Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Nov 21, 2016

I purchased this April and I'm in the same predicament as you nancyp, SFI AND PRESCIENT VENTURE GROUP. The last I heard from Prescient Venture Group a few weeks ago, they're not longer doing business with VG. They transferred my timeshare sales to another company and after wiring them money, and they wanted more money to pay the taxes, I cancelled. I'm ready to join in your fight to put an end to these scammers.

Leslie M.
Dec 22, 2016

Oh my goodness we are just getting clued in about this being fraud. Please show mercy on me and email me at or text me at 5806184729. We traded in our timeshare from Vegas and got dues notice just recently which tipped us off.

Thanks... Bob Chitwood

Bob C.
Jan 10, 2017

Thought VG was out of our lives. Dealt with Monterey Collections and got credit report erased (yes they did file). Got a call from La Jolla Marketing Group, Nicholas Palladino, today. Said it was in San Diego but with an area code from San Francisco? They would rent out our "marketing" units and all we would have to do is pay the maintenance fee to VG. Really? Told him not interested in sending one more dime to Mexico. At that point he asked if we would be interested in selling and how much we wanted. Make an offer was my reply and hung up. Anyone know of this group? Oh how I regret the day we went to VG. It was so beautiful but so full of scam artists and we too trusting.

Jan 19, 2017

Hi Merlitae, We need to communicate....very soon........I have a lot of issues like you, now with, another collection agency. Please contact me at so we can communicate with privacy. My PVR vacation was ruined years ago due to Vallarta Gardens Beach Club & Spa. I need to maintain some anonymous ID since, I already have a attorney, and, "plants" or, "Vallarta Garden spies may be reading the public posts.............I am reaching another tight deadline, with yet, another credit bureau, this week !!!

Robert M

Robert M.

Last edited by robertm1862 on Jan 19, 2017 02:28 AM

Jan 19, 2017


merlitae wrote:
I purchased vallarta gardens time share during our august 2013 vacation, but less than 3 days after the purchased I sent email that I want it cancelled, I didnt get reply, so send them another one till some one reply asking me to pay cancellation fee about 1400 USD, so I refused to pay this. now starting this year April they try one collection agency threatening me that they will ruin my credit so I told them my lawyer will deal with it they stop calling, and now this July Monterey collections came to the picture and same threatening that if I dont pay they will send this to credit bureau..

Robert M.

Last edited by robertm1862 on Jan 19, 2017 02:36 AM

Jan 19, 2017

Hi marianw

I had my vacation ruined, like many others, @Vallarta Gardens ( years ago). I am being hassled, again, by yet, a 2nd collection agency,. I am running out of time, like this week !!! We need to communicate. I have already lost over US $10,000.00. My e-mail address for privacy is

I thank you in advance!

Robert M

marianw wrote:
Thought VG was out of our lives. Dealt with Monterey Collections and got credit report erased (yes they did file). Got a call from La Jolla Marketing Group, Nicholas Palladino, today. Said it was in San Diego but with an area code from San Francisco? They would rent out our "marketing" units and all we would have to do is pay the maintenance fee to VG. Really? Told him not interested in sending one more dime to Mexico. At that point he asked if we would be interested in selling and how much we wanted. Make an offer was my reply and hung up. Anyone know of this group? Oh how I regret the day we went to VG. It was so beautiful but so full of scam artists and we too trusting.

Robert M.

Last edited by robertm1862 on Jan 19, 2017 02:26 AM

Feb 15, 2017

We were just contacted by Monterey Collections--we got scammed in 2012 and received oumoney back from our credit card's and of course thought all was said and done! How did you deal with Monterey? **Guess I should have sent this to marianw

Pam E.

Last edited by pame73 on Feb 15, 2017 07:26 AM

Feb 16, 2017

Ignore Monterey. Don't communicate. I haven't checked to see if they are legit or not but it's irrelevant. We also had a full refund from the credit card company, on the basis of fraud, 2 years ago. Monterey's illegitimate activity should be reported to the Attorney General of CA. If they report to a credit agency about your file, submit a concise letter outlining your circumstances and all references to this issue with the website addresses. The merchant did not supply the service or the product, contracts nullified; credit card company 3rd party to that process.

Joan C.
Nov 27, 2017

Same thing happened to me and my husband. Now been paying for two timeshares. Scam!

Geri M.
Nov 27, 2017

Us too

Geri M.
Jan 20, 2018

We also fell prey to this scam at VG last May 2016. I knew it was a scam, I just felt it in my bones but my hubby was more trusting! We even went back the next day after contacting Profeco. We were told because our membership was from "foreclosed" surplus that we couldn't get our money back and because VG wasn't part of the Timeshare Association that they didn't have to follow the 24 hour cancellation of our contract!!! So we got sucked in again and when we got home and were able to check our email we found out they had already cancelled our contract the morning we were sitting there in their office and they lied to us about it. I was just sick and then of course my husband starting emailing and got a bunch of supposed free stuff and they said if we paid our balance we could get 20% off and yep he fell for it!!! I know at this point it is all a huge scam and they will never sell our other reputable timeshare we have in Mexico, nor would I even trust them to do it. My question is has anyone gotten any money back after a year if we have all documentation and emails? thanks and if anyone out there is thinking of falling for this just run, run far away!!!!

Gayla B.
Jan 20, 2018

Nancy have you gotten anywhere on getting your money back?

Gayla B.
Jan 20, 2018

Hi did they sell your timeshare? We feel the same way as you do. We know we were scammed and we are supposed to get our money for them selling the timeshare on March 6 and I know it will be more scam? What has happened with yours?

Gayla B.
Jan 20, 2018

Ignore the collection agencies, especially Monterey...VG operates a scam, it is fraud. They will not sell any of your timeshares, they will not rent any. The marketing companies are fraudulent. VG will only take your $$. Went through this, got $ back from the c/card company. The c/c entities are aiding and abetting the fraud as they have known of this for years, especially Visa & Amex. Stay away - don't believe a word!

Joan C.
Jan 21, 2018

Hi all,

I'm so sorry that I have been out of touch. A lot has happened since I posted. We moved to Wisconsin and have been busy getting our two boys and my husband and i settled. I am happy to repo rt that thankfully, we did get all of our money back, from our credit card company Chase Marriott. It was along haul but we were successful in proving fraud. We are a Chase customer as well which I think helped because I got our financial advisor team on board to help me communicate with the fraud group at Chase. The advice I c an give is to document everything and provide a write up as if you were a lawyer. I called the FBI and reported it and documented that and provide d all of the research that I had done on VG and Jerry Fourtney the salesperson who defrauded us. It took me a long time to recap but I did and made sure it was in an easy to follow format. If anyone would like me to review anything before submitting to the credit card company for review, I'm happy to help! I know what a nightmare this has been for all of us.


Nancy P.

Last edited by nancyp519 on Jan 21, 2018 03:17 PM

Jan 22, 2018

Yes, I was thankfully successful in getting our money back thru Chase. I just posted info about this that was meant as a response to your question I hope you can see it. It is in the conversation thread below. Nancy

Nancy P.
Jan 24, 2018

I too was defrauded by Jerry Forney in 2013 at then called Puerto Bahia and I am in Nuevo Vallarta right now and found out that Forney has been "blackballed" from selling timeshare in this area. I was told he moved on to the Cabo area so he may still be defrauding people there. Beware! I got only half of my deposit back by filing with Profeco. My Visa card did nothing. Ramon

Ramon H.
Jan 24, 2018

Anyone have address or Profeco or what ever the agency is called? Has anyone gotten a call from a group that says they are from government in Mex.City? Attorney said it was a fraud group, too. Do we walk the other way or picket him as fraud? Thanks.

ramonh6 wrote:
I too was defrauded by Jerry Forney in 2013 at then called Puerto Bahia and I am in Nuevo Vallarta right now and found out that Forney has been "blackballed" from selling timeshare in this area. I was told he moved on to the Cabo area so he may still be defrauding people there. Beware! I got only half of my deposit back by filing with Profeco. My Visa card did nothing. Ramon

Jan 24, 2018

Profeco can be found here I believe, at the permanent office located in Francisco Villa # 900. Gov't calls from Mexico city are a scam...pros though. Sales people can't defraud you without the cooperation of the resort/developer. As for Visa and others, stay at it. Provide documentation; they (Visa International) are well aware of fraudulent activity at VG. Also contact the Texas Attorney General where VG has been located.

Joan C.
Jan 24, 2018

Follow T/S activity at where there is a wealth of information on fraud and bad dudes.

Joan C.

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