came out okay. I have posted on red week before about these people. I am like you. Follow your gut. But we didn't. These people need to be sued but then you're dealing with Mexico. They will do nothing for you. Sorry but this will be a long ordeal for you. But stick with it, and hopefully you paid with your credit card as we did. Their investigation was a long ordeal and they fought us as well. But finally when I produced all the Vallarta Gardens was a fake and we bought something that never existed as promised, they came through for us finally. Good luck to you.

Janet C.
Mar 27, 2018

they are all f----- crooks no good sobs & we all got screwed blued & tatooted....but what goes around comes & pray they die a horible death

Neal S.
Mar 28, 2018

Well said

Margo W.
Apr 11, 2018

Rule number 1 - Always trust you instincts. If you feel it in your bones that it's a scam there is a very high probability that it is a scam. Rule number 2 - These companies prey on and take advantage of certain personalities. You seem to have a strong personality and hopefully you are not afraid to say no. Do not let your husband go to any future timeshare presentations.

Rick S.
Sep 14, 2018

I did bought last july with same promises oh my they are scammers.. now im stuck with them:(

Sherby O.
Sep 15, 2018

I recently purchased too 2 months ago... i want to cancel it buy have no idea at all :( hope we could find a way.

Sherby O.
Mar 27, 2019


A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I were invited to attend a sales presentation at Vallarta Gardens, in the area of Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. The Resort is beautiful, very quiet for our taste as they do not have activities for children, it is more a concept of privacy. Being in the sales presentation, we they presented us an annuity offered by a company called Cromwell and Berkeley in Panama, which would serve us in case of wanting to sell our membership and we would receive 100% of our money back. We thought it was an interesting idea and a very attractive benefit, but my husband and I decided to take some time to investigate a little more, so we decide not to buy that day. At the moment of telling the sales representative that we would wish to wait and do research, a person approached the table where we were sitting and demanded a purchase decision for that day, and as soon as we told him that we wanted to look into a little more about Vallarta Gardens and the benefits, this person behaved totally in an aggressive, threatening way saying that he was one of the owners and that he would kick us out of the Resort with elements of the local police. The sales representative who made us the presentation was always real friendly, but regrettably, this person who calls himself the director left us with a bad experience. Even then, we are still interested and we have tried to investigate a little more about Cromwell and Berkeley, since it seems an interesting product to be able to plan for the future for our kids, but unfortunately we have not achieved anything so far, we got hold of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF) in Panama and they do not have any records about this company. I wonder if somebody has already done business with this company in Panama and would like to share info.

Patricia W.
Mar 27, 2019

It's a scam - read some of the prior posts on this property. My wife and I got out before we were harmed financially, and even though we executed a perfectly legal contract exit, they still put us through the wringer with our credit card company and a couple of collection agencies trying to 'collect' on a debt that as not owed. Count your blessings that you didn't get entangled with these fraudsters.

Randall B.
Mar 27, 2019

Sadly this is VG scamming and lies that have plagued this property from the beginning. Don’t give them any cash or bank drafts and contact your credit card company and report them as a fraud. These people pray on every possibly weakness.

They got me for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

George R.
Mar 27, 2019

Thank you very much for the information, and as we have always said, if it sounds too good to be true, it is surely a scam. I hope you can recover your money, and expose these liars. In fact there is no registration in Panama of a company under the name of Cromwell and Berkeley, surely it is one more way to defraud customers.

Patricia W.
Apr 05, 2019

Is there away that you give me the letter from REMAX? I have been a victim too

janetc188 wrote:
We had hearings with our credit card company and did not have to go anywhere. All was done through a secure website they set up for this. I was able to convince them through different web sites that they were corrupt. It was about 9 months to get this all done. Did they use RE/MAX to suck you in? If so I may still have my letter from them denying any affiliation with them and saying they are a scam. That really helped us. Trip Advisor was helpful and many other sites. I just googled Is Vallarta Gardens a scam and was shocked to see what was out there. Hope this helps....The question you asked has me stumped. what is PLs? But yes, we bought in Nov. 13 and started working on this in Feb. 13. We also bought something that wasn't constructed yet and was able to prove that we bought something that didn't exist and probably never would....

Paseo P.
Apr 08, 2019

Recently, one of my grandchildren showed me this forum, and that is because he has heard me regret having bought in that place. Everything they say is a lie since they have no way to prove it is true. They stated me the day I bought that they would pay me money for my timeshare in less than 300 days and it has already been a yr and a half, and the company responsible for paying me no longer answers the telephone. We have tried to cancel and request our money back, but they state it is not possible. They also stated that they would pay me money for my weeks for a marketing program and they have not followed either. I have to admit that the property is beautiful, but regrettably, the sales techniques that they practiced with us have directed us to endure and not trust the sellers ever again, especially the one who cared for us, a guy with an English accent, everything offered only has caused us problems in our finances, he swindled us. Vallarta Gardens should be sad for taking advantage of clients who still had hoped to obtain a good vacation product.

If somebody who is considering buying at Vallarta Gardens is reading this, please be careful, take your time to research the company well and honestly, it just serves as a good resort, since nothing of what you are offered as an incentive to buy is real.

Susan B.
Apr 08, 2019

I asked my grandson to investigate about that company and could not get real information from them either. He has friends who work in the stock market and totally do not know Cromwell & Berkeley. Surely it is another Vallarta Gardens scam.

patriciaw543 wrote:

A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I were invited to attend a sales presentation at Vallarta Gardens, in the area of Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. The Resort is beautiful, very quiet for our taste as they do not have activities for children, it is more a concept of privacy. Being in the sales presentation, we they presented us an annuity offered by a company called Cromwell and Berkeley in Panama, which would serve us in case of wanting to sell our membership and we would receive 100% of our money back. We thought it was an interesting idea and a very attractive benefit, but my husband and I decided to take some time to investigate a little more, so we decide not to buy that day. At the moment of telling the sales representative that we would wish to wait and do research, a person approached the table where we were sitting and demanded a purchase decision for that day, and as soon as we told him that we wanted to look into a little more about Vallarta Gardens and the benefits, this person behaved totally in an aggressive, threatening way saying that he was one of the owners and that he would kick us out of the Resort with elements of the local police. The sales representative who made us the presentation was always real friendly, but regrettably, this person who calls himself the director left us with a bad experience. Even then, we are still interested and we have tried to investigate a little more about Cromwell and Berkeley, since it seems an interesting product to be able to plan for the future for our kids, but unfortunately we have not achieved anything so far, we got hold of the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF) in Panama and they do not have any records about this company. I wonder if somebody has already done business with this company in Panama and would like to share info.

Susan B.
Apr 08, 2019

They are not going bankrupt. It has been a scam for years...maybe as many as 12. The sales site has been in a private condo complex, unless they moved it recently. Stay far away. If you used a credit card you may have a chance of recovering funds as it's fraud.

Joan C.
May 24, 2019

This is a beautiful resort with a magnificent staff, however. So In July of 2018 my wife and I bought into this beautiful resort with many promises made to us if we did. They said they were going to buy our Grand Mayan Luxxe for $110,000. Instructing us that after 300 days we would do the closing here state side. So we purchased, I am so embarrassed we put out $50,000 for Hamptons Penthouse. Unfortunately they were all Lies, do not believe anything they say or tell you they are all lies. The rental of your three weeks all lies. They will try to make out that I had a problem, read reviews, not just on yelp, there are many. I paid them in full for my part and did everything i was suppose to. Be aware of Ricardo Ballesteros the gentleman that is Manager of the sales team "A Liar" and I have the documentation to prove it. Pacho very nice guy, a LIAR.. Please email me if you are trying to decide to buy their. DON'T DO IT!!! We will be retiring the end of next month and I plan on going after this band of thieves. I hope this helps someone before it is to late.

Jerry W.

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