Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Jan 01, 2011

I am also interested in what happened to the court case e-mail

Rita W.
Jan 03, 2011

Hi, I spoke with a representative this morning and she was trying to persuade me to make a payment plan. I asked her how would i get out of my contract and she said the only way was to prove that i could not travel. I thought that was interesting. I will definetly mention to her about giving me a payoff amount. I have also emailed everyone in the different blogs that were suggested. I also do not intend on paying the assessement fees.

Denise P.

Last edited by denisep151 on Jan 05, 2011 06:29 PM

Jan 03, 2011

I too own. I bought in the Bahamas. What a mistake that was. I've read all the blogs and i have emailed the different people and places sugguested. I live in NY. I need to research cases held in NY pertaining to club landor. A lot of good information was offered. I have not decided what route I will take a this time but thanks to everyone who gave info. I owe assessment for 2010 and only 45 days old on the utility charge and the five year amount. good luck to everyone. I will keep you informed if I find any thing of relevance. Also I spoke to aa representative the other day and she told me that the only way I could get out of my contract was to prove that I could no longer travel. I thought that was interesting.

Denise P.
Jan 04, 2011


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 07:00 AM

Jan 05, 2011

ritaw41 wrote:
conani wrote:
Thanks. Would you mind letting me know what and how you worked it out? I've reviewed this long topic and didn't find it. I don't see any mention of this sell back program she called me about. I can give you my email if you don't want to discuss publicly.
It seams a shame that we all cannot get the info on how to get a buy out deal like this. Others in this blog have tried but seams like have had not success.

J F.
Jan 05, 2011

Take Marlene's name out of your post or you will get a call.

J F.
Jan 05, 2011

you are so right. I still have not heard from a friend of mine who was going to inquire. I am thinking that maybe I should take my chances in court. If I have to travel to Virginia so be it but I have to get out like yesterday. the fees will continue to escalate and outweigh the value of the week. Thank god I only bought a week every other year.(odd years). If I can negotiate something and break the contract, I will beg borrow and steal as they say to get the monies

Denise P.
Jan 06, 2011

denisep151 wrote:
you are so right. I still have not heard from a friend of mine who was going to inquire. I am thinking that maybe I should take my chances in court. If I have to travel to Virginia so be it but I have to get out like yesterday. the fees will continue to escalate and outweigh the value of the week. Thank god I only bought a week every other year.(odd years). If I can negotiate something and break the contract, I will beg borrow and steal as they say to get the monies
Like I said in a previous message, those of us that dont have a yearly use contract entail more costs over the long run. We pay our assesment fees yearly although less than the yearly contracts but the contract for the numer of weeks we signed for lasts longer so over the long run probably pay more in assesment fees. Therefore 1. we pay more 5 yearly costs as we don't get discounted on those 2. we now have to pay that new energy cost YEARLY like those who use yearly, not prorated to account for us not using yearly 3. We were required to pay the full $699 in the summer. 4. We will be paying full for what ever they can come up with next. 5. We probably pay more on maintenance fees over time.

We are screwed for longer. Do they let us out of our contract if we DIE !!!!!

Rita W.

Last edited by ritaw41 on Jan 06, 2011 09:56 AM

Jan 13, 2011

Yes, we were also contacted then. We have paid our contract off. Now we are paying the maintance fees which keep increasing every year tremendously. We have 5 1/2 yrs. left and they wanted somewhere over $7,000.00 for us to pay them off. We don't have that kind of money. We've just had to pay the fees and what they keep throwing at us only because we don't want it to affect our credit. NEVER again will I allow this to happen to me!!! People need to keep on complaining. The continues noise will help in some way to expose their tactics. I agree with 100% of what I have read here about the conditions of the establishment. What a sorry company!!!!

Madison J.
Jan 23, 2011 file a complaint against club landor

John P.
Jan 28, 2011

I will be happy to be part of a class action suit if they put one together. Club Land Or promised me two round trip tickets in the US when I purchased my timeshare and then voided them. When I tried to get it resolved I was told the CFO was too busy to speak to me. Now she will be speaking to the judge when I sue for my tickets, the BBB, the SCC, and 12 on your side.

Ann M.
Feb 01, 2011

I've looked through many messages. Cannot find out how to contact the attorney, Mr. Sadler. I understand that you don't want to provide too much info on open forum but can you provide an e-mail or city he's located in?

Allie F.
Feb 01, 2011

Stuart Saddler, ESQ


Mary M.
Feb 02, 2011

I have acquired a lawyer from Virginia to get me out of my timeshare with Colonial Crossings of Williamsburg, Va. The more people that join in the suit the less your fees! Stuart Sadler, esq. email: 434-361-0512

Mary M.
Feb 02, 2011


John S.

Last edited by johns2184 on Sep 17, 2011 07:01 AM

Feb 02, 2011

i recently received a response from Mr. Sadler. Unfortunately he is not taking on any new clients against club Landor because he is in the middle of a second lawsuit and he does not feel that he can bring in new clients into this suit. I have been placed on a waiting list.

Denise P.
Feb 10, 2011

I am looking to be part of a class action suit to get out of ownership of Club Land 'Or. They have blocked every avenue for us to get rid of ownership and yet they continue to sell timeshares. We bought when they were claiming it was an investment. Help me.

Karen W.
Feb 11, 2011

what ever happened to the lawsuit? i want out:

Charles B.

Last edited by charlesb313 on Feb 11, 2011 05:51 PM

Feb 13, 2011

BBB Rating BBB Rating Back to Top

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of A- on a scale from A+ to F.

Factor(s) that lowered this business' rating include:

29 complaints filed against business Factor(s) that raised this business' rating include:

Length of time business has been operating. Response to 29 complaint(s) filed against business. Resolution of complaint(s) filed against business. BBB has sufficient background information on this business.

Can you believe this? This is the rating that the better business bureau has given club landor. I guess enough people are not complaining. I am still trying to find out how the first lawsuit was decided if in fact it is over. will be in contact.

Denise P.
Feb 13, 2011

my method the last two years has been to write CERTIFIED LETTERS TO CORPORATE HEADQUARERS, IF A CREDIT CARD WAS USED, WRITE TO THEM, AND ALSO CERTIFIED LETTERS TO ALL THREE CREDIT BUREAUS. LABEL ACROSS THE TOP; COMPLAINT, COMPLAINT, and high light this BBB can help much, and Attorney General in that state and also in Foriday, ARDA. HOPEUFLLY IF CREDIT CARD WAS USED, BE SURE TO INCLUDE THAT COMPANY. The timeshare knows that without experience, we tend to think an attorney will help. They are too busy with their own cases and why get into something they are not familiar with. I have even used Ron Burley's book UNSCREWED, chapt. 1., for one case. in fact, I am about to write my own book with all of the experiences that I have been throught.

Robert S.

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