Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

Buying a resale versus from the builder

Jul 09, 2010


I have owned a timeshare in the past and we really enjoyed it. Wife and I are exploring the idea of buying one, but we are hearing scary stories of rip offs when people try and buy from private parties. Also, the vacation clubs like Marriott and Hilton say that if you buy a deed for their properties from someone other than them, they will never allow you to participate as an "owner" will not be able to exchange or even keep points in their points systems.

Any advice? Any successful resale buyers that are doing great?


Jeff N.
Jul 09, 2010

jeffn103 wrote:
...we are hearing scary stories of rip offs when people try and buy from private parties. Also, the vacation clubs like Marriott and Hilton say that if you buy a deed for their properties from someone other than them, they will never allow you to participate as an "owner" will not be able to exchange or even keep points in their points systems.

I have owned a number of timeshare weeks for over 27 years now. Each and every one was purchased "resale" from a "private party". Using a professional closing company to handle funds, estoppel, deed preparation and recording, the chances of any form of "ripoff" are essentially ZERO, so I'm not sure how "scary stories" might arise.

As far as buying "developer direct", so-called "VIP" and "Platinum" benefits do NOT justify the exorbitant additional cost. Except for minor "VIP benefits", a resale ownership has ALL the rights and privileges of any other ownership. But why would a developer salesperson working on commission choose to be honest about that?


Last edited by ken1193 on Jul 09, 2010 11:34 AM

Jul 09, 2010

Thanks so much! I feel a lot better knowing that.

They sure had me said they just introduced "points" and you could only earn points if you bought from you would buy a week at a single resort from an existing owner and be welcome to stay in the resort that week you purchased...but you couldn't swap weeks or resorts within their system without points!

Jeff N.

Last edited by jeffn103 on Jul 09, 2010 01:03 PM

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