Jan 18, 2010

They were the law firm I spoke with.

Valerie M.
Jan 19, 2010

valeriem42 wrote:
They were the law firm I spoke with.
They are virtually powerless. They will charge you a front fee for their attempt but there is really not a lot they can do. You can't just get an out of state law firm to chase down $100-$5000. Lawsuits need to be filed in the county where the company is located. What, is a member of Gonzales and Gonzales going to fly down there to represent you in small claims court against Royal Marketing Group for a $300 claim? Filing of lawsuits in these matters is a fruitless endeavor, no matter what Gonzalez and Gonzalez may purport.

Jim C.

Last edited by jimc273 on Jan 19, 2010 08:27 AM

Jan 19, 2010

Gonzalez et al are IN Mexico, and this is the type of work this firm does. We are not filing for the Royal Marketing Group fee... it is for the money we paid the timeshare company that conned us into believing we would be renting our extra weeks, plus several other things. They sent an undercover couple in to film and tape the scam and are using it as evidence.

Kari L.
Jan 20, 2010

karil17 wrote:
Gonzalez et al are IN Mexico, and this is the type of work this firm does. We are not filing for the Royal Marketing Group fee... it is for the money we paid the timeshare company that conned us into believing we would be renting our extra weeks, plus several other things. They sent an undercover couple in to film and tape the scam and are using it as evidence.

Jim C.
Feb 26, 2010

I'm in the same boat with Grupo Mayan and Royal Marketing. I contacted the Attorney General of Florida and they have an online complaint form and are well aware of this company. They also recommended filing a complaint thru ic3.gov, since the business does run on the internet. I'm waiting to hear back from Gonzalez and Gonzalez and about the class action suit. Anybody know the latest website for Royal Marketing Group? Or any names you were given--not that they're real names, but what the heck! I am working on a letter to my financial institution begging for my money back, but it doesnt sound like that's going to work. I'm going off the fact that weeks do not rollover and thus RMG had one year to rent my time share, therefore services were not rendered. Anyone else have progress?? How can they do this to people? I served 3 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect jerks like this. Maybe we need to hunt them down!!

Scott M.
Feb 26, 2010

Anyone have a current phone number??? I have 8004410453, but it's some chat line now!

Scott M.
Mar 16, 2010

Folks, Here's the Elephant in the Room: We've all been duped by Groupo Mayan. I have no proof, but I bet that GM gets a % of every referral that Royal Marketing signs. Why else are they still on the list of preferred vendors??? I've complained to them and it got me nowhere. IF WE ALL complain to them, they might feel obligated to compensate us in some way. Or, we could post on the entire web what they're doing. Anybody with me???

John M.
Mar 17, 2010

johnm1460 wrote:
Folks, Here's the Elephant in the Room: We've all been duped by Groupo Mayan. I have no proof, but I bet that GM gets a % of every referral that Royal Marketing signs. Why else are they still on the list of preferred vendors??? I've complained to them and it got me nowhere. IF WE ALL complain to them, they might feel obligated to compensate us in some way. Or, we could post on the entire web what they're doing. Anybody with me???

How about starting a class action lawsuit .... see my thread on that subject and how to start one with attorneys that take payment ONLY if they are successful in winning the suit.

If I had been scammed, I would be the first to start a class action lawsuit against the scammers.

R P.
Mar 17, 2010

I would gladly participate. I have already stated here that I am participating with the Mexican firm around Royal Marketing, but Grupo Mayan gave us the same name and made the claim that "our members tell us they have had success with this company (Royal Marketing). Where do we start...?

Kari L.
Mar 18, 2010

You can contact Gonzlaes and Gonzales law firm that may have a class action lawsuit already started concerning that company ..... you can 'search forum' top right side of this page for contact information.

R P.
Mar 18, 2010

count me in.

John M.
Apr 23, 2010

I was thinking of contacting these Gonzalez & Gonzalez folks, but I saw these... What do you think?



This is from someone who actually went to their address in Mexico http://bit.ly/cYlbxv

Joe V.
Oct 27, 2010

Any news....on this scam! please advise I would love to see them in Jail.

Marilu Z.
Oct 27, 2010

where is this Gonzales Y Gonzales law firm.

Marilu Z.
Dec 06, 2010

I was also scammed by Royal Marketing Group. In 2007, during my last twosome vacation, my pregnant self and my husband let our ears get chewed by a sales perseon at Grupo Mayan. We are NOT time share ppl., but bought into it b/c the sales person said the property is *VERY RENTABLE*. So we thought it would give us decent return on our investment. The salesperson gave us a list of resale/rental companies and recommended in specific Royal Marketing Group. I spoke to a Shauana Catoni, who was very helpful until she got my money!! Afterwards i called and the only answer i got was... "we'll contact you when we have a renter..." It's been three years! I have called the number i have for them, but this number is no longer in service. When I spoke to Grupo Mayan, they gave me another number for RMG. However, when i called, their voicemail says i have reached "imperial property management". I still cannot speak to anybody nevertheless! I wish i can do something to get my money back from these theives... and also get rid of this stupid property at the Mayan Riviera! What a waste our precious money!

Sahm Y.
Dec 06, 2010

How long have you been w/ them? RMG. I am also pissed to no end to let myself be scammed like that! you know they seemed to have changed their names to "imperial property management" ... read my most recent review. I'd love to know how to get back at these thieves!

Sahm Y.
Dec 06, 2010

I feel for you! I knew all the scams going in - but we were on our honeymoon and apparently not thinking clearly! So now we own some dumb property that we'll probably never go to - and no way to rent it. Who would pay to rent a property when you can get an all-inclusive, including airfare, for the same price?! We also lost money to the rental property company. Please let me know if you figure out a way to rent it from home, or to sell it even!

Kelly L.
Dec 07, 2010

This is only one reason to never ever pay an upfront fee to any company to list your timeshare for sale of rent .... once they get your money you're history to them. If they were legitimate they would get their fee when they find a renter and a contract is signed.

If your timeshare is saleable/rentable (depends on resort and time you own = supply and demand), then you can just as easily rent or sell it yourself on legitimate timeshare ad sites such as Redweek, however be aware that some timeshares can't be sold, given away or rented at all.

R P.

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