Vallarta Gardens

Has anyone purchased from Vallart Gardens?

Dec 05, 2015

We purchased a penthouse there. Looking.forward to using it in April. If u are going to buy one just do if to enjoy. But do not buy thinking they will sell yours...that seems to be where the scam comes in. Although they do keep us informed periodically so we'll see

Neal S.
Dec 08, 2015

the problem with this approach is that VG continually misrepresents the terms of the ownership agreement. They indicate that the sale of the purchaser's existing timeshare will be little more than a formality - even that the 'company they work with' has already agreed to purchase it and/or has a buyer for it. These are significant components of the sale, and nearly every person on this forum who has experience with this arrangement has indicated that there was no sale - in fact, there generally was no other party other than a bogus company.

Are you really comfortable doing business with them based on this standard operating procedure? I'm not - and it is why we got out of our contract within the 5-day window. Even then, it took MONTHS for VG to give up their claim to our down payment and for our credit card company to rule in our favor. Keep in mind that we followed the requirements of the contract TO THE LETTER - we appeared in person, we wrote out and had them sign a cancellation agreement, we went to Profeco and had them timestamp that notification and then mailed it with a return receipt. And still VG argued that we hadn't cancelled appropriately. It was just this week that, after providing the required evidence to our credit card company twice that VG did not contest it. This was a charge that went back to March 2015.

Caveat Emptor!

Randall B.
Dec 08, 2015

we also purchased from vallart gardens & was also scammed, buying a reef 2 bedroom penthouse with the guaranteed sale of my present timeshares (3) by v p services in 180 days. we bought may 5, 2015--it is now December 2015---NOTHING--the salesman was Jerry Forney & Michael Gorden, should they burn in hell---they lied, misrepresented & I want in on this class action lawsuit--my

Neal S.
Dec 10, 2015

Lots of people helped us with our case but I wanted to thank you for posting your experience. The time frame and experience were exactly like ours and if not for your post we may not have realized what a scam VG is. Thanks again!

Thomas B.
Dec 21, 2015

I purchased from Vallarta Gardens and the transition was fairly effortless. I have no complaints about Vallarta Gardens. I take issue with World Trade Rentals (WTR). I realized I had signed a contract with them that made absolutely no sense. When I returned home from Puerto Vallarta I was contacted by WTR claiming that I had a fee to pay to activate my membership... I paid it... That was a year ago. World Trade Rentals assured me that they would be able to rent my weeks. About 8 months ago I was told that there was no hope of renting out my weeks... I have been attempting to contact them for the past 6 months with no response by phone or email. Has anyone else had such a negative experience with WORLD TRADE RENTALS? This was probably one of the worst experiences that I have had with Timeshare on account of World Trade Rentals (WTR).

endscams wrote:
Are you aware that VG is located in amongst private homes of a residents association? Those are mostly private homes you see within the gates (4 currently for sale) except for those few fronting the water, and the odd one here and there. Anyone with an interest in joining a class action against this "resort" and some of the credit card entities, please contact this em address: Only serious parties please. Verification will be sought and provided in return.

Lindsey W.

Last edited by phyl21 on Dec 21, 2015 09:29 PM

Dec 21, 2015

Jerry Forney is the same crook that I encountered at Puerto Bahia in 2014. It appears he is still scamming people. I had some success in filing a complaint with Profeco. He should be arrested and imprisoned but that will not happen in Mexico.

Ramon H.
Dec 22, 2015

I question the belief, based on the facts you lay out and those that have been laid out by many others (including me) that Vallarta Gardens is not con-nected to the issues you have with WTR. They sound like just the latest in a long line of supposed resale firms used by Vallarta Gardens that never seem to actually do any re-sales or rentals. Doesn't that strike you as odd - that VG would have such a poor track record of partnering with these types of firms yet are somehow not at fault?

It did to me, and it was a primary reason my wife and I got out of the contract on the fourth business day. A business is known not only for its own efforts but for those it 'brings to the table' in business transactions. It is notable that the moment I used the word 'agent' to describe the purported re-seller for our deal with VG that they made it very clear they just brought that firm to the table, they did not have any contractual connection to them. How convenient - how telling.

My advice to any who are engaged with any re-seller that VG lines up to sell/rent your existing timeshare - just say no.

lindseyw48 wrote:
I purchased from Vallarta Gardens and the transition was fairly effortless. I have no complaints about Vallarta Gardens. I take issue with World Trade Rentals (WTR). I realized I had signed a contract with them that made absolutely no sense. When I returned home from Puerto Vallarta I was contacted by WTR claiming that I had a fee to pay to activate my membership... I paid it... That was a year ago. World Trade Rentals assured me that they would be able to rent my weeks. About 8 months ago I was told that there was no hope of renting out my weeks... I have been attempting to contact them for the past 6 months with no response by phone or email. Has anyone else had such a negative experience with WORLD TRADE RENTALS? This was probably one of the worst experiences that I have had with Timeshare on account of World Trade Rentals (WTR).

endscams wrote:
Are you aware that VG is located in amongst private homes of a residents association? Those are mostly private homes you see within the gates (4 currently for sale) except for those few fronting the water, and the odd one here and there. Anyone with an interest in joining a class action against this "resort" and some of the credit card entities, please contact this em address: Only serious parties please. Verification will be sought and provided in return.

Randall B.
Dec 23, 2015

All you have to do is work your way through all of the posts from page one to page thirteen and you can put together a large list of companies V.G has used throughout the last few years. I have researched these companies and none of them exist. Some of the companies have vacant lots for an address and others have an address in strip malls that exist but the company does not. VG and these companies in essence are the same. VG comes up with a fictitious company, sets up a website, and then shuts the website down and yells you the company has gone out of business or will tell you they are not using them anymore for a variety of reasons. Next you will hear from another "company" that will offer to market your timeshare for a fee and I'm sure that company is just the next one VG will use to scam people with. You need to ask yourself how it is possible that they always are involved with companies that don't exist. The only possible way is that VG and said company are one in the same.

Thomas B.
Dec 23, 2015

We have stayed in the Reef Penthouse and loved it and going again this Spring. We did trade in a property and it actually was sold (it was a Hilton) but I don't think they use that company anymore. From our experience with other Mexico properties, almost all the "buy back" deals don't work out, and yes we have lost a lot of money. I agree with a previous post-- buy to use-- not to get rid of other time shares. The money, frustration and time wasted is not worth it.

Glynis M.
Dec 30, 2015

There is someone starting a class action suit. Check it out with Inside the Gate

Neal S.
Dec 30, 2015

Join Be in on the class action suit

Neal S.
Dec 30, 2015

When I enter the website it directs me back to this site. I am anxious to join in a class action lawsuit. I need to communicate with someone directly. Thanks

Margo W.
Jan 01, 2016

We tried to give you a. Number but red week wouldn't allow it. You can contact us at

Neal S.
Jan 01, 2016

Thanks, I emailed you with my information.

Margo W.
Jan 03, 2016

Hello- I too got taken with VG and am fighting with my cc company to get the other half back- thank God I got the first part back. Just in case I cant get the cc to agree to refund it- could you send me the link for the class action law suit. Thanks and good luck Alan F.

Alan F.
Jan 09, 2016

We purchased in Feb./15 and realized we were duped after the 250 days when the funds from our previous timeshare were supposed to be forwarded to us. Vallarta Gardens were friendly by phone as they assured us the transaction with VP Services was still going to happen. Then we got a phone call from "The Bendix Group" saying VP Services was not doing their job, and that VG asked them to take over. They assured me there was no additional cost from the $1,250. already paid to sell our timeshare. They knew so many details about our situation, and I wanted so badly to believe them and have them fix the problem! Luckily we did not, as we have a letter saying that if we did not get our money for the previous timeshare in 250 days, the transaction would be undone. I'm afraid that the letter would not carry any weight if we allowed another company to take over. I believe this was a VG ploy to protect themselves. We are currently hoping our credit card will help us with this expensive & stressful mess. Anyone else hear from Bendix?

Ami J.
Jan 09, 2016

I want to impress on others the importance of 'staying strong' with your credit card company. Even though we followed the requirements to cancel our VG contract to the letter, our credit card company still didn't rule in our favor on the first or second appeal. In fact, it wasn't until I provided the documentation (for the third time) and expressed my willingness to take this to mediation/arbitration that they ruled in our favor - and once they did, VG did not contest it.

As much as credit card companies 'love us' and want to 'protect us' from fraud, a significant portion of their revenue comes from vendors as a fee calculated as a percentage of charged transactions. If those transactions are cancelled, so are those fees. Don't lose sight of the need to be vigorous in pressing your case - and be vocal about your willingness to continue that through all available appeals and remedies.

Randall B.
Jan 11, 2016

Hi, we were scammed by VG too. Although we canceled within the time period with Profeco's help, they are fighting the CC company. The credit card fraud people are somewhat sympathetic, but their attitude is "Well, you signed a contract." So I'm trying to collect as much info as possible for our attorney to show that this company is a scam. I'm hoping someone can help us by posting the exact wording of the "Fly & Buy" program clause and what page it's on in your contract (numbered page or exhibit page). Also, is there any wording in anyone's contract about VG's obligation to liquidate the timeshares they promised to take in exchange? Or is there just a "worksheet" with the numbers they say your timeshares are worth? Any wording would be helpful--if it exists. The guy who writes the blog on says anyone who's defrauded by Mexican timeshare scammers should file a claim with the FBI via IC3. Maybe if all of us do this they'll start (if they haven't already) an investigation and shut these criminals down. The web address is It doesn't seem to be a complicated form. The phone number for the FTC is 877-382-4357. There's a citizen's complaint form on the web at Don't think that the FBI and the US justice department can't do anything. Many of these creeps are American or Canadian citizens. Meanwhile, if anyone can help us with the wording of the "Fly & Buy" clause we'd appreciate it.

Kathryn D.
Jan 11, 2016

bendix group was listed as being a scam wonder if they are the same company as v p?

Neal S.
Jan 11, 2016

Bendix Group out of Arizona (so they say) was listed as being a scam.....we wonder if they are the same company as VP Services in Texas (so they say)

amij wrote:
We purchased in Feb./15 and realized we were duped after the 250 days when the funds from our previous timeshare were supposed to be forwarded to us. Vallarta Gardens were friendly by phone as they assured us the transaction with VP Services was still going to happen. Then we got a phone call from "The Bendix Group" saying VP Services was not doing their job, and that VG asked them to take over. They assured me there was no additional cost from the $1,250. already paid to sell our timeshare. They knew so many details about our situation, and I wanted so badly to believe them and have them fix the problem! Luckily we did not, as we have a letter saying that if we did not get our money for the previous timeshare in 250 days, the transaction would be undone. I'm afraid that the letter would not carry any weight if we allowed another company to take over. I believe this was a VG ploy to protect themselves. We are currently hoping our credit card will help us with this expensive & stressful mess. Anyone else hear from Bendix?

Neal S.

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