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Get out of Westgate Resorts

Mar 15, 2021

Hi everyone, trying to rescind a contract with Westgate...still on 10 days grace period. Not able to find anything called ¨CONTRACT NUMBER ¨ on the documents, they only mention a Westgate account this the contract number? Thank you for your response!

Roger C.
Mar 15, 2021

Maybe this will help:

Lance C.
Mar 15, 2021

Move quickly. Try to communicate only in writing. If you must talk to them verbally, ask for an email address where you can send a summary of the conversation.

Robert C.
Mar 16, 2021

Has anyone let theirs go into foreclosure? Did it hurt your credit? We have had the timeshare for almost two years now and only made the down payment of $500 in June 2019 and have not made a payment, not even the first payment. Just got a email 3 days ago about it going into foreclosure but I don’t need this affecting my credit at all..

Deerika M.
Mar 17, 2021

deerikam wrote:
Has anyone let theirs go into foreclosure? Did it hurt your credit?

Check out this thread on TUG. It has reports of owners who let their units go into foreclosure and what results they had.

For the most part, many came away unscathed.

Lance C.
Mar 20, 2021


If you are defaulting on a timeshare loan because you can't afford it, your credit score can drop up to 200 points. If there is deception, you can try to dispute the negative reporting. I just received the email below from someone who felt they had been deceived. Also, if this is your only black mark, creditors are human. Many are understanding timeshare deception. And your credit score doesn't stay down forever if you are paying all your other bills on time.

FYI: Last week I wrote a letter to the Credit Bureaus of the fraud and Deceptive practices with Sheraton Flex. In the letter I gave them the reason of fraud, and the BBB complaint website ( reflecting same issue) Today I received letter from Trans Union and Expedia that they removed,deleted and resolved it. It was removed from the credit report :)

Also received info from Timeshare that we can file a written letter to RESPA Fraud Complaint. :) (Florida)

Irene P.
Mar 20, 2021

This post is about the affidavit mentioned in several other posts, but with a twist that I have not yet seen posted:

1. The timeshare exit company is advisory.

2. They have *no* PoA or other types of rights that would cloud a title or interfere with a deedback.

What type of response should one expect from WG? I.e., still "no deal" because they (WG) just won't work with anyone who didn't contact them first?

Allen C.

Last edited by allenc110 on Mar 20, 2021 02:25 PM

Mar 21, 2021

allenc110 wrote:
This post is about the affidavit mentioned in several other posts, but with a twist that I have not yet seen posted:

1. The timeshare exit company is advisory.

2. They have *no* PoA or other types of rights that would cloud a title or interfere with a deedback.

What type of response should one expect from WG? I.e., still "no deal" because they (WG) just won't work with anyone who didn't contact them first?

This question can really only be answered accurately by Westgate itself. Generally speaking, "chains" that have deedback programs (Wyndham, DRI, Westgate, etc.) will work only with paid-up owners who have no current association of any kind with any so-called "exit / relief/ escape/ release" entity. Can't say I blame them; they certainly don't need or want any unwelcome complications in what should otherwise be a simple and straightforward quit claim deedback.


Last edited by ken1193 on Mar 21, 2021 07:48 PM

Mar 21, 2021

ken1193 wrote:
allenc110 wrote:
This post is about the affidavit mentioned in several other posts, but with a twist that I have not yet seen posted:

1. The timeshare exit company is advisory.

2. They have *no* PoA or other types of rights that would cloud a title or interfere with a deedback.

What type of response should one expect from WG? I.e., still "no deal" because they (WG) just won't work with anyone who didn't contact them first?

This question can really only be answered accurately by Westgate itself. Generally speaking, "chains" that have deedback programs (Wyndham, DRI, Westgate, etc.) will work only with paid-up owners who have no current association of any kind with any so-called "exit / relief/ escape/ release" entity. Can't say I blame them, since they don't need or want any unwelcome complications regarding what should otherwise be a simple and straightforward quit claim deedback.

Both the mortgage and HOA dues are in arrears. WG sent the paperwork on their own; it was not requested. The paperwork included the affidavit and the deedback agreement.

Allen C.

Last edited by allenc110 on Mar 21, 2021 10:21 AM

Mar 23, 2021

cleob5 wrote:
Being an old quality auditor, How many people working with exit companies have been asked to submit a FALSE AFFIDAVIT stating they are not working with an exit company? A sample size of 1 is not valid.

When asked Developer Services Department said the affidavit was sent in-error. RAISING THE QUESTION: How many times does this error happen?

Cleo B -- Are you stating the following?

1. Westgate wanted you to sign an affidavit stating that you had never worked with an TS exit entity (company, lawyer, whatever).

2. The TS exit company instructed you to sign the affidavit.

3. You called Westgate and they said they had sent the affidavit to you in error.

I hope you are reading this and are willing to reply to clarify your original post.

Allen C.
Mar 24, 2021

Hello everyone, My fiancé and I purchased our Westgate “property” in 2019 right before the pandemic. We signed up for bi-annual on even years. When the pandemic hit I was one of thousands of people who got laid off and had to wait forever for my unemployment to get approved due to the large amount of claims. I called Westgate as soon as this happened and explained the circumstances. I was unable to pay months of the “mortgage” as well as 2 maintenance fees.. yes that’s right 2! I am not sure how we got charged for 2.. anyways... we have never even used the property!!! I plead and plead with them, explaining we could barely pay our bills and keep our mortgage up to date, how am I supposed to pay for this when I do not have a job, or any income. They were rude and not understanding one bit. They offered us to get out of our timeshare by signing up for another property (which we did not do). They told us that we would need to pay an extensive amount of money as a down-payment for a new loan (which was more than our closing costs for the larger unit we had purchased). I told them I didn’t even know how we were going to pay our mortgage and if they could make an exception as we did not want to default and had no ill intentions of not making this right. They again tried to push us into 3 payments, however, refused to show us the new property we were “purchasing”. We started contacting them via email only, as they were talking in circles with sales tactics and trying to scare us due to possible credit reporting. Over email, they refused to tell us anything in detail about going into a new deed to release our current one, what the new property was, the location, and many other details. I asked to speak to a manager. The manager never called us! I haven’t heard from them in over a year (since the pandemic hit, no calls and no emails). I received an email today of them threatening legal action again, and stating they could get me into a new property with a down-payment. I have absolutely nothing from this company on my credit report and when we purchased the timeshare we were told that it would go on our credit reports as an investment.. which clearly was another lie into this vicious scam. I am wondering what I should do? I’ve seen a ton of different posts of people who have stated they never actually got foreclosed on, and never got their credit hit. It is not like we had owned for a long period of time, we purchased... and the pandemic hit soon after. We never even once used the property at all, or utilized our timeshare week. Our timeshare week was during the pandemic when everything was shut down. I also advised them that we live in Massachusetts and we had travel restrictions and could not even travel anywhere to use our timeshare for our given week. Sorry for the rant, trying to provide as many details as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. We have excellent credit, however I am not about to give them $20k, or whatever we owe. After the way they treated us during a pandemic I am disgusted and do not want to provide them with even a penny. Thank you for listening, I look forward to some feedback and suggestions.


Samantha H.

Last edited by samanthah141 on Mar 24, 2021 02:51 PM

Mar 25, 2021

Same situation when my wife lost her job. I stopped paying. Got alot of calls which I ignored and eventually blocked. They transferred my timeshare in Gatlinburg back to one I previously had in Orlando without my ok. I haven't and will not pay them another dime. I figure my credit score is above 800 so I can withstand the hit if it ever happens. Plus I will contact the credit companies if that ever happens. I advised them during an email that I did not want either the Gatlinburg nor the Orlando property and wanted a deed back since I had been lied to so many times. Crickets after that.

Dana N.
Mar 29, 2021

I have a Westgate timeshare since 1996 but the maintenance fees have gotten so high, I can stay at a much nicer place for the same fee. Ready to just walk away at this point. I have two weeks banked but with COVID and the border closed, one of the weeks have expired and though I complained to Wesgate, they said too bad for your loss and want another round of maintenance fees. Real crappy way t treat a 20+ year customer in my opinion. I'm not paying anymore and think they really can't affect my credit in Canada. I've requested they forclose and take the timeshare back. Should I be concerned of adverse penalties?

Jim A.
Mar 29, 2021

jima392 wrote:
I'm not paying anymore and think they really can't affect my credit in Canada. I've requested they foreclose and take the timeshare back. Should I be concerned of adverse penalties?

No need for concern, although Wastegate certainly won't "foreclose upon request". If you stop paying your fees, they will initiate "collection " calls and efforts, but they won't actually initiate foreclosure for 2 years (or more) from now --- but foreclosure is ultimately all they can or will ever do.

Are you aware that Westgate has a "deedback" program? Called "Legacy", It's only available to owners whose accounts and fees are fully paid up. They charge a fee for the "privilege" of signing it back over to them (a fee variously reported to be anywhere between $1,200 and $1,800, per week). That is inexcusable thievery and greed, of course, and I'm certainly not suggesting that "Legacy" is a desirable course of action --- I am merely pointing out that the option exists if you desperately want a quick, clean and permanent exit, albeit at (another) cost while your account is still current. Once fees fall into arrears, "Legacy" ceases to be available at all until and unless the fees get paid up to date.

I genuinely despise everything about Westgate, but my personal feelings and views are irrelevant to your situation. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.


Last edited by ken1193 on Mar 30, 2021 01:23 PM

Apr 23, 2021

Could you please explain about the "Deed Buy back" at Westgate? How do i do it please? I just literally got off the phone with the Legacy department and was told that we must provide evidence of hardship and that was the only thing we could do. Once evidence is provided they will look at it and decide if it in fact is a hardship. Other then that we are stuck, their words. We are current and do have a balance but want out!!! Thank you for any and all help.

Candy M.
Apr 23, 2021

I got rid of two timeshares in 2011 through deed backs . I convinced the resorts that it was in their best interest to take them back . It was quick and inexpensive . You have nothing to lose by trying and everything to gain if you are successful . Never pay anyone money to do what you can do for yourself . Be tenacious and convince them to take it back . Good luck and let us know how it goes .

Don P.
Apr 23, 2021

I'll add to what Don P. said Tell the resort's Homeowners' Association in no uncertain terms that you are not going to pay any more money in maintenance fees. Hence, it would be in everyone's best interests for the HOA to take back the unit amicably rather than for it to go through the cost and hassle of foreclosure.

Lance C.
May 13, 2021

I stopped paying for the timeshare three years ago. We never used it not even once it hit our credit this month as in collections. We are in the middle of moving to Florida and buying a home. Worried this will affect our preapproval. How do we go about getting a deed in lei of foreclosure? We are willing to pay something to get out but really didn’t want to pay the 3,950 that’s in collections for maintenance fees. Any advice is appreciated. How do we know that they won’t just take our money and not process it. Do they send you it you sign it and send money back. I just don’t trust them and want this taken care of once and for all.

Candace D.
Jun 11, 2021

I recently signed up for a timeshare but hasn’t paid anything. They gave me 3 mounts to pay the deposit… can I still cancel?

Deann J.
Jun 11, 2021

deannj2 wrote:
I recently signed up for a timeshare but hasn’t paid anything. They gave me 3 mounts to pay the deposit… can I still cancel?

You first need to more specifically define "recently".

The right to rescind (cancel) a timeshare contract is provided by individual state law. Time periods to rescind vary by individual state. In a few states (Massachusetts and two others) the cancellation time period is only 3 days! In Florida and Tennessee, the cancellation time period is 10 days (the longest available). In all other states, the cancellation time period is 5-7 days. The state in which you actually signed the contract is the state whose rescission laws apply to you.

By law, notice of rescission rights must be provided in writing at the time of contract execution. Once the applicable rescission period is over, you are legally bound to the terms and obligations of the contract that you voluntarily signed.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 12, 2021 05:18 AM

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