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- Am Considering in joining RCI (points...
Am Considering in joining RCI (points system)
Am considering in joining the RCI Point system. I have learn a lot by reading through some of the forums here but I still have a couple questions:
(1) I know the main driver for cost is the Maintenance fee. But how can some people have a maintenance fee lower than others who have more points? Here is some examples advertise here at RedWeek:
• Price: $3,000 • Point Allotment: 97,400 • Banked Points: 0 • Anniversary: November • Maintenance Fee: $1,262 • Ownership Type: Deeded • Use: Annual
• Price: $1,900 • Point Allotment: 126,000 • Banked Points: 0 • Anniversary: June • Maintenance Fee: $1,003 • Ownership Type: Deeded • Use: Annual
(2) Are the price I see listed here for resell the actual price to join RCI (with those Points Allocated) or are they the price of additional points for current RCI owners who want more point for this particular year?
(3) When joining the RCI point system do I need to specified a 'home resort'? if so, can someone tell me approximately how many points I will need to get at least a 2bed condo/room at the "Club Optima at Bluegreen Odyssey Dells (#7550)" on a red week (say 4th of July week) ? even though I think we will only be using it during a blue week (at least until the kids get much older).
Thank you in advance for your help. -Max
Mec J.
Last edited by mecj on May 16, 2012 09:53 AM
Hi Max, I have 46k points for this yr with RCI. I can use next yr also or you can save points for 2yrs. I have a one bedroom in Sedona. A two bed would have more points also. I have used my points for many diff places as if I want to stay at Sedona a few days ,I can get a real reduced rate since I am an owner. i have owned for 12 yrs now & so have went many places with my points. Maintenance fees are decided on where you have your timeshare & how many bedrooms. Mine is $486 annual for a RED wk one-bedroom due end of July. Hope this answers your questions-or email me if you need to.
Dot B.
Last edited by dot78 on May 16, 2012 03:39 PM
dot78 wrote:Thanks for you info. Since you're an RCI member. Anyway you can answer question #3 ?Hi Max, I have 46k points for this yr with RCI. I can use next yr also or you can save points for 2yrs. I have a one bedroom in Sedona. A two bed would have more points also. I have used my points for many diff places as if I want to stay at Sedona a few days ,I can get a real reduced rate since I am an owner. i have owned for 12 yrs now & so have went many places with my points. Maintenance fees are decided on where you have your timeshare & how many bedrooms. Mine is $486 annual for a RED wk one-bedroom due end of July. Hope this answers your questions-or email me if you need to.
Mec J.
All points come with (attached) to an underlying home resort. RCI will know this once the purchase/transfer takes place and you open an RCI account, which you will need to do in order to trade and use your points. I just checked RCI and based on current availability, blue season is anywhere from 6,000 to 20,000 something RCI points for a 2 bdrm. Not sure what a red season week would be...I would guess maybe 50,000?
I have 130,000 annyal RCI points that I am considering selling if you would like to learn more...as I have more than enough points betwn this and another timeshare that I have. If you plan on vacationing each year, it is well worth buying into RCI points. After 7 years and many great memories and fabulous resorts visited, it's been great!
H. D.
I been trying to read as much as I can about RCI and the Points System both within these forums and some external. I have read some disturbing comments specially on (http://www.consumeraffairs.com/travel/rci.html). The consensus in RedWeek forums is that I should just try to rent the particular timeshare I want from current owners instead of buying into the program.
So now am having second thoughts.
My family consist of a 3yr old, a set of 6 month twins and the two of us. So every time we go on vacation we will need to bring an extra set of hands (grandma, aunt, etc). So that's why we need a minimum of a two bedroom condo/suite. And am looking to have a 'home resort' in the Wisconsin Dells that have a water park for the kids. There is no point of having a home resort in Florida or somewhere else that is thousands of miles away. Also, my wife is a teacher, so the only time we can go on vacation that is longer than just a weekend getaway always falls in a Red Week (Spring break, Christmas, Summer time). Our vacations will mainly be within a 3-4 hour radius from North Chicago and mainly extended weekend getaways.
My main reason for trying to join is: 1- have a steady vacation plan/goal for the family. 2- less hassle on vacation planning. 3- have some flexibility and some kind of assurance that I'll get what I want, when I want it (at least 90% of the time). 4- Be able to do last minute weekend getaways with the family as advertised with their "Last Call vacation" benefits. 5- In the End, break even (or at least feel like I broken even) with all the maintenance, transfer,or whatever other fees there are.
But perhaps am being too Idealistic.
Mec J.
Last edited by mecj on May 18, 2012 07:25 AM
Bob, More information, please. Your time share garners 44,000 points each year. Does this mean you have a particular time share or just continue to get 44,000 point each year provided you pay the annual maintenance fee? If this is the case, one would be a member of RCI, earn 44,000 each year to be used for any time share, any place, any time that you would have enought points to reserve? Please clarify what I am incorrect on. What would the transfer fee be and are there other costs to close? Thanks for your help. I, too, am just entering the time share market and still don't understand how things work. June
June D.
had wrote:Max, Just wrote a lenghty reply but something went wrong and it didnt post. Ugh! Anyway, if you'd like to get a better feel, I'd be happy to show and demo the RCI points system through a live account...email me if interested.
I would be very interested to see an actual account demo. I would like to see how realistic is the availability of the resorts "Club Optima at Bluegreen Odyssey Dells (#7550)" and the "Wyndham Vacation Resorts at Glacier Canyon (#A212)". do you have access to the Points Chart for those 2 resorts? An trying to get an idea of how many points I would need if I do decide to join.
I would also like to see how this "Last Call Vacation" option shows up in the actual account.
Lastly, I came across an article that said RCI Points Changes are: ---------------- The Call Center Points Exchange Fees for a 7 night reservation will increase to $159 USD and $173 CAD. A 6 night reservation will increase to $139 USD and $151 CAD.
RCI.com Points Exchange Fees for a 7 night reservation will increase to $149 USD and $162 CAD. A six night reservation will increase to $129 USD and $140 CAD. -----------------------
Does that mean that on top of paying for the yearly fees, I will have to pay an additional $159 for booking a week anywhere with RCI? plus I read that some resorts require a cleaning fee too. If that is true, then am really not seeing what the benefits for joining are.
Mec J.
Last edited by mecj on May 23, 2012 09:20 AM
Every time you book a timeshare if it is a week, a few days or a night or two they charge you a booking fee which has been mentioned. If you book a couple of differant places back to back you would pay a fee for each booking. If you book say two units at the same place because they only have one bedrooms, then you would pay for each booking.
Also find out if the points you are purchasing are from a weeks resort or a points resorts, some resorts with points when put into RCI become weeks and are asigned a point amount, but need to be used as a week, where points can be used for as many or few nights that your points will cover. This avoids the combining fees you get with weeks.
On top of that if you say do not use your week or points in the time frame of I think it is 2years and you can carry it over, but also will pay to do that. On top you do pay a yearly fee to be a member. Each resort has a point value, so red week in Orlando may not be the same points in another location. So if you know the areas you really want to be in, ask what type of points are needed. Mexico is red all year, but is lower points than most places. If you are weeks timeshare, that is a whole differant ballgame. You pay for each week you own to book, you can combine your weeks, but pay a combining fee of @119, plus a booking fee for each week. Your weeks are given a point value that reflects your trading power. Like my weeks are 16 points, red use weeks. They give me a decent trading power, it depends when you deposit them too. The best thing to do is call RCI and they can tell you alot of this. .
It depends on how much you want to travel, and you mentioned you need to travel in red week. Also air fare is at its peak. The all inclusive resorts with RCI I am pretty sure it does not include air fare.The hardest spots to get are in red time slots. unless you book a year or more out. You have to ask rci to put a ongoing search if the timeshare is not available when you inquire and you get first dips if the timeshare resort members put a week into RCI. RCI will notify if something comes up for the week or time you want.
The biggest problem I have had is yes the RCI inventory list all these timeshares, but if no one from the resort you want puts in their week or points into RCI to exchange for somewhere else, you can not get into that resort. The rci reps are very helpful to give information, but ask lots of questions.
I live in Canada and have for a few years now have tried to get into places on the Oregan coast, Washington State. Was told there are very few and most of the resorts members use them and do not put them in the RCI inventory. . The positive side to it is you do stay at some realy nice places, meet some great people who are timeshare owners too and can share places they have been. You can bring extra people as long as the unit cap is as listed and not pay extra. Quite often have a kitchen., etc. Most resorts or hotels charge per couple per room. It comes down to how often you travel and how many of you. How flexable to exchange with what is avail and not be set on one particular spot. The best way is to figure how much your paying for your points, how much to use them each year, how often do you vaction. Also depends how many years ahead you are going to be able to use them. You do not save alot if you take into all the cost to own, and use the points. The maintence fees etc. RCI is like a travel agent in some respects. You pay for process fees when you book with a travel agent in th price. It is just hidden. I hope this has helped. I have both points timeshare and weeks timeshare. The points is much more flexable and cheaper to use.
Carol S.
Last edited by carols725 on May 23, 2012 11:32 PM
Thank you (Carols725) !! This information has been very helpful.
carols725 wrote:This is very troubling to me. That's why if I do join, I want to make sure my home resort is one can use. So it needs to be either the "Club Optima at Bluegreen Odyssey Dells (#7550)" or the "Wyndham Vacation Resorts at Glacier Canyon (#A212)". And I would like the spring break week which is usually week 13, which is around the March 23rd time frame. However, I been reading on some forums at TUG that if I buy the points at resale, the waterpark passes are not included with my membership. The passess are only included if you buy form the developer. If that is true, then it defeats the purposes of joining or selecting these 2 resports as a home resort. So I will need to find a way to verify this. Maybe I'll just call the resorts directly, and ask them."The biggest problem I have had is yes the RCI inventory list all these timeshares, but if no one from the resort you want puts in their week or points into RCI to exchange for somewhere else, you can not get into that resort.
carols725 wrote:Most of the comments I read here say the oposite about the RCI Reps. But am glad you had a favorable experience with them."The rci reps are very helpful to give information, but ask lots of questions."
carols725 wrote:This is one of my main reasons for even considering joining any points system. Although my kids are small now and may not be 'counted' for extra fees at hotels, in a year or two they will. So Instead of paying for 6 people at hotel stays and run the risk of not having the rooms be together, I'll rather buy into timeshare/point system where I can bring 8-10 people for the price of 6."The positive side to it is you do stay at some realy nice places, meet some great people who are timeshare owners too and can share places they have been. You can bring extra people as long as the unit cap is as listed and not pay extra...Most resorts or hotels charge per couple per room. It comes down to how often you travel and how many of you.
carols725 wrote:So even with all the limitations & fees, you still decided to get into not just one program but two... so you must feel like its worth it for you and your family."I have both points timeshare and weeks timeshare. The points is much more flexible and cheaper to use."
Thanks again for you info.
Mec J.
Last edited by mecj on May 25, 2012 06:21 AM
had wrote:forgive my ignorance but how can I email you without an email address. I searched all over RedWeek and did not find an email button or a way to email people internally here at RedWeek.I'd be happy to show and demo the RCI points system through a live account...email me if interested.
Mec J.
The reason we have two systems is when we went to Cabo and had traded into Pueblo Bonito Sunset Resort made the mistake of going to the tour. It is a really ausume place.
Long story short Cabo was using the avenue that RCI had changed there point system on how much value you get for your points and how hard it was to get into places. Now we did at times with short notice and prime time was more difficult but finding out weeks are not much better. If you can plan ahead and put in a request with RCI and when something comes up they let you know. If you are flexable and just want to get away, you can usually find things on short notice. You mentioned Last Minute Get away's we have not used them. Check with RCI because I think it is not available to everyone, The reason alot of people can not fine avail inventory is because owners at a resort has not put the time into RCI. Alot of resorts belong to RCI, but not all owners want to trade. Also, some places may have only a few timeshare units in the hotel, or resort, or the whole resort is a timeshare. It just depends. so that is why you start a ongoing search with RCI and you can have several places your interested in that search. If it comes up, they let you know and you have the option to say yes or no. .RCI told me to check around July and there is sometimes more people who have put in their weeks since they know by then they are not using their own resort.
How we ended up with two systems Cabo approached us that they would let us trade in our points timeshare towards the weeks system. But had to buy four weeks to do this. We bought resale weeks in Mar 2011 from the resort. With timeshares so hard to sell we thought good, and they also told us that with this we could do the rental system and make $ per week after maintence. Not really knowing what things rented for we were stupid to believe them. They had a premier program that we get unlimited weeks that we can get at discounted rates, and really focused on we could use the rental profits to pay for vacations. premier weeks are similar to extra vacations. We have hard enough time using the time share time, never mind extra weeks. Especially now with both points which gives us approx 2 weeks depends where we use them. And now 4 weeks in Cabo., which cost us more to use than our points system.
What they did not tell us was that the rent was a max rate and maybe in prime econimic times a few years ago. That the six resorts they have in their chain , only their Cabo resorts you can book without going through RCI. The rest of there resorts and other trades is RCI. So alot of things like this. Long story short, they came back to us after all said and done a couple weeks later that they were new at doing the trade ins and would not be able to take our timeshare in as trade in but still will honor the dollar amount they credited us. The amount was way more that we would ever get infact we made $ on our other timeshare. But really did not want two timeshares. Also had no idea that timeshares were so cheap to buy on ebay etc. We really were not looking for more timeshare but were a bit frustrated not being able to book what we would like on short notice, and they presented so much more flexablity and perks of course. Just recently figured out the on going search you can do with RCI, is fairly new, again by asking questions. But the flex with the points is useful at times. RCI combines the systems and only charges one membership.
I discovered /Red Week and have been able to rent out two of my weeks this year. So this covered my Cabo maintence. Luckly our resort is fairly popular as far as Mexico goes, Cabo in general is fairly popular over other places in Mexico.
With the weeks you have to use the whole week. I like the points because you can book a few nights, also the RCI booking fee is based on the number of nights you use and the balance of your points are left to use the next time you book. with in the points usage time period. Works For you for short weekend getaways. Also, you may know, if you wanted to let a friend use your points you can do a gift certificate, plus a booking fee if your unable to use the points in the time usuage you have. Or pay to carry them over. . .
I agree, being able to take unit max of people and not be charged extra is a great aspect of timesharing. Also, most places have a kitchen. Non timeshare your couped up in a hotel room verus a unit, or townhouse you get using timeshares .
If you are able to pick up timeshares on Red week or ebay and NOT have thousands of dollars invested it is worth it. You may not get all the perks that some have, but will still get to use the trading system. Alot of times we have done a trade and the resot will charge for some of the amenties like boat usage etc. So, the waterpark may be charge for if your not a owner at the resort. Now check into which timeshare that you purchase from a owner on what does transfer and check with the resot to confirm it. Also, you mentioned trying to get hold of someone by email, click on the reply bar just under the message the person has written and they should get the , notice that you replyed to their comment, just like I did.
I know ours we have a lifetime membership with Premier weeks and a Golf discount that they paid for and was part of the deal which does I am fairly sure it does not transfer if we sell the timeshare in Cabo. And really we did not need the perks, as we like to trade and have more time than we can use. It was the trade in aspect mainly.
. If you were to take one trip a year times 20 and pay the hotels and extra costs with the extra people and would probably not stay the same places you get to stay with timeshare it is worth it. The maintence fees plus what you pay to use the system if trading into other places can help you do the math. Also the kids more likiely to get there own bed, verus sharing.
At times it pays for itself, we stayed at Orange Lake Country and Golf club in Florida when we went to Disney, we had a two bedroom townhouse on the golf course and stayed two weeks with our points. At that time the resort was a weeks resort. We only paid $175 per week and normally the units went for $300 a night, for non timeshare. This was in 2002. We had priced out staying at the holiday inn in a ste with one pool and very basic and was going to be $1000 per week.
For your family points would work better with the flex for short stays. Weeks just do not have the flex to stay a few days, you can book the week and stay a few days, but will lose the bal of the week. Only if you take points from a week to add it to another week then you would use the balance of the points value left in the week. Anyways, it gets confusing and points would work better for your plans.
If you want to email me, send a note to Red Week. Go to contact Redweek and ask them to forward the email to me. Then I can email you and you would have my email. Do not like to post email on forums. I get alerted when someone responds to a comment I have put on the fourm. Take care and hope all this info helps you decide. Carol PS timesharing also encourages you to take time for vacation and we have met two sets of people that we keep in touch with.
Carol S.
Last edited by carols725 on May 27, 2012 11:43 PM
Thanks again for the very valuable information.
I have managed to rent out a 3 bedroom at the resort am most interested in 'joining'. So this will give me a good idea if It will be worth going there every year.
if you have any experience with these folks please let me know. Here is a copy of their Rental Agreement contract:
> > Thank you for your business. I have summarized our discussion in this email. > It will serve as our agreement. Please review it. > > You have rented a 3 bedroom deluxe condo at Wyndham Glacier Canyon at the > Wisconsin Dells for March 23 for 4 nights. The unit sleeps 10 and > includes the waterpark passes. The total price is $xxx. You are paying today > a deposit of $xxx. There are no additional > fees or taxes. You will be paying today via credit card or Paypal. >After we receive your full payment, we will put the name on the > reservation and send you the confirmation by email. After we put the name on > the reservation, the reservation is non-cancellable and non-refundable. The > condo is not held for you until we have received your payment. > > You have told us to put the name on the reservation. > > > The first time we put a name on the reservation is free to you. After we > have placed your name, or the name you tell us on the reservation, Wyndham > will charge you $99 if you ever want to change it so it is important to > choose carefully. Only the person whose name is on the reservation can check > in and no one can get into the unit before they have checked in. They must > be 21 years of age and have two forms of identification. First is a photo > ID. Most people use their Driver's License. The second is a major credit or > debit card. They will put a $150 hold on the card in case you charge > something to the room like food from a restaurant. If you don't charge > anything they will release the hold when you leave. Also, you are > responsible for any damage your group does to the condo. > > Please send back an email confirming this agreement by saying "I agree."and > confirm the name for the reservation or call me at 952-935-2582 with any > questions. > > We look forward to hearing from you. Have a great trip! > > > John and Lise Bohm 952 935 2582
Mec J.
Last edited by mecj on May 31, 2012 08:09 AM
Is this rental from a company or an indivual.. Is this from the resort, the email address has the resort company name in it. Should there not be some sort of letter head or company name on the top of the Rental agreement. Make sure all the phone numbers and detail match up. I myself have not heard of them, but others may and should respond. I know with my timeshare, I can call the resort and get a reservation for my renter and a confirmation with there name on it. My renters usually want a confirmation with there name before they pay me. .As a owner I have the authorization to make changes or cancel if I see that something is not right. or if they do not send the money in time or there is a problem with the payment. I would call the resort and check that these are the owners or the company looking after the rental. Also call the resort and ask what there cancelation policy is. You should be able to make a deposit to hold the reservation and get at least a confirmation of intent. Most rentals do have a charge if you make a couple of changes, and generallly have a clause regarding damages. The ID on arrival is good, it avoids the renter from giving the rental to someone or trying to rent it to a third party. A rental agreement should be in place. Redweek has one online you can check out. There should be a cancelation clause, my resort accepts a cancelation up to 15 days before check in, like most hotels you only need 24 to 48 hours. Also, most companies have cancelation insurance, if your paying with your visa it may have travel cancelation insurance if using your visa to pay with. I know mine does. Also, I have not used Paypal, But I think with the escow redweek uses they keep the money untill you have finished the rental and then the money is released to the owner etc.
Carol S.
Last edited by carols725 on Jun 01, 2012 12:14 AM
Hey - June We have belonged to RCI for over 20 years. Currently own one float week in Florida & one points week. The float week is used a full week at a time. The points (44,00) can be broken up and used several times of the year & at MORE than one location. This year 2012 so far we have used points for a 3-day weekend at Hilton Head Island which used up half of the points (but) by comparison LAST year we used only 30,000 points for an ENTIRE week in Palm Coast, FL So - when you select the high dollar resorts its MORE points; and this is all explained in the RCI information which not difficult - I'll HELP you. We are going to retire and build a second home in Florida - in fact the closing for lot will be June 29th. That's why I'm offering such a great for the points - just transfer fees ($395.) and pay your maintenance fee each year and receive 44,000 points - easy as that ! Bob Fleury - we live in South Carolina
Robert F.
Do you have to pay to carry them over, I have a every other year with points, so we have two years to use them. Our weeks we have the year to use them at the home resort, and then get put into RCI and have two years to use them. They stay at the same trading value. It depends on which resort you belong too, RCI has a declining trading value also with some of the trimeshares. We belong to PB Sunset Beach Resort and Spa.
Carol S.
robert2892 wrote:Hey - June We have belonged to RCI for over 20 years. Currently own one float week in Florida & one points week. The float week is used a full week at a time. The points (44,00) can be broken up and used several times of the year & at MORE than one location. This year 2012 so far we have used points for a 3-day weekend at Hilton Head Island which used up half of the points (but) by comparison LAST year we used only 30,000 points for an ENTIRE week in Palm Coast, FL So - when you select the high dollar resorts its MORE points; and this is all explained in the RCI information which not difficult - I'll HELP you. We are going to retire and build a second home in Florida - in fact the closing for lot will be June 29th. That's why I'm offering such a great for the points - just transfer fees ($395.) and pay your maintenance fee each year and receive 44,000 points - easy as that ! Bob Fleury - we live in South Carolina
What is the maintenane fee?
June D.