Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Jan 21, 2016

On page 11 of the posts I have some info on vp services. This company does not exist.

Thomas B.
Jan 21, 2016

We also purchased the Hampton. They have been saying these units would be built for years. If we hadn't won our dispute our next thing we were going to argue with cc company was that these units have not and probably never will be built. I would encourage you to go through all pages of posts. You will find usefull info on the studio units

Thomas B.
Jan 21, 2016

I believe its article 32 of the Mexican consumer law which applies to all of our cases

Thomas B.
Jan 21, 2016

It's great to hear that you were able to get out from under the contract even after the expiration of the 5 day rescission period. That said, my advice to anybody reading these pages who signed a contract with VG and is still within the 5 days is get out while you can - and still expect to have some work to do with your credit card company.

These people are really good at what they do - don't expect that your experience is really going to be different than the dozens of people who have already posted their bad experiences with VG. In our case, I now recognize that there was some greed involved on our part that they played into: they claimed they could liquidate our existing 2 timeshares for significantly more than we paid for them (and more than what VG was going to charge us). That was a 'too good to be true' claim that we should have recognized for what it was (we subsequently got 2 quotes on re-sale of our properties that came in at about half of what VG's fictional 'Berkshire Financial Group' was quoting us).

In short, get out while you can - preferably within the 5 day rescission period.

Randall B.
Jan 21, 2016

Looks like my post was removed. Google vp services scam and my post should show up. Vp services uses a fake address in a actual srip mall in Texas. My post has website domain info on it

Thomas B.
Jan 21, 2016

Yes, you're really lucky and very fortunate you won your dispute with your cc. We would have been successful too if we disputed it within the allowed time frame.

Let's see what Profeco can do for us.

Theresa A.
Feb 06, 2016

janetc188 wrote:
We had hearings with our credit card company and did not have to go anywhere. All was done through a secure website they set up for this. I was able to convince them through different web sites that they were corrupt. It was about 9 months to get this all done. Did they use RE/MAX to suck you in? If so I may still have my letter from them denying any affiliation with them and saying they are a scam. That really helped us. Trip Advisor was helpful and many other sites. I just googled Is Vallarta Gardens a scam and was shocked to see what was out there. Hope this helps....The question you asked has me stumped. what is PLs? But yes, we bought in Nov. 13 and started working on this in Feb. 13. We also bought something that wasn't constructed yet and was able to prove that we bought something that didn't exist and probably never would....

Janet, My friend and I in Canada also got scammed. We didn't now about Profeco nor any of the complaints on these websites. We are now attempting to get our money back. In that regard, would you able to provide us with the Letter you have from Re/Max, please. If there is a charge to providing us with that, I will be happy to pay a reasonable $$ for it. We were both shocked to see how many complaints there are/were against Vallarta Gardens. It's been just over a year (November 2014) when we were scammed by Jerry Forney. Thanks. My email is:

Marlene D.

Last edited by marlened59 on Feb 06, 2016 10:43 AM

Feb 06, 2016

randallb68 wrote:
This was, at the start, somewhat our experience as well. I think part of the problem is the credit card 'investigators' are mostly accustomed to investigating fraud, not a validly cancelled contract. The VG people also fought us and we had the exact same thing happen twice: we showed in writing that we executed a valid rescission, and VG kept providing them the contract we signed. Finally, on the third attempt, I circled and highlighted the section from the contract dealing with rescission, provided - for the third time - a copy of our cancellation notice also signed by the VG representative with a timestamp from Profeco on the third business day and our post office receipt for the mailed notification. That finally sunk in, VG didn't respond to their request for evidence that we had not cancelled, and we won our appeal.

I think it something of a mistake to confuse the issue with fraud claims - they're right, we signed the contract. They're wrong, though, that the contract is binding, because it was timely cancelled. We also made it clear to our credit card company that we were ready to go to mediation/arbitration if necessary to assert our rights.

trini73 wrote:
Hi, we were scammed by VG too. Although we canceled within the time period with Profeco's help, they are fighting the CC company. The credit card fraud people are somewhat sympathetic, but their attitude is "Well, you signed a contract." So I'm trying to collect as much info as possible for our attorney to show that this company is a scam. I'm hoping someone can help us by posting the exact wording of the "Fly & Buy" program clause and what page it's on in your contract (numbered page or exhibit page). Also, is there any wording in anyone's contract about VG's obligation to liquidate the timeshares they promised to take in exchange? Or is there just a "worksheet" with the numbers they say your timeshares are worth? Any wording would be helpful--if it exists. The guy who writes the blog on says anyone who's defrauded by Mexican timeshare scammers should file a claim with the FBI via IC3. Maybe if all of us do this they'll start (if they haven't already) an investigation and shut these criminals down. The web address is It doesn't seem to be a complicated form. The phone number for the FTC is 877-382-4357. There's a citizen's complaint form on the web at Don't think that the FBI and the US justice department can't do anything. Many of these creeps are American or Canadian citizens. Meanwhile, if anyone can help us with the wording of the "Fly & Buy" clause we'd appreciate it.

Randall, Just reading through all of the hundreds of complaints against VG and came across yours. Would you please be kind enough to point out the section from the contract dealing with 'rescission'. Many thanks, Marlene

Marlene D.

Last edited by marlened59 on Feb 06, 2016 11:03 AM

Feb 07, 2016

That is terrible. I filed a complaint with AMEX about one month after I had bought from VG, and I too sent copies of all the Red Week Forum posts, as well as anything else I could find online regarding this scam. I also showed them that the property management company I was given had a bogus website. AMEX is totally aware of the VG scam. Don't give up. Go back to them and tell them that you know they are aware of it and that they have ruled in favor of other card members. Also, I didn't deal with Profeco or anyone else. My attorney said just stay radio silent, don't take any of their calls, and stop all future payments with you CC companies. They will not do anything about it, which they didn't. I was also concerned with having a signed contract out there, but my attorney, who happens to be one of my best friends, said it doesn't matter. If they are as crooked as I'm saying, they will not do anything. Most important thing: continue to follow through with claims with AMEX, put a stop to all future credit card transactions, and do not speak with anyone at VG, or any other company associated with them. Once you get your money back (and I hope it was only a downpayment), you do not have to worry any more. They will go away. Good luck and keep us updated.

Sylva B.
Feb 08, 2016

What about Jerry Forney and Michael Gordon? Are they the new crooks on the block?

Neal S.
Feb 08, 2016

I have never heard of Jerry Forney, but Michael Gordon's name was mentioned to me from the bogus VP Services property management company that was trying to get me to pay them $1250 to begin their service of selling my existing timeshare. I've also read his name on different forums, so I don't think he a "new" crook on the block, rather an old one.

Sylva B.
Feb 08, 2016

So what do we do about v p services and their manager Sophia johns. Know anything about her? Is that a real name?

Neal S.
Feb 08, 2016

VPServices needs to be reported to ic3, and the TX AG. They are guilty of Internet fraud, misrepresentation, etc....serious www.insidethegate if you want an idea of the penalties. If you want to see some justice this has to be done. Doesn't matter whether she's real or not, but use the name in your submissions. If someone had stuck a gun in your face and robbed you, would you call the cops?

Joan C.
Feb 09, 2016

VP Services claims to be out of Brownsville, Tx. A google search of address shows it as a mall which has no VPS as a resident. All residents in this mall have suite numbers, VPS address does not. The Texas Secratary of State does have a VPS on their register but address is not the same and the company is not involved in property management/liquidation. The company is located in Lubbock-approximately 9.5 hours from Brownsville.The website itself ( was copyrighted in 2005. The WHOIS however shows the domain name registration occurred in August of 2013. The 'company' website owner has chosen to hide their name and address by usijg a proxy service. This is consistant with the way VG has been scamming people over the years. Vp services is a fictitious company made up by VG. It does not exist

Thomas B.
Feb 09, 2016

Don't know who Joe potter is but beware of Jerry Forney and Michael Gordon. They are the biggest crooks of all! Jerry will show you his "treasured" real estate ring which according to him, means he would "never cheat anyone". Ha ha

Neal S.
Feb 29, 2016

I purchased a studio in 2012 that was supposed to be ready by Aug 2014. It is now 2016 and nothing has been built - or ever will be as far as I can tell. I was able to get my money back from the credit card company, but only after I proved to them that no studio even exists. They will not buy out your old timeshare either. This whole place is a giant scam. They should all be put in jail. They have ripped off so many people, as you can see from doing any internet searches on them.

Deborah R.
Feb 29, 2016

It is all a scam - they try to stall you as long as possible so you're chances of getting your money back dwindle. They told me that same story back in 2013 - just keep changing the names of the companies. None of them exist, including the company that issues the insurance policy that is supposed to pay you back your purchase price in 20 years.

Deborah R.
Feb 29, 2016

That is part of their scam - there is no real company that buys your old timeshare or rents out your weeks. If you bought a unit that actually exists, you might get to use it, but don't count on it. I've heard people say it was two to three years before they could finally book. If you bought something that has not been built just be aware it will probably never happen. I was told in 2012 that my unit would be built in Aug 2014. It's now March of 2016 and it has still not been built. I did rent a larger unit in 2013 - it was nice, but there were none of the amenities available that were advertised as part of exclusive ownership.

Deborah R.
Feb 29, 2016

I won with my CC company as my contract stated the date on it - August 2014. Once that date came, I sent the bank Google earth shots of the property, as well as statements from SXF and RCI that I could not trade as my unit did not exist. And still don't as of March 2016!! I started the dispute earlier than that and got denied. I opened it back up after August and finally prevailed. Best of luck - these people are real crooks!

Deborah R.
Mar 01, 2016

Sorry, missed the post asking about the section of the contract that allows it to be cancelled within 5 days. First, I would note that, according to Profeco, this is a required component of these contracts under Mexican law. Ours read:

12) Cancellation. MEMBER may cancel this Agreement within five days following the execution thereof, by (i) returning all the received related documentation to the Member Service Representative at the Residence Club with all signers being present and (ii) sending written notification by certified mail, return receipt requested Km 1.2 Carr Punta de Meta, La Cruz de Luaenapaxtie, Nayerit, Mexico 83732 in the municipality of Bahia de Banderas, Mexico. If MMEBER cancels according to the terms of the Agreement, all monies paid will be refunded within 30 (thirty) business days.

We complied with each of these requirements and ultimately - on the third attempt - convinced American Express of the validity of our protest. However, even though they chose not to respond to American Express's last request for documentation, Vallarta Gardens has now turned over the 'debt' to a US collection agency. While I am fully confident we will prevail, it will require additional pain and suffering.

Bottom line: don't get involved with these scam artists in the first place, and if you do, GET OUT within the allowed 5-day cancellation period.

marlened59 wrote:
randallb68 wrote:
This was, at the start, somewhat our experience as well. I think part of the problem is the credit card 'investigators' are mostly accustomed to investigating fraud, not a validly cancelled contract. The VG people also fought us and we had the exact same thing happen twice: we showed in writing that we executed a valid rescission, and VG kept providing them the contract we signed. Finally, on the third attempt, I circled and highlighted the section from the contract dealing with rescission, provided - for the third time - a copy of our cancellation notice also signed by the VG representative with a timestamp from Profeco on the third business day and our post office receipt for the mailed notification. That finally sunk in, VG didn't respond to their request for evidence that we had not cancelled, and we won our appeal.

I think it something of a mistake to confuse the issue with fraud claims - they're right, we signed the contract. They're wrong, though, that the contract is binding, because it was timely cancelled. We also made it clear to our credit card company that we were ready to go to mediation/arbitration if necessary to assert our rights.

trini73 wrote:
Hi, we were scammed by VG too. Although we canceled within the time period with Profeco's help, they are fighting the CC company. The credit card fraud people are somewhat sympathetic, but their attitude is "Well, you signed a contract." So I'm trying to collect as much info as possible for our attorney to show that this company is a scam. I'm hoping someone can help us by posting the exact wording of the "Fly & Buy" program clause and what page it's on in your contract (numbered page or exhibit page). Also, is there any wording in anyone's contract about VG's obligation to liquidate the timeshares they promised to take in exchange? Or is there just a "worksheet" with the numbers they say your timeshares are worth? Any wording would be helpful--if it exists. The guy who writes the blog on says anyone who's defrauded by Mexican timeshare scammers should file a claim with the FBI via IC3. Maybe if all of us do this they'll start (if they haven't already) an investigation and shut these criminals down. The web address is It doesn't seem to be a complicated form. The phone number for the FTC is 877-382-4357. There's a citizen's complaint form on the web at Don't think that the FBI and the US justice department can't do anything. Many of these creeps are American or Canadian citizens. Meanwhile, if anyone can help us with the wording of the "Fly & Buy" clause we'd appreciate it.

Randall, Just reading through all of the hundreds of complaints against VG and came across yours. Would you please be kind enough to point out the section from the contract dealing with 'rescission'. Many thanks, Marlene

Randall B.

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