Club Land'Or Resort

Can't even give them one star

Oct 24, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:07 PM

Oct 24, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:11 PM

Oct 24, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:13 PM

Oct 24, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:14 PM

Oct 24, 2010

If everyone would stop paying LandOr and it takes 2-3 yrs for them to take us to court, it will cost them everytime they have to go to court, then maybe they will be hard up for money and not be able to pay their bills either and be force to sell the money pit!

Kathy P.
Oct 25, 2010

good luck

Richard L.

Last edited by richardl527 on Oct 26, 2010 06:13 PM

Oct 25, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:17 PM

Oct 25, 2010

Hi Billie,

What was the outcome with Club Land Or?

Barbara M.
Oct 25, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:18 PM

Oct 25, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:19 PM

Oct 25, 2010


Barbara M.

Last edited by barbaram536 on Oct 26, 2010 05:25 PM

Oct 26, 2010

I would pay them 3000.00 if they would let us go, they wouldnt even work with me, and why should they, we are the ones paying our dues, maybe we should stop! I really hate to mess our credit up over these people. We have paid our contract off, we are paying maint. now.

Kathy P.
Oct 26, 2010

Barbara, Good luck with everything! Have you contacted a lawyer, any kind of lawyer? I just don't know how in the world a judge expects you to pay up with no job. Would bankruptcy be an option? There are pages of court cases in the Virginia Beach court with Land'Or and they all ended up in garnishment, so Marlene is right about that.

I have 3 weeks remaining and the best they'd do for me is $3400. I'm still behind on 2 assessments and they figured it by multiplying my current maintenance fee by 3. They took off about $700-800 which really isn't much, but I'm going to do it to prevent having to pay anymore of those assessments they keep throwing at us.

I hope everything works out well for you!

Beth M.
Nov 06, 2010

check the newspaper in nassau, Nassau Guardian. It tell about Club Landor being sue for stealing employees money. They also stated that Club Landor has posted a forsale for 45M.

Judy J.
Nov 06, 2010

Pull up the Nassau Guardian on your internet.Its a newspaper. It tells about Club Landor being sue for stealing the employee money and more information about Club Landor being put up for sale

Judy J.
Nov 07, 2010

Thanks Judy! That was a great article. Here's the link so you don't have to go digging.

Beth M.
Nov 07, 2010

I am in for pooling efforts against Club Landor. I am experiencing the same issues many are complaining about (numerous assessments) and have contacted Mr. Sadler. Please continue to post any lessons learned as will I. I plan on contacting Landor.

Steve M.
Nov 08, 2010

Can’t say I'm sorry about what is happening to the employee's. Every time one of them calls the house do you think they care that we are getting ripped off monthly, don't think so! I even ask how they could work for a company who is as dishonest as LandOr is. Didn't seem to care!! I know it's a job for them, sorry wont' see a tear running down my face :) Let them chalk it up to experience; maybe they will check out their employer before they work for them, I know this has taught me a lesson, wont buy a time share ever again.

Kathy P.
Nov 08, 2010

I don't believe it is the employees in the US Club L O, but the employees at the Club itself the article is written about.

J F.
Nov 09, 2010

Steve, can you let us know how it goes with Mr. Sadler and with your contact with Club Land'or? I'm in the same boat as many here. Thanks!

Chuck J.

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