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Marion Griffin, Thomas Verner are scammers

Sep 25, 2017

Well then, you must know her.....

Tom V.
Jul 06, 2018

Does anyone know the status of Marion? Just curious because I thought I saw her daughter walk out of the Windermere UPS store yesterday.

Julie N.
Jul 06, 2018

Really? Well, I know that her son graduated West Orange this year, Im sure her and Nick are still around.....I would lovce to know where Marion is....

Tom V.
Oct 08, 2018

Anyone that has been scammed by Marion, please google her name, Marion Shelia Verner. I was just emailed her mugshot. She was arrested last Friday, in Texas, along with her daughter, Kelly Price. I plan on calling the police department, and letting them know how she scammed us. This woman needs to stay in jail!

Julie A.
Oct 08, 2018

Please email me JUulie……..tmv716@yahoo.com

Tom V.
Oct 11, 2018

It has just been reported that Marion Sheila Verner (aka Barnes and Griffin) and her daughter Kelly Anne Price have both been arrested and held in jail in Wood County, Texas about 18 months after disappearing from Winter Garden, Orlando, where they operated their Disney Area Villas LLC and Disneyandi.com scam up to 17th March 2017 when they 'closed' their business.

They are being held on charges of "Conspiracy - organised fraud" and will be brought to court in some months time. They were arrested under an arrest warrant put out USA-wide, possibly by the FDLE in Orlando or Polk County Sheriff.

They are currently being held awaiting trial in the Wood County Jail, Texas, some distance from Dallas. It seems that they may have been hiding out in small-town Texas hoping to avoid the attentions of Florida law enforcement officers who were looking for them.

Though their appearance has changed considerably over the past 18 months they are definitely the same people who scammed British tourists, villa owners and travel agents out of lots of money over the eighteen month period that Disney Area Villas LLC operated.

Bail has been set at $750,000 and $500,000 for Marion and Kelly respectively in view of the extent of their deceptions.

They are both British, originally from the Chelmsford, Essex, area but they have been living in Florida for many years under various names and involved in various schemes.

Peter W.
Oct 11, 2018

I would encourage anyone who has been scammed by this woman, to contact the authorities in Wood County, Texas, to tell their story. May or may not do any good, but I feel that it should be done. It has been 8 years since Marion scammed me, and I haven't forgotten!

Julie A.
Oct 11, 2018

Can you post the contact details Julie ? Names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses and case numbers please.


Peter W.
Oct 12, 2018

Marion and Kelly were booked in Wood County Texas, on 10/5/2018. Mineola Texas Police Department- Phone # (903) 569-6294.

Several different numbers are showing -

Warrant number-CF18009238XX- Conspiracy and Organized Fraud Booking number- 59899 SO NUMBER - 30515 (NO IDEA WHAT THE SO STANDS FOR)

Julie A.
Oct 17, 2018

Weekly Minoela Police Dept. report in the Mineola Monitor newspaper today includes, for the 5th October, "At 12:24 p.m. officers served felony warrants for California on Laura Street. Kelly Anne Price, 38 of Mineola and Marion Verner, 65 of Mineola were both arrested at their residence for two counts each of organized fraud." The report is slightly wrong in that the arrest warrant was issued by Polk Co. Florida, not California, but it is interesting that they were found living on Laura Street, Mineola TX, rather than being picked up on the street for, say, a motoring offense. Wonder how they were traced to Laura Street - what gave them away ?

Peter W.
Oct 17, 2018

Thanks for the update.....but it is interesting how they were caught....I'm so glad she and Kelly are behind bars...….thousands and thousands of dollars were scammed by them

Tom V.
Oct 21, 2018

It seems like Marion, Kelly and family may have had a previous life in small town Mineola TX and may have had a 'bolt-hole' to return to if things got a bit too hot for comfort in Florida during their Disneyandi.com scams in 2016/2017.

According to the social media postings of one of Kelly's children it looks like they were living there between scams whilst their children went to the local High School prior to returning to live in Winter Garden near Orlando to operate their Disney Area Villas LLC scam.

So they had a ready-made location to escape back to in Texas where, they figured, they would be safe from the Florida police ! Well, guess what, something gave them away - maybe even those social media postings ?

Moral - if you are hiding away make sure your kids don't go anywhere near social media postings !

But now they have (been) moved again !

After spending ten days in the Wood County Jail, TX, they were 'released to other agency' on the 15th October. What that means exactly and where we are currently enquiring into. But it could be the FDLE in Orlando who took the case over from local County police departments a year ago. They will be being held somewhere in another uncomfortable jail.

As soon as we know I will post their location here. Then you, Tom Verner can go and visit them and serve your divorce papers on Marion who you have been seeking to trace for so long ?

Peter W.

Last edited by peterw312 on Oct 21, 2018 09:50 AM

Oct 21, 2018

Thanks for the update on Marion and her family of scammers. I'm a big believer in Karma, and Marion might just have gotten hers.


Margaret B.
Oct 30, 2018

FOUND 'EM !! 😀 After days of looking through all the online jail inmates records - they have popped up right where I first looked - in Polk Co. Jail, Bartow ! They were only recently recorded as being there on the 27th October. Our ladies are both being held there though their bail amounts are now $250K each. Marion is listed under her Verner name but with three other aka's. Kelly under her Price name with no other aliases. Marion is also being held on an additional charge awaiting interrogation by ICE (Immigration) agents. That means that her immigration status is being investigated. Their joint charges are Conspiracy to organised fraud in excess of $20,000 and of Grand Theft in excess of $20,000. Their website links are here: http://www.polksheriff.org/inmate-profile/1847360 http://www.polksheriff.org/inmate-profile/1847359 (you will have to copy and paste into your browser as this forum does not seem to support URL links.)

Peter W.

Last edited by peterw312 on Oct 30, 2018 05:22 AM

Oct 30, 2018

Thank you all for continuing the posts on Marion and Kelly.....I, Thomas Verner, have filed the divorce papers and now she will be served as I had no idea where she was for the past 4 1/2 years......She has scammed me out of thousands and has tarnished my name.....I am not a Scammer and I wish something could be done with the Redweek listing......I know a lot of people were scammed by Marion and Kelly, I only hope that they pay restitution.....Finally caught and I always knew that they would be...….

Tom V.
Oct 30, 2018

You're welcome Tom. I hope that you do get to have your divorce papers served on Marion while she is in jail, though I don't know the legal position of being able to do so while she is in custody awaiting trial.

Let me ask you a question if I may Tom.

If you go to www.disneyandi.com a window will come up stating that the website is frozen. This was done by Marion or Kelly when they decided to close down their scam about 17/24 March 2017 when they left town and disappeared. However, the 'frozen' notice also bears an interesting message: "Sorry ! thomasverner_vp.webs.com is temporarily unavailable. If you are the site owner, please contact Customer Support."

Now why would your name come up in that connection ? Did you set up the free Vistaprint website for Marion - hence your name is there as the 'owner' ? I'm sure that the police investigators will also come across this in time.

Peter W.

Last edited by peterw312 on Oct 30, 2018 12:47 PM

Nov 03, 2018

Is anyone still reading this page or am I wasting my time posting updates on this case against Marion and Kelly ?

Peter W.
Nov 03, 2018

I would also be interested in the realization that Tom may know more than he is suggesting. I do know that he did visit the home she leased to us to do repairs. I find it difficult to believe that he had no idea what she and Kelly were up to.

Julie N.
Nov 03, 2018

I'm reading the posts on this thread, so please keep posting updates. By the way, I couldn't get the links to work the other day but they seem to be working now. Interesting that both Marion and Kelly are on hold for ICE. Thank you for keeping us updated.


Margaret B.

Last edited by margaretb85 on Nov 03, 2018 05:37 PM

Nov 04, 2018

Thanks Margaret B for replying to my question.

So I guess that, with two or three other people who have posted in recent days since my updates started, there might be five or six of us still following this story which has now turned into a criminal case ? So what happened to all those other people out there, the victims of Marion and Kelly, who have filled ten pages of posts over the past eight years since the thread was launched in 2010 ? Weren't they all clammering for justice ? Were they not demanding jail sentences ? So why aren't they here rejoicing that, at least after 16 years to my knowledge, Marion Barnes/Griffin/Verner/Price et al is now, at least, being held in jail awaiting trial ?

Maybe they never registered with RedWeek for alerts as I did (the tick box is at the bottom of this page). Maybe they are totally unaware of the latest developments ? Or maybe they just gave up caring after so many years ? Well, victim apathy could just get them off in court - if you are not careful !

I am also disappointed that Tom didn't respond to my question posted recently about what connection, if any, he had with the disneyandi.com website that his name should be listed by VistaPrint in connection with it ? Or did Marion just use his name to hide behind, as she has over many years, always registering businesses she ran under names of family members, never her own ?

I am sure that if Tom is as much a victim of his now estranged wife as he proclaims himself to be, the Statewide Prosecutor would be very interested to have his evidence to assist the case against Marion and Kelly.

I hope to be able to publish the contact details tomorrow for anyone still wishing to make a statement to the FDLE to assist this case which is fast becoming very time-sensitive as they wish to take it to court ASAP.

Peter W.

Last edited by peterw312 on Nov 04, 2018 09:02 AM

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