Timeshare Companies

Wyndham's new "Ovation" program offers exit solutions for their owners... interested?

Apr 16, 2017

ken1193 wrote:
Plenty of people are entirely willing to GIVE BACK their ownerships FOR FREE. For example, over 30,000 people have successfully applied to Wyndham's "Ovation" program since 2015, receiving absolutely nothing in return (except an escape from any future obligations), so why would Wyndham (or any other developer, for that matter) actually have any motivation or interest in helping people to recover any money from their original grossly overpriced purchase? It's a corporation, making business decisions, looking out for (and ONLY for) its' own financial interests, with no particular concern for their "customers". Sad, but true.

Given the realities of timesharing (compared to staying in hotels), "an escape from any future obligations" is EXACTLY what a lot of us wanted as an alternative to just ignoring maintenance fee invoices and then having to deal with whatever might have been the consequences.

Beyond that, yes, it -- Wyndham -- IS a corporation -- and just what's wrong with that? Truth is, had we known about the bad old Cendant Corporation (Fairfield now Wydham, RCI, Avis, and a gaggle of hotel nameplates) before we bought, we certainly would not have bought Fairfield points. We always hated dealing with them. The best thing about Ovation was the opportunity to end the relationship with Fairfield/Wyndham quickly and cleanly. That all said, there's nothing at all wrong with a "corporation" unless, of course, you're a fan of Bernie Sanders or worse.

Stu M.

Last edited by markl18 on Apr 16, 2017 03:39 PM

Apr 17, 2017

markl18 wrote:
Re: >> ...yes, it -- Wyndham -- IS a corporation -- and just what's wrong with that? Truth is, had we known about the bad old Cendant Corporation (Fairfield now Wydham, RCI, Avis, and a gaggle of hotel nameplates) before we bought, we certainly would not have bought Fairfield points. We always hated dealing with them. The best thing about Ovation was the opportunity to end the relationship with Fairfield/Wyndham quickly and cleanly. That all said, there's nothing at all wrong with a "corporation" unless, of course, you're a fan of Bernie Sanders or worse.<<

I don't know where you're coming from, nor what Bernie Sanders has to do with anything in this discussion, but my reference to "corporations" was not in ANY way disparaging to them. On the contrary, my statement was nothing more than an objective and truthful observation that Wyndham is a BUSINESS and, as such, has their own bottom line as primary concern, not consideration of or compensation for those "customers" who bought their grossly overpriced product in the first place. No "political" statement was intended or implied.

By the way, although I don't own within Wyndham, I think the Ovation program is GREAT for any Wyndham owner seeking an easy and permanent exit and who is willing to accept that they will receive no compensation for returning their ownership (which Wyndham will turn around and sell all over again to someone else, btw). The program is certainly a "win / win" for anyone who wants nothing more than to get OUT, with no other expectations.

Unfortunately, a program like "Ovation" can only be offered by (companies, businesses, corporations, chains --- pick whichever word you prefer that doesn't somehow offend your apparently delicate sensibilities) with very deep pockets. Smaller independent timeshare resorts having no affiliation with big corporate entities with very "deep pockets" simply could not afford to offer any such program. To do so would likely soon result in their financial insolvency and having to close their doors.


Last edited by ken1193 on Apr 17, 2017 09:24 AM

Apr 17, 2017

ken1193 wrote:
By the way, although I don't own within Wyndham, I think the Ovation program is GREAT for any Wyndham owner seeking an easy and permanent exit and who is willing to accept that they will receive no compensation for returning their ownership (which Wyndham will turn around and sell all over again to someone else, btw). The program is certainly a "win / win" for anyone who wants nothing more than to get OUT, with no other expectations

Very true. And another benefit is that an owner who wants out does not have to go seeking the "help" of a third party who claims that it can magically make a timeshare disappear. An owner can avoid these questionable (and in some cases, illegal) law firms, PCCs, and viking ship operations.

Using a program like Ovation will also make sure the transfer is done legally and ethically.

Lance C.
Apr 17, 2017

ken1193 wrote:
markl18 wrote:
Re: >> ...yes, it -- Wyndham -- IS a corporation -- and just what's wrong with that? ... there's nothing at all wrong with a "corporation" unless, of course, you're a fan of Bernie Sanders or worse.<<

I don't know where you're coming from, nor what Bernie Sanders has to do with anything in this discussion, but my reference to "corporations" was not in ANY way disparaging to them. ... Unfortunately, a program like "Ovation" can only be offered by (companies, businesses, corporations, chains --- pick whichever word you prefer that doesn't somehow offend your apparently delicate sensibilities) with very deep pockets.

Piffle. Get a life.

Stu M.
Apr 17, 2017

As for me, who purchased resale Wyndham properties, giving it back, after years of use, was a no-brainer.

Deborah W.

Last edited by deborahw59 on Apr 17, 2017 07:22 PM

Apr 18, 2017

Have you heard back from wyndham? I'm kinda interested in purchasing from an owner.

robertaj24 wrote:
I called Wyndham and learned that my resort, National Harbor, is one that is participating. I was told that someone would call me within two weeks. That time has passed and I haven't received a call from anyone identifying him- or herself as a Wyndham Ovation program representative.

I own 721,000 points and have used my 2015 points to book 3 nights at my home resort for a business trip, book two three-night stays in Myrtle beach locations with the Wyndham rental program (my share of the rental income has historically paid for just under 1/3 of my maintenance fees), and deposited the remainder into Wyndham Rewards to use for airline miles.

Since my timeshare portfolio includes other resorts, I would consider divesting the Wyndham points, beginning with 2016. One option to do so would be to sell portions on TUG or other websites to people who might need some.

Diane S.
Apr 20, 2017

dianes839 wrote:
Have you heard back from wyndham? I'm kinda interested in purchasing from an owner. .

On Redweek, just type in Wyndham Points. This is what I got a few seconds ago:

Timeshare resales Timeshares for sale at Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort Points/Credits for sale System Postings Available Price P Club Wyndham 54 77,000 - 2,106,000 $1 - 40,000 View all postings

When you click View all postings you'll see that you can buy large amounts of points for as little as $1. You'll find similar deals on T.U.G. and eBay.

But THIS former Wyndham owner would recommend just renting in order to stay away from Wyndham fees and ever-growing maintenance fees.

Stu M.
Apr 28, 2017

Email me hakim_muhammad2010@yahoo.com . . . . . . . Send me you contact info phone 📱 number and I can email mines to you. I VOI Owner.

Hakim M.
Apr 28, 2017

Email me hakkm_muhammad2010&yahoo.com. I purchased my Ownership in Las Vegas also. Give me the scoop on how your selling it?

Hakim M.
Apr 29, 2017

EASY process. After you call they send you paperwork about 6 wks later that has to be notarized and sent back within a week. You get final notice that it is complete about 6 wks later. We started the process in January and it was just finalized in April. We were in the same position, grown kids who didn't want the responsibility of keeping up with the ever increasing maintenance fees. In our case we got NOTHING back for handing over the timeshares but we're just happy to be out from under that EVER INCREASING maintenance cloud. Good Luck!

Rebekah J.
Apr 29, 2017

hakimm2 wrote:
Email me hakkm_muhammad2010&yahoo.com. I purchased my Ownership in Las Vegas also. Give me the scoop on how your selling it?

You do not SELL your points to Wyndham. You GIVE them back, if they want them for your particular property. Take some time to read several pages worth of the many, mostly useful, posts in this Redweek Forum.

Stu M.
May 08, 2017

Yes i am interested. Can you send some info. The same as Rebekah 135 we no longer require Wyndham timeshare and fed up of paying maintenance fees. Dont know how to get out of it.

Pamela W.

Last edited by pamelaw243 on May 08, 2017 10:50 AM

May 08, 2017

pamelaw243 wrote:
Yes i am interested. Can you send some info. The same as Rebekah 135 we no longer require Wyndham timeshare and fed up of paying maintenance fees.

Just make a direct phone call to Wyndham's Ovation people at 1-855-312-9040. That's what we did, and our points were gone in just a few weeks.

When you call, tell them you want to participate in the Ovation program. They will need to know how many points you own, where you own them (what Wyndham Resort), and whether you own your points or are still making payments. Your maintenance fees should be up-to-date, too.

It would be worth your while to read at least four or five pages of the entries in this Forum, too.

Stu M.
May 09, 2017

I contacted Wyndhamn ovations regarding one of three contracts. I was told that the three years point use only applies if you surrender all contracts.

Robert B.
May 10, 2017

We surrendered all contracts and got nothing in return

Rebekah J.
May 10, 2017

rebekahj5 wrote:
We surrendered all contracts and got nothing in return

You got "out". Forever. Be grateful. They didn't HAVE TO let you "out". Ever.

If you can't use the points (that some people apparently get via Ovation) and be able to use them where / when you want to go, then the points are next to useless anyhow, no?


Last edited by ken1193 on May 10, 2017 04:33 PM

May 15, 2017

Hello my name is Pat Johnson I'm getting ready to retire and I would need to from exit form my timeshare could you please give be information.

Palistine and Lawanda Johnson

Palistine J.

Last edited by palistinej on May 15, 2017 10:59 AM

May 15, 2017

palistinej wrote:
I would need to exit from my timeshare could you please give me information.

Is your timeshare ownership within Wyndham, which is the specific topic of this thread?

If so, you need only call Wyndham directly and ask for the paperwork to request acceptance into in their "Ovation" (exit) program. Phone number is 855-312-9040. Expect a long wait on the phone --- lots of others are trying to head for the Wyndham exits too while those doors still remain open. The Ovation exit doors could (at least potentially) be suddenly closed at any time, without any advance warning or notice from Wyndham. It's a relatively new program (started in 2015) and NO ONE really knows how long it may remain in place.

If you do not own within Wyndham (DRI also offers a relatively easy "exit" --- if you first pay them a $250 fee and have no unpaid fees) --- "exit" is otherwise not easy and very often is not an available option at all until or unless you find your own willing new recipient (or can "deedbacK" to a willing and fully cooperating resort HOA). You will need to be more specific about exactly what it is that you own and are seeking to "exit" in order to get informed and accurate responses to your above request for information. If you own in Wyndham AND are fully paid up to date AND Wyndham accepts your ownership into their Ovation program, you will ll be "out" for good with no additional payments or responsibilities. If your timeshare is not in Wyndham, then "Ovation" is not an option for you at all and all bets are off.


Last edited by ken1193 on May 16, 2017 04:10 AM

May 16, 2017

I think the program is now called "Limited Edition". Haven't seen a reference to Ovation lately.

Anyway, the deedback process was fairly painless, though it took long enough so that we paid at least one more month of maintenance. Now we are ready to use our 3 years of points!

However -- you can't book on-line any more, but must call them. There is no rule that says they have to answer! I have called three times recently, only to hear a recorded message that the wait time is more than 30 minutes. I listened to the annoying tones (can't call it music) for more than 30 minutes today, while playing solitaire, and after 30 minutes was informed that the wait time was more than 30 minutes.

Not being able to get a response on the phone whose number is the old Club Wyndham reservation line means (IMHO) that I may never get to use one of these points! I am getting the feeling that it is another Wyndham scheme (scam) to annoy its former owners. At least, I will not be hit with a maintenance fee ever again.

Jim S.
May 16, 2017

From Wyndham website:

Ovation by Wyndham

Contact Wyndham First

We hope you enjoy a lifetime of travel experiences through CLUB WYNDHAM®, but we understand that lifestyles and vacation preferences can change over time. Just as we helped you customize your vacation plan when you first joined our Wyndham family, we’re also here to help you make a graceful exit based on your individual circumstances.

Ovation by Wyndham applauds you and the memories you’ve made through years of vacationing with us. The CLUB WYNDHAM Ovation by Wyndham program serves as the final act in your vacation screenplay, providing a warm Wyndham goodbye to those seeking simple, safe and secure exit options.

This comprehensive Wyndham timeshare exit program is simple and straightforward:

An Ovation by Wyndham representative will walk you through potential options. If you are offered an exit option, there is no obligation to accept it. If you are offered an exit option and accept it, our representative will coordinate the process directly with you from beginning to end. Ovation by Wyndham encompasses a wide variety of timeshare resale and exit options such as Limited Edition and Tribute by Wyndham. There are no hidden fees, costs or additional purchases required to participate.

We’re continually evolving the Ovation by Wyndham timeshare exit program to include options that are tailored to our owners, and we encourage those with questions to email wvrovation@wyn.com. A designated Ovation by Wyndham representative will be in touch to walk you through your options. Or, if you would prefer to speak directly to the Ovation by Wyndham team, please call 888-752-1362, Monday through Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET.

Deborah W.

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