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- can you Help me out from my timeshare?
can you Help me out from my timeshare?
I am glad that there are some people out there to help me in this matter.
some years ago my wife and me bought a timeshare from monarc grand vacation so far we have used it only 3 times, one for every year. since I do not use it I would like to sell it to someone who use it; but where do I start do not know. it is one of those timeshare that you get some points every year and you have to pay for times a year per maintenance fee. I am almost disable by now and I can not go on paying the fees. my resort companie have many resorts where I can go. I do not really know what I have and what I do not have. CAN YOU HELP ME OUT ?
Jose P.
If you just want to be rid of your timeshare you can offer to give it away and pay the closing costs in Redweek's bargain basement ads. BTW, why in the world would you buy a timeshare when you knew nothing about the subject of timesharing ????
Also never ever pay any entity a large upfront fee to advertise your timeshare for sale .... they're all scams.
R P.
Last edited by jayjay on May 15, 2012 07:44 AM
One thing you should try first, before trying to sell your time share for nothing and paying the closing cost.
You say you are nearly disabled - try contacting the time share company and tell them you are disabled and will not be able to use the time share in the future, or keep up the payments. Often, but not always, you will find they will take the time share back, at no cost to you. The down side is you will lose all you have paid in to the time share. The up side is you are free of the ongoing maintenance fees.
If they refuse to take the time share back, then you may have to try selling it at a cost of $1.00. Don't list it for free, as in some states, the deed will not be binding unless at least one dollar has changed hands. YOU should arrange for a closing company, to handle the transfer and make sure that you are free of the obligation, and not just the deed. Shop around, and check for feedback on RW before you actually contract the company. They should have a contract you can use for the actual sale, which can be used to spell out that your transferring ownership to the new owner. In this economy, don't expect to recoup any of your investment - sorry - it just won't happen in 99.9% of all cases.
Also, don't try to write off the loss on your taxes. This is not like a real property investment, where if you sell at a loss you can write off the loss on your taxes. Writing off the loss on a time share is a 'go to the front of the line' ticket for an IRS audit.
Good Luck.
Steve M.
I recently got a FULL REFUND & A CANCELLATION of my timeshare through TCProfessionals. I searched for a solution for 2 yrs & stumbled upon this forum in Feb & noticed a posting by Matthew stating that he has had success at getting refunds. We talked on the phone & felt reassured that this wasn't a scam so went entered into a contract with TCP. Yes, we paid a fee upfront BUT the contract states that if they cannot get you a full or partial refund & a cancellation the money is fully refundable. The company is located in Delaware. The process was simple & the money was wired to my bank account less than a week after the final contract & release from Grupo Mayan. Any questions please contact me. Nancy
Nancy B.
nancyb684 wrote:I recently got a FULL REFUND & A CANCELLATION of my timeshare through TCProfessionals. I searched for a solution for 2 yrs & stumbled upon this forum in Feb & noticed a posting by Matthew stating that he has had success at getting refunds. We talked on the phone & felt reassured that this wasn't a scam so went entered into a contract with TCP. Yes, we paid a fee upfront BUT the contract states that if they cannot get you a full or partial refund & a cancellation the money is fully refundable. The company is located in Delaware. The process was simple & the money was wired to my bank account less than a week after the final contract & release from Grupo Mayan. Any questions please contact me. Nancy
I smell a shill .... there's no way that any entity can get YOU out from under a legal and binding contract that YOU signed.
R P.
nancyb684 wrote:It is ABSOLUTELY TRUE!! I have a signed Cancellation with Refund statement issued from Grand Mayan's Corporate office as proof for anyone doubting my previous comment.
Yeah right, and I guess you think that all Redweek forum members still believe in the Easter Bunny.
R P.
Anyone can print out a phony cancellation document on a computer. As Jayjay stated why would they be using a mail box in a UPS store. Looks like a boiler room operation to me. Anyone falling for this has been warned. Don't come in here months from now crying that you lost thousands of dollars in phony fees to the scam artists.
Don P.
Last edited by donp196 on Jun 04, 2012 06:04 PM
There is no way I every pay an upfront fee.! I used Owners Solutions International. No up front FEE. I didn't pay until my deed was being transferred out of my name. For less than one year maintenance fee. After tons of searching i found this company they were honest and very helpful and transferred my deed in 7 weeks. I would definitely recommend using them!
Jesse M.
It's a scam. They claim there is no upfront money but I will guarantee they will ask for a " fee " of some sort before they will process the paperwork. They will call it a " docking fee " or " appraisal fee ' or something that has to be paid. It's the same scam with a new twist. Anyone that falls for this scam deserves to lose their money after thay have been warned and still gets involved with these people. This scammer is pitching his scam another room calling it Timeshareliberatorcom. I guess he didin't think anyone would pick up on that. Timesharing Today just posted a warning about scammers working out of Orlando, Florida under numerous names and that's where Jessem58 claims his scammers work out of.
Don P.
Last edited by donp196 on Aug 19, 2012 04:40 PM
Don, it is not a scam like I said I can understand your skepticism I was in your same position. This industry is full of scammers and crooks but this is not the case with this company and a few others that I have heard about Timeshare liberator is a company that works with Owners Solutions International.. I dont blame you for doubting it but this company is legit.
Jesse M.
Last edited by marty8084 on Aug 19, 2012 09:18 PM
jessem58 wrote:There is no way I every pay an upfront fee.! I used Owners Solutions International. No up front FEE. I didn't pay until my deed was being transferred out of my name. For less than one year maintenance fee. After tons of searching i found this company they were honest and very helpful and transferred my deed in 7 weeks. I would definitely recommend using them!
There are quite a few of these operations popping up where they claim that, for about the equivalent of one year's maintenance fees, they'll get you out of your timeshare. What they really do usually is transfer these timeshares to a shell corporation and then let that corporation go bankrupt thus leaving all these timeshares in the lurch.
What many people fail to understand is that if the resorts have to foreclose on these timeshares, the costs have to be shared by the remaining owners.
There's also question as to whether this type of procedure is even legal or not.
Lance C.
jessem58 wrote:There is no way I every pay an upfront fee.! I used Owners Solutions International. No up front FEE. I didn't pay until my deed was being transferred out of my name. For less than one year maintenance fee. After tons of searching i found this company they were honest and very helpful and transferred my deed in 7 weeks. I would definitely recommend using them!
Sigh ...... quite obviously another scam company shill .... have never heard of this company .... there's no website to be found on the internet.
R P.
Last edited by jayjay on Aug 20, 2012 06:59 AM