The Manhattan Club

Manhattan Club Lawsuit

Feb 15, 2017

Bob, Thankyou for the follow up information. I am in the same boat and do not want to pay anymore fees till this is resolved. Concerned about credit ratings as they are used for everything these days from loans to the insurance industry. Thanks again for your insight.

Walter J.
Feb 15, 2017

I haven't paid my fees for 2 years and my fico score remains 850....Les Lindenberg

Leslie L.
Feb 15, 2017

I have just drafted a letter to Judge Rakower concerning TMC, Eichners new lawyers for his upcoming appeal in March. Should I send it now or wait until the hearing gets closer

Philip P

Philip P.
Feb 15, 2017

Philip: Would you share your letter with me. I would like to send a letter too. My opinion, I would send the letter now and a few days before the hearing send it again. Thanks

Alvan S.
Feb 16, 2017

I would also like to send a letter if you would email me a copy I would appreciate it. Please put in the heading: PERSONAL REGARDING MC SUIT.

My email address is.

Thank you. George

George M.
Feb 16, 2017

Can you send me a copy of the letter too?

I will send it also.

Patti M.
Feb 16, 2017

Sent letter to the judge today. Said pretty much what everyone else is saying. Asked for justice to be served. FYI I haven't paid my maintenance fees since 2013. Just got a bill today for $9,295.76 PS Anyone one interested in purchasing my Gold Flex timeshare? ( Joke)

Robert R.

Last edited by robertr490 on Feb 16, 2017 12:37 PM

Feb 16, 2017

I would also like a copy of the letter if you would be so kind. I will send one too. Thanks

Roger S.
Feb 16, 2017

I am drafting my letter to the Judge /cc the AG too and using the letter from another owner. Why not to post all our letters to AG and Judge here, on Redweek? Previously owners Don and Robert have done so. Web is a great thing to spreading information. Anyone when googling "Manhattan Club" might find our letters as a result of Google search engine.

Fibo N.
Feb 17, 2017

It looks like there is a lot of demand for a copy of your letter. Would it be possible to post a copy on this Forum? I certainly would be interested.

Sergio B.
Feb 17, 2017

16 February 2017

Dear Honorable Judge Rakower Re: Case # 451536/2014 I would like to go on record regarding The Manhattan Club criminal investigation. My wife and I purchased ($27,500) a timeshare at The Manhattan Club in December 2003 with the promise we could book our time with only a few weeks’ notice, that only timeshare holders could book rooms, not the general public. Now in order to book a time one must call a year in advance; but the general public can book a room in any given day. We have only been able to use our time twice since 2003. I won’t go into all the details of their unscrupulous business practices, as you are aware that the New York Attorney General has a current criminal investigation alleging the sales practice at The Manhattan Club is a bait and switch scam. Just asking justice be served. Sincerely,

Robert Royer 4342 Loyola Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304

Robert R.
Feb 18, 2017

I am writing about Case Number 451536/2014 Schneiderman v. Eichner. We own a fixed week-52 unit at The Manhattan Club (TMC), under contract # xxxx.

It has come to our attention that this unresolved case, which is three-years old, will come before you again next month when Mr. Eichner will ask to retain additional lawyers. While this may be his right, as owners at The Manhattan Club, we are concerned that our already unreasonably high maintenance fees will increase again if Mr. Eichner and his team prevail. As you know, one major element of our complaints against Mr. Eichner is that he has raised fees far in excess of what is reasonable. Allowing him to do this again will further the injustice because we would effectively be paying to defend TMC and its affiliated entities against our own complaints.

Maintenance fees are already greater than the cost of a weekly rental of rooms at TMC. In our case the maintenance fees are currently $2843 per year. In comparison, the cost of rent for a similar unit for the same period of time ranges from $2400 to $2600. Some TMC owners, who have issues with difficulty booking rooms, are opting not to pay any more maintenance fees. As more and more owners do this, those of us who do pay, fees will escalate even more.

We hope you resolve this case expeditiously and restore the value of our investment. In the meantime, please require Mr. Eichner to take responsibility for maintenance fees until this case is resolved, or at the very least, enjoin Mr. Eichner from raising timeshare fees to cover his legal expenses and pass onto us losses associated with owners not paying their maintenance fees.

Vivien S.
Feb 18, 2017

That's great. The judge gets the same letter 1000 times.

William M.
Feb 18, 2017

I am new to this forum and would appreciate any advice on how to get out of my contract. I still have a $10,000 mortgage and my maintenance is 2800 every other year. There are companys willing to get me out but the charge $3000 to $6000. I have a daughter going to college next year and need the money for education. I bought the timeshare 10 years ago and have never used it. I wasted all that money. There has to be something we can do as owners. Please help.

John H.
Feb 18, 2017

This message is for all TS owners. We are Diamond owners. Nevada Senator Becky Harris introduced timeshare bill SB-195 this legislative session. Please write to the Senators listed below as they serve on the bill's committee. The Bill passed 100% in the Senate 2014 but stalled in committee after ARDA introduced language. It takes a lot of emails to get a bill passed. The bill focuses especially on the lack of secondary market, as well as HOA issues. It is SB-195 (BDR text attached). Action can be easily followed on the Nevada Legislature website -

The Nevada Legislature formally begin tomorrow.

Three important new TS disclosures would be required under the proposal. The first address new buyers in the hope of stopping, before it occurs, the bleeding. Two new provisions here. Both are designed to inform a purchase to “be aware” that the future value of a time-share is very uncertain. The first section language (NRS 119A.300, pg 40 in attached DBR) was introduced by Senator Harris last session. The second (NRS 119A.400, pg 49 in attached DBR) is (substantially) my proposal for a mortgage loan style disclosure. The later addresses the “limitations of the secondary market” and perpetual nature of the contract. Both touch on long over due conversations. I hope it will gain traction in other states if successful here. It also requires any “give-back” or other similar programs, now vague at best, often lacking specifics, typically promised in the sales presentation, be provided, if available, in plain language prior to contract execution (thus available upon request by current owners). Finally, the disclosure provides the buyer a list of documents he/she should have, review, and seek additional help to understand, before execution. The second provision terminates a developer’s reserved rights upon termination of developer control while giving the board, without requiring a full ownership vote, to terminate a management agreement. Last, but very important, the TS manger must report all fees, compensation, or other property the manager is entitle to receive for services. I intended this legislation require the manager disclosure the extent to which it siphons off revenue otherwise available to owners under the lucrative contracts they operate under.

ARDA has yet to list the bill on its website.

It is now time to begin a larger effort of support. The bill will go to the Senate Judiciary. Members of the committee are as follows:

Senator Tick Segerblom (Chair) Email- 701 E. Bridger Ave. #520 Las Vegas, NV 89101-5554 702-388-9600 Senator Nicole Cannizzaro (Vice Chair) Email- 7901 Cocoa Beach Circle Las Vegas, NV 8912 Senator Arnold Ford Email- P.O. Box 96003 Las Vegas, NV 89193-6003 Senator Moises (Mo) Denis ( Email- 3204 Osage Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89101-1838 702-657-6857\ Senator Michael Roberson Email- P.O. Box 530940 Henderson, NV 89053-0940 702-575-9112 Senator Donald (Don) Gustavson Email- P.O. Box 51601 Sparks, NV 89435-1601 775-722-1278

Take a look at what is being proposed. Time to look for a strong email, letter, and phone support campaign. It would be helpful if we can get some news/media coverage. Please help me get the word out and the support needed.

Irene P.
Feb 19, 2017

In addition to the same complaints everyone else has, my husband and I are retiring and will be leaving NY. We bought our timeshare in 2007 and five years ago paid off the mortgage. As we plan our future we would like to sell it but since there is a glut of MC timeshares on the market we are at a loss as to what to do. We are even willing to sell it for $1.00. but if we can't we won't be able to continue paying the $2500/year maintenance fees, it's a current struggle and will be an impossibility once our income decreases. If we stop paying the fees I was told by a lawyer any property we purchase elsewhere the MC can put a lien on it. *has anyone else heard this??

I've spoken to a representative from the MC about them selling it for us and was told they don't do that. We have tried over the last few years to sell but again with all the legal problems, bad press, inability to reserve rooms, etc. they aren't marketable. All of us 'owners' are stuck.

What to do??

Laura M.
Feb 19, 2017

Everyone out there needs to realize that they are leaving this mess to their heirs. We have inherited this nightmare from my mother-in-law. The first problem was transferring one of the units she purchased into my trust. It took years because we live in another state outside of New York. We have paid the maintenance and taxes until now. I am not doing it anymore. We will see how it goes. Any one know of a legal way to not except an inheritance?

Marion F.
Feb 19, 2017

@irenep59: the greatest problem with TS industry is NO EXIT POINT. I read somewhere in the press there are few timeshares where exit point is a legal provision in their OP's and might be executed upon mortgage /or full price paid off. Considering the fact 80% (or about) TS are not marketable any longer, owners, when entering a TS contract without exit point provision are getting into a slavery scheme called "forever". I do not see exit point in the proposed bill, or I am missing anything?

Fibo N.
Feb 19, 2017


You've been cheated and defrauded out of the use of your timeshare, just like the rest of us. TMC has broken their contract with us all, so we no longer have an obligation to honor our side of the contract, i.e. paying annual maintenance fees. Everyone has to stop paying money to this fraudulent organization.

As far as anyone getting you out of your ownership, it won't happen. TMC is an absolute dog in the timeshare industry and everyone knows ownership interests can't be given away. They'll take your money and you'll never hear from them again. All the "Get OUt of Your Timeshare" offers are scams.... pure and simple.

At the conclusion of the AG's investigation Eichner will put the timeshare into bankruptcy, hopefully he'll go to jail, and we'll all be able to walk away from TMC somewhat poorer, but at least relieved of this burden We'll then have the opportunity to take part in a huge class action against Eichner and crew. Any money paid to TMC from here on is money thrown down the drain.

Bob Biello

Robert B.
Feb 19, 2017

lauram906 wrote:
In addition to the same complaints everyone else has, my husband and I are retiring and will be leaving NY. We bought our timeshare in 2007 and five years ago paid off the mortgage. As we plan our future we would like to sell it but since there is a glut of MC timeshares on the market we are at a loss as to what to do. We are even willing to sell it for $1.00. but if we can't we won't be able to continue paying the $2500/year maintenance fees, it's a current struggle and will be an impossibility once our income decreases. If we stop paying the fees I was told by a lawyer any property we purchase elsewhere the MC can put a lien on it. *has anyone else heard this??

I've spoken to a representative from the MC about them selling it for us and was told they don't do that. We have tried over the last few years to sell but again with all the legal problems, bad press, inability to reserve rooms, etc. they aren't marketable. All of us 'owners' are stuck.

What to do??


Your first step is to stop paying any more money to TMC and move on with your life. Write it off because its a lost cause. Beware, TMC will charge thousands of dollars to any credit card they have on file for you, even if you ask them not to. Many people have resorted to cancelling the credit card TMC has on file in order to preclude their ability to post unauthorized charges. Your bank will be happy to do that for you. And of course, don't send any payments in the form of a check.

At the conclusion of the AG's investigation, chasing thousands of individual owners for a few dollars of back maintenance will never happen. Eichner and crew are going to be too busy fighting criminal charges to avoid going to jail, and defending against our anticipated class action suit.

Bob Biello

Robert B.

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