Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Jul 12, 2016

I am ready to join a class action law suit. I was scammed in Oct. 2013.

Margo W.
Jul 13, 2016

How do we join with others? Publish contact information so we can add our voices.

Jul 13, 2016

Don't do it - it's all a scam

Marlene D.
Jul 15, 2016

Hi Deb, we have communicated vial email in the past. I was contacted by Monterey couple of weeks ago. I emailed the case manager all the complaints people have against VG and my contract with Mercury Management who was supposed to rent our weeks for $2500/week. She basically called me stupid to sign the contract with Mercury and said my contract is with VG and I must pay. I got in an argument with her. I told her I can't believe an American Company is taking their side. To make a long story short, I contacted Consumer Credit today. I talked to a wonderful man who sent me this email: Mexican timeshare companies do not report to U.S. credit bureaus, so don't expect to see them in your files. What you have to keep track of in your credit bureau files is if and when a third party collection shows up in your credit file related to this action. If and when it does report, you will want to file a dispute to keep them from damaging your credit integrity -- Credit Karma offers a free service that tracks changes to your credit reports. Please collect every bit of written correspondence that you have concerning this matter in case you need to send it to the credit bureaus to support your dispute. I believe that this is your best option for resolving your problem without seeking costly and professional help. Also, the next time you speak to the collection company, ask that any future correspondence be communicated via email or regular mail--you want a paper trail and more records that you can send to the credit bureaus to, again, support your allegations of dispute. To prevent any negative comments placed in your credit report, please contact the major credit bureaus to see if they are on your files. If not, then they are not reporting you, and you need do nothing But again, you will want to keep an eye on your file for changes. If they are in your file, you will want to dispute it. The language you will use to file the dispute will be "unfair and deceptive trade practices. " While the item is in dispute, they will not be able, legally, to report any comments into your file. And, hopefully, once the matter is resolved in your favor, the integrity of your credit will be intact.

We bought our timeshare with them in 2013. Back then I disputed the down payment with my credit card and I got my money back. All of a sudden VG is back in our lives. I wish the storm had destroyed their property a few years ago. I hope this information is helpful. Please keep my informed.

Lily C.
Jul 18, 2016

We have had a similar experience with Vallarta Gardens. Even though we timely cancelled our contract with them in March 2015, they still put through the charges and contested our claims. When we provided physical evidence and VG did not respond, American Express cancelled the charges and closed the file. Needless to say, that was not the end of it. Earlier this year, VG turned over the account to a collection agency, Resort Recovery Solutions LLC. Resort Recovery Solutions followed standard practice by notifying us by mail and providing 30 days to dispute VG's claim. I did so, provided all the necessary documentation and cc'd our attorney. Not surprisingly, a few weeks later I received a letter in response that it was a 'clerical error' that the debt was placed with them and they had closed the file. End of story, right? Wrong.

A couple weeks ago, my wife was called on her work phone by a collector (purported to be 'Chris Schwabb') who (rudely, I might add) informed her that the debt was with this same Monterey Financial, demanding payment. It should be noted that most reputable collection agencies will not contact the other party prior to providing written notification of the debt and informing them of their right to, within 30 days, dispute the debt. The last time I checked, this is not immediately required (the applicable federal law is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 USC 1692 et seq.) but is required within 5 days of contacting the debtor. It is notable that we still have not received that written notification from Monterey Financial. Regardless, I sent them the same letter I had earlier sent to Resort Recovery Solutions and have not yet heard back from them.

Needless to say, the advice related to checking credit reports, etc. is good advice. I will keep you all posted as to whether we hear back from this collection agency - it sounds like VG is just 'shopping them' to agencies, probably for pennies on the dollar, and it is then up to the agency to determine whether it is worth the time/effort to seek to collect. Sadly, my guess is this won't be the last time we will have to go through this song and dance.

lilya11 wrote:
Hi Deb, we have communicated vial email in the past. I was contacted by Monterey couple of weeks ago. I emailed the case manager all the complaints people have against VG and my contract with Mercury Management who was supposed to rent our weeks for $2500/week. She basically called me stupid to sign the contract with Mercury and said my contract is with VG and I must pay. I got in an argument with her. I told her I can't believe an American Company is taking their side. To make a long story short, I contacted Consumer Credit today. I talked to a wonderful man who sent me this email: Mexican timeshare companies do not report to U.S. credit bureaus, so don't expect to see them in your files. What you have to keep track of in your credit bureau files is if and when a third party collection shows up in your credit file related to this action. If and when it does report, you will want to file a dispute to keep them from damaging your credit integrity -- Credit Karma offers a free service that tracks changes to your credit reports. Please collect every bit of written correspondence that you have concerning this matter in case you need to send it to the credit bureaus to support your dispute. I believe that this is your best option for resolving your problem without seeking costly and professional help. Also, the next time you speak to the collection company, ask that any future correspondence be communicated via email or regular mail--you want a paper trail and more records that you can send to the credit bureaus to, again, support your allegations of dispute. To prevent any negative comments placed in your credit report, please contact the major credit bureaus to see if they are on your files. If not, then they are not reporting you, and you need do nothing But again, you will want to keep an eye on your file for changes. If they are in your file, you will want to dispute it. The language you will use to file the dispute will be "unfair and deceptive trade practices. " While the item is in dispute, they will not be able, legally, to report any comments into your file. And, hopefully, once the matter is resolved in your favor, the integrity of your credit will be intact.

We bought our timeshare with them in 2013. Back then I disputed the down payment with my credit card and I got my money back. All of a sudden VG is back in our lives. I wish the storm had destroyed their property a few years ago. I hope this information is helpful. Please keep my informed.

Randall B.
Aug 02, 2016

Don't buy expecting anything. It is a beautiful property and only buy for that reason. Nothing else that sounds too good to be true will happen. We fell for it. Had a vacation there which was fabulous but their sales force are liars

Neal S.
Aug 02, 2016

I totally agree with Neal. It is my top destination for a vacation in spite of being swindled.

Margo W.
Aug 04, 2016

Buy and not expect anything? What do you get out of this scenario?

Paula H.
Aug 04, 2016

margow19 wrote:
I totally agree with Neal. It is my top destination for a vacation in spite of being swindled.

This makes absolutely no sense to me. Is the sentiment that it's ok to get swindled? Really?

PT Barnum was right.

Randall B.
Aug 05, 2016

You would only get swindled if you fell for their "baloney"....not because you bought a timeshare...we all got swindled by this group...No it is not ok to get only happens once! then we learn.....but it is a beautiful property. I would definitely get involved in a class action, if there ever is such a thing...

Neal S.
Aug 06, 2016

neals16 wrote:
You would only get swindled if you fell for their "baloney"....not because you bought a timeshare...we all got swindled by this group...No it is not ok to get only happens once! then we learn.....but it is a beautiful property. I would definitely get involved in a class action, if there ever is such a thing...

Some of us didn't 'get swindled' but the Vallarta Gardens bunch continues to try to swindle us. In our case, even though we exactly followed the process required by the contract to execute a valid recission, they still attempted (unsuccessfully) to put through the charges on our credit card. They have now tried - with two collection agencies - to collect on this 'debt' as well.

These are not nice people, and however beautiful the property may be does not excuse or ameliorate their actions.

Randall B.
Aug 17, 2016

I purchased vallarta gardens time share during our august 2013 vacation, but less than 3 days after the purchased I sent email that I want it cancelled, I didnt get reply, so send them another one till some one reply asking me to pay cancellation fee about 1400 USD, so I refused to pay this. now starting this year April they try one collection agency threatening me that they will ruin my credit so I told them my lawyer will deal with it they stop calling, and now this July Monterey collections came to the picture and same threatening that if I dont pay they will send this to credit bureau..

Merlita E.
Aug 17, 2016

contact info please

Merlita E.
Aug 17, 2016

how can I contact you Deb Olson

Merlita E.
Aug 17, 2016

Victor A. Oriard <> This is the attorney I am using regarding V.G. & Monterey Collections. He is very familiar with these groups and the laws of Mexico and USA. Do toll him I sent you.

Aug 17, 2016

I'm from canada is there a lawyer here in canada that can deal this scam

Merlita E.
Aug 18, 2016

Do you know what kind of track record has your attorney (Victor Oriad) had in getting money back for VG buyers?

Alan F.
Aug 19, 2016

I just want VG and their agents to go away! That is the purpose for us. We figure $$$$ is gone; jerry and Luis spent it long ago.

Aug 19, 2016

I AGREE ,They are crooks and should be class action sued & if anyone starts one, include us.

Neal S.
Nov 10, 2016

I'm exactly in the same predicament as nancyp 519. I trusted these people and I paid off for it. I bought in April of 2016. Same story about SFI and Prescient Venture Group. PVG was supposed to sell my timeshare I have with another resort. I just received an email from them telling me that they no longer do business with VG and they transferred my closing to RESERVE EQUITY VENTURE GROUP. I sent money to them for the closing. Now they're asking me for more money to pay the taxes which will be reimbursed. That's when I got curious and did a little research. It's all a big scam. I think I'm going to cut my losses here. I don't know what will happen to the marketing of my weeks since PVG no longer do business with VG. I'm in with whatever help and cooperation anyone will need to put away these crooks. I can be reached at

Leslie M.

Last edited by lesliem340 on Nov 10, 2016 01:42 AM

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