Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Mar 07, 2016

So we sent a letter to the attorney gen of Texas. Got a letter back saying they will keep it on file but in so many words they only investigate with lots of complaints not just one or two. So please everyone complain if we want anything done!! Thank you

Neal S.
Mar 07, 2016

Hi we bought a 2 bedroom reef penthouse villa, stayed there April 2014 and had great time. Going back this April. Will report on any construction. We are hearing that some studios, one bedrooms will be available. We were able to successfully sell a Hilton time share through the process. Agree that none of the rent your week programs work,we've been burned with other mexican time shares with that "promise" also. Will report back after our trip with an update.

Glynis M.
Mar 07, 2016

Hello Deborah 258 I would really appreciate if you could send me the statements from SXF and RCI and the google earth shots. I am in the same boat with my CC- they have turned me down 3 times for the liquidation issue and it would really be helpful to have proof that my "Hampton" 1 BR has not been finished when it was supposed to. They will listen to that if I have proof! Thanks so much! Alan

Alan F.
Mar 07, 2016

You must complain. Complain to ic3. They are part of the fbi and unless you file a claim you will get Nothing! It is painless and on line. dO iT!

Neal S.
Mar 07, 2016

We filed with the Texas arty gen and ic3. Everyone needs to do this. One letter won't work. Thank u

Neal S.
Mar 07, 2016

I talked to reservations last week regarding the Hampton. I was told furniture was being brought in and should be available for my 3rd week in April visit. We shall see

Margo W.
Mar 08, 2016

Margo. We will be there April 15. Hope to see you. We will be in the penthouse with the elevator. Look us up. Neal and arlene

Neal S.
Mar 08, 2016

Finally, the credit card company ruled in our favor. But I'm totally mad at them because I feel like they've held us hostage for months. Here's what burns me up about the bank. First of all, we showed that we canceled on time and properly. But they allowed VG to dispute that. VG responded by sending a copy of the contract. So the CC company said, "Well, you signed a contract" and ruled in their favor. So then I reiterated that we had canceled properly, but that if that wasn't enough, I also presented plenty of proof of fraudulent activity. So what did the CC company do? They gave VG more than two months to dispute! Really? In the face of all the evidence they are so gracious to scammers. Well, then I spent days researching all the bogus companies, copying comments on forums, etc. I sent the CC company all kinds of further evidence and told them that I was filing with Profeco (which I did). VG did not bother to respond this time. So here's what really gets me about the CC company. In the first place, we called from Mexico and told them to close the account and why. But instead, they changed the credit card number and kept the account open, then they allowed VG to charge it back! I would think that's illegal. But when we asked a representative why they did that, he said he couldn't understand it. It shouldn't have happened. And yet, they still didn't rule in our favor. And what I've found out about the so-called "fraud investigator" is that he obviously doesn't investigate fraud. I gave him all kinds of evidence and I doubt he even looked at it. All he did was send us letters saying that he was giving VG so much time to dispute. When the annual fee for this card comes due, I'm closing this account. I'm pretty sure they will fall all over themselves trying to keep us as customers. And what I will tell them is this: We have had this card for 15 years. We have always paid on time. We have excellent credit. But we have other cards, including American Express. We do not need this bank. Furthermore, I will say that there is nothing they can do to make up for the sleepless nights or the days I wasted having to investigate VG's fraudulent activities--evidence of wrongdoing that the fraud investigator completely ignored. The truth is even though we knew we were in the right, we couldn't trust our credit card company to rule in our favor! That put a lot of stress on us. So I'm done with their stinkin' bank. This is long, so tomorrow I will post some info on VG that might help others.

Kathryn D.
Mar 08, 2016

We will be there this April staying in the 2 bedroom Penthouse. Check out their website and newsletter. There are pictures of the construction and rooms of the studios and 1 bedrooms.

Glynis M.
Mar 08, 2016

trini73 wrote:
Finally, the credit card company ruled in our favor. But I'm totally mad at them because I feel like they've held us hostage for months. Here's what burns me up about the bank. First of all, we showed that we canceled on time and properly. But they allowed VG to dispute that. VG responded by sending a copy of the contract. So the CC company said, "Well, you signed a contract" and ruled in their favor. So then I reiterated that we had canceled properly, but that if that wasn't enough, I also presented plenty of proof of fraudulent activity. So what did the CC company do? They gave VG more than two months to dispute! Really? In the face of all the evidence they are so gracious to scammers. Well, then I spent days researching all the bogus companies, copying comments on forums, etc. I sent the CC company all kinds of further evidence and told them that I was filing with Profeco (which I did). VG did not bother to respond this time. So here's what really gets me about the CC company. In the first place, we called from Mexico and told them to close the account and why. But instead, they changed the credit card number and kept the account open, then they allowed VG to charge it back! I would think that's illegal. But when we asked a representative why they did that, he said he couldn't understand it. It shouldn't have happened. And yet, they still didn't rule in our favor. And what I've found out about the so-called "fraud investigator" is that he obviously doesn't investigate fraud. I gave him all kinds of evidence and I doubt he even looked at it. All he did was send us letters saying that he was giving VG so much time to dispute. When the annual fee for this card comes due, I'm closing this account. I'm pretty sure they will fall all over themselves trying to keep us as customers. And what I will tell them is this: We have had this card for 15 years. We have always paid on time. We have excellent credit. But we have other cards, including American Express. We do not need this bank. Furthermore, I will say that there is nothing they can do to make up for the sleepless nights or the days I wasted having to investigate VG's fraudulent activities--evidence of wrongdoing that the fraud investigator completely ignored. The truth is even though we knew we were in the right, we couldn't trust our credit card company to rule in our favor! That put a lot of stress on us. So I'm done with their stinkin' bank. This is long, so tomorrow I will post some info on VG that might help others.

Interestingly, your experience almost exactly mirrors ours - only ours was with American Express. We also followed the cancellation requirements of the contract to the letter and also had Vallarta Gardens (what a shock) contest it - even though they had signed the cancellation notice. Even when we provided proof, Vallarta Gardens continued to contest it, and our credit card company continued to (basically) ignore our side. It wasn't until I highlighted in yellow and sent them the cancellation section of the contract that they seemed to figure it out (oh, and my telling them we would go to arbitration). Then Vallarta Gardens folded their tent and American Express ruled in our favor. So - don't cancel your other card just because you think Amex is better for their customers.

Randall B.
Mar 09, 2016

Everyone reading this about the Vallarta Garden should run like hell. They Are a total scam.. not affiliated with Remax Swiss Alliance Or any of these other companies they claim to be. We went through many months trying to get our money back and finally we succeeded with our credit card company. It was a nightmare. Get on all the sites that you possibly can so other people don't get scammed.

Janet C.
Mar 12, 2016

Note that is was probably Visa International (if Visa was the card used) that deals with these complaints and files. It could be argued that the c/c companies are aiding and abetting in the perpetration of crime. The question is: how many complaints have been brought to their attention over several years? The answer: enough that merchant services should be withdrawn. Until government or regulatory pressure is brought to bear - or there is extremely negative publicity about the issue (referencing the cc companies of course) on a national scale, nothing will change. Find whistle blowers or investigative journalists who care, and tell your story. Regardless of what the cc companies tell you about having signed a contract, the contract is (likely) fraudulent, and thus unenforceable in court; furthermore, the merchant has not delivered the service or the product for which you paid, or contracted to pay.

Joan C.
Mar 17, 2016

I agree with post by gynnism3. We stayed in the Reef penthouse last Dec with another couple and loved it. We have already booked it for next Dec again. Our stay was great. We have had WTR calling us to sell our timeshares we traded in but I am not goi ng to get hooked on that. We were allowed what I actually thought was a fair price for ours when we bought so was not to hopeful on receiving anything else. We are very happy with VG as far as the resort.

Mike F.
Mar 17, 2016

When we were there in Dec they were getting close to having some of the Hampton units finished so think you will be in good shape. They were very nice looking units.

Mike F.
Apr 07, 2016

Has anyone heard of B&B Marketing. Supposedly they are a marketing company for Valarta Gardens that will rent your weeks.

JAnet R.
Apr 07, 2016

Deborah- I am having a phone conference next Wed April 13 with the Mexico Profeco (Department of Conciliation Services for Foreign Residents) who is helping mediate this nightmare with Vallarta Gardens. I see that you had the same problem with your cc company and I could really use the information ( google pictures etc to prove there is no tower or Hamptons as they call it) that helped you win your case. I am sharing that they never fulfilled their contract because they never sold my timeshares in 180 days through Berkshire AND they never finished the Hamptons in time for my February reservation request - I have a contract that is for Nov thru April 2016 room completion. Any help you can send me before next Wed would be much appreciated. My email is Thanks a million- I hope to get back my money! Alan

Alan F.
Apr 08, 2016

All having problems with Vallarta Gardens should flood Prefecto's office all together with complaints regarding the scams they have been running for years now!!!

Paula H.
Apr 09, 2016

Staying at VG now in 2 bedroom penthouse villa, beautiful, this is our second trip to stay here. Going to tour the studios and 1 bedroom this week. They aren't open yet but they are built with their own pool not too far from the restaurant. Spa is closed as they are redoing that area but you can have spa services in your room, so husband has booked a massage. Grounds and walkways are being kept up very nice with new small pools along the main walkway. Will try and find out when the other units will open, but there is furniture in them and they do exist!

Glynis M.
Apr 09, 2016

Staying at VG now in 2 bedroom penthouse villa, beautiful, this is our second trip to stay here. Going to tour the studios and 1 bedroom this week. They aren't open yet but they are built with their own pool not too far from the restaurant. Spa is closed as they are redoing that area but you can have spa services in your room, so husband has booked a massage. Grounds and walkways are being kept up very nice with new small pools along the main walkway. Will try and find out when the Hampton units will open, but there is furniture in them and they do exist!

Glynis M.
Apr 09, 2016

We were scammed, too. VPServices was supposed to sell our timeshares and rent out weeks. Called the VPS phone number and was told no such company existed. Also contacted business at the same address and found there was no VPS at that address. Hoped Vallarta Gardens and VPS were not a scam; it was such a beautiful resort. Communication stopped from VPS. Jerry Forney stopped answering questions, Luis danced around information, Daniel threatened, we hired an attorney. Sitting tight. Not paying any more money to VGardens. Would like to join a group action about the deception and fraudulent practices happening at Vallarta Gardens Resort. If all of us joined together, there might be some positive results. A chorus is much better heard than a soloist.

amij wrote:
I just heard from VPServices today. They sent a rather scrambling message full of inconsistencies and errors. It could be in response to the CC company researching them, or another attempt to scam me further. I was told all communication will be through emails now as they complete my transaction with "a purchaser". They never once referred to what I was selling by name, nor asked about the weeks they should be wanting to market. They did ask for additional information (which was awkwardly worded). I do not think they had any of the original information I sent with my payment, so not sure who we are dealing with. Anyone else hear from them?


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